Chapter 94

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Emily sat at the edge of rooftop with The Deviler standing right beside her, staring at the hospital before of them where many unfortunate souls are sent after suffering from some sort of physical or mental trauma. The girl swung her legs as if she's just waiting for someone or something to happen, humming a tune; not a melody or perhaps the music, but an ominous sound that is just her trying to sound like a ghost.

Holding her precious toy in tight embrace, she had doubts of whether the little girl is really keen in going with this plan of theirs instead of outright killing everyone in there. The thing she doesn't like is how her papa prefers to prolong the suffering of others.

"Sad place to be in, isn't it child?" He said, staring at the building before him with blank stare, "a place filled with nothing, but pain and suffering in every corner. Dull and gray," this is what he thinks when seeing the building, "but beautiful piece of art that's worth of creating and witnessing," The Deviler added while his eyes behind the mask were filled with an hint of malice and loath.

The reason why this is a beautiful thing to him is because of his own twisted way of enjoying watching other suffer to the point that it's an waste to kill them. Dying is just an escape while living through pain is where the fun and enjoyment of making someone suffer is the best thing The Deviler can offer in his opinion.

Because of this notion, he had grand plans of getting the ultimate thrill in his art of finding the most insufferable people he can find and showing to the world how much they're in misery that they prefer to end themselves in agony. And in the meantime, he'd be the one responsible in sending his victims to the mental ward after he did his amazing performance of making them endure their own personal Hell.

Clenching his fists, he couldn't fathom of how ungrateful these people are of their own lives. Life is all about suffering and being strong. To have everything in hand is for the weak and cowardly, while the strong endure. He despise those who prefer to die and let it all end when the world is full of opportunities to take for oneself.

Just the very thought of having someone kill themselves in front of him is the worst thing than enduring the pain would bore him to death. So he does the opposite of helping the victim to their possible ways of committing suicide by preventing them through his tactics, ensuring their lives from leaving prematurely because of him, so he could prolong their agony and suffering for a tad bit.

They couldn't appreciate and see how his art could alleviate the problems of their dreary life. To his disappointment, they've been ignoring it or reporting him; thinking of him to be psychopath, which is a total insult to him. A sociopath is someone that kills just for a reason, not like him.

He doesn't kill and despises those who does, viewing them as sloppy and foolish. Nothing is more exciting than having life in their hand and seeing it to squirm or struggle to leave. Anything dead is dull and is never the same. That is why he is against killing anyone, instead, he is more interested in seeing them suffer.

Having brought small bottle of paint and brush in his pockets; The Deviler feels more than ready to start the carnage, especially with his beloved sidekick of his, "are you ready, my child?" He glanced at her, seeing the little doll holding her doll in tight embrace while wearing an innocent smile, nodding her head as an response.

But something else in her tiny head was at play, secretly feeling some doubts about actually going through this than doing their usual activities as she went back to hug her stuffed toy, staring down with conflicted expression on her face from the whole ordeal.

She hadn't forgotten the memorable conversation with Adam in the library of how there is still many paths to choose from than continuing this cycle of destruction and terror. Her mind had conflicting thoughts and opinions of why that man managed to convince her that this isn't the right way to do things.

Don't get her wrong, Emily enjoyed the thrill of killing; its fun and entertaining for her to the point that she stopped trying to be normal again as their way of seeing things is completely different. The Deviler and her both understand that life is all about suffering and pain but the difference between each other is noticeable.

Emily wants to kill but her papa doesn't, preferring prolong torture and suffering while her only hobby is murder. Maybe that's where the lines are drawn and as much as this little girl wants to have fun, it's a bit suspicious how this grown up man's methods is rather questionable.

While she enjoys the hunt of murdering others, she can't help to feel pity of the very person her papa is doing to them. Surely, their suffering is necessary to the point that it's better to put them out of their misery instead of tormenting them even further. Emily herself understands that they're in pain and the suffering is very apparent in their miserable eyes, trying to convince her that this isn't the right way but deep down, she is just as sick as the person who inflicted them.

Growing sense of not only death but the mutilation of the bodies they've left behind was something that's been nagging her little mind and it is starting to affect her in ways that are beyond understanding for a child like her, thinking if she needs to nudge her kills a bit.

Although, Adam still had strong impact on her; reassuring that there is always different way to sort her feelings than harming others. But what's the point if her mind can't seem to stop? It is as if she couldn't control the urges inside her, even with her trying her best to resist the temptation, in the end, it is futile.

Because this is what makes her happy in the end, killing others is an act of fun and enjoyment. Is this what real joy is or is it all an illusions? What if the act of murder was simply not really the only path that makes her feel something worth in the life she has now?

What if Emily could try others things aside from murder, something her parents and the young man wanted. Perhaps she can get a hold of her violent tendencies and focus herself for something else, like going to school and making friends or maybe spend time with her papa for tea party; she also won't forget about the dolls.

Maybe if things weren't the way they are then—

"Child?" Soft hand was placed on the girl's shoulder, "is something the matter?" The Deviler's voice snapped Emily out of her deep contemplation, while the worried expression on her face is seen by him, "why the frown all of the sudden?" He asked, genuinely concerned of his companion as she tried her best to look innocent from his gaze.

"Its because..." She doesn't know what to say in this predicament, the young child was left speechless as words couldn't seem to form her mouth while this man that's taken her was waiting, expectantly listening what the young girl is about to say before her, " not sure if we should do this," conciseness has finally manage to let words escape, but with a tone that is not only worried, but anxious and fear from the uncertainty ahead of them.

If he hadn't his mask on, frown would be seen as Emily sensed of how tense his hidden facial expressions have become behind the mask as he tightens the grasp on her shoulders, pulling the girl closer, "what do you mean by that?" The question was one thing, but the voice was terrifying; borderline anger and frustrations that his sidekick had suddenly changed her mind about this all of the sudden, "this is the whole reason why you became my partner, isn't it?"

It was true that the two have been partners for the longest time, from their meeting back in her murderous spree to their days as a family, the very thing the young girl was seeking for since her parents are long gone and will never return. He had become someone not only her accomplice, but her own family, giving the little girl someone who shares similar interests with.

Psychopath and sociopath, together in bond and beyond, they have been through many things that's made their relationship stronger than the average people could ever achieve. So to have the child have a change of heart in their plans is a surprise for The Deviler, wondering if the incident with someone he wasn't aware of when she was out of his sight.

"Emily," his voice sounded calm and composed, not wanting the young one to feel anxious of the situation she has gotten herself in, "look at me," the man's requested her to step out of the edge and onto the floor, "papa isn't mad at you," he said with a hint of disappointment, yet the tender touch and softness in his voice has assured the little girl that he will listen, "now, would you mind to tell me what happened?"

Removing herself from the edge of her seat, she turned then stood onto the floor, staring up at her father figure with her arms still embracing the stuffed toy tighter than before, "its not something bad, papa," her lips trembled as she does her best to be truthful, the least thing she does to make him upset is lie, "the reason I am doubting the plan is that, I had encountered someone very interesting the other day," her expression spoke not of hesitation and nervousness, but determination and confidence with the words that is about to be spoken, "he showed me things I never knew about, even myself."

Eyes narrowed behind his demon mask, "and who this person might be?" He asked, disapprovingly and getting impatient the longer the conversation goes, however, he made a promise to himself to keep control of his temper around his own child that he swore to adopt, even if his instinct of torturing her right and there was strongly tempting.

"Adam, you probably know him already," her answer almost earned a chuckle or laugh, it was either of them that the father figure decided to focus in staying serious, "he told me a lot about our surroundings and even more about how I can better improve myself, possibly a chance of freedom but most importantly..." Silence filled the room that the atmosphere had changed, the calm and tense one has changed into one of fear and dread, "a different path that I could've taken."

The young girl had no choice but to swallow her own fears as she finished saying the last words for her confession, not knowing the consequences, not yet anyway, "the person I met is not some ordinary man, in fact, he is far from it," her arms embraced the stuffed toy that is almost worn out, "I feel like I should follow his parting words, to become better and," her line of speech was cut off after noticing the shift of the air around her,

"To reform myself, isn't that right?" The voice was deep and merciless, letting the young girl to glance at The Deviler who was staring down at him in menacing posture, "are you telling me, that after all of the trouble you made for me, the effort and plans we have about this entire city is merely waste of time?" Growing anger and displeasure was beginning to emit from him, "do you have any idea how long we've waited for this, child!?"

The little girl looked down in shame, not answering his rhetorical questions as they were silent for a moment, conflicted in the situation she had gotten herself into, "I apologize for upsetting you papa," her apology didn't earn the response she needed, only met with more silence and the tension got even more awkward the longer they stood there.

"Come here," his voice was suddenly shifted to gentle and comforting demeanor, proving that his mood had moved after a moment of reflection on his part as he knelt and took his sidekick's hands, holding them between each other, "we are what we are, the very thing that our identities is not something we can't ever go back, its part of us. A cycle of our own nature, simply cannot be stopped by simply having a change of mind, not even your parents or that Adam that told you about can fix that," it was his turn to lower his gaze, but not of shame or sadness, it was one of understanding.

"Hmm?" She tilted her head, genuinely confused at him, "you are saying is that its impossible for me to change, it?" Confusion appeared in her eyes, not getting a clue of what he's trying to say or the message he is sending.

He chuckled, almost mockingly, "everything you are and what you will become, are parts of the greater whole," he reassured, or tried to anyway, the dark tone on his voice made it hard for the little girl to take his words seriously, "that's just who you are, your destiny and the very blood in your veins is calling for you, compelling you."

Shivers went down her spine, more intrigued than afraid after hearing what the masked man had to say, "compelling me to do what, papa?" Intrigued, she asked, even more curious the more this goes on, needing to get straight answers from the person who gave her a home and new life, "to do what?"

Another sigh escaped his covered lips, not wanting to answer or bother explaining for the sake of more mysteries and suspense to unravel, yet the girl is looking at him unexpectedly, demanding the answer and so he gave her the words, "to murder," his hand reached up to gently pet her head, "it is what makes you happy and seeing you, is what makes me happy."

The young girl's mind wandered for a moment before glancing at her father once more, his voice was soft and she felt comforted from his warmth, she nodded in his words, "okay," that was all she managed to say, temporarily putting away the doubts in her mind for the time being.

"Good," he smiled behind the mask, patting her head affectionately before standing up straight, "now, lets go," pulling out a handheld uzi from one of his pockets, "there is a lot of suffering to be done in this city tonight," his words were not pleasant, as they held a much more sinister purpose the little girl has not learned of.

A small smile formed on her lips, revealing a pair of teeth as she nodded, "what about me papa? What do I get?" She wants something to have, a prize for complying in this plan, "can I get gun?" Her eyes began to sparkle of the idea, perhaps her father knew well of what the little girl liked.

Laughter escaped from his lips, finding the childish intention cute as the little girl is just starting to grasp the concept, "of course, you deserve a gun, my child," his words was met with a cheerful nod and giggle, grabbing pistol from his pockets once again and handing it over to her.

"Here," he said kindly in his tone, "an Beretta 92FS, a pistol that can fit your small hands, kill as many you want but remember to leave one alive." Then the girl graciously accepted, examining the details of the weapon for a moment before glancing the masked man, silently and innocently asking her father what should she do.

"Really?!" Eyes sparkle with excitement, "I can have this?! I can kill anyone I want?!" Taking it delicately as possible, lifting and inspecting the item while also watching his reaction as if wanting his approval, feeling spoiled of getting a weapon meant to end lives.

"Except one," the voice turned serious, commanding the young one to acknowledge the instructions given, properly this time,"leave Adam's daughter alive, we have plans for her, remember?" Hearing this answer, her delighted expression turned to surprise from this information.

"Adam's daughter...?"

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