Chapter 61

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The Lunar Ocean Hotel is a building located within the busy streets of Hope City. A popular destination for poor individuals who needed a home or shelter to stay. It was owned by a man named Mr. Lee, who lived on the upper floors but died after his business took off.

The hotel looks high-tech and is very clean. It has many rooms, and each room has the same bedroom, a small desk with chairs in the living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom inside. It's always open, and there are always staff members on site to assist with anything.

The appearance of the building appears to be a tall rectangular skyscraper, resembling a futuristic look with black metallic colors while having several floors all over it with neon lights to guide guests at night; giving off a bright blue glow on it along with white lines around its shape as decoration for design aesthetic purposes; and having a logo at the front door that says 'Lunar Ocean Hotel.'

Within the very hotel is Adam, watching his television on a couch while his daughter is fast asleep on this peaceful night, occupied in this free rented room of theirs. Having television turned on, he watched a news reporter woman discuss an alleged serial killer going around Hope City, not even bothering to care about such a topic as he continued to light up a cigarette on his mouth while hearing it as background noise.

Although his mind is still occupied after the past few days of arriving in this city, he feels saddened about having to go their separate ways with the friends he made; Vesh and Cain had to do their own things after bidding farewell, while Alucard and her servant learn to fit into this society despite the girl wanting to live with him.

But he knows it's best for the kid to be more independent without him, at least for now, as he hopes the girl will grow up into maturity so that she can manage on her own. He sees the need for them to adapt in their new lives without his guidance as a necessary evil for a person to be successful in their own journey throughout life.

Puffing another smoke while sighing heavily, Adam wonders if he made the right choice of leaving them to their own devices, questioning if it was a selfish or even considerate decision before shaking his head lightly in disapproval and smoking it once again with a heavy frown on his face, hoping they are safe in this night city.

As his mind began to zone out from the television he was watching, his anxiety began to enter his consciousness, making him feel he needed to be there, protecting and watching them. feeling that if he isn't there with them, something might happen to them, or worse, something might have happened to them already with worry written on his face.

Maybe he did the wrong thing after all. Perhaps if I were there, none of this would've happened, or a worse scenario is happening to them right now while his heart begins to beat faster due to his rising anxiety before Adam mentally slaps himself hard in the forehead, causing the cigar to fall from his mouth.

"What the hell am I thinking?" Of course they are safe, he reassured himself with closed eyes; Adam knows they aren't as defenseless as they appear to be. In fact, he is the one that lacks any protection, saying, "They can protect themselves; it's okay, Adam, it's okay," muttering and convincing himself in assurance, continuing to tell himself until he hears a loud scream that catches his attention with furrowed brows, hearing television speak louder about serial killers, realizing something wasn't right.

"Ma'am," the news reporter woman is wearing a business suit, speaking through a microphone before continuing forward with their conversation. "I know it sounds unbelievable, but according to witnesses, our suspect has tortured your daughter." The camera suddenly changes to show a white middle-aged woman whose tears are streaming down her cheeks, distressed by what she has seen.

The scene before him seems to be near an alleyway where a crime scene has happened at this time, where crowds of people and ambulances are present, before focusing back on the woman crying hysterically, "Police had stated that your daughter has been mutilated," gasping sharply in disbelief, "but she is alive, so there's nothing to—"

The mother of her broken child angrily and tearfully interrupted the reporter's words before yelling loudly with grief,"Don't you dare say she is alive! That monster cut off her eyes!" she screamed painfully at the cameraman before continuing, "My sweet baby is broken beyond repair now because of him!" grieving painfully once again.

"We are sorry for your loss, Miss—"

"Sorry?! SORRY?!" Suddenly, the grieving victim immediately grabbed the unexpected reporter while crying emotionally: "DO YOU THINK THIS IS SOME KIND OF JOKE?! That MONSTER DESTROYED MY BABY'S LIVELIHOOD! SHES BROKEN, GONE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" pulled the reporter harshly until a group of men came out from behind them, trying to separate the two individuals from each other.

"Why can't you people understand our pain?"

Then the television went static, causing Adam to sigh in relief from the horrible scene that played before him. He felt pity for the grieving woman, understanding what she went through just by watching it, but Adam quickly shook his head off such thoughts, deciding it wasn't his problem to begin with.

"At least it wasn't anyone I cared about," smiling to himself, "I would lose my head if that ever happened to me." chuckling briefly in amusement, he leans his back on the couch before relaxing further. "These people," scratching his head lightly in frustration, "why can't they just mind their own business?" Closing his eyes momentarily, he dwells on the thought; he truly wonders what goes through people's minds just to bother themselves with others' lives.

The sound of his clock rang annoyingly for what felt like hours, as he tried desperately to sleep but to no avail. Under the impression that sleeping wouldn't help him relax in such a situation, he opened his eyes and stood up, yawning in boredom while stretching his body lightly.

Before long, he went out of the living room and into her bedroom, opening the door slightly to take a peek at his sleeping daughter, safe and sound, much to his relief, before closing it silently without making any sound. Adam proceeded to head into the kitchen to set up a pot of coffee and toast before preparing some bacon from the fridge for himself.

Taking out a jar of butter from the pantry, Adam then poured hot water inside a mug and then the coffee beans afterwards; using a knife, he dug out the butter and spread it over his bread to create a delicious and wonderful aroma throughout the kitchen. The preparation of his nightly snack lasted nearly a few minutes.

With a toast of buttered bread and a coffee mug on the other, he walked towards the table before sitting down, turning to his side to see the beautiful outside world of this city at night like this as the window is fully closed despite the chilly air conditioning outside, taking a sip from his drink, and then eating his toast quietly in a peaceful manner, thinking what tomorrow would bring for him.

It's so serene, tranquil, and mesmerizing here tonight. He is sighing briefly from this moment of peace he is experiencing now, feeling more like he is living in heaven than earth right now as he closes his eyes briefly for a few seconds, savoring this moment for as long as he can remember before opening them again.

Continuing his late-night snack, he hadn't forgotten that he was a millionaire after winning the lottery. It is true what they say: money can buy happiness, as he is living the dream of a lifetime now with millions of dollars saved up for himself to enjoy spending later on for shopping sprees and traveling faraway places just to experience what it's like to be inside Hope City, feeling thankful that he decided to gamble for a prize.

Although he should have moved and bought a house of their own, Adam got so used to living in this comfortable place that he learned to appreciate the simpler things in life rather than focus on buying things that make him look popular or have materialistic items just to impress people with such behavior, which did not impress him at all as he valued friendship and family more than that.

Most people these days would easily give up their humanity just to obtain something that will change their life for the chance of being rich, famous, or having everything they desire just for a few minutes; it is the nature of humans to want their wants and needs to be fulfilled regardless if it is for better or worse than anything else.

He supposes the real meaning of wealth is nothing but greed, as Adam always believes, where those who seek riches or money just to be popular will eventually regret their lives once they finally have them, only to discover they aren't satisfied with it in the end, but too late as they couldn't undo what they have done.

It's a double-edged sword to be wealthy, but it's up to those people how they would choose to live their lives afterward once they gain them. Knowing this, Adam isn't surprised that humanity these days acts like fools that seek such things, as what he believes money doesn't guarantee anything to have except for giving them more luxury than others that make them feel superior just because they have them than anyone else.

The path to hedonism and self-satisfaction will inevitably lead people into oblivion depending on how they handle their wealth once they obtain it, but it's up to those people to decide how they will live their lives afterward once they do it while hoping that they won't fall into self-destruction afterward.

But it's not his problem; the fate of their lives is played by the hands of those who are willing to gamble it just for the sake of finding happiness; only they know if they will regret their choices once they do or not, but again, it's their lives that they should be careful with how they handle them rather than him meddling into their affairs unless it involves him or those he cares about.

Finishing up his snack, Adam got up from the table and prepared to head outside, walking to the living room and then the door that leads outside of this room, ready to have a midnight walk despite knowing the danger that lurks outside, especially with criminals on the loose, especially since the city itself isn't perfect.

Placing his hand on the door knob, he sighed heavily. "I pray someone won't try to beat my ass for trying to mug me," he mutters as he opens the door, exiting in a silent and bright hallway with rows of numbered doors across this very hall as he closes it before pulling out his keys to lock the very room he is staying in.

"Time to see what this city has to really offer for me," he said under his breath, knowing he can't stay cooped up forever from living in his home all day; needing to venture out just to explore Hope City at night itself, even if he already has an idea of what awaits him once he does, "doesn't matter to me anyways; my daughter is safe and secured, so I might as well see what this city has for me."

Continuing down the hallway, Adam then arrived at the elevator as he pressed the button that indicated it was about to take him to the floor where he was staying as a metallic clanking sound could be heard. The doors then slid open and he entered before turning to see a revealing silver metallic box, showing only buttons indicating which floor this elevator can take him to.

Pressing the lobby button that indicates it's time to head outside from this place before waiting for a few seconds, it begins to descend downward while Adam leans against the wall just to pass time for himself, the elevator continuing its descent before finally arriving at the lobby itself, opening its doors just to see an empty area with the exception of a receptionist casually sleeping at the desk right ahead of him.

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