Chapter 6

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Adam released a sigh of relief after exiting the throne room; allowing the opportunity to relax after dealing with them, especially that young girl and her pixie friend. Having to deal with them made him feel like he had been put through the wringer—almost as if he was having to deal with his annoying family all over again—feeling tired from what just happened.

But in the end, he feels happy to know that they made it out of one piece again, despite the possibility of things going downhill for them, then again, that could be just him being paranoid and from the way she appeared, Alucard was willingly to tear him apart piece from piece if he ever made the wrong move.

Atleast she was reasonable and not going to kill them outright, something he appreciate as he didn't want to imagine what would have happened if she had said otherwise. Seeing that he was safe, he can relax and not be forced to deal with her anymore. Adam just hoped that it won't come to that again as he doesn't want to cause anymore trouble for themselves.

Reverberating gurgle moved throughout this spacious hallway, emitting from no other than his daughter's stomach—hungry sound being made by her as she gave her father a demanding look, knowing full well that she is starving and needs something to eat, preferably meat. Adam just sighed and nodded his head before he let go of her arm.

"Come on," gesturing his daughter to follow him as they search for the kitchen, praying that they will find it instead of wandering around aimlessly, if so then he would be facing an desperate Lilim again—something he didn't want to see in having his child being hungry and weak as it doesn't comfort him.

Walking through this open hallway, he had second thoughts of coming back to Alucard's personal chamber and asked either of them for the direction in their kitchen, but he supposed its to late now since they are rather in no hurry to eat and will just wait until they find it on their own; its not like they are going to starve to death from the lack of food.

Moving and checking from every room they encounter, Adam didn't know if it was coincidence or not but he had hope in finding something edible and fast before she tries to do something stupid and endanger herself again, hoping that she wouldn't have to resort to eating insects, bugs, small animals, or even people.

Just when he felt hope is lost, the sudden appearance of the loud, cheerful pixie come out from a door at the other side in this very room they are in, almost giving him a heart attack as Lilim tilted her head in surprise from seeing Garnet there. Adam just stared at her with suspicious on his face, contemplating on the aftermath of their conversation.

"Long time no see!" The pixie cheerfully said, almost making Adam feel annoyed again, "you probably miss me," haughty smirk appeared on her lips, folding her arms under her chest. Adam sighed and shook his head in disbelief, already tired of her antics as he was tempted to tell her off but held back his tongue, knowing full well that it won't do any good.

"Yeah," shrugging with smile of his own, "I guess having fly around is enjoyable to say the least," sarcasm evident in his voice from his snarky response, making Garnet fume in anger as she glowered at him with visible look of irritation on her face, "Ugh! You!" She was ready to protest and begin to argue with him but something came out from Lilim's mouth that made them froze in place.

"Hungry..." Adam's daughter said in depressed tone, making both Adam and Garnet look at her with shock on their faces, speechless for a moment from hearing another proper word, he had never heard anything else than making incoherent responses and calling out for her father. Its rather a miracle to hear a single word from her mouth, as it implies that she is making some progress in the way of speaking properly—which, to be honest, is surprising for Adam to see.

He almost wanted to tear up, knowing there is still some hope in seeing his daughter's recovery as a matter of fact; he will take this a sign of progress and will do his best to bring her back again. Although, Garnet felt differently as she was taken back by the girl's words before looking at Adam with apologetic expression on her face.

"Sorry, sorry!" The pixie said in panic, feeling embarrassed and ashamed from forgetting about his daughter's predicament, "I didn't mean to keep you like that," then she paused, looking unsure on what to say next, "she must be hungry and I wasted my time by goofing off..." Adam just stared at her with flat expression on his face, having nothing else to say other than grunt and shrug.

Raising her arm and extending it towards him, "handshake?" Garnet asked in awkward tone, "for the inconvenience I put you both through?" Adam just stared at her with incredulous look on his face, making the pixie back up from that, almost if the situation gotten awkward between them—she didn't know what to do next.

A loud sigh was heard as the girl gave another gurgling sound before speaking again with hungry tone in her voice, "hungry..." This time, her tone was more desperate and she is on the verge of throwing tantrum, seeing that she is about to make a mess and he would be the person responsible for it.

Seeing this a emergency for his daughter, he frowned at the pixie with growing annoyance before making his way to her with anger in his voice, "enough with this," Adam said in stern tone, "are you going to help us or not?" Garnet didn't say anything to him as she was feeling insulted by his attitude towards her.

They had tour that went to many rooms, but yet; there is some that they haven't visited nor know what to do with them, which is why they can't find the kitchen and all the other mysterious rooms in this massive castle. His daughter doesn't know where to go or where to look for food either from the growing desperation just to eat something in order to satisfy her hunger.

"Okay, fine!" Pouting her cheeks from the disgruntled look on Adam's face, "follow me," Garnet said before turning around to exit the room, leading them to wherever it is that they are going to. Father and daughter did as she said and followed after her, relieved that she is going to help them and thankful for having her in their side—which Adam didn't know why he is feeling this way about her.

They exited the room as they followed Garnet, heading through the said spacious hallway before the pixie turned to the right and headed towards the stairs, which leads down to a different area. Without any hesitation, Garnet descended the staircase, leading them to another area of the castle, going through hallway after hallway with few rooms in their way—going deeper and deeper into the castle as she had yet to find what they are looking for.

Then they finally reached it—the kitchen, finding it at the other side of this hallway, a room with medium size of space. Having its fridge, oven, microwave, and an island counter in the corner of the room, along with a sink, as well as, a long rectangle table with chairs for seating and eating their meals.

The smell of food from the fridge was getting to Lilim's nose, making her even hungrier than she already is and just thinking of eating what is in there makes her mouth water from hunger. Garnet had seen the look on her face and understand what is going on in her mind, feeling sympathetic for her as she too, wants to eat something and replenish her own energy.

"She seems very hungry!" Small laughter emitted from her mouth, pointing at the drooling girl with glee, finding the sight of Lilim's face amusing and hilarious to behold, "aren't you?" The girl them looked at her with dazed look on her face before responding with incoherent responses, as if asking her what she said.

Wasting no time and seeing how desperate she is; Adam quickly head to the fridge and opened it, seeing a feast of different food items and drinks in there. Pulling out a packet of chicken, he looked at his daughter before placing it on the table before she runs to it and took it from there, sitting down on the chair and began to eat.

Garnet flied to them, looking between them as she felt like an outsider looking at something private, "uh," clearing her throat to get their attention, "we supposed to cook that first," pointing out the obvious to them despite knowing how hungry she is and it wouldn't be unwise to eat cold food, especially when its raw.

Adam, on the other hand had other ideas as he didn't want to waste time and just sat down on the chair beside Lilim, protecting and caring her just like good father would do for his own child, "she doesn't need it," giving Garnet a dismissive gesture with his hand, "she can eat anything as low it has meat in it," telling her that his daughter will be fine with whatever he will place on the table.

Lilim himself didn't care what they are talking about and just continue to eat, almost done with the first chicken packet while leaving the other two still unopened. Garnet looked at Adam in disbelief, not believing what she is hearing from him if he was basically allowing his own child to eat the raw meat without cooking it first, making her think that he is some kind of unresponsible parent.

"Why not? Wouldn't it be dangerous if the food had bacteria?" Thinking about it, she did think that his daughter will get sick or worse, she can even get food poisoning from this but then again, this girl isn't her child and she herself had only met them today after they wake up from their beauty sleep.

He just stared at her with incredulous expression on his face, finding it absurd that she is asking him this, especially when people should mind their own business, "shes...different," its hard to explain, not wanting to go into details about themselves to prevent any unfortunate incidents from happening.

While he appreciate for giving them shelter and home to stay, he still couldn't outright trust them with all his secrets and its better that way. Adam doesn't need someone in getting too close to them, having them finding out too much about him and his daughter, the more, the merry of preventing future problems ahead of them.

Curious from his response, Garnet can't help but wonder what he meant by 'different' if it has something to do with her being this way or maybe, even Lilim is not a human, vampire, or a monster; perhaps, she is some kind of alien. However, she decided to just brush it off and tell him that she will be the one to prepare the food before he did something stupid and hurt her in the process, "let me prepare the food for you guys instead, its not right if you did it."

"You can cook?" Adam grew smile on his face, pleased with what he is hearing and almost felt like of having competition with her, "how about we test that out?" He said in smug tone, trying to act as cool as he can, knowing full well that he can cook as well. While she looked at him with challenging display after Garnet's eyes lit up at the thought of cooking food.

"Your on, pal! I'll show you what it means to be real chef in this place!"

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