Chapter 34

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Back in the main spacious room where they were previous appeared with the only present people in here is Vesh and Garnet, where their only pilot is using a holographic computer to control the functions of this ship, typing at a rate of knots with quick movements while glancing at the other end of the screen to see their next destination.

Garnet was hovering in the air near his side with her legs crossed, bored out of her mind from this slow process that felt like it took hours to operate this vehicle, wondering how his taking so long to pilot this ship without already moving in the first place. Common logic dictates that it would couple of minutes in starting up to operate a ship.

"Whats taking so long?" She asked, getting a little impatient due to this experience being uneventful as hell, wanting something interesting to happen soon or later, "you have been doing this for hours now," not even realizing how long has passed already, considering she was only paying attention to his mindless typing.

He sighed from her lack of understanding, dumbfounded of how he would allow this stuck up primitives into his ship but alas, he sees no way out of this since Alucard trusted him for the time being. So if anything were to happen to them, this mutant will have his head for failure and costing his life.

"It's just a series of checks before departing," explaining it like it was obvious, "to make sure everything is operational but I seem to ran into problem," a moment later while lowering his finger on the screen, where a green circle blinked in response. "Huh?" Letting out confused and annoyed expression as he began pressing several buttons in rapid succession and fiddling with several dials at a speed that makes him sound like a crazy old man messing with junk food appliances, "this is not good..."

She doesn't like the sound of that, one bit. "What's going on?" Garnet felt a heavy wave of panic begin to set in, knowing the tone of his, nothing good will come out of this situation. Vesh said nothing as he began fiddling with the computer again, moving and typing to make a holographic projection of the propulsion system.

Small thrusters could be seen attached on both sides of the back end and at the bottom of the front section while two large engines were situated at the back end of the ship itself. In between the two engines was a thick metallic rod that appeared to be running through the middle of the ship and out the other end.

Inconceivable words and symbols popped around, resulting him to fanatically read at them, making her tilt her head in confusion. "What is it?" Unable to understand what he was reading or pointing out. He then let out a frustrated groan, "their damaged," she can see the sweat forming on his forehead from his eyebrows, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "some of them."

"Ahh..." Nervously scratching her own head, she isn't rocket scientist or engineer to understand this completely, "does that mean we can't use this ship of yours anymore?" That would be bad, very bad if they're unable to use this space ship in reaching their designation. Better yet, why was he planning to visit Hope City of all places?

"It should be operational but..." Scratching his chin in thought, he shook his head, "its going to take us a week to reach in that city," the pilot wasn't thrilled in saying this but seeing no other choice. "Weeks?" Unconsciously dropping her jaw in disbelief, feeling her own legs giving up on her and sitting down on the ground. "You can't be serious!"

"Not weeks, you idiotic insect!" He corrected her, "week, as in: seven days," making her feel stupid for asking something so obvious and painfully clear to begin with. "Wait," she said, getting back up on her feet and looked at him with more concern than ever before. "That's still too long!" The pixie wasn't happy about it but can do nothing else about it now.

Sighing from her overreaction, "its not really," shrugging in a lazy manner, "our chances of going through this are very likely to succede," expressing his confidence to make it work even though he isn't completely sure on this if there is slim chance that they might come crushing down, he would try his best to assure her it was possible.

"Okay..." If he says so. She has no experience in this type of craft and there is no choice to find alternative mean of solving his problem, might better to listen to the experts than someone like herself who barely knows anything about this at all. It was either fly or walk. That was her conclusion.

"Good, I'm glad that you understand," as he said his part, the space ship begin to rapidly lift itself in the air before releasing thundering sonic boom, causing nearby objects to fall over the ground. Even those far away in this forest could have heard it. Not only that but she had no idea if the ship would have launch without even informing her beforehand.

"What was that?!" Her shocked expression quickly turned into worried and confused one, having no idea what just happened, "did the ship exploded or something?" Answering her question, the alien pilot simply shook his head, letting out a dry chuckle from her own confusion and lack of knowledge. "It launched." Was all he said before his fingers reached back to the hologram, moving his said fingers once again.

"Launched?" That was one way to put it, especially how messy it was for this type of ship to simply create such mess, "it launched?" Annoyed by her constant questioning, he turned his head to face her with annoyed expression, clicking his tongue and gave her an obvious answer. "Yes." In response before returning back to the screen.

That explains alot, allowing her to relax easily and have breath of fresh air in knowing they haven't died, not yet anyways. The only thing left is to wait to reach into Hope City and—why are they going to metropolis, they weren't planning in going there to begin with. And what type of city are they heading towards anyways? It better be good news because she doubts it is otherwise.


Tilting his head to face her again, "yes?" Why is she asking him so many questions, can't she just ask someone else about this rather than asking him about it? If she keeps this up, he might as well has started another cycle of irritating conversation between them once again, "can't you see I'm trying to focus on the screen?"

"Well I want to know why you are going there in the first place?" Her patience was reaching its limit as the space ship went past clouds, heading further towards the destination that it was heading towards. Although it will take while, she hoped to get as much information she can to understand his intentions.

"Its the only place in this back watered world I know off," starting with the obvious reason why, "and the likely best place to trade before I leave this sad little planet of yours," his harsh words made her feel rather annoyed that he would simply ignore her request for him to explain why they were heading there, especially how blunt he was at describing their world as a backwater planet.

"Alright then," figuring he wasn't going to explain anything anytime soon, "can you tell me about this city?" She tried to change the topic of their conversation, hoping to finally learn something new about this mysterious city they were heading towards. "What do you want to know?" Once again, he asked with annoyance and disinterest in explaining this subject matter to her.

"Anything, baldy!" Garnet had a tendency to call him baldy, something she found hilarious and rather amusing whenever she would do so, whether it be teasing him or when he was in deep thought, she would do it just to get his attention and he he doesn't like it. As if he didn't have enough problems with dealing with this already annoying little pixie.

Returning to his post, "Hope City is high tech metropolis built by the Minutemen." Starting from the basics, "they built the metropolis as way for humanity to redeem themselves by restarting over again a place that has abundant resources and less violence to start off new society." That's an interesting piece of information, but it's not enough for her to fully understand what Hope City is.

"Yeah and?" Pressuring him to continue his explanation even though Vesh already is speaking in the first place, "the city was besieged by many other factions and organizations, forcing them to rebuilt from scratch," he saw no reason to explain more of this city than what he is going to describe right now, "with the help of their trading partner, the Illuminati. They built their place better and stronger than before."

Trading partner with the Illuminati? That is surprising news to her ears. If she gets to see Hope City in person, she would definitely make sure to find a isolated place for her young mistress to live in. Something that would benefit both of them greatly. Just the thought of making sure they could live in peace without any interruptions made her smile as she continues listening to his explanation.

"Expect some parts of the city to have different architecture designs due to the diverse humans living in there, " something that wasn't uncommon but that doesn't mean they can't still appreciate the cultural heritage from one another, "and the invisible barrier surrounding the city to protect against snow and dangerous projectiles, its not perfect since there are places filled with snow." Garnet eyes widened as he continued his explanation," also rain enters into the city to provide water as a source of life."

"That is alot to take in!" She said with show of impression in hearing this, feeling impressed at the same time. Place have advanced technology, but they have advanced defenses. If only the world had all this advance technology when she was still alive, things would be better for everyone, "what about the minutemen?"

"What about them?" He sounded confused at her question. To him, they rarely intervene in human affairs and only care about improving or ascending mankind back to its glory, "I don't think they are relevant in this situation," That is interesting as well. To not give importance to one of the world's most powerful organization in this planet? What kind of lesson is he trying to teach her by doing this?

"Yeah, they are!" Garnet was little surprise at his dismissive answer, "who are they and what do they do?" That question was something that needed to be answered, even if it takes her days to figure out how to do so. A simple explanation would help her understand things quicker than anything else.

Seeing how desperate she seems, "fine," Vesh told her everything she needs in order to hopefully get a better grasp of their species, knowing how some people these days are thirsty for knowledge in various forms. He would never understand the primitives, greedy and ignorant people who see knowledge as a currency for those who aren't fortunate enough to obtain it.

The Minutemen, a race of humanoid extraterrestrials from the Andromeda galaxy, are shrouded in an aura of mystery and fear. Their peaceful demeanor and generous nature belie their advanced technology and authoritative power.

Mistaken for mutants by the uninitiated, their true nature remains a secret until one dares to inquire. But beware, for the answer may lead to a horrifying realization of the fragile existence of humanity in a universe teeming with unimaginable creatures beyond our comprehension. The extraterrestrial beings, despite their advanced technology, are a far cry from the very notion.

Communicating through a grotesque, guttural gurgle, forcing the minutemen to resort to crude means such as hand gestures or writing. These asexual creatures lay dark eggs, adorned with sinister red veins, which grow to human size until the shell is finally shattered, birthing a full-grown adult. Their existence is fragile and unnerving, shrouded in an eerie and macabre aura that sends shivers down one's spine.

They descended upon Earth with a catastrophic crash, their colony ship malfunctioning and resulting in the loss of many lives. The survivors, forced to adapt to their new home, used their advanced technology to construct sprawling cities and create mechanical monstrosities. Desperate for resources, they scoured Earth for materials, even resorting to stealing the blueprints for deadly weapons.

Yet, their inability to repair their damaged spacecrafts left them stranded on this alien world, forever haunting the planet with their fragile existence. Their actions and agenda became clear after being known among the frozen wasteland; rebuilt civilization for the greater good of all and bring order into earth. While they proclaimed to be peaceful alien race, if their peaceful overtures are refused, they well just conquer them while searing the flesh from the bones of anyone who stands against their benign intentions.

"And that is what they are, are you happy now?" He felt exhausted spilling the knowledge to this pixie, resulting Garnet to nod happily with beaming smile on her face, "yep! Thanks baldy!" Expressing how content in knowing this information, "I'll be visiting my young mistress, call me if you need me!"

He sighed, "yeah, yeah. Whatever, go on your merry way."

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