Chapter 39

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Waking up inside a cabin was the first thing Adam thought of after his eyes flashed open from his bed. His back stood up with visible sweat dripping down his forehead as he stared at the wooden ceiling in disbelief of what had happened to him. As if it were just a dream, a terrible nightmare that felt so real.

Turning himself around to place his shoes on the dirty floor, he scanned the surroundings around him with caution before letting out an exhausted sigh from what had just transpired yesterday.

How could he be so careless to expect everything will turn out okay if he doesn't put in efforts to keep his calmness, being completely lost as to what he should do next or where he should go?

The bedroom is simple in design, with a single bed and nightstand. There is a dresser in the corner of the room with a large window above it. On the right side of the room is a closet. Nothing out of the ordinary, as most bedrooms come equipped with such amenities. Adam slowly got up from his bed, placing a hand over his nervous face.

"Did I transform again?" Was the first question that came to mind, "I hadn't felt that power inside me in ages," his heart was racing, almost pounding against his chest, while he thought about the past he tried to forget. That feeling of rage, that uncontrollable wrath, was something he thought he would never experience again after becoming a monster.

In his times of becoming a demon and nearly losing all his humanity, it was like he was trapped in his own cage with no way out of this misery, the chains around his mind slowly but surely destroying his sanity. Even then, something about this transformation is different. Usually, he would feel the lust to cause pain and destruction around him.

However, he only felt hatred and rage of everything around him; different type of hatred that made him see red and just wanting to tear anyone apart limb by limb for allowing his existence to continue.

Confusing situation for Adam, wondering what changed about this time, he removed his hand from his face before moving to nearby mirror in seeing the body reflection of himself at the mirror, checking if his clothes were torn apart. To his relief, nothing seems to be damaged, and there are no signs of wounds on his body.

But the painful strain on his flesh, organs, and muscles was still there. It was almost as if his bones and tissue were pushed to their limits and he didn't transform, just going through the normal pain of transformation that came with it. Whatever happened to him, he's glad that he isn't dead or becoming a permanent monster.

He sighed tiredly; the bed was too inviting to let it go to waste. He wanted to return and sleep once again, but he knew there was no time for that. Because there are still things to do before lazily going to rest. Adam has work to do. As much as he would want to go back to bed, he must take care of other matters before it becomes a problem later on.

Forcing his leads towards the window, the descending sun's rays beamed directly to his eyes as he looked upon the scenery outside this wooden cabin, the dim yet bright sunlight nearly blinding him for a moment while the snowy outside ground could be seen with the same patches of trees seen from afar. He looked up, seeing the orange night sky filled with scattered clouds. "This place is quite nice," he commented, wondering if this was one of those areas that has beautiful scenery such as this.

However, something else is missing. He is forgetting an important detail. Someone who he wanted to be here with him during this wonderful day; he needed someone by his side for company and someone who would enjoy this winter wonderland with him. That made him wonder why he didn't just ask someone to come with him if they were planning on visiting a beautiful place like this.

What was he missing other than his transformation?

It's as if there was another thing he needed to do today before getting ready to rest again. Like some sort of preparation to make this cabin even more perfect and special than it already is. He can't remember anything important about this, yet it seems so close to his mind.

Something is still missing that would complete the picture of what is supposed to be here. What is it? A person, maybe? Or maybe...

Then his eyes widen in horror—the only thing he should have forgotten about after waking up in an unknown place with no idea how he got himself here.

A very important thing he has to remember is who is responsible for this whole situation he is in now, where is he now, and why is he here? This isn't supposed to happen!

Where are they!?

With panic racing in his mind, he almost forgot about his daughter and friends; the most important thing that matters to him now is what happened to them and why are they gone! If only he could remember anything at all! Something, anything! But everything is a blur in his mind; all he knows is that he has to find them before it's too late.

And yet, he is frozen in this spot, scared to know the truth if they are missing, dead, or much worse, suffering without him to save them from whatever cruel fate is waiting for them. With trembling lips, he finally whispered with fearful eyes, looking around this room with uncertainty, "I need to know, I need to know!" He has to face the truth, whether he likes it or not.

If his friends or daughter are dead, then what would he do now? Is it too late to save them and their families?

It hurts just to think about it, and it hurts even worse when he remembers what his father and adopted mother did to him in the past. Adam's tears are now uncontrollable; he is weeping from guilt and sadness.

It's all his fault; he should have stayed in that damn pod rather than waking up; maybe he should have died when he had the chance. Even though there is a chance of seeing them alive if he just learns the truth, All he needed to do was walk out of this bedroom and find them; it wasn't that hard, right? Maybe they are somewhere in this cabin, even outside! He just need to get up and leave this room.

He approaches the door, prepared to find them by doing what he said, but he hesitates once again, looking at the door and taking a deep breath to calm himself down. No more hesitation! There is no time to waste on such thoughts; he must focus on finding them before it's too late. He's not going to stand idle and let his emotions get the better of him.

Before he does, however, the door in front of him suddenly opens, revealing no other than their alien pilot, who was surprised to see him and a little taken back by the fact he was already up and awake, but then he grimaced from seeing him again, "if it isn't my wonderful guest who destroyed my ship," sarcasm heavily present in his voice.

Adam couldn't help but be slightly confused from having to hear, "What? What are you talking about?" Confusion and shock are present in his voice as he doesn't understand what Vesh meant by that. His anxious mind is occupied by many worrying thoughts, to the point where it is rather difficult to even think properly at this moment.

Shaking his head, Vesh chuckled for a moment before sighing and continuing with a tone of disbelief, "I am starting to consider if you have some form of dementia or amnesia after what you did." Now there was anger in his voice, but then he regained his composure before he could say anything else, "Well, at least we are both alive."

"You need to tell me everything about what happened," demanded Adam, expressing his growing annoyance through his voice, "because you can't leave me in the dark if you want me to help you." There was no hint of uncertainty in his voice, only the firmness and seriousness that would never be swayed from the task at hand.

Vesh seemed to think about it for a moment before nodding in agreement and saying, "Fine, then human. Follow me in the kitchen; I'll explain everything to you," he answered, turning around to the hallway he came from as he gestured for the human to follow behind him. Adam followed suit through the hallways, occasionally looking around and examining every inch of this place in order to learn more about it and find out exactly where he was.

Reaching into the supposed kitchen, the table was full of different types of food on top of it, each one looking to be from various parts of animals that were hunted and later cooked to be edible, while others looked to be prepared in different ways to make them taste good, even if they weren't supposed to be eaten at all.

The floors and walls are all wooden, as expected, and the room was fairly warm due to the stove placed near the far corner of the room, showing it was turned on, while a few pieces of clothes were also nearby to use with an improvised blanket or a towel, suggesting someone used it not too long ago.

Cabinets and counters were spread out around the kitchen, most of them filled with empty dishes, pots, and other utensils. All of them looked to be used frequently, with the remains of the food being washed away, meaning the individual living here ate more than once during their stay. The kitchen itself was a pretty good size for the number of appliances inside, and the table was just big enough to fit six people sitting around it.

They walked over to one of the chairs, taking their respective seats across from each other, causing Vesh to take a deep breath as he stared at Adam in the eyes. "Before I start telling you, let me just say that there are a lot of things you should know about myself, so please just bear with me while I explain," he said, leaning back in his chair and relaxing.

Adam gave him a nod of acknowledgement, signaling him to continue. "Okay, go ahead," he said, awaiting for the blue alien to continue with his story. Taking another deep breath, Vesh began his explanation: "What was the last thing you remember before losing consciousness?" He asked, to which Adam had to think for a moment, trying to recall what happened prior to being knocked out.

After a few seconds of thinking, he responded to him with a short answer: "All I remember is..." He doesn't want to tell him the truth, although he is willing to give out some details about what happened before blacking out: "The last thing I remember was my body transforming into something monstrous," he told him, which caught the alien by surprise; "and I woke up after I heard you speaking to me," he finished.

Vesh looked at him in confusion as he thought to himself, "You don't remember anything else?" Staring at him in the eyes again, Adam shook his head no as he did so. "Then... that would explain a lot of things," he said, getting up from his seat and walking towards the fridge while looking for something to eat. After finding something suitable to eat, he closed the fridge door and placed it on the counter, grabbing a nearby knife and cutting the cold meatloaf open before grabbing its contents and placing them on a plate.

"You're a werewolf," his answer hit Adam like a truck; shock, confusion, and disbelief were all apparent on the human's face, unable to believe what he just heard him say, "A what?" The human couldn't believe he was hearing such things, thinking he was lying to him just to make him feel worse  or that he was making fun of him for some reason. "A werewolf," he repeated once again, now more serious than ever. "I am sorry if you find this hard to believe, but it is the truth."

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