Chapter 28

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Garnet is bored, waiting for the two to come back, while Lilim is sleeping soundly in her tent, unaware of what's going on in the outside world as the pixie lazily lay on a twig in one of the snowy trees around them, her crossed arms behind her back and legs spread wide apart, staring above the starry night sky that seemingly never disappeared from their sight.

She doesn't have a clue if it's a good idea to search for them due to how long they are taking, making her slightly worried, but having known her young mistress since they first met, she was sure that Alucard would come back with Adam in one piece; the vampire is capable of defending herself from threats, so worrying about their safety is the least thing Garnet should do.

But what if that wasn't the case? What if something happened to them and they were left all alone, stuck in this frozen world with no company except for the sleeping child she has to take care of?

That thought was so horrifying to her that she could feel the goosebumps on her arms from that mere thought, almost causing her to shiver as she had to shake her head to get that terrible image out of her mind.

They are safe and sound; it's not like a dumb animal is going to kill the mistress she served under. If the opposite happened, she began to imagine the worst-case scenario: what if they were attacked by other people, the very people that decided to rob their very home and were nearly killed or captured if it wasn't for the man?

Adam has been a peculiar and interesting human since he came into their lives. She doesn't know how to describe him other than as a good guy underneath his brooding and rough exterior; she even started to admire his compassion for her mistress and those he cares about, just by the way he reacts when the girls shed tears in front of him, as if they were his own children.

In a way, this guy is alright in her book. Caring and considerate of people's feelings, he isn't judgmental or harsh compared to the other humans she encountered in her years of exploring the world that is dominated by humanity. It was a pleasure to rescue him and his daughter, seeing how much this man impacted her young mistress livelihood.

What is more surprising is how he managed to make the girl leave her own room, something that she herself was unable to make happen. He even made Alucard more open to her feelings and insecurities, which was a complete shock for her as the young mistress rarely talks about her own problems.

Just imagining her mistress happy with a smile on her face and Adam considering her another daughter of his, Garnet could only smile while letting out a hearty laugh, saying, "He's such a nice guy," complimenting him with a smirk, "No wonder my mistress likes him," stroking her chin while thinking of ways to get them closer than before.

He's a family man, someone who wants to protect their own family and loved ones at all costs. At first she thought he was only pretending to be a father figure to Alucard, but after observing how close the two are together and how much his words seem to affect her emotionally and spiritually, she realized that it was genuine and real.

No sane human would interact with, let alone be near, a vampire. In fact, she doesn't know how he did it, but his kindness towards her mistress is something she's never seen before in the eyes of other humans. That is why she was so determined to get them together, but a problem arises as Alucard's self-esteem is too much for her to handle and Adam is being too dense to notice her feelings towards him.

The very thought of the two being together is very amusing to her. She imagines how things would go on if they actually did get together; even that will be a miracle in itself. But no matter how much she tries, this dense man won't seem to notice her young mistress's feelings. Perhaps it is that he sees her as a friend or daughter and nothing more than that.

"Perhaps I should just let them be," she mutters to herself, staring down with a knowing smile, "it will happen when it does," still keeping her eyes on the starry sky, "until then, I'll keep it to myself and tease mistress more," holding her hands up with crossed fingers, unable to keep herself from giggling.

However, a loud scream of anguish then echoed across the woods, jolting her to her senses as she immediately knew who it was: "Mistress!" Leaping off the twig and flying to the source at immense speeds, she kept her eyes peeled for the source of that cry, not even realizing how fast she was going.

Are they endangered? Hurt? Being captured by an enemy or dying from something? What if Adam was in danger and he needed her help?

The very thought of losing either is bad, and it scares her deeply. Adrenaline pumps through her veins as she keeps pushing herself to the limits, desperately trying to find them, still flying around aimlessly while calling for them in an attempt to locate their whereabouts.

She has to find them, no matter what, even if it costs her life; the pixie would do anything to keep them safe and sound from any harm, even from those dreaded humans who dared to attack them. Garnet has sworn an oath to protect and serve her mistress at all costs, a vow she swore to keep forever.

And that is exactly what she was going to do, no matter what it took—even if she had to give her life up to save them. After all, she loves her mistress, seeing the girl as a child of hers and wanting to protect and nurture her with everything she has as if she were her own daughter, a daughter that she has never had or wanted.

Feeling like hours went by, Garnet searched for the two and called for them repeatedly in an attempt to locate them, still not knowing if they were alive or not. "Please be alive," she pleaded to herself as she kept her eyes peeled for where the source might be, still nothing but woods around her.

She was almost to the point of giving up on searching for them from the growing exhaustion she was feeling as she could feel her strength leaving her body with each passing second, but then she saw a glimpse of two figures from a distance, the very people Garnet had been searching for since that terrible scream came.

Relieved that they were safe, Garnet immediately flew to them as fast as she could, calling out to them as she made their way towards her, "Mistress!" She felt so happy and relieved to see them unharmed, but when she finally reached their location, a gasp of shock escaped from her own mouth. She was almost on the verge of tears to see the state they were in.

Laying there was Adam, with a severely mutilated neck with its bloody flesh exposed, bleeding all around it, as the kneeling Alucard had her arms wrapped around the person she deeply cares about, sobbing loudly while the shocked pixie was horrified by this sight, "What happened!?" She quickly went to her mistress to see if she was alright. "Mistress!"

Slowly raising her head, Alucard turned to look at her side; her depressed expression was all the fae needed to see as she herself also felt tears coming down her cheeks. "Mistress..." Garnet could feel the sorrow coming from the very person she cares about, seeing the two in such a sorry state.

Without saying anything to each other, Alucard then looked at his sleeping face and said, "Don't die," forcing a smile on her face. "Please don't die," she continued, "don't die, don't die, don't die!" Repeating the same sentence all over again, mentally breaking down into tears as she shook his body like a ragdoll while shouting uncontrollably.

Garnet could only watch, seeing how much pain and sadness she was in, as she tried to shake his body as gently as she could, almost in an attempt to wake him up, but even then he did not move an inch, making the vampire break down into tears, unable to emotionally handle herself after this, forcing Garnet to do something at least.

"Mistress," calling out her name once again, "I think I can heal him with my pixie dust." Just as she said those words, the vampire immediately turned her attention to Garnet, causing the girl to have a sense of hope and relief on her face. "Do it," the determined voice came from her own mouth, ready to try anything that could save his life.

Nodding at her mistress command, Garnet turned her attention to his entire neck, where the flesh was cut in brutal ways and was still bleeding profusely, making her question if it was even possible for an ordinary person to survive after this injury, let alone be healed with pixie dust as her healing powers could only heal minor injuries.

Not for something this severe, but seeing how desperate this situation is, trying is better than doing nothing. "Okay, this would take a while," her servant told her, already beginning to rub her hands together to prepare for her magic spell, "but I won't let him die; I promise to you," words she was telling her mistress but had meant to the dying man before them.

Despite knowing that Adam isn't here to hear her words, Garnet is still determined to save his life and do anything she can to make it happen, especially with the look of hope and relief the vampire has from hearing this. Using her palms to spread the glittery dust on his mutilated neck, she says, "It might not be immediate, but it should slowly work."

Wiping her own bloody tears, the young mistress lifted themselves from the ground, carrying Adam in bridal style despite their height differences. Her super strength as an ancient vampire is one of the reasons why she can do this without feeling much of a strain. "Garnet, teleport us back to the campsite," she ordered with her determined tone as Garnet nodded at her command. "Yes, mistress."

Quickly thinking of a destination to go to, Garnet immediately goes to work as they immediately vanished in thin air, reappearing near the fireplace they have set up. "There we go," she commented with a proud smile on her face, "we should put him in his tent and allow the big guy to rest," requesting the mistress to lay him down on a comfortable bed.

Before Alucard could give an answer, the incoherent sounds of Lilim caught their full attention. Standing outside her own tent, she had a look of painful shock on her face from seeing her own father severely injured. Seeing this action, his daughter wasted no time in lunging herself at her, grabbing the vampire's neck at superhuman speeds.

"Young mistress!" She quickly called out as her best friend had her back landed on a tree, releasing a supersonic boom in the aftermath as Lilim tearfully held the girl's neck, raising her entire body above with anger and disbelief on her face, incapable of understanding why they would do this to her own father.

Alucard didn't fight back, simply looking down with a show of guilt, believing everything was her fault for bringing him with her, accepting his daughter's punishment if it meant avenging him, "it was my fault," sobbing while feeling her neck grip tighter than before, "I decided to bring him with me and..."

"Stop Lilim!" Garnet appeared in front of her face, manically waving her arms around, saying, "She didn't hurt him! Someone else did!" Reasoning with the girl she had befriended, she said, "Please understand what I'm trying to say! Alucard isn't the cause of his injury!" The words seem to have reached her, making Lilim to let go of her before running to her father, embracing his body while burying her face into his chest.

As the vampire lay there, defeated and feeling the blame was on herself, she slowly stood up with depression lingering in her mind, saying, "I'm going to bed," turning away to walk to her own tent as Garnet continued to call her name, "Alucard!" She said a lot of times that her voice was starting to hurt from all the shouting.

Despite the fae wanting to tell her that it wasn't anyone's fault, she sighed from exhaustion as she looked at her mistress from behind one last time before following after her and asking, "What should I do?" Whispering to herself, having no idea what to do next, the pixie flew closer to the tent while still feeling fatigued from using up so much of her magic earlier.

"How can I fix this mess?"

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