Chapter 22

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Finally reaching the door of her personal chamber as they stopped in front of it, Alucard could only sigh from relief of getting their stuff before sheathing her rapier ins the dangling case that is wrapped around her waist while unable to fathom of this very place she calls home to be precise, but it won't be hers for much longer after how much these bastards destroyed everything.

Gripping her bloodied fists, the mistress scowled angrily with spite as she contemplated in unleashing her rage on them, staring down at the ground from the unwanted memories of what transpired moments ago, trying her best to not to even recall it. But she can't let it go, those memories are still clear to her as if they happened just yesterday, and it hurts to remember it again.

Being disturbed at the middle of her conversation with Garnet in the balcony, she never expected the vermin would have the guts to decide in besieging her very sanctuary, foolish move on their part, for they have underestimate her, to think that they will get away with doing such thing is nothing more than insult to her pride as a vampire. And for them to even dare to destroy her most valuable items and furniture is unforgivable.

This is why humans are pests, always spreading their diseases and poison through their nasty habits and actions, such as these people's choice of taking advantage of her property, who knows what other crimes they have done beforehand but chose to ignore it in favor of focusing on their stupid beliefs and ideals in their faction.

Can't they get the memo that she is feared for reason?

Having lived for so long is sign to be left alone for good without being bothered by the likes of them, she would never understand these savages and probably will never do so. It is better for her to simply ignore them and just let them live their pathetic lives.

But she can't let them be! These insects belonging to that accursed organization shall pay grimly, wanting to stay here and murder every single one of them without batting an eye. Its a fitting punishment for them to attack her own home, their actions could not go unpunished, they should learn their lesson from this.

She wants to kill them, every single of these bastards! Having lost so many things in her life, she can't lost another thing. Never again! No! Never! This will not stand, they will pay for what they done to her and her most precious belongings, just wait stupid rats! When she is out of here, Alucard will plan to murder every single of them and have their flesh torn apart before drinking their blood dry.

Then a hand calmly placed at her shoulder, causing the young mistress to be taken aback by the gesture as she turn her head at the side, looking back at concerned Adam, "what?!" She asked rudely, her fists tremblingly with anticipation in her revenge of finding an solution to ridding these vermin.

Turning around to face him as he let go of his hand, the Vampire looked upon herself into deep thoughts before listening to the very man she looked up to. "I know how you feel," said the former psychologist while continuing to comfort her, "but now is not the time to lose yourself," his calm voice help to bring her down from her anger-induced state, like a bubble popping from its form, "our survival comes first before we can worry about what they did."

That is when the mistress felt the anger boiled down in her veins as she came back to her senses and turned her attention at him, "but they ruined everything!" Red tears stream down from her bloody face, sadness and guilt washing over her as she became vulnerable, "they took everything from me!"

Adam could only stare in silent, seeing how the poor girl was upset beyond her comprehension, sympathizing every word she spits out, "that isn't true," relaxed smile found its way to his lips as he continued to comfort her, "they never did." Hearing this strange answer, Alucard stared at her with frown, confused and in disbelief.

Bringing a questionable look on her face, along with confusion in her eyes, "what do you mean?" The words this man spoke of always messes her mind, something she never understands no matter how much she thought about it, this is why she finds him to be unqiue among the endless swarm of humans.

Sighing tiredly, "you being alive and breathing is testament that you haven't lost everything. What is more, you have Garnet and us on your side, kid. Always remember that," the gentle smile returned to his face as he comforted her in one of the most positive way possible to her, which make the vampire girl feel much better from the tears that fell down from her eyes.

"Thank you..." The young mistress felt her dark heart calm down as she wiped the blood that painted her face, looking up at him with gentle smile on her lips in return, "I will remember that." They both smiled at each other before Adam broke the silence, "now we should get whatever you need so we can get the hell out of here."

Nodding, she take a step back before manipulating the blood all over her body that is beginning to dry from the many enemies she had brutally stabbed and cleaved with her weapon, causing all the dirt and said blood on her form to fall down rapidly like wet motor oil as it hit the floor, making a disgusting noise before all of it reached down entirely.

Seeing this action, he was bit surprised from what she has done, not understanding how she was capable of doing such feat, "how did you do that?" Adam asked, slightly intrigued at the abilities of ancient vampire like herself, wanting to know more of their nature and capabilities, especially when he used to think vampires as fictional monsters in horror movies.

Noticing the odd look on his face, she answered him truthfully, "" She scratched her head, thinking of way to explain it in simpler terms, "vampires that lived for so long developed different abilities and resistances, one of them is manipulating the blood," explaining it with less difficulty than before.

"Oh, why didn't you used it on your enemies then?" He asked with curious tone in his voice as he stare at her, seeing the slightest tinge of red that appeared on her cheeks, making her look away while taking a deep breath before deciding to respond in honesty. "Because I..." Looking down embarrassingly for moment.

"...I wanted to impress you," she confessed, having taken a deep breath, exhaling and calming herself down from the pressure of revealing her true feelings to him, never thought she would do this to anyone in her life, its amazing how much trust she had for him than the others, but Adam is perhaps the only person she could depend on.

"You did?" He asked, stunned at the very notion of a vampire girl wanted to impress him of all people, "for what?" Asked the clueless former psychologist, being puzzled from her strange response. Adam could never understand this kid, but seeing her honest and embarrassed expression makes him think otherwise.

Her mouth parted open as she looks at him with surprise, thinking that he is making fun of her, however just by the mere sight of his confused state; she simply couldn't fathom of how naive he is when from the way her response came to be, "never mind, "closing her eyes with disappointment on her face.

She quickly around, placing both of her hands onto the two large doors; pushing them with all her strength as they immediately opened with loud creaking noise, revealing her very personal throne room that is bigger than any living quarters and halls of her castle. But that wasn't their main attention in this moment.

Lilim who was still hugging her father's arm, pointed to the source in front of them, "Garnet..." speaking of her friend's name, and they notice the struggling pixie being gripped tightly by Puncher's hand with rifle on the other, pointing it directly at her head, throwing demands on the poor creature.

Alucard quickly pulled her rapier, directing it towards the human, "let go of her, beast!" She ordered in stern voice, hoping that she would be able to save her friend from this robber. That is when Puncher turn to them, extending the pixie toward them in full display, shouting at the top of his lungs while keeping his weapon trained on the captive creature.

"Where is the vampire?! Where is Alucard?!" His words echo through the chamber as his eyes look upon them, searching for the very person he was trying to find. Noticing the human's reaction, the mistress became worried of Garnet, ready prepared to identify herself to the vermin if it comes to that.

"You dummy!" Garnet said to the three, "forget about me! I'm not worth it!" Hoping that they will get away from this situation, for she knows how the mistress would react when faced with enemies, resulting the young mistress to tremble with rage and hatred in her veins as she pointed her rapier at him.

"Bastard!" Growling with enraged tone, wanting to kill him right here and now. Even though she wants to kill him right here and now, shes not sure if he would press the trigger. Many things could happen from moving in blind speed or slowly boiling his blood in the inside before he exploded into pieces.

Neither sound guarantee options, fearing to lose her friend again as she clench her rapier's handle with deathly grip, keeping it at high guard while staring at him with absolute hatred. "Don't do anything stupid!" Puncher warned while keeping his weapon at the pixie's head, not taking any chances in killing her but would if he must.

Seeing how severe the outcome would be if Adam left this be, "Lilim," whispering to his daughter, his head turned at the side, "let me resolve this situation." Studying her father's face and tone of voice for few seconds, she nodded; letting go as she watched him moved in front of Alucard, causing the vampire to be surprised from this action.

"Adam! What are you—"

Pulling out a cigar and using lighter, Adam lit up the tobacco product, taking in a deep breath before releasing smoke as he stared at Puncher with cold eyes, "let her go," he demanded with intimidating voice, wanting to resolve this peacefully, the young mistress become bewildered by his actions, not understanding what he is trying to do.

His daughter however was looking at the scene before her nervously, knowing how severe this would be if things escalated any further, fearfully thinking that her very own father would lose his life from this moment, terrible as it is; she has full faith in her father's abilities, however having a fear of losing him is always a horrible feeling.

"Or else what?" Puncher responded in challenging tone while tightening his grip on the trigger, ready to press it at moment notice with an index finger hovering above the trigger. "This is the end of the line," the punk male said, not flinching at all, "this thing will die if you try anything funny," pointing out his ultimatum with deadly serious look on his face.

Instead of reacting to this grim situation with panic, her father calmly kept his cool before letting out another cloud of smoke from his mouth, "listen," he said, trying to find way to resolve this with words, "I'm willing to negotiate." Not noticing how the Vampire has a deathly glare on her face, while Lilim is conflicted in helping him or not, seeing that she doesn't want to lose her father.

"There is nothing to negotiate ," he responded while keeping his weapon trained at Garnet's head, "and you are beginning to run out of options," coming to the very truth of the situation.

Puncher believed everything is under his goal, that he will be able to claim the vampire's head in his possession and be praised for his valor in his sense of justice, however; this time, he never would expected that the very loyal member of his faction who upheld his duty no matter how much torture and humiliation his enemies put him through, his unwavering loyalty is what saves him from from heresy.

Now, his devotion has to come end when the man spoke that affected the very being of his beliefs and soul themself, making him question everything from what he stood for.

"Your friends and family, you really miss them when they die, don't you?" That was one of the very words that struck him like a lightning bolt, breaking his heart while tearing up in realization, knowing what Adam is referring to; the very meaning of those words made Puncher almost collapse from it.

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