Chapter 42

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Somewhere in secretive underground cavern with lanterns and torches spread all over the walls, giving a dim light in this dark place where three figures stand before an altar, wearing red robes while praying silently in their own minds, whispering a word, "Adam," one of them said in soft whisper, staring at the sickly purple orb with red glow from this altar, the same black orb that they have been using to communicate with their dark masters.

Between the figures is man-shaped statue of marble and gold in shape of bald human with large, bulky structure, standing between his brothers. In the center of this room, this altar, these figures are, servants of malevolent forces of the burning inferno; specifically the devil himself, worshiping this orb with absolute devotion, giving sacrifices and blood offerings to this thing before them. They believe this orb to be some sort of ancient artifact with tremendous power, and even a godly power source.

"The father of men is still alive," the golden bald man said, stopping their silence prayer from before, "our masters wish to have his soul and let his body rot for eternity." His eyes opened with pure darkness within them with gold linings over his red robe, expressing nothing but bloodlust towards Adam's existence.

Turning around with an intent continue, "however," devilish smile grew on the madman's lips, "we have him and his friends so to speak," his fingers clenched together, showing no remorse of even torturing innocent men and women, "perhaps it is time to perform the ritual," His hand opened and spread, resulting the large door in front of him to open.

One of their brothers entered this room, with hand dragging unconscious girl and the other, struggling pixie who is desperately trying to break from her captive's tight grasp with all her might, even using her magic to teleport out of the situation but weren't able to if some unknown presence in this cave is preventing her from doing so.

"Let me go you creep!" Garnet shouted angrily, struggles in the air with her small legs kicking to get herself free, "you think you can do this and I wouldn't tell my young mistress about it?!" Garnet continues to shout while everyone else had blank expressions behind their hoods or masks, silent and still.

"Welcome brother," The golden man spread his arms in a welcoming gesture, "for we have brought new addition to our humble abode," he continued with the same calmness as before, not at all caring of her little threat towards him, "it would be our pleasure to give them to our masters, " his lips twisted into an unsettling grin as his minion made his way to them, "I'm sure they will appreciate."

The cultists at his side spoke in whispers with each other, their hushed voices only loud enough for their leader to hear from looking what their fellow brother had brought in this chamber. New sacrifices? More humans to offer to their dark masters? How generous of their brothers and sisters to bring them new slaves, their leader thought with excitement in his head.

Throwing Lilim near his leader's feet, he knelt down out of respect before speaking briefly, "Lord Calum," his head lowered in shame, "we haven't had time to bring Adam and the pilot to us," the dreadful words reached in his leader's ears, making him narrow his eyes for the lack of good news that came to him.

"What is the meaning of this brother?" Lord Calum wasn't pleased with the news he received from his minion, "you had one job and you couldn't bring Adam to us?!" Raising his voice in anger, making his minions to take a step back and show fear in their leader's rage, "are you trying to disrespect me by failing in your mission?" He said, continuing to shout in rage, "now bring Adam to me, or else..."

"Wait, brother," the cultist at his side spoke in their minion's defense, "let him speak, he has chance to redeem himself," making their leader sighed, showing irritation from being interrupted in the middle of his lecture on his followers and his own rage, "tell us your story, brother," instructing their minion to speak before the wrath of their leader come once again.

Looking up at his lord with hope in his eyes, he continued his explanation as best as he could without showing fear towards his master's anger, "we found them in crash site," he said, not daring to look at him, "pinned down by large, unknown materials made of alien technology," this interest their leader even more than what he had already heard.

"Continue," the leader demanded with impatient tone of voice, wanting to know more about the crash site than just few words. His dark masters had told him vague events of the future but never revealed to him everything they knew about this mysterious craft and its purpose here in this world.

"When we arrived," the cultist continued after a brief moment of silence, "one of our brothers and sisters realized who the sleeping man was," a name he dreaded to speak aloud while pointing at Lilim that laid down near his leader's feet, "this is Adam's daughter," the name finally spoken in their presence.

A moment of silence passed before Calum finally spoke once again, "well," he said, still annoyed but a bit more relaxed, "then explain me why you didn't captured the pilot and Adam?" The leader asked while his voice still low, wanting to hear all the details he could get before deciding whether to forgive him or not.

Nodding at his question, the minion continued to explain further, "Cain came to us with mystical blue cutlass, slicing atoms by the mere swing of it," he said, seeing Lord Calum's face turning to more annoyed than angry, "we tried lord, our bullets and our weapons didn't work on him," his explanation continuing before the leader had enough.

"You failed," the golden man stated plainly as if it was obvious, glaring down him with piercing yellow eyes that pierced his very soul and showed his lack of forgiveness. This caused the cultist to break down and start sobbing like a little child before he felt his leader's hand petting his head like a dog, showing some form of affection, "I am afraid that won't do."

"My lord?" Just as he said the name, he felt slow and painfully pull of his own head, causing him to stare up with tears behind the mask, showing some sort of regret and sadness towards his failure, "mercy!" He begged, trying to hold back his tears, "I-I will redeem myself!" The desperate pleas were unheard of.

Garnet could only watch in horror as the neck begin to show torn veins and flesh from the extreme force of being pulled out. However, before her very eyes, she saw their leader's hand grab onto the head like a vice, making it feel like his own skull was being crushed like an egg. All of the sudden, his fingers went through the back of the cultist's head before finally detaching the whole head from his body in one clean swipe.

She and the two cultists at his side watched in silence, the blood from the severed head sprayed out on Lord Calum's face, dripping down onto the floor as his other hand continued to crush the head with the now exposed brain exposed being nothing but mush. Garnet wanted to vomit at the sight of seeing such brutality.

Her young mistress doesn't prolong someone's pain like this, but this was no normal person she is dealing with. This was a madman and leader of this infamous cult, whose reputation even spread far across the globe and beyond. A terrifying being who's only reason to serve his twisted masters.

The poor minion dropped dead in front of them with loud thud, his hand still holding the pixie in his own, refusing to let go despite being already dead. Seeing this opportunity, Garnet quickly escaped from the lessened grip, flying up in the air with sign of relief on her face before quickly grabbed by Lord Calum himself.

"Now what should I do with you?" Pondered out loud to himself, still holding Garnet in his hand like a helpless fly caught in spider's web, "are you his friend? Family perhaps? A lover maybe?" His questions went unanswered, eerily looking at the tiny creature with amused grin on his face, "what are you? What can you do?" Garnet refused to answer, remaining silent and stared at him with angry expression, "no matter, I still have use for you."

"You monster!" She cried out loud, not afraid to express her opinion despite the obvious outcome if she angered him any further. In response, the cruel man chuckled darkly from this remark, giving a wicked grin, finding it entertaining how easily triggered the small creature was in front of him in his grasp.

"He was your servant wasn't he?!" Garnet couldn't believe this madman would kill his comrade like that, but at the same time, she doesn't feel sympathy for these type of people, "what did he do to you?" It didn't take long for him to reply.

"He failed me and his siblings," his explanation was short and simple, seeing no need to explain anything to her other than justifying his actions to satisfy himself of punishing incompetent members, "and that is something I don't tolerate." Before she could say anything else, he interrupted her, "how about you and I come to an agreement?" He placed Garnet down on the floor with a light pat on her head much to the pixie's disgust.

"Agreement with the likes of you?!" Protesting as she shook her head in disagreement, not trusting anything this lunatic has to say, "as if I'd ever agree to anything you say!" Despite her claims, he gave no mind to her, smiling like a psychopath that had his mind broken years ago of seeing things unnaturally horrific.

"I'll let you go in one condition," bringing his hand in front with index finger pointed up, "she stays," his smile turned into smirk, waiting for her to accept his terms. For a moment she didn't respond until it sunk in on her mind that she was going to leave her alone with this monster, "and what's stopping me from telling your whereabouts?" She asked.

"I will allow you to do so," his grin turned wider and wider by the second, showing his razor sharp teeth while doing so, "but if you do that, then were forced to bring misery at a innocent little town filled with helpless boys and girls," this caught her attention, hearing that there would be many people and children dying or tortured.

Clenching her own fists, scowling at this decision of having to make a choice between saving one of her friends or the innocent civilians. If she went against him then Adam would never forgive her, but if she let the monster take Lilim and told them the truth then people would die or be horribly harmed by his hands. If only she had any idea on how to escape from this monster.

"What would it be, little pixie?" His question broke her out of her thoughts, seeing her stare back at him, "in one way or another, we will get to him," his threat was clear to her. Even if she agreed him and escape from this place, Adam will eventually get his daughter no matter what and that was a certainty for her.

She sighed tiredly, feeling boiled emotions bubbling inside her small body, "what will you do with those innocent people if I told my friends the truth?" Anticipation of fear is all over her face, wanting to hear the answer that she dreaded to say, "whats going to happen?"

Laughing madly, showing his sharp teeth once again, "you will know once we get there," ominous answer came from him, making Garnet step back from the monster as she shivered in fear and worry of the choices she has to make.

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