Chapter 3

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A young girl sat on her comfy throne, her long white bun hair with a black Victorian dress and grey skin complexion while having unusual red eyes, none other than the infamous Alucard, bored and impatient at the same time. As the fire palace crackles in the background, she cannot fathom having Garnet bring those two strangers, especially that one human.

She scowled at the thought. There is one thing she hates: those vermin. The very parasites that ruined her previous home and family, while many centuries had passed since that had happened, still held grudges against them and their kind. In addition, she loathed the idea of being around one of them, even though she was obligated to do so to live here. She is still wary of them.

"What was Garnet thinking, bringing them here of all places?" Her low and mumbled voice was full of contempt as she gritted her teeth in anger while staring at the ceiling, not wanting to even think about those two now. While she doesn't hate other vampires as long as they leave her alone, she still despises outsiders.

Outsiders, a venomous word spat out of her mouth, "only filthy humans." Her jaw clenched as she continued to stare at the ceiling, remembering all the horrors and tragedies she had gone through with those scum. The thought of it made her bawl her fists in fury, wanting to rip their heads off and throw them into the pits of hell.

Bawling her fists in anger and ignoring the heavy and bitter feeling in her chest, Alucard tried to calm herself down by taking deep breaths. She hated when she would become this emotional, but it is a rare moment to see her in such a state, and the only time she would let herself do so. While there is a difference in how she appears in front of others, the truth is she is just as fragile as any other, regardless of what others see her as.

"I want to kill that man." She hadn't forgotten the unconscious face, the very look of a human that was responsible for destroying her home, even if she didn't see or know him with her own eyes. Every human is guilty in this situation and deserves to be punished for their crime. Alucard would have killed him right on the spot if she had the chance, but she couldn't do that without making Garnet's job harder than it is, and the last thing she wants is to put her best friend under pressure.

"He looks like he will be trouble," she scowled, "and I cannot let him escape." She wouldn't make the same mistake again; if there was a chance that that human would flee from her home, she would kill him right on the spot. "However..." She began to have second thoughts about simply murdering the man who had the audacity to be in this very home.

"Maybe I could try to get information out of him? Perhaps something more useful than adding another corpse to my list would be more genius and much better for her to do so, to avoid making any further mistakes by not doing anything right this time. "Yes," she continued to talk to herself, "it is best to observe and watch him for the moment." Alucard will kill him when the time comes, but not before figuring out who he is and what his intentions are.

Aside from her distrust of mankind, she rather finds the other girl interesting, to say the least. Garnet had told her about this strange aura she had gotten from analyzing the curious outsider. The pixie explained how the girl was neither human, mutant, or vampire but something else, intriguing in wanting to learn more about the strange anomaly.

In fact, she wants to learn both of them. While the young mistress hates humans and outsiders, being stuck in a castle for a very long time is rather boring and lonely. Having people to talk to, even if it is for a moment, is very much appreciated in this freezing wasteland. So it wouldn't try to get to know them, right?

"Ugh, what am I thinking? Associating myself with these savages. Who do they think me for, a fool?" Shaking her head while feeling embarrassed of herself, she is beyond justifiably sane to be thinking of such a thing: "They are just tools to be studied, nothing less to be concerned about. Once their usefulness is over, then I will sort them out by myself."

Logical explanation and satisfying to think about, but the truth is she was being considerate of her feelings and something else inside of her—a feeling that is still new to her as she felt an unfamiliar warmness in her chest when having someone other than Garnet close to her, like she longs for something.

"Family..." A sad look appears on her face as she cannot help but think of the past, a time when she still had one. While she remembers all the good times, it doesn't take away the bad memories of when her family was forced to do things that they didn't want to. It's nothing but a reminder of how people in general can be, especially humans.

She sighed tiredly from these troubling thoughts, her mind wandering off into the deep end as she stared at the fire crackling in the background. Unlike vampires, she and her parents were forced to do something that they didn't want to do: be victims of their captors and be turned into something they had no interest in.

But Alucard still retained her humanity even after becoming an immortal vampire; she still has the basic human emotions like empathy, which Garnet takes notice of and sees as one of the very rare qualities that vampires had that is common in humans, considering how inhumane and emotionless they are.

And yet, none of that matters to her. The only thing she wants is to be left alone and think of ways to completely eradicate the vermin race known as humanity, something she feels great about thinking about whenever she has spare time. And if she is successful in doing so, then all her suffering will be over, and she can rest peacefully without fear of anyone bothering her.

At least that is what she believes, deep down. Alucard knows that it is an impossible task to do, but she still wanted to try nonetheless. However, another part of her mind whispers something that is rather hopeful, suggesting that there is still a chance she wants to understand them rather than outright calling for their deaths.

Idea she doesn't like to think about. That doesn't change the fact that it was very naive and stupid to even think of such a thing—to willingly let them into her home—something that would cost her greatly and possibly cause another tragedy to happen to her again. Even so, it was hard to ignore that this is a very tempting thought to have.

A little part of her just wants to ignore these feelings altogether and do what she has always done: get rid of them while killing as many humans as she can. But if she does that, then there is no telling if the next thing that will happen to her and Garnet is something she doesn't want to think about. Even so, Alucard is extremely paranoid about being near them, wary of being in close proximity with those disgusting creatures, and wouldn't want to get anywhere near them after all the suffering and tragedies she had gone through.

Having lost her previous home and parents, this is something they cannot ever fix or undo, though she still wishes that it could be changed, hoping that there is still a chance she get to see them again. Even if that is the case, she cannot change the past, and right now, her priority is to prevent more suffering from happening in this home, especially to Garnet.

She and Garnet are the only beings in this cursed, frozen wasteland who deserve to be happy and together. As long as her best friend still breathes, she will protect Garnet from harm and anyone who tries to hurt her; even if it is another vampire that wishes to kill her, Alucard will be the one to prevent such a thing from happening.

Because Garnet is more than a friend but a motherly figure, she was the only person who cared about her and showed kindness in this godforsaken place, even if it was to look out for her well-being or to protect her from harm or the other vampires in this world. The thought of losing her, like losing her family, is unbearable and unthinkable, even if it is temporary or not.

So what would happen if the outsiders decided to kill her only loved one? Will she just give up and surrender herself to their mercy? If she did that, then she wouldn't be able to avenge her family, and Garnet would surely have died in vain. That is the last thing she wanted, so there is no way in hell she would allow such a thing to happen.

Previously, she wanted to murder them outright, but she had second thoughts about seeing their usefulness. Aside from that, Alucard begins to worry about who they belong to. Angering an entire faction would be unwise to do so, as the consequence could be severe; besides, she would rather not have another disaster like last time happen again. So, if she cannot eliminate them now, then she will get to know them.

"I hate people." She gritted her teeth in frustration as she glared at the ground with a hateful look on her face. However, she wouldn't be so sure about killing them as a means to study them; as long as they weren't hostile towards her or Garnet, she would allow them and give them a chance to prove themselves.

One way or another, she is determined to find out who they are and what they are up to before it is too late, and she hopes that it won't come to that. The threat of Bartham Keep is under her jurisdiction, and it would be wise to prevent any undesirable things from happening there. While she doesn't care if outsiders end up killing each other or going to war with one another, as long as they don't come here, she is fine with that.

But they are now here, in this very home—the place she only calls her sanctuary. The very thought of that is unsettling, and Alucard isn't willing to let them just roam around freely in her home without anything observing their actions. Inevitably, they are going to have a confrontation sooner or later, either with her or Garnet.

Deciding to prepare herself for the worst, she only hopes that Garnet will be careful in talking to them and shower her with reports for any suspicion, even though she is pretty sure that the pixie will do fine in handling them. After all, she is a lot smarter than she appears to be, and she is very capable of finding out any wrongdoing that outsiders do.

Despite being the mistress of the castle, she feels uneasy about all of this, feeling that she is forgetting something important in her mind but cannot think of it. A mere worry and frustration of the unknown: what will happen if they betray her or attempt to use her?

Those thoughts plague her mind; there are so many possible scenarios running through her head that even the thought of them makes her want to throw up. For a moment, she had to cover her mouth to prevent doing so, wanting to not think about those horrendous thoughts any longer. Despite that, Alucard still wonders how this will turn out in the end.

"I hope they won't be trouble," she continued to think to herself as she tried to relax her body, "or else..." Thinking of all the possible outcomes of having her best friend harmed, she had to make sure that nothing would happen to Garnet. "I will kill them."

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