Chapter 32

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Alucard couldn't do anything other than lay inside her tent, broken and defeated from what she had done to the man who nurtured her, if she was actually his daughter. It's all her fault; everything that led up to this point was her doing, not anyone else's. She should have known better about bringing a human.

Curled up in this tent, being wrapped in blankets with her eyes closed, she stared forever into nothingness, barely able to register anything else that was happening outside as her mind was consumed with self-loathing and guilt about how the situation would have been avoided if she had asked for his blood or forced him to stay here instead.

Humans are fragile and weak; Adam wasn't a fighter like her or even the soldiers and warriors that fought battles, but he was strong in his own way. Strong enough to be a protector, defending his loved ones from harm, even at the cost of his life if he must do so.

That was why she didn't want to lose him; no matter what happened, she would do anything to prevent it from happening. That is why she couldn't accept that she was too late to save him.

She could set up a summoning ritual for him to resurrect it, but doing so would turn him into a vampire like her or require some expensive payment in return. He wouldn't want that. Or would he? The pros of being a vampire outweigh any negative side effects of being undead.

They would live for hundreds of years and become more powerful than ever before, at the cost of waiting for hundreds of years to have their weaknesses slowly fade into nonexistence as they grow stronger than ever before.

There were risks involved, though, depending on how much time they spend as vampires and how long they wait for their weaknesses to be vanquished by time itself. They are immortal creatures of the night that surpass any living human or creature in existence. It isn't without its downsides, though.

Making him a vampire is an easy task, unless his daughter allows him to get near his body. The main problem that prevents Alucard from making Adam into a vampire is that the girl is highly protective of him and unwilling to let anyone else near his body. Seeing how dire this situation is, she believed it was the right thing to do.

Who wouldn't want to become a vampire?

Many humans she has encountered in the past have graved immortality for eons, wanting nothing more than to live forever from their short mortal lives and feel stronger than any living creature alive in this world. Their superior beings cannot be killed by most things in the world and gain all sorts of perks that make them nearly impossible to kill or destroy with their speed, strength, and regenerative abilities.

Vampires are the incarnation of physical perfection, physically strong enough to bend steel with ease, effortlessly lift cars with one hand, or even punch through brick walls with their bare fists. Their senses are heightened beyond human standards, making them capable of hearing a pin drop, smelling a single raindrop from a mile away, and tasting the tiniest particle of dust on their tongue.

Although they completely varied from person to person, some vampires were born as such due to their primal desire to become one despite knowing what they were getting themselves into. They had an almost infinite lifespan, effectively being immortal in nature and not really aging from the point of being created until they met their end by meeting the fate of death.

Not only that, vampires are superhumanly fast and agile, able to dodge gunfire, run across rooftops, and so much more.

Returning to the ritual part, she has some knowledge regarding them, as summoning demons and otherworldly entities is one of the first things an occultist would learn from dwelling in the supernatural. Useful knowledge that could potentially lead her to save Adam from this devastating fate. But it takes so much careful preparation and time to make one happen.

Better yet, why doesn't she turn him into a ghoul by dropping her own blood into his mouth?

Ghouls are minions created when a vampire gives a bit of their blood to another living being, typically a human or animal, and those who drink it turn into one themselves while still retaining their humanity and soul.

Unlike vampires, ghouls lack their weaknesses and are still the same person they are with the addition of heightened strength and endurance, along with the ability to live for a few hundred years with faster healing abilities that close their wounds better than before. However, they are still susceptible to losing their limbs and organs to conventional weapons such as bullets or blades.

They are a lot weaker than vampires, but stronger when compared to humans. Ghouls are still the same person; nothing has changed. Only the vampire blood is pumping into them and giving them strength beyond their mortal limits. She feels tempted to make him one just to save his life, but doing so would likely anger him if he discovered what she had done.

It's conflicting to even think about this; she should be working on turning Adam into a vampire or ghoul while putting aside this strange case, but something tells her she has to do this for his safety. Surely there must be some easier method to make Adam into a vampire, but the ghoul process seems to be easier.

So she will go with that; after all, he will understand her reasons for this and won't blame her for this action she is taking against him. So when he comes back, she'll probably need some good explanation in order to explain herself for saving his life in this way rather than turning him into a ghoul. Besides, she can't let him die without trying her best to prevent it from happening.

Necessary sacrifice that needs to be made in order to save his life and help him recover to see the world again. It's an unorthodox method but effective. She just has to bite her own finger and drop her blood into Adam's mouth to seal his fate as her minion in this world. It's not a big deal, really; it's just one simple solution to the problem at hand.

It might cause her to suffer the consequences as well, though, but that doesn't matter if he lives in this ordeal; that is all that matters to her the most. She isn't the only person worried about him out there when his daughter is sobbing miserably all night and day, waiting for him to return back to life.

Now that he's going to live through this predicament, he might be mad at her, but she knows he will eventually forgive her because he knows how much she cares for him and does want him to survive through this living nightmare of a world they are both unfortunate to live in. Whatever happens, they are still family, and nothing can change that fact between them.

Besides, he won't get angry with her for saving his life this way rather than just becoming a vampire, will he? It might anger him, but after all is said and done, he will probably understand and accept that she did it because she was only trying to save his life from certain death, which is the best option available for him in this time of need. That is what she hopes for anyway, and hopefully he will be fine with it when he wakes up.

As she existed in her tent, smelling the fresh air entering through her nostrils, the sounds of crunching snow approaching from a distance could be heard in the cold air. Turning around was Garnet, and behind her was a humanoid mutant, someone she had never recognized before, almost causing her to draw out her weapon.

"Young mistress, you're finally out!" Her servant joyfully exclaimed, flying towards Alucard, "Listen, I brought someone who can help him." She then turned her head towards the supposed mutant and said, "Come and introduce yourself to my mistress." The pixie gestured for him to come closer while being unaware of the alien features he possessed.

With uncertainty in his steps, he gradually approached her; stopping a few meters away from each other, he said, "I'm Vesh from the planet Koshar and explorer in this parts." He introduced himself, not revealing any important details other than his origin. Alucard could tell by just looking at his face that he wasn't human or a mutant in origin but something else, likely extraterrestrial.

If what he said is true, then she felt rather relieved to hear that; having to deal with another human in a situation like this would make things worse for her if that were the case. Hopefully, the alien had no hostile intent towards them; maybe even friendly if they decide to work together as allies. "Vesh is here to help Adam," Garnet informed, "he's our only hope."

As she listened to the pixie's words, a sense of hope within her began to arise, as she now believed they had a chance to save Adam from his demise. At the same time, she had her own way of saving him and felt rather conflicted about whether the vampire girl should turn him into a ghoul or not. The decision is hers to make, although she didn't have much choice in this predicament anyway.

Nodding, she pointed to the man flat on his back on the ground with his crying daughter by his side. "His over there," Alucard instructed in such a manner that it didn't sound so professional or sophisticated but rather a casual voice, "just be careful with—" Vesh didn't waste any more time; he moved towards them without caring about the world.

Causing Lilim to sense his approaching presence, turning her head to him with a loud growl forming in her throat, eyeing him up and down to see if he was an enemy or not while being taken aback at the sight of Vesh's form. The strange creature simply ignored her gaze and stopped meters away from them, looking down on Adam's unconscious body with analytical eyes.

The mutilated neck was the main problem they seem to be having; this man is severely injured, especially from how much blood he lost. However, the wounds around it appear to have dried up. Questioning himself if this is what they wanted him to come for, he called out to her, glancing at the little pixie from behind who was currently sitting on the palm of Alucard's hand.

"Yeah?!" The tiny fae responded with enthusiasm while looking back at him. "Is this what you wanted me to come for?" The explorer asked her, causing Garnet to stare at him for a moment before nodding with a smile and saying, "Yep!" Vesh then exhaled deeply at this, shaking his head in disbelief as he turneded around, facing towards the.

"Bring him to my ship," he instructs his companions as they look at him with confusion and suspicion in their eyes. "I have a healing pod so to speak," the response he made was filled with more doubt than before but not wishing to object nor waste anymore time arguing with him; they understand this is better than leaving Adam out here to die.

Garnet then flew towards the angry girl, speaking with her in a calm and relaxing voice, "Lilim, I know a way to save your father!" It took some time for the poor girl to calm down as her eyes narrowed, studying her friend's body language to see if it spilled any ill will or deceit from her. Eventually, his daughter lowered her defensive stance and nodded slowly.

"Great!" She clapped her hands together, beaming a smile of optimism, and said, "Let's go then!" Alucard's best friend and servant is always mirthful and enthusiastic when it comes to things that need to be done, often expressing joy and passion about almost anything. Even when times are at their darkest, she still has hope of finding something that will bring light back into their lives.

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