Chapter 14

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For a long time, Alucard managed to get off her throne as she paced around her room with a conflicted expression on her face, thinking about what had happened in the recent past in their conversation between her and Adam, more specifically. That is why she is beginning to feel mixed emotions as a mere human.

On one hand, she can't help but appreciate the man who somehow managed to elevate most of her problems as if her turmoil were suddenly gone or managed from a simple session of therapy. What is worse, the young mistress herself is starting to have feelings of admiration for him. It's a terrifying and confusing experience to think about.

Chomping down on her thumb's nail to relieve some form of stress, the mistress asks herself if she can become friends with him after his generous act. What would he think if she wanted to be his friend? Would he consider it a joke? Would he think that she is nothing but an airhead with too much time to spend?

While she hates humans, something about him separates the brainless fools from the capable and interesting man that she had met, making Alucard believe that perhaps she could make this peculiar human an exception. A questionable thought came across her mind as she thought about how it would affect her view of him if she started to open relationships with people from the outside world.

For a girl who has lived in her lonely castle for centuries and changed her name to bring forth fear in others, she wonders if her dream could finally come true. Where she can find someone to look up to and gain a better understanding of the life she has. Just after their talk, she began to see him as a mentor or even an idol.

A man that seemingly wanted her to be herself and follow whatever dreams or goals she has, a man that seems to understand that there is more to life than just living in her own little world, sheltered and locked away by anyone else, even the outside world itself. This thought had brought a painful realization to someone like her.

What if this isn't the life mom and dad don't want her to live? Life where she can act and live like a normal girl, just to simply enjoy life to the fullest and not worry about the problems that are weighing her down. If so, then everything she had done must have been a mistake all along, perhaps the reason she ended up here.

Adam had given her his advice: to believe in herself and be the person she wanted to be. It's a liberating thought that she should have some control in her life, not just relying on others to help her, but to live freely and guide herself to do whatever she wants, to become what she wants to be, to just simply live life without all the stress or emotions she has felt throughout her life.

Because of that notion, her pacing came to a halt; looking down at the floor with a still conflicted look on her, she asked, " self?" Alucard repeated the words once more, examining them from the inside out, before frowning. "But what would it be?" Clenching her hands in frustration from the uncertainty of what it means to be herself.

Being locked up in this room all day isn't being herself. This sure isn't what she wanted to become or her goals. She is still not at the point where she is comfortable with it, but maybe Adam would help her out with that. A moment of pause came to her as she tried to process what he had said, but before she could think about it further, a familiar voice could be heard from behind.

"Young mistress!" Garnet's loud, grating voice was clear and resounding throughout the entire chamber, causing the vampire to cover her ears and cringe at the sound: "I'm so happy you finally got out of that chair!" Alucard spun in motion to face no other than her best friend, the troublesome of pixie that is staying afloat in the air with her flapping wings.

An annoyed sigh released out of the girl's lips before she smiled warmly in seeing her friend again: "It's good to see you again." She hadn't forgotten about her; the ever-cheerful and friendly pixie was the one that was always there for her no matter what happened, so it was only right to have a great conversation with her after the talk she had with Adam.

Garnet looked at her mistress with a hopeful expression and a bubbly smile in return, saying, "I can't believe he managed to do it!" Exclaiming happily from this revelation, "He totally did it!" She is waving her arms in the air from the pure joy she is feeling, almost like she is having the best time of her life at this very moment.

Slightly blushing from the compliment, Alucard nodded quietly before responding, "You mean Adam?" Her friend had only nodded with a bright smile on her face, "he did," not exactly correct with her words, but she is too happy to care about it right now, "and perhaps I was wrong about him," looking down to the floor once more, feeling conflicted emotions in her heart, "he is unlike the disgusting humans I have encountered."

"Oh, him! Yep! He sure is a—" Garnet stopped for a moment, her eyes beginning to widen from seeing something unexpected; her young mistress is acting strange, almost as if she were embarrassed or timid about speaking of her feelings about the man who helped her sort the girl's feelings and thoughts.

The silence was very apparent, causing the vampire to look up with a look of confusion, red as a tomato. "Garnet?" She asked cautiously, not understanding the sudden stop of her sentence and wanting to ask her friend what it was that had made her so silent all of a sudden, until the pixie let out a chuckle before flying right in front of her face.

Grinning mischievously, "Do him?" The response caused the girl to go haywire, as she was taken back by the question with a face turning redder than ever: "Like him?" Alucard repeated in between breaths, while still trembling and staring at her best friend, trying to process what the pixie just said: "Wha—why would you say that!?"

"Ku ku ku!" Placing her hand over her own mouth, the mischievous pixie continues to laugh while the girl can only scowl in disbelief at her question, making the situation much more than embarrassing. "Don't tell me you actually like him?" The vexatious vampire began to wonder why she would ask such a thing, and it caused her to start sweating bullets. "no! Of course not!" Alucard immediately denied it with a heated voice.

She couldn't believe it! Her best friend is seriously asking her if she has feelings for someone, in fact, someone that had been the only reason she was able to escape from the painful thoughts and sorrows she had been feeling for all this time, "his a stinky, dirty, disgusting human that needed to be put down like the dog he is!" Saying these words with disgust in her voice.

Garnet paused for a moment as she thought about what her mistress had said, but nevertheless, the pixie began to grin once more with a knowing look in her eyes. "Then why are you blushing?" Questioning her mistress with a serious expression on her face, she asked, "What's so wrong with liking a stinky, dirty, and disgusting human?"

"GARNET!" She tried to deny it, but it was already too late, as the pixie was already reading her like a book, causing the poor vampire to put her hands over her own face in embarrassment and turn her body away from her friend, unable to look her in the eyes.

This is not good at all! This is too much to handle, and what's worse is that she is blushing right now!

"Awww...." The pixie had only giggled once more as she flied onto her right shoulder, sitting down. "My best friend is in love!" Joking around in a carefree manner while poking her in the cheek, "and she didn't even notice it until now!" Still teasing her with her words, "This is so precious!" She would have taken a picture of how adorable this is!

"Shut up, I just respect him for what he did for me, okay?" Alucard reasoned out with a serious expression on her face, trying to save herself from further embarrassment. "Of course," Garnet said in a flat tone, trying to suppress her laughter, "whatever you say." Moving her face closer to her mistress, she said, "But I think it's cute!"

"Cute?! CUTE!?" Grinding her teeth angry, "How was anything of this cute?" Being teased by her best friend is one of the worst things imaginable, causing her to grab the pixie from her shoulder and hold her in front of her face, saying, "This isn't cute, Garnet!" Alucard glared at her friend with a stern expression and said, "I'm serious!"

As she said those words, Garnet relaxed her posture before sighing with a concerned look. "It's time for you to apologize after what you did to him, she said with a serious expression on her face as she looked into her best friend's eyes. "It wouldn't be right to leave him in the dark when he helped you sort out your problems," she reasoned out with her, "wouldn't it?"

Her friend's statement was very heartfelt and justifiable. It made The young mistress realize that she did a terrible thing to Adam, by treating him like a piece of trash and hurting him in the process. The vampire can only nod quietly at her words, "I think you are right," letting go of Garnet and wondering if she should apologize to him for what she had done.

She doesn't understand that after being helped by someone other than her best friend, she is acting like an extremely emotionally sensitive person from experiencing a kindness never seen before, especially when it came from an outsider and a human altogether. For an immortal vampire who had lived for many centuries, it would make sense if a human decided to show kindness for the first time.

In fact, she wouldn't doubt it; that would be understandable. "But how?" Alucard questioned her best friend, "I'm nervous of reminding him about pushing him off?" The doubtful girl asked nervously, not wanting to look stupid by asking such a thing in front of someone she had hurt because of her own ego.

"Just say your sorry," Garnet answered with all confidence, "he will understand." The pixie replied with encouraging words, "he's a cold guy from the outside, but from what I've seen of him and his daughter, the human is actually soft and caring on the inside." She didn't really believe it, but hearing her best friend's words was enough to make her feel better.

It is possible that Adam would forgive her, something she hoped would happen. Having pushed him violently and almost killed him if he landed on his neck or head after offering his blood for her, "okay," Alucard finally responded with an affirmative nod, "I'm going to apologize." Feeling much better after clearing her mind of any remaining doubts, she could feel herself becoming more positive than she was before. "But can you come with me?"

Scratching the back of her head, Garnet had only given her mistress a wry smile before saying, "Hmm..." Thinking deeply, the mistress couldn't help but feel nervous about doing so , "you're too shy to do it alone?" Joking around with a knowing look on her face.

"Of course not!" Alucard pouted, feeling extremely embarrassed for even thinking about the idea of asking for assistance to apologize to someone who had helped her. "That's not true! I just want security, that is all!" Explaining herself with a nervous tone in her voice, "And what's wrong with that?"

"Alright, mistress." Garnet immediately responded with her loud voice and cheerful smile on her face, "I'll come with you!" This is going to be a great day, for sure! "And besides," she said, crossing her arms with a smirk on her face, "I can't leave a poor damsel in distress to a strong and sly man that might take advantage of her!" Winking at her mistress after saying that only caused her to grow embarrassed.


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