Chapter 67

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"How's your new home, little guy?"

Adopting this stray dog, Pumpkin, as he named him, he watched the small corgi happily bark in joy at finally having someone adopt him before wagging his tail rapidly before licking at his owner's shoes as a sign of gratitude for getting home, something that most unfortunate pets in the streets are lucky enough to do if they find homes.

Adam smiles warmly at his faithful pet, crouching down and beginning to rub Pumpkin's furry cheeks. "I'm happy to know you're comfortable, especially after I gave you a shower, he says, chuckling as the corgi playfully wiggles his buttocks, making his owner smile from this adorable display before gently picking him up on his arms and standing up.

"Ready to see someone else?" When he said that, the small dog tilted his head in confusion and said, "Don't worry, Pumpkin, she's not going to hurt you, okay?" His fatherly instincts made him confident Pumpkin wouldn't get hurt, and he didn't believe his daughter would ever lay a finger on him for malicious means.

She's a child too, after all; Adam believed his own children shouldn't be blamed for their own ignorance or actions when they were still growing up, as long as they learned from their mistakes in life and were aware of what was good or bad.

Barking once more on his master's arms, Pumpkin couldn't help but feel giddy from meeting a new family member, under the impression of being excited to get to know other good people who might become his new best friends. A place he once feared would only consist of cold pavement filled with hunger and hopelessness is now his safe haven filled with warmth, kindness, and unconditional love.

Nodding with a smile, he carried his dog from the kitchen to his daughter's room, stopping just in front of her door and saying, "Sweetie?! Are you awake?" Adam knocked thrice, calling out his daughter's name, waiting patiently for a response until hearing footsteps inside as a confirmation of someone awoken from sleepiness.

Having prepared himself to introduce Pumpkin to his beloved daughter as she suddenly opened the door and widen her eyes at seeing an unfamiliar canine staring back at her, making both the two tilt and stare each other in confusion until Adam chuckled lightly once more, breaking the ice as he knelt down and dropped the little guy off on the floor.

"This is your new friend, Lilim," he introduced her as Pumpkin curiously walked closer towards her, sniffing at her dress before wagging his tail again, beginning to lick at her fingers while barking cheerfully in delight for welcoming his new family member, making the owner pleased from this wholesome display as his daughter just giggled.

"Aaaaa..." Drool came out of the girl's mouth, and she knelt down with her knees touching the floor as she began to gently caress the cute dog's fur while her father watched them in silence, finding this moment more adorable than expected as the dog wiggled his tail even more, feeling delighted by her gentle touch on his body.

Suddenly, she hugged the canine tight against her chest, pressing her face against his body; at first the small canine was uncomfortable, but soon enough he began to reciprocate it by licking at her cheeks repeatedly. She saw this affectionate moment with pure bliss, feeling blessed by having someone else aside from his master love him with affection.

Just the mere sight of this almost made him tear up to the point of lowering his knees down on the floor as he joined their embrace, hugging the both of them in such a sweet display of bonding that even Pumpkin began to bark louder, causing them to chuckle once more in this delightful moment that none of them wanted to end anytime soon.

He loves them, and Adam probably found what it means to be truly loved. Where it symbolizes the deep affection and care given by those around him that he cherished more deeply than ever before. So this is what it means to finally have reunited family again, where his daughter and adopted pet bonded together, causing him to smile wider from this precious moment he is taking part in.

The embrace lasted longer than he expected due to how much he really cares about it, but Adam eventually parted himself from their warm hug, standing up in preparation of starting a new day with his family, saying, "It's time for breakfast, you two," smiling kindly at them before turning himself towards the kitchen to prepare a meal for their nourishment, causing Pumpkin to excitedly jump out of her arms as they followed him afterwards just to get ready for today's plans.

Pumpkin and Lilim watched side by side while he cooked delicious bacon and eggs along with some toast, not minding their curious and watchful gaze. He humming happily for preparing such a healthy breakfast for their nourishment before finally finishing up and giving two toasted breads with eggs and bacon to his family.

The adorable canine quickly chewed the whole bread within an instant, while her daughter took her time in munching it down slowly before gulping it down entirely, causing both to have a satisfied sigh after eating such a satisfying meal. A sight that made her father happy to see, as he had also quickly finished up his portion.

Their corgi barks with his tongue out, grabbing him and his daughter's attention. As the girl hummed in confusion, Adam already knew what he was trying to say from the mere observation of his body language. Even though he is a former psychologist who specializes in the human brain, he is also not lacking in being observant of canine behaviors.

He's thirsty; the poor little guy wants something to drink, and sadly, he doesn't have a dog bowl to begin with. However, he still had cups available, so the dog's owner poured water into one cup for his pet's consumption, which Pumpkin rapidly gulped down by licking the contents clean afterward before panting happily and letting out another bark.

"We're going to visit the veterinarian and then the bank; after that, we go head home," he informed his family as Lilim gasped with wide eyes and the corgi happily wagged his tail; understanding what they must, which caused Adam to nod in confirmation, "both of you stay close to me and don't leave my sight," his stern command received a nod from her and the dog's bark.

Sighing in relief, "Okay, let's go," without wasting any time, Adam led them out of the room and into the quiet hallway with his family following behind him, entering the elevator, in which he then pressed the button that would lead them back to the first place, where the main lobby is located; Adam whistled calmly until it opened once again while exiting inside, just to glance at the face of the receptionist at the counter waving them.

"Nice day, isn't it!?" The friendly receptionist greeted them cheerfully, and Adam responded with a simple response, "It sure is," while his daughter waved her hand in return of the greeting gesture as they finally headed outside, where the bright warm rays of light from the sun shortly blinded them temporarily while Pumpkin whimpered in response.

As their vision slowly cleared, the sounds of colors and visions returned to their senses, revealing the same bustling activity that occurred everywhere across Hope City, just like always, with vehicles zooming by while pedestrians either chatted or conversed with one another and the diverse appearances they have, some mutants and others human.

"Oooohhh," she curiously marveled in fascination, taking every detail around her surroundings, gazing around like a curious kitten, tugging lightly onto her father's trench coat just to grab his attention; "aaaww..." Her impression switched to fear of the unknown, and she started to feel overwhelmed by the dozens of noises blaring in her ears.

Seeing her distressed state, Adam knew exactly what she was thinking or feeling at this moment. In a reassuring voice, he said, "Don't be scared, dad is here to protect you," his comforting words successfully easing her nervousness little by little just to stare back at him with trust; "come on," guiding them across the crowded sidewalk with her still clutching tightly on his trench coat just to protect herself from harm or getting lost while Pumpkin followed alongside them.

It has been while he has been walking with his family, pondering something in his head about this forgotten event that he has yearned for so long. A memory he wished to replay all over again, remembering those blissful moments they shared together just like today until tragedy happened.

How long has he spent with his daughter other than protecting and caring for her? Months, perhaps years?

He doesn't remember; time surely flew by after everything happened, and yet he wishes for another chance to redeem himself, just to bring happiness and joy once again to not only himself but to others.

Likewise, the fear of knowing how she must've felt during those traumatic times still haunts him deeply within his conscience; seeing how traumatized she became to the point that her growing fear and anxiety in public places is beginning to take effect on her everyday life, causing him to constantly worry about her whenever she has nightmares at night.

Better yet, she is always dependent on him, resulting in his questioning whether she will ever have a family of her own and become an ordinary girl someday, just like the time when his daughter was happily playing snowball fight with him all those years ago, one of the most impactful and happiest times he had.

Where Lilim was being Lilim, being cheerful and playful as they viciously attacked each other in throwing said snowball, Eve cheerfully waited for their daughter to beat him in this friendly game that resulted in him continuing to use all he got, eventually surrendering after she joined up with his opponent and teaming up together just to finish him off, laughing gleefully with Eve hugging her just to congratulate their flawless victory.

He missed that memory so much; the laughter of their faces still echoed within his head, not wanting to admit they were gone; replaced with her being dead and his daughter turning into an infantile state; seeing the girl regress back to the mind of a baby due to whatever brain damage Lilith had caused from kidnapping her.

Adam is curious about what that succubus did to her, but he prefers not to know how it happened because, knowing how depraved and wicked his adopted mother is, it surely wouldn't be anything good or pleasant at all. That woman certainly ruined his daughter's mind permanently, as his poor child wasn't herself anymore.

Whatever happened, he needs to focus on the present, as mentioned before, where the healing and repairing of his life is what matters most in all of this, regardless if he must bear all these tragedies throughout his life once again just to find his happiness once more after losing it in his previous life, seeing as how fate truly enjoys testing him repeatedly for reasons unknown just to torment him forever.

Finally arriving at the small building after noticing the neon sign saying 'Dog Care', he led them in front of the entrance, where its exterior looked clean with windows reflecting lights inside, just to notice some dogs and owners walking back and forth within the lobby as the color of the walls and surfaces were bright shades of brown and black.

"This must be it," he muttered under his breath, knowing this must be the place. Even though Adam should have headed to the bank first in order to pay for the work these staff put in, he's the type to get what he wants, regardless of the laws. Using his psychology knowledge, he won't have trouble convincing them.

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