Chapter 20

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The sounds of gunfire and screaming people rang in the air as his eyes flashed opened wide from the sudden noises that invaded his ears, waking up in the process with his attention focused on his cowering daughter at the corner of this bedroom, fearfully kneeling down with her hands over her ears to try and block out the noise.

"What the hell is going on?!" Adam can't think of anything else at this point, gunfire and screams echoing across the castle. He is probably hallucinating things but seeing how his wide awake and her frightened state, there is no doubt in his mind that mysterious group of people is besieging the place.

Either way, he has to get the hell out of here and bring Lilim with him. Hopefully, they will escape unscathed from this battle. Jumping off the bed, Adam quickly scurried off the bed and headed towards his fearful daughter, grabbing her wrist before forcefully yanking her to her feet, "we're getting out of here, now!" Adam loudly shouted to her as she is too frightened to move or even speak.

Stopping in his tracks when he heard a loud banging noise from the other side of the door, causing Adam to turn around and look at it with deep concern, seeing that the door is shaking from the sheer force of a few people outside trying to break it down as voices of several men and women cursing them to come out.

"We know your in there, abomination!" One of them said, their voices muffled through the door, "surrender now and we may grant you a swift death!" It is evident that these people are not afraid to kill and Adam is all too familiar with this kind of people, judging from their tone. Adam was tempted to open them and speak with these assailants.

His hesitant at first, not knowing whether they will outright shoot them right away if he did open the door. But seeing that Lilim is in fear, he must do something, even if it means to sacrifice himself to protect her. Walking to the door with his hand firmly grasp on her wrist, not feeling up to the task in doing it.

Should he try? It wouldn't hurt to right? His sure that he will survive but what about his daughter? What would happen if he did open the door, so many scenarios could transpire if he did so, some good and some bad, in fact, even no good or bad at all. And as much as he hates to admit it, he is terrified of this situation.

Damn it, Adam, stop thinking about it and just do it already! His not ready to lose their lives, but what else can he do? To protect Lilim and save her from whatever harm these people may bring to them? It is better to die with dignity than to live in fear. Adam know he has to do this, but how and could he bring himself to do it?

"Fine! Have it your way!" Woman's voice yells outside the door, prepared to break it down and entering this room with their obscure intentions, Adam immediately look at Lilim, seeing her in fear and concern. That is when he noticed sudden shrieks and cries of people being stabbed left and right as gunfire echoed throughout the hallway.

Few bullets passed through the walls and them, luckily the projectiles missed the both of them by mere inches, allowing Adam to realize what is going on outside. These people are not here to app them, but to kill them or worse, kidnap and torture for the sake of their own beliefs, something that he can't allow to happen.

Then sounds of blades clashing against each other, battle is happening out of their room and neither one of them knows who is fighting who. It is a full-blown war outside and the only thing Adam can do is think of something and hope for the best in this situation, hoping that they will survive this and find another place to stay in.

Suddenly, everything came quiet outside of their room as loud echoing footsteps reached towards their, creating couple of gentle knocks on the door, knowing whether it is not an enemy or an ally. Slowly, he reached the door knob, turning it to reveal a drenched Alucard covered with blood all over her suit.

"Your both alive," sigh of relief escaped her lips, smiling from seeing them unharmed by the sounds of gunfire and screams. Shaking her head in dismay, "we need to get out of here, the order of Solomon has decided to besiege my very home," her teeth was bare, grinding angrily from the fact that they are going to pay for this.

Hearing her last sentence, he almost froze his spot; Adam have heard about them before, bunch of fanatics and thugs preying on innocent people, too engrossed in their own beliefs or religion to the point that they couldn't see a bigger picture than themselves, "why?" He asked, not understanding the reason for such attack.

Snickering from his question, "I don't know but either way, I will make sure they will pay dearly for this," Adam saw how she gritted her teeth, anger flowing through her veins as she speaks, "come with me," grabbing his available hand, leading them out of the room and across the hallway, making him feel uncomfortable from how her tight grip is on his hand.

"Where are we going?" Adam asked as they were dragged by the enraged vampire while Lilim is still terrified of the loud noises reverberating throughout the gothic castle, causing her to let of his hand and wrapped around her own arms onto his dangling arm, holding onto him for dear life from the terrible situation they have gotten themselves into.

She spoke without much restrain from her voice, "to get Garnet before we leave this place," the young mistress stated, giving him a side glance before turning toward her walking direction, "and when we find her, I'll make sure to kill these human vermin while we are at it," Alucard seethed through her teeth, still in an angry mood.

His face soften from hearing such words, knowing what she means by it. He knows vengeance and hate, having experienced those two emotions since he was a child and still do today, but seeing her like this, he almost wanted to comfort her for the troubles she is going through. No person, especially someone like her should be filled with such dark emotions to control her heart.

He was about to speak before they were forced to stop, seeing adult man with bald head and burnt patch on his face armed of wielding warhammer, blocking their path towards the end of the hallway, his eyes focused on Adam for moment before switching to the vampire in front of him.

"Abomination," Duncan hissed before eyeing Adam and Lilim with displeasure from seeing them in such a place, "you should not be here," he said to him, grim expression as he points the hammer towards them, "using these poor humans as servants for your evil stead, monster?" He inquires to the young mistress.

Removing her hand from him with rapier on the other pointing at him in return, "I would say the same for you, vermin," Alucard smirked before getting into a battle stance, showing no mercy to this man. Adam wanted to step in and stop them from fighting but isn't sure if he should get involved in their matters.

"Very well," The man has his own battle stance as well, "but remember that you will not be the only one who will die here," he pointed the hammer at the father and daughter, "and once I am done with her, I will slaughter the both of you for associating with the mere presence of this...thing!" Declaring his threat to them before launching himself towards the young mistress.

Their weapons clash against each other as Adam just stood there, watching the battle unfold in front of him. Moving at high-hypersonic speeds, She is far faster than him and has the advantage of speed and quick reflexes. Adam did nothing as he just stood there, watching the two of them fight with care and precision, striking and parrying each other in the process, moving at unbelievable speed that leaves him in awe.

It is as if they are dancing in their own way to a strange rhythm of their own, fighting for dominance over each other as their weapons stroke against each other. Their weapons creating sparks as they continue to fight, watching show that only a handful of people can see. Adam felt something for them, and not because he is with his daughter but from what is going on in front of him.

Fighting to protect one another and the other, for cause. Conflicting purposes and missions that goes against each other. Yet, here they are, simply forced to fight because of their ideology and beliefs. Beliefs that goes against one another, fighting with care and precision as if they know each other for years.

"Its over for you, vampire!" Raising the warhammer in this moment, Duncan quickly brought it down, only to pass through afterimage of her as he tried to strike her with it, causing his weapon to land onto the floor instead, creating large crater. Realization then came to him but it was to late, the fight was already over.

Blood drip down from his forehead, forcing him to let go of his weapon, taking couple of step backs as she was standing at his side, looking at her defeated with victorious smile plastered on the mistress's face. Taking another step toward him before pulling out her rapier that was stabbed right through his frontal nerve, tearing it in the process, allowing him to have few seconds of consciousness.

"," Duncan's words left his mouth as blood spew out from his mouth as he collapsed on his back, dying instantly from the blow. Seeing him fall, Adam just stood there, frozen with look of indifference. On one hand, his glad that they are alive but the other, is angry at himself for not trying to solve their problems peacefully.

Another sigh escaped her lips as she stares at the corpse for moment, thinking quietly at the short fight they just had, she can't imagine from having to see the eyes of a human with so much conviction and hatred against someone like her, familiar feeling she herself has had over the years in living this life.

Person who feels anger and hatred, hurt and pain, coldness and betrayal, something she sympathies with for experiences she had to endure in her life. Something that everyone will have to face in some way or another, but seeing him die from her own hands after having so much hate towards her.

It is almost like she is killing herself by doing so, all the pain and suffering she went through, all of it was because of humans. Just remembering the atrocities she went through for the sake of revenge is enough to make her think thoroughly about the choices she has made to this very day.

Humanity has done nothing but making her life a living hell, all because they are afraid of the unknown, of the mystical and supernatural. If only they knew that she was once human herself, then perhaps things would be different.

Bah! What is she trying to say here? Humans are humans, vermin and filthy in every aspect, their hateful towards supernatural beings and in turn, to her because she is an enigmatic creature that brings so much fear into their hearts. And in her right, she shouldn't try to have sympathy towards them because of the wrongdoings they have done to her. They deserve everything they get.

But not him as she glance behind her, looking at the conflicted Adam who just stands there, unsure of what to do or say, nor how to act in this situation. This very man is unlike the humans and associating him with these beasts will only bring her nothing but trouble. She knows that for a fact and yet, she also knows that he made her realize something.

Not all humans are bad despite how barbaric they are, he had shown her that few rare humans are capable of reason and understanding, traits she respect from these savages, unlike the humans she has encountered in the past. Seeing him make her feel this way is something she did not want to admit, yet, here she is, feeling indecisive and conflicted on what to describe him other than respected mentor.

"Is something the matter?" Adam turn his gaze at her, conflict turn worry from the sight of seeing the vampire girl frozen in her spot, wanting to know the reason for her sudden behavior, especially after killing that man who tried to stop them from escaping their grasps in leaving this place, causing the young mistress to snap out of her trance before putting her rapier back into its scabbard, giving him a look of utter indifference, "nothing," her response was curt as she tried to act as if nothing happened, but Adam knew already from the mere glance of her facial expressions.

"Don't lag behind," she said to her companions from behind, not bothering to look at them as she walked away from the scene and toward of this hallway, resulting Adam and his daughter to silently follow behind her, intending to find Garnet and get out of this place before they have more visitors from them.

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