Chapter 95

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The faster he goes, the less he could hear Miller's cries of wanting his partner and friend to stop at no avail with Adam's only mind is heading straight back to the hospital and check his daughter; wanting to confirm to himself if Lilim is fine, to see if she is sleeping peacefully or injured from the attack of The Deviler, having his own set of paranoia of what if something had happened to her while he was absent.

Couple of bystanders begin to appear more as passing vehicles do the same, paying no mind of their surroundings. Tension grew in the streets and the civilized environment became clouded with uncertainty and uneasiness while everyone seem to walk without a care in the world.

This sudden mood wasn't evident to see for a certain man running, not slowing down or showing any stop in his quest to get to the hospital, that didn't stop this man from getting to the destination he sought, having to ignore the strange atmosphere surrounding the neighborhood in his pursuit to arrive.

Due to the growing crowd of people walking in the sidewalk, he shoved and pushed his way through them; resulting some to get angry and shout. Though, he didn't care and continued on, all he thought about was of Lilim, the only child and family he had left.

Adam couldn't careless if he cause scenes or did things that doesn't sit right on the citizens, his mind is focus in one destination and nobody is going to stop him from doing that; not even a horde or group of people and citizens trying to interfere with his goals.

As he made a sharp turn, his feet pounded on the pavement, not noticing a stranger that walked the opposite direction. When he came close, his shoulder had bumped the stranger who is carrying a couple of bags of groceries; resulting them to drop their items and curse in disappointment and anger.

"Watch it! Asshole!" The man yelled, growling and shouting at him who just ran past them, "I just bought some fucking food and you had to ruin it, damn it!" Rightfully mad, the man cursed as he realized that a can of beans fell to the ground.

Though, those were the least of Adam's concerns right now, his mind is focused in getting to the place and he can't feel sorry right now when his daughter is endangered. Emergencies over politeness is one of things he can't put aside as a logical person in critical matters, he kept on going.

Just a mile, short mile and he would arrive, a mile of unnecessary trials and dangers, but he is willing to do anything to see her alright. Selfish he is, but its an exception to prove his care toward someone that matters to him greatly and another death will not satisfy him nor would he come to ever forget it.

Eventually he arrived to his destination, stopping just in front of the very building as he catch his heavy breath for a few minutes, sweat is seen dripping from his forehead to the floor, not caring what people see or how he looks like at the moment.

"I'm here, everything is going to be okay," he reassured to himself, knowing that there's no way anyone could have gotten pass the entrance that easily; even then, the security of the place is usually tight and the risk of an attack would be unlikely in a high ranking hospital, at least that's the kind of belief Adam has on these places.

Of course, that isn't the case. He already knew they have no security at all and this is simply just his mind playing tricks on him, but it doesn't change the fact the his daughter might be in danger and likely have failed to get it her in time.

Before he entered the hospital, firm and tight hand grabbed his shoulder, "huh?" Confusion spawned on his face as he turned around only to be punched at the face, knocking him off the ground as blood escaped from his nose and mouth, dropping him on the ground on his back in few meters.

"Now are you going to listen!?" Miller tiredly said, exhausted of chasing him in the streets for the last minutes, his extended fist and tense body showed how long he had been in running after his panicked colleague, "you can't just run ahead like that, that's not how we do things," his panting increased as Adam was bewildered, still lying on the floor.

Sitting upright, Adam covered his bleeding nose with one hand before responding with look of regret on his voice, "I'm sorry," he apologized, feeling bad for making Miller and himself to rush in the city like this, "I was worried and I wasn't thinking straight, I shouldn't have done that," the guilt increased as his hand slowly removed to touch the bloody injury, but he endured the pain, "I am really sorry..."

The boss man sighed with nod in his head, glancing around to see few numbers of growing bystanders beginning to surrounding them with all mix of emotions, mainly shock and surprise in what they had witnessed off at this night of the hour.

Seeing bunch of people whispering among themselves from this spectacle, Miller wasted no time in walking towards him before helping him stand up, grabbing Adam's arm as they head straight inside the hospital, allowing moment of peace after what had just happened outside.

Adam's first thoughts was how his instincts didn't kick in to dodge the attack, having been with him since day one. But now they appeared to not be here anymore nor could he sense anyone. It feels like they disappeared because of the gift he gotten from them.

Regardless, this isn't important anymore as they finally entered the building; his main concern is this very situation, for what they saw was something the two shouldn't have gone into without much preparations, not at all, it was utter chaos of human bodies everywhere on the floor, traces of blood pooling beneath the tiles, and destroyed desks and objects is an sight the two would never have expected in a hospital of all places.

Letting of the young man's arm, Miller could only watch in horror as bullet holes were decorated around the walls and there was an amount of pools of blood in the middle of the halls. His breathing turned heavy, but he didn't panic, not yet, there had to be an explanation for this or at least a survivor or two.

However, Adam could only feel powerful ache in his stomach; knowing brutal massacre has occurred just moments ago, the sick and weak were gunned down without mercy; show of these psychos brutality and even lack of empathy is the evidence of his experience and what's to come.

"Christ," Miller felt sick in his stomach of seeing something like this happened in his city that he swore to protect, "is this...what the ritual shown you?" Glancing at his friend in hopes of getting the confirmation. "Yeah..." the first word was said from his partner's lips, the reality sinking in and yet there is no sadness or grief in this moment of weakness.

"It doesn't make any sense," shaking his head in denial as to not believe, but the horrifying atmosphere proved him otherwise, "torturing others is one thing but murdering innocents is too far," his concerned gave place as he begins to question the situation, believing the cult has reached to a new level, "this sick bastard...doesn't even seem to care about human life..."

"I know," Adam coldly agreed, his hands tightened to fists as the reality of this horrible situation is finally settling in for the worst; "whatever the case, I need to see my daughter," showing indifference in being apathetic to the dead corpses and their families.

Noticing this lack of empathy, he turned to him with display of anger on his face, "how could you be so cold, Adam?! Your daughter isn't the only one who suffered the most but also families of these victims!" How could he act this way is beyond him, it's unnatural.

"And what could I possibly do as a now former psychologist?! Change their mood?! Bring their fucking lives back to the living?!" Shouting his response at him from this conversation they are heading into, "I'm no miracle worker, Miller! Do I really have to repeat myself?!" The accented was seen in his aggression, "I am just desperate father who wants to find happiness for the remaining family I have left!" Liquid form in his eyes from a brief moment of sorrow.

His boss watched in silence as he continued his rant, "you want me to go every door in this entire, dumpster of world and ask everyone to stop being bad?! There is no cure nor is there a remedy to our troubles!" Tears of frustration are released from his eyes as they drip on his cheeks, "WE CANNOT FIX SHIT OF WHAT HAS BEEN BROKEN, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!?!"

Stunned by his outburst, Miller could only frown in sympathy and guilt of causing his trusted friend to break down like this, "calm down—"

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?" Baring his teeth in frustration and anger, Adam continued his maddened speech, "this world can never be fixed, we have only descended and worsen since the day we were born into existence!" Grasping his hair in desperation, "can't you see?! Nothing every fucking changes! NOTHING!"

With one sudden move, he spun in motion and ran to where his daughter is; the feeling is unbearable and the temptation to cry is strong, but it won't do much, not until he knows she is safe and sound. Miller could only stare as he moves from sight, unsure if it is best to follow him or not.

"I shouldn't have done that," kicking nearby can on the floor, Miller felt a tinge of remorse at his own stupidity, believing he should've have yelled nor punched his friend like that. He lets out a sigh, closing his eyes for moment, his thoughts only to him and him only. Opening them once again, he takes his cigar, and bites it in his mouth, causing the rest to fall.

"Dammit," he says before coughing after the ash of tobacco entered his throat; causing him to try in spitting them out much to his chagrin. Once he felt better, Miller robbed his exhausted face from being such dumbass, "I'll just follow him and see what his going to do this time," sighing, he said to himself while headed straight to the hall of his friend's destination.

"Bloody bastard," Miller muttered as he navigated through the corpses. Walking past them, the smell of rotting flesh and blood were apparent in his nose, causing his face to shrivel in disgust while cluttered and destroyed objects were found like shattered computers or lamps; it was clear this monster had something else in store, "god, the smell."

He could've sworn his eyes were playing tricks on him, but he restrained those emotions, not wanting his pride to fail him. The slaughter was a gruesome ordeal for someone like him, but he pressed on as a promise was to be kept in protecting the weak and defenseless.

Part of him hoped there would be survivor in this hospital but knowing that monster, he doubt mercy would in the table when the serial mutilator, now turned serial killer is in question. He's cruel, callous, merciless and a psychopathic monster that can't resist any chance of torture for his twisted philosophy.

Now his killer? This is new for someone like himself, change of pattern isn't natural, and he could've sworn that guy was simply torturer not a person that kills. Still, he will get the bottom of this once he reached to where his friend went to.

Anyways, Walker's son could only pray that the very person he started working with has his daughter safe and sound, praying that his guts are wrong and that she's okay. But deep down, he know this wishful thinking is wrong and is unlikely to happen, there is little hope, and it was already lost when they found these corpses and injuries.

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