Chapter 98

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"Get a hold over yourself Adam," he repeated over and over as his driving became more frantic, causing him to go faster in speeds while narrowly avoiding multiple cars from crashing into them, trying his best to hold his humanity together.

He cannot allow his inner darkness to get unleashed again; the cost is too great. As he continued his driving through the city, ignoring all those around him as he did so while barely surviving near misses, luck seemed to have favored him thus far.

But that luck seemed to be inferior to his calling of chaos as his lips slowly twitched to a demented wide smile; bare teeth glinted from the incoming light source that blinded his vision briefly until passing another street ahead; his hands gripped tightly over the steering wheel, knuckles turning white as the curse took over more of his will.

Before long, whatever compassion or empathy he has left is beginning to be subdued by the evil that is growing from his heart. What little good was inside his mind and body began to diminish, forcing him to start laughing as the corrupting influence started to fully control him.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." laughter grew louder and more sinister-sounding, sending chills down the spines of those who passed by hearing his insane cackling. He turned his wheel to the nearest sidewalk, where the unfortunate bystanders screamed for their lives in fear of being hit and killed in such a horrendous fashion.

Despite that, he continued driving crazily, smiling insanely as he continued to laugh psychotically at nothing particular, driving through the running crowd on the sidewalk before being brutally ran over by his vehicle, causing their bodies to fly across the air, crash through nearby buildings, or be crushed flat on the ground with trails of blood splattering after.

Why can't he stop? Oh god, someone please help—This is fucking amazing; why can't he just enjoy himself right here!? Yes, this is fun—seeing this wonderful chaos unfold under his very own eyes! Ah hahaha...the screaming voices in front of him intensified tenfold, increasing his madness all the further while making sure his vehicle was accelerating to maximum speed.

When his driving became reckless, Adam crashed through random store windows, surviving as his now beloved vehicle became bloody beyond repair due to smashing and destroying everything within the vicinity with such destructive force. He laughed maniacally after witnessing destruction; the horror and terrified cries of people screaming in sheer agony brought joy to his darkened heart.

Kicking the door with inhumane strength, he exited the vehicle only to be greeted by rows of firearms, having crushed himself into the gun store much to his amusement despite nearly dying from car crush. The sigh of these weapons brought so much exhilaration to his brain that he wanted to pull his eyes out, drooling at them like an animal salivating at meat.

Grabbing a semi-automatic rifle and ammo along with a molotov in his pocket before leaping through the air in the open, Adam then immediately pulled the trigger and started shooting at the fleeing bystanders, killing some in quick succession. His grin never once left his face while he rampaged throughout the streets of Hope City.

The thundering storm and the sound of his rifle echoed across the city. He gunned down the people below without hesitation, enjoying the screams of death and agony of the innocent people as his laughter intensified more than ever before.

Heavy rain poured upon his clothes and skin, drenching him, but he paid no mind to it and continued with his mayhem and bloodbath, killing all in sight in the never-ending goal of satisfying his twisted desires; his insanity, his darkness, had won at last as this event would soon herald his rebirth.

But there is still one thing in his sick head: getting his daughter back, and nobody is going to stop him; no one is going to even scratch him as his lust for blood can no longer be stopped anymore. He doesn't care how many he kills and slaughters in his rampage, just as long as it satisfies his bloodthirsty violence for satisfaction.

Some armed individuals started to fire back, wearing their Kevler armor, which made him believe they belonged to the enforcers. Of course, he doesn't care who or what they are; all that matters is the blood flowing across the ground.

Even the ones that had tried to run away were gunned down by him in cold blood as he cackled his own psychotic laugh at the very top of his lungs, no longer trying to suppress it any longer. The children weren't even spared; instead, their cries for help were more delightful as he ended their lives without mercy, enjoying the look of despair and fear in their eyes as he did so.

So many screams, so many screams of death—it was so delicious! The fear of their own lives was so intoxicating that he began to cry tears of joy. This is the first time in a long while he felt such exhilaration and pleasure from killing, seeing their blood spatter across the air and their insides spill out onto the ground.

Adam couldn't stop no matter what; he easily dodged their storm of bullets before shooting them with precise shots that easily killed those unfortunate armed individuals without knowing when or how. His reflexes, speed, strength—everything is enhanced to such an incredible degree that he doesn't look or move like a human.

The world was screaming with death and destruction, music to his ears as he was the only one laughing amidst all of this chaos and despair, feeling a sense of freedom and excitement as his mouth opened up, his tongue hanging out, drooling at the sight of so much blood while he was grinning ear to ear.

Dozens of corpses were beginning to pile up, both of the innocent and the armed enforcers; however, he was so lost in his own mania that he forgot about the part of being shot multiple times all across his body, which, under normal circumstances, should have left him dead or at least incapacitated.

Yet here he is, still alive, feeling intense pain, but instead of fear, it was pleasure. Something he never expected to receive. The sound of sirens rang through the air as more of those vigilantes were ready to blow his head off in this horrific massacre.

"Yes, yes, yes," grinding his teeth together in a feral manner, Adam spoke in a raspy, dark voice, "Bring them all!" He could feel the blood pulsing through his veins; the adrenaline was surging through his entire body. The thrill of ecstasy as the cries of the dead rang in his ears; he didn't want to stop.

But he can't continue like this; Adam knew the main reason why he was here in the first place and why he was going to that bitch no matter what the cost. Shooting some more innocents while fighting against the growing force of these armed people.

Adam endured many of the shots that went throughout his body from toe to head but still persisted in going, running across the roads at speeds faster than any animal on planet Earth. His senses are extremely sharpened now that he can see everything in perfect clarity, even smelling the scent of blood on his skin and clothing from previous fights, where the rain then washed away any remaining blood traces on his body.

The blood is incredibly beautiful whenever he sees it gush out of the fallen victim's wounds; unable to help himself, he bit his thumb off just to taste such beautiful liquid while trying not to scream in ecstasy and pleasure as he licked it clean.

Some tried to run him over, but thanks to his superhuman agility and reflexes, he managed to outmaneuver them all. Felt like the whole world was simply his playground, able to do whatever he wants as long as he desires it, yet he must not forget his primary objective, the reason he came out here after all.

As he ran from street to street, his vision became blurry with red from the amount of blood that dripped from the corners of his eyes, which he wiped away from the sleeve of his shirt. The bodies lay lifeless on the asphalt in puddles of crimson that mingled with raindrops.

Still maddeningly mad, the feeling of finally being this powerful and not becoming the defenseless he was is invigorating. Loving every moment of it while remembering how weak and pathetic he used to be. All he needed to do was find that abandoned building and get her back to him.

It's always a good thing to remind himself that he must remember to be aware of the environment around him. Even despite how fast and strong he is right now, Adam knew there was a chance that those enforcers were ready to ambush him when he least expected it.

Everything is quiet, too quiet except for the heavy rain and thunderstorms that are raging through the night. He is alone with the silence as the corpses and weapons are scattered all over the street. With him being the cause for this desolate wasteland, where the people were screaming in the depths of his mind.

Noticing a dead dog near its beloved owner, his maniacal expression immediately turned to realization and sorrow before returning back to his insanity; laughing hysterically in a creepy manner as more storms appeared, lightning flashed brightly amongst the sky, making him continue forward, following his inner hunch on his path of carnage with his weapon still in his arms and blood covering most of his body while ignoring the heavy rains hitting his entire being.

After eventually reaching his destination, the tall building stood there as a decaying wreck, crumbling piece by piece as years of neglect and decay took their toll. Once he entered, the place was dark, with cracks and bugs running through the floor. The walls were covered in cobwebs and dust.

However, it wasn't what caught his attention when he entered the broken door, revealing the corpse of The Deviler, his stomach open with intestines spilling out on the ground, and his limbs severed. His burnt face seemed contorted, and his mouth opened wide in horror as if staring right through his soul.

Laying near him was no other than Emily, sobbing miserably about losing the only person she considered a father figure. Unaware that there is someone else on foot, and it isn't the police or the enforcers, but the insane young man himself.

Emily couldn't stop crying, tears pouring down her cheeks uncontrollably at the sight of such horror. Her entire body shivered violently while she tried not to scream loudly before she was met with silence after Adam announced his presence.

"Heeeey there, lovely," the voice was filled with malice, losing any trace of sanity in such a cold manner, "how are you doing? It's been so long since I saw such a beautiful sight as yourself...don't worry though, we'll be having so much fun together," he said, grinning madly ear to ear.

She immediately turned, shocked to see this person again, but this time, the Adam she knows isn't himself anymore. It was demented and insane, with drooling from his own mouth and eyes filled with madness and crazed expressions on his face.

Slowly, he moved toward her, his head twitching in excitement and his hands grasping his rifle tightly. Emily couldn't do anything as she couldn't move, paralyzed with fear of his very presence, and only watched him walk closer, breathing heavily while making his way towards her.

Adam stopped in front of her crying form, bringing the firearm at her head and saying, "Say cheese." He was about to press the trigger only to stop himself from doing the act as his humanity slowly fought back against the evil influence, giving him enough to speak properly.

"Get the fuck out of here!" Screaming loudly from his desperation to maintain control, "Are you listening?" The young man tried his best to resist his inner darkness, hoping to bring her into safety despite knowing that the little girl deserved to die.

"Why...?" Her tears continued to flow, unable to comprehend why this person wanted to let her live after everything she had done: "Your sparing me?" The confusion shown on her childish expression, having difficulty comprehending the man's actions, "but you're not supposed to show me mercy..."

Panting heavily while gritting his teeth at such a thought, his whole body was shaking violently from the infighting of gaining control. "Because I believe, I don't—you deserve a second chance," he said slowly while keeping his hand firmly grasped at the gun, afraid to kill another person.

Nodding with understanding, she stood before wiping her tears, saying, "But what's happening with you? You seem—" Emily was erupted by the change in his demeanor; although he still had his sanity, the young man could feel it coming back.

"DON'T YOU WORRY ABOUT ME! JUST GO, FIND A BETTER PATH TO CHOOSE INSTEAD OF THIS; PROMISE ME, YOU LITTLE PIGGY!" interrupting Emily's question. He gave an insane laugh, finding amusement in seeing how far his journey had brought him to her.

"I promise," she said without second hesitation, fleeing from the scene, leaving him to his own devices to get to the roof and confront the very person who is likely holding his daughter hostage. swearing to painfully kill the person responsible.

When she left, Adam unsuccessfully failed in holding off the corrupting influence. Bringing back his twisted self, moaning while drooling like the savage he is, Adam made his way up the stairs with one thing in mind: "Its about time."

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