Chapter 36

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Lilim slept peacefully with her back and head resting on the glass door behind her, unaware of the surroundings around her in this medical room, blissfully unaware of everything happening in this world, dreaming happily about something her companions won't be able to comprehend anyways, especially when neither of them are able to read minds or enter dreams.

The young mistress stood in front of her, guarding the only thing that separates between her and his daughter. She was planning to move her, open the hatch as the green water rapidly exists out of the pod before putting her own blood into his mouth, allowing the very man who she looked up to be turned into ghoul; therefore saving his life.

But the problem lies if she should and would it be considered a crime against his will?

Of course not, she finds it necessary to save his life for everything he had done to her. She probably had said this many times but she needed someone like him to have at least one part of him left and be able to give her a reason to live.

His like father to her, a loving and sweet parent that strongly reminds her of human past; showing her how fortunate they were with people who provide them unconditional love and care throughout their lives, proving that such thing does truly exist in this frozen world. No matter how much the world tries to pull her down with it, he always reminds her to keep going.

And this was enough for reason to do anything in order to keep him alive. Even if he resents and hates her for doing this, then as long his alive; she wouldn't mind if he chooses to hate her forever in turning him a ghoul. While she would try to reason him after his transformation and if the chance he doesn't, she might have to live up with the consequences she created.

Now the first thing in mind is getting this over with, although removing his daughter from her spot would be difficult task. The girl wouldn't budge along with her hatred towards someone like herself, understandably because she thought that the person carrying Adam was entirely her fault.

To bad the girl only relied on her instincts and feelings, never understanding why Lilim never speak nor the reason of her mental deficiency. Its a curious take of how someone so stupid in misunderstanding the situation after she had decided to attack her for believing that it her fault. Although, Alucard would prefer if his daughter was more presentable than being mindless brute.

The audacity of this creature, resulting to violence without any explanation and simply resorting to nothing but hostility against someone who just saved her father's life. That was enough to make the vampire see red in anger, ready to use all means necessary to forcibly remove the sleeping girl at any cost.

Glaring at her, she doesn't understand why the man would care so much for useless dead weight. Honestly, why doesn't he just ditch her and give herself as his new daughter. She is more smarter, capable and powerful compared to the girl, being able to outmatch even the most powerful vampire in the world.

There is reason renaming herself Alucard was good thing, the reversed name of infamous Dracula who were told in legends to be a monster among monsters. Unlike him, she isn't afraid of anyone or anything that gets in her way. Also, the name sounds cool compared to the old fart who impales his enemies all day.

Associating herself with brutal and dangerous warlord from ancient human past was enough for outsiders to leave her home alone, making sure they won't come and try in doing something so foolish they resulted their untimely death at her own two hands. In addition, she will do anything in order to protect those she consider to be family.

"Shesh, your spoiled," lowly the vampire, unable to fathom the girl's lack of usefulness in protecting and caring her own father, something she detest more than anything else. "A piece of trash like you will never even compare to me, " boastfully speaking as she quietly approaches closer towards Lilim, "but I suppose your still consider to be valuable asset and...friend," briefly hesitated until he sighed.

As much she wants to pull her away, something inside her mind refuses to. Its if some part of her is consciously aware that this girl may be the only remaining family member of Adam. Hurting her is means of disrespecting the girl's father as well, which she herself didn't like in slightest. Moreover, waking her up will lead more problems.

She needs to think of something that doesn't evolve opening the glass door, a way to silently open a wound on her wrist to let the blood enter in, saving Adam in the process as long there is simple cell of her entering inside him, his transformation to ghoul will be near instantaneously and that is all it matters to her the most.

Wait, why haven't she thought of that in the first place?! That came out of nowhere but was efficient idea as it allows, now how is she going to put her blood inside the pod without having to break it? A sharp blade would do it but cutting glass would result the rest of its mysterious liquid to leak out, causing the situation to worsen instead.

"There must be a way..." She quietly moved around the pod, finding any holes or small opening for her blood to pour in without making too much noise or damage of his healing pod. The mistress doesn't wish to accidentally destroy this alien machine that is seemingly easing his mutilated neck from pain.

Nothing, nothing, nothing!

Having checked every side of the healing pod, carefully inspecting it while being cautious as possible not to cause any ruckus from breaking it. But not a single came up, "how are you so insufferable," grumbled the vampire girl facing toward the pod, frowning. "Your supposed to be miracle device and yet you don't work when you should!"

Wanting to break it piece to piece was getting more appealing by each passing moment but having Adam suffer like this, knowing there is chance his dying or perhaps already is taking toll on both her sanity and patience from the mistress. "This isn't right..." She gritted her teeth, turning her head away from the pod, having look of resignation on her face.

There has to something to do, something...Think, think, think!

Her thoughts started to think of anything she can do to have her blood enters Adam without breaking the pod and hurting him in the process. As she continued pondering, the sudden holographic screen appeared before her, almost scaring the living daylights out of her.

How convenient it was, thought the vampire as she quickly calmed herself down and glanced at the screen, revealing words as well as image of some sort of information about Adam's well being. The language however doesn't make any sense to her, covered with alien text that she can't comprehend at all, causing her to become puzzled by this entirely.

This is getting tiresome, sighed Alucard, readying herself for this upcoming moment. If there is no method of quietly opening the glass door without alerting his sleeping daughter, then she might as well get this over with and be done with it. Feeling nervousness grow within her while having quickened heartbeat and heavy breathing to calm herself down from her current predicament.

Eyeing the entire pod, the only thing she can do now is smash it with her bare hands. But the outcome wouldn't be pretty, Adam wouldn't be the only person in being angry from this. That damn pilot will not take this kindly of having his stuff being destroyed by someone like herself, although someone like him deserved this punishment.

In being the world's most powerful and beautiful vampire in the world, she has every right to punish those who were rude at her in the slightest. Devilish grew on her lips, smiling from her confidence in smashing this thing piece by piece until it's nothing but rubble in front of her so she can get to Adam.

But before this happened, her servant's voice interrupted what she was planning, "oh young mistress!" Says the cheerful pixie, always loud and mirthful even in moments like these. "Is something wrong?" She said, stopping mid flight at her back, curious to know what Alucard was planning to do in the first place.

"As you can see," she spun around with her arms crossed, annoyed from her appearance, "I'm planning to turn him into ghoul," pointing a finger towards Adam if he was meat for sale in market. "To save his life," emphasizing on her intention as she explained it to Garnet, hoping that she will get the message through to her so she won't complain about her later on.

Dishearten Garnet look down, "I don't think he would like that," the fae stated, raising a doubt in Alucard's mind, "his going to be fine, Veshy said so," reassuring herself more than anything else to ease the girl's mind from being extremely worried about him to the point of doing reckless thing for his well being.

"That doesn't matter," Alucard answered back with contempt on her face, "his dying or already dead Garnet," emphasizing again as if Garnet wasn't understanding what she was saying to her, "can't you see I'm trying to save him?" Raising her voice with frustration into being ended up defensive over this.

Look at Adam again before back, "I know you are worried for him, we all are," sympathizing with her mistress while bringing herself closer towards her. "But I don't think he wants to become anything less than human," implying Adam wish of staying human no matter how much it pains him so

She doesn't know what to do anymore, on one point she wants to turn him into but on the other, Garnet is likely right about him wanting to stay human regardless of the circumstances and painful reality that awaits him in staying as man. With a quick second decision, Alucard finally convinced herself with another option, "I want talk about this with Vesh." Causing the pixie to agree in silent nod, knowing very well how stubborn her mistress is.

"Okay," beaming smiled before gesturing her to follow, "I'll bring you to him," Garnet exclaimed as they both went their way out of the this room, leaving the heavy sleeper behind to have peaceful slumber without any worries. The two are going to visit their pilot and have conversation with him in regards to the healing pods and status of his health.

They hoped he will give them an answer they seek, without having bad outcome, and for now, they wanted to stay hopeful about it. Because deep down inside; they both have a strong feeling that Adam is going to survive from this injury of his, though if not completely healed but at least survived from it.

For Garnet have seen the type of man he is as they walk through this noisy hallway, she can't imagine the thought of him dying or losing himself after all he has been through with his daughter. The pixie cannot handle of seeing his daughter suffer any more than she already has. Most of all, Garnet doesn't want to also lose her friend.

Despite how cold or nonchalant the man is, his still good person underneath for his affection to the people close with him, showing a kind and gentle heart that cares for others. As for Alucard, the girl likely sees him as mentor, a father figure or something more. Who knows? Maybe her mistress have feelings for him? Or maybe not? Only time will tell.

The only thing she is concerned right now is speaking with Vesh about Adam's well being, both physically and mentally but the most important part is whether his dead or alive, a thing they must find out and agree with their own ways of thinking on this matter. It would be much better than just staying in the dark on it and wonder about what will happen next if he survived or not, making them wait for long time before knowing it.

No, they will their answer from him, only him. That way, they can rest easy and believe in what he has told them without doubt is the truth because there is no one else to turn too than the pilot. His their only salvation of hope in answering their lingering problem about his state of being. It was a risk they are willing to take in order to have peace of mind.

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