Chapter 31

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Standing in front of her is humanoid entity, lanky in shape with bald head, and glowing red eyes while having dark, light blue skin while wearing what appears to be advanced looking exoskeleton. Garnet isn't sure what to describe this being other than the guy appears to be some kind of mad scientist of sorts or something in between.

Regardless, she isn't going to be threatened by firearm aiming directly at her, especially when the pixie has duty to do in fixing the mess they gotten themselves into. Its a good thing she doesn't know what a gun is, or else, Garnet will have to talk some sense into him before she is forced to resort into other means.

"Speak, now," threateningly said, he aims his weapon at her, speaking in almost flat and stentorian voice. "Or you'll be sorry," his voice wasn't angry or violent as one might think it to be, rather, it is cold and calm. This particular person doesn't appear to be a good or bad person by any means, though she has no idea what he is capable of other than being dangerous.

Waving her hand as form of polite greeting, "I'm Garnet, a pixie. Nice to meet you!" Sounding friendly in hopes of trying to get on his good side, even if she had a feeling he is unnecessarily hostile to people in general, hoping that her situation would lead to a positive outcome for both of them. Although he lessened his grip, the person's weapon is still aimed directly at her.

He snorted from hearing the term pixie, which causes her to feel little offended, "Yeah, right," he said sarcastically, not believing her at all, being that his person of science and logic, "the supernatural doesn't exist, and people like you are just delusional." Looking at her with disbelief expression as if she is nothing but a pathetic clown to him. "And pixies? Ha!"

"Excuse me?" Garnet felt slight anger, feeling that he just insulted her in every manner possible. While she can understand his disbelief, she is at least going to try and make herself clear for him to realize that she isn't lying or any of that nonsense, "I am the real deal pal!" Pointing at her wings from behind.

Taking a brief moment to observe the wings, he scoffed at her as if she was trying to play him as a fool, "Nope, doesn't match up," looking at her with unimpressed expression, "your wings could be simply just fins." Causing her to immediately became more defensive of her wings and started to circle around him to keep distance.

"How about I call you baldy instead?!" She suddenly exclaimed, gaining a little bit of humor out of him, but he still remained emotionless, unlike the pixie who is showing signs of enjoyment in calling him that. "Because, your head is literally bald!" Garnet said as if she was saying something obvious to him.

From her statement, he gave her a slight look of disbelief before finally lowering his weapon as it rapidly dematerialize, "my name is Vesh," getting straight to the point before she stopped mid flight in front of his face, staring directly at him with demanding display of wanting more information. "I'm an explorer from planet Koshar." This time he didn't show any signs of sarcasm or disbelief from her statement, and instead, he simply remained emotionless.

Crossing her arms with disbelief, she never would have expect that life outside of this frozen planet is possible but here they are, on an unknown planet with the existence of magic, psykers and other supernatural things. Even though she was well the existence of mutants, Garnet herself never witness aliens first hand, only having heard about legends and myths about them.

Silently reading his aura to check if there is any sign of lie or half truths, she found none; which in return, caused her to feel impressed that he is the real deal, "and why are you here?" Challenged Garnet, figuring out what would a extraterrestrial explorer would want to be here on an unknown planet with primitive creatures like herself.

Looking at her with slight smirk, he paused for a moment before speaking up, "I would say the same for you," Vesh responded as if he was stating obvious fact, "but to answer your question, I am simply revisiting this planet in hopes to understand and explore more after our departure," he answered, looking around if he was remembering each moment in his travels and learning the world as a whole, "but I do not require aid from anyone," he added as he went back to focus on her with those mysterious eyes, "especially from insect."

Pouting at the figure, "your just like him," she said nonchalantly, causing him to be intrigued by what she meant by that, tapping her fingers on her arm impatiently while waiting for a response from him. She wasn't lying though, he is somewhat like Adam in the sense of being always aloof and keep his emotions to himself but more rude than he is.

That's when she remembered her mission, causing Garnet's expression to switched, "how could I forget?!" Surprising her from having forgot her reason in starting this conversation to begin with, "I need your help with something," she said while looking at him with pleading eyes, "its about a person I want you to fix."

"What's in it for me?" Sighing from her antics, Vesh skeptically crossed his arms. The last thing he wanted was to help some sort of primitive creature while on a dangerous exploration on this forgotten planet. The only thing he cared about is to fulfill his duties as an explorer and that's it, "it seems like you require assistance, that does not mean I have to provide it," he plainly stated, shaking his head in disagreement.

Being the type of annoying pixie in getting what she wants, Garnet wasn't going to back down from this, "well, maybe you would be interested in meeting them?" The question she was asking him could either end up in something good or something worse. Although, she already figured that he wasn't going to take her word for it but hopefully this would convince him to come with her.

Caressing his own chin with his staring down at the snowy ground, contemplating on what to do, coming with a decision to himself as his mind begin to wonder on what will happen if he decided to accept her request, trying to imagine and seeing if there is any plausible reason for him to come with her.

Vesh doesn't care about feelings and faith, his species has been strictly only worshiping the logic and reason in everything, he doesn't believe in gods or deities nor the delusional superstitions of people, using logic and rational thinking as the only way to progress for brighter future. A person like him doesn't have reason to help because compassion and kindness is sign of weakness or so his kin says.

Whereas, he is not too proud to refuse what she was offering but he knows that in the end, nothing will change if he decided to turn her down, continuing his path of exploring to learn about the world and to do what he believes is right. In this case, there is no gain to him except from helping a primitive creature, being on an expedition to find valuable things that might come in handy.

While he definitely don't care of people's troubles, Vesh starts to see the benefits of helping others. Despite it being a sign of weakness, the pleasure of seeing useful information that he has gained from this meeting is enough for him to help and continue in aiding this insect. So, with that, he begins to have the interest of learning more about these creatures, curious to what will happen next.

"I'll come," nodding at her proposal, willing to assist her in meeting them and deciding what to make out of it. While he's certainly knows that this might be a trap but is willing to take the risk because of his curiosity for them and the previous time his species has visited this planet before it became...this.

"Alrighty!" She jumped in the air, excited and relieved, "Thank you so much, Vesh!" Only to receive irritation from him, "What?" Garnet asked curiously as she tilt her head in confusion, trying to figure out what is he getting angry for, "did I said something bad?" The pixie asked him with a questionable expression.

Trying to calm himself from his growing irritation, he takes a deep breath, "you are incorrect to thank me," he bluntly stated with a tone that is slightly annoyed and shows little care in his own words, "I am doing this only for my own benefit," he added as he has no other interest in assisting her than to fulfill his own curiosity for them.

Completely understanding what he is implying by saying that, she went along with it, "well whatever the case is, I'm still grateful!" Giving a thumps up if to express her enthusiasm on him agreeing to help her. It is good enough for her to know that he is willing to come with her to see them, she won't have to convince him much more as she is confident that he will take the offer no matter what.

But before she does however, Garnet wants to know one thing; "Um, Veshy?" Calling out him, sounding like female version of his name, which annoyed him from being called by that nickname to the point that he had to raise his voice, "its Vesh!" He said with an irritated tone, clenching his teeth, staring at her with a look of annoyance.

Moving her opened palms around with skittish nervousness, trying to look for the right words to say, not wanting to offend him further, "s-sorry Vesh!" Trying to correct herself in saying his name correctly, on the other hand she doesn't want to push him further to make him change his mind about helping her.

"Just show me the way already," he said while having his arms crossed with displeased look on his face, he is clearly showing that he doesn't want to do this anymore. And as expected, Garnet nervously nodded before going into the woods, beginning to lead him to her destination as the alien explorer followed suit.

They walked silently, allowing the said alien to observe his surroundings around him, everywhere they go; endless supply of snow is present, the only thing that is seen in this world is the coldness predating them from all directions. Good thing his flesh is replaced with brand new exoskeleton, allowing him to endure extreme environments.

He wasn't unable to comprehend how such planet was transformed into snowy wasteland, long before; his kin had studied this world and its inhabitants, once place filled with various enviroments and climates now reduced to nothing but a frozen wasteland. Although, he was curious on what made the human race develop such power to alter their planet's surface temperature to one like this, using only their biology.

"Garnet?" Asked the alien, causing her to look at him with a surprised expression, in reaction to his unexpected question, "Y-yes?" Asking while gulping nervously, feeling the alien's gaze piercing through her, making her all sweaty and nervous of thinking second thoughts about this, wondering if this is the time that he would refuse to aid her anymore.

"What happened to this planet?"

Her face froze for moment from hearing this before sadness gripped her face like a mask, having memory of past that was long forgotten. But still, she felt an obligation to respond to him as a good host, "w-well...its a long story," answering while turning her head to look at him, hoping he will be willing to listen to her story.

Frowning with deliverance of doubt in his head, but nonetheless willing to listen to her story for the moment, "how did the humans managed to alter their environment?" Asking while squinting his eyes, to get a better view on her face.

Knowing there is no escape from this, "hope you got time," she said with a sad smile before beginning her story on how humanity destroyed their own planet and the history behind it, telling him of how mankind had became ignorant of climate change and mass polluting of the environment to the point that they lost the place they once called home.

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