Chapter 11

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Standing in front of the large front door, contemplating whether this would be a good idea to go in and speak with the young mistress or just leave it be and continue with his day. It was an obvious choice to pick the latter option, as he promised to take Garnet's request into consideration when helping them out.

It would be fair to do the same; denying a request after their lives were saved is an honorable thing to do from Adam's point of view, but he has to consider if it was worth it or not, having to put himself on the line just to help someone he doesn't even know for more than a day. But after what she did, he might as well just get it over with.

He's not completely heartless; if people help or save him and his friends, he will return the favor whenever they require some assistance from him; it's the least he can do to show his gratitude towards them, even if they aren't aware of it. In addition, the consequences that would come with this are something that he had to face and overcome; whether it would go well or not is another thing.

But whatever the outcome of this situation, he is sure he will overcome it with patience and persistence. A quality he has that has made him into the person he is now. Adam began to knock on the door with a firm gesture as he waited for her to answer. Expecting immediate, or at least some kind of response, but it never came.

Silence, just the soft, continuous sound of wind blowing against the cold walls and surfaces—only silence was filling this space. This caused him to furrow his brow in frustration before sighing exhaustion, knowing the type of situations in which people isolate themselves from any form of communication.

Every individual has their own form of action in dealing with their problems or traumas. The easiest way is just to avoid them and let them all blow away, but sometimes this isn't enough; they have to face their issues, whether in time or in the immediate. In this case, she needs some encouragement to fix the problem that is still pending.

After taking a deep breath and exhaling it out, he opened the door and moved forward, taking short glances around the same, untouched room of Alucard's personal chamber before finally coming face to face with no other than the stubborn girl he was told to sort out the worrying change of behavior she is having.

Sitting on the same spot was no other than the mistress herself, her head low and eyes showing a look of melancholy—a pitiful sight if Adam has to be honest with himself. In any other situation, he would leave her to this fate, thinking that she should be more than capable of fixing this on her own without any help from him, but given the circumstances, he can't really deny it.

Grabbing a nearby chair and placing it in front of her before sitting on it, Adam analyzes her facial expression and body language, determining if she is feeling sad, depressed, afraid, or angry from what she is currently going through. Being a psychologist, I have had many experiences dealing with all sorts of mental illness.

The sad sight of her is one of the many things he saw and diagnosed before finally curing them with his magic words. He took pride in doing this and making sure they would get better on their own terms. Even if he can't cure it, he will try his best to help them cope with it, eventually letting them know that it's okay to feel sad or depressed, but it is also important to look at the bright side of life.

That was his job, and he still continues to do it even now, helping those who have mental illness and preventing them from living with their condition. This is what he is good at, this is what he believes in doing, and as long as he lives, he will continue to do so, and that is what his adopted father wanted him to be.

"Alucard," the former psychologist began his session, staring directly at the troubled girl before him, "why do you feel depressed?" He asked, deciding to start with a simple question that was sure to trigger her response and snap out whatever she was going through right now. And that he did; hearing him caused her to gasp in slight surprise before whipping her head up to look at him with a confused expression on her face.

"What do you want?" She looked more confused than annoyed, but her apparent tone made it obvious that she didn't wish to be bothered. "I'm busy," still in a depressed mood but somewhat hinting that she wanted to be left alone, "Get out of my sight, human." Her face turned into a scowl from having a human staring at her like he is doing right now.

Adam had to admit that this young mistress is rather pugnacious and doesn't seem to appreciate anything he has to offer, even if it's in a good way. But he supposed that people have their own view points and traits to differentiate them from others, but that doesn't mean he can't adapt to her antagonistic behavior.

"Well," his expression shifted to form an arrogant smirk, "I am not going anywhere until you answer my question," said the persistent Adam, still having that arrogant smile on his face while folding his arms over his chest, "or perhaps I can just force it out of you?" It seems more like he is threatening her than persuading her to do so.

Seeing this made Alucard purse her lips in distaste at his rude behavior. "You want to know?" She sounds more annoyed than angry, which is a good sign. "I don't know, maybe it's because I hate this place, or it could be the fact that you are such a pain in the ass," she commented, showing genuine hatred from her words, "or maybe it's because of how I lived..." Her sad expression made the mood in the room heavy, as Adam kept quiet and let her finish.

Tears begin to form on the corner of her eyes. "I miss them, my family, she says, wiping her tears with the back of her hand and looking down once again. "They're gone; they left me here all alone." She begins to cry and sob, sniffling as tears begin to stain her cheeks. All the while, Adam kept looking at her with a neutral expression.

"I thought I had everything—a beautiful house with loving family," she continued as her words became incoherent with the fact that she was trying to say, "but when they were gone, after those bastards took them, It felt like I didn't have anything at all," Adam listens to her, taking mental notes of what she is saying, "nothing but this." She moves her hands around, gesturing to their surroundings.

"It's hilarious to even think about it, she said, wiping the remaining tears off her face and taking a deep breath to calm herself down. "It feels like I didn't have anything at all. The only thing that mattered to me was to get even with those who stole my family and exposed my vulnerability, said Adam, looking at Adam with desperate eyes, "and I did, having ripped apart their corpses and made them suffer before killing them."

He nodded in silence, understanding where she is coming from, "but then I became bored from my gift of immortality," her face show the sight of being depressing as if she is on the verge of crying once again, "being a vampire isn't that fun after all this time." Adam can't really say anything at this moment; he can't relate to her as he has experienced things that she didn't, and he is human, but he can still empathize with her as she has gone through similar things before.

However, the word 'vampire' caught him off guard a bit. "Are you a vampire?" He can't help but ask, raising an eyebrow at her with a curious gaze on his face. After a moment of silence between them, she nodded in the affirmative while still looking down at her lap, not wanting to meet his eyes. "Yes, I am one of those monsters who sold their humanity and soul to demons in exchange for power and immortality," her expression grim as she explained it to him, "but I can't live without blood." Alucard seemed rather upset about this fact.

That makes sense; Adam expected her to be simply some weird mutant, but a vampire of all places? Well, that was unexpected, but after seeing so many things in his life that are considered in the realms of fiction, this is not surprising news, and the existence of anything that isn't mutant or human is nothing to be shocked about. Though he can't deny that it was a bit interesting to learn something new, especially when she's sitting right in front of him,

Alucard looked up at him, seeming slightly concerned for her own safety after revealing her truth to humans: "Are you going to kill me?" The mistress told him with worry, expecting him to say that he was going to do so, but surprisingly, he just chuckled at her, looking like he was enjoying this. "What are you laughing for?" Her eyes widen in shock at his response: "You are not going to kill me?"

Shaking his head with a slight smile on his lips, he said, "Kill you? Why would I do that?" The look on her face is something he would take as a good sign once again. "That is just ridiculous; I don't see any reason to do so," he replied, continuing with his smirk on his face. "Plus, you servant saved me and my daughter's lives, so it's only fair to help you in return." Adam didn't expect her to look at him with a surprised expression, not expecting that he would actually help her out of his own free will.

Her heart felt strange after hearing something like this, especially when it came from a human. It's been a while since she has seen another person in this world that can sympathize with her, even if it's just a bit. " are not afraid of me?" Shock and surprise were the only things she could express on her face right now. It is unbelievable to see a human being capable of feeling pity for a hated monster that deserves to be destroyed.

"Why should I be afraid of you?" Incredulous, Adam gave her a confused look. "You are not scary; you are simply a kid that got lost in the world," he explained with a soft expression on his face as he saw her surprised by his words, "just a kid that lost her way and went down the wrong path," standing up and moving closer before raffling her hair.

Causing her to look up with a red face, looking more confused than ever, he said, "Stop worrying about the problems from the past and instead, make what you can during the present moment." His smile is genuine as he speaks to her,"Just think about what you want to do and get it done, kid." The insightful words he spoke made her feel a little bit better, "And don't be afraid of being yourself; it's not someone's life that defines who you want to be." Alucard was left with her mouth hanging open, feeling her spirits and purpose lit up by his encouraging words.

"I hope you will be able to do that," Adam patted her head before retreating his hand, sighing, "are we perhaps done? I need to keep an eye on my daughter, you know?" Smiling at her with patience. "S-sure," Alucard nervously said, nodding with a face as red as a tomato.

Nodding silently, he left for her own place, feeling content that their talk had come to an end and seeing the progress of what she was going through. Although Adam didn't know that his words would affect her so much, he had faith in her, believing that she would get better one day, and hopefully, when that time comes, she will be able to move on from her problems or at least manage them in some other way.

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