Chapter 33

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Vesh led the group to his ship as the rising sun began to appear on the far horizon, with the vampire carrying Adam's body in bridal style through her superhuman strength alone. Garnet flew at high speed beside Alucard, showing him an excited smile of finally being able to save their friend. Lilim walked closely by the mistress's side with a mix of worry and anger on her face, occasionally glancing at Adam's body with anxiousness before glaring at the girl.

Meanwhile, as he transverses through the woods, he cannot stop thinking about the insect's words in regards to the damage these humans have done to their world, leading them to slow extinction. While he knows it is true, there is little hope left in this world, but they can only believe in one thing: mankind managed to adapt and find a way to survive in this cold world despite everything against them.

It is ridiculous to even think that humanity has managed to find a way to survive this endless winter. He finds himself intrigued by how an unknown alien decided to help them instead of leaving them to their own devices. A part of him didn't want to think too much into it, but he had to remember that some alien species like himself share similar mindsets and traits as humans.

Anyways, they eventually reached their location, leading them to his metallic circular space craft, where blinking lights were apparent around it. Much to his relief, he doesn't have to worry about changing his propulsion system to escape from this snowy wasteland planet. It's a good thing that no one spotted it before they got here.

It's great to see his ship unharmed and torn to pieces by a bunch of primitives, reassuring him that it still works properly and that he could leave this hellish place right now if he needed to. As Vesh began to open the entrance with a touch of his hand, Garnet stopped flying, gazing at Adam's body before looking at Lilim with a bittersweet expression on her face. "He's going to be okay," she announced while flying towards the girl.

His doubtful daughter turned to look at her for a moment before nodding her head, placing her full trust and faith in the only person she considers a friend. The pixie was happy that she managed to get her to understand that hope isn't lost in this world after all. She gently touched the girl's shoulder with her tiny hand, smiling warmly. Lilim did the same gesture, returning a smile as both exchanged pleasantries with one another before Garnet proceeded ahead of her.

Then the lights of his ship grew brighter than before until they blinded their senses for a moment, giving everyone enough time to close their eyes from the dazzling light. They heard loud clanking noises as it continued to shine, opening their eyes slowly and seeing themselves in a different place.

What they saw was surprising, as expected. In this alien space ship was a strange, spacious room made of unknown materials, with its walls and surfaces sharing similarity to metal or silver. There were several colorful screens blinking around it, and many seats were attached to its walls. As they gazed at the foreign things, Vesh spoke up first. "Welcome to my ship," he announced with an obvious hint of pride in his voice, while Garnet looked around in awe.

"Looks terrible," Alucard commented about the lack of artistic style in this ship; "it lacks personality and elegance." He found it hard to believe how mundane the interior looks, where everything in here is simply machinery of no specific design. Causing the alien to simply look at her while having his pride hurt.

"Humans," shaking his head from disbelief, not surprised that humans think so lowly of his technology, "my kind prefers things simple that are efficient; if it works, then it's good enough for us." It's expected to have the primitives see this as a machine made with little to no artistic value. They would never understand how his kin sees this as beautiful like humans do.

Hearing him call her human, she frowned at that term again, having expected that this mongrel wouldn't appreciate the art and luxury of her world. Alucard scoffed at that, ignoring his lack of understanding of beauty and sophistication and wanting to correct him for his insufferable arrogance in saying such things.

But before that could happen, Garnet flew towards him and said, "Hey!" She mirthfully shouted in front of his face, "Are you going to help our friend or what?" Her sudden outburst surprised him for a moment before he nodded with visible annoyance in his face. "Fine, follow me," he commanded while he began walking forward, resulting in the group following suit.

Walking through this hallway filled with pumping gasses through pipes and the sounds of incomprehensible machinery is quite noisy for a ship, but it doesn't block their hearing to hear some conversation going on between Vesh and Garnet: "What's with all these gasses and noise?! It's super loud and makes my ears hurt!" The pixie wasn't really a fan of places like this, where she felt like she was being forced to be inside a tube that kept on pumping gasses inside her lungs or getting a head full of electricity to make her brain hurt just to make her move forward.

He shrugged, "You'll get used to it," seeing no point in explaining everything to her. "The gases you see are filtered oxygen and other gases used in life support He shrugged, "You'll get used to it," seeing no point in explaining everything to her. "The gases you see are filtered oxygen and other gases used in life support systems," he explained to her like a child as they continued to walk down this hallway with no direction or sense of reason at all. "As for the noise," he said while pausing for a moment, "it's from the electromagnetic fields created by my ship to generate energy," making it simple for her to understand.

Despite understanding that explanation and feeling more relieved knowing the noises aren't meant to hurt her, it still wasn't pleasant to hear something that makes her ears hurt at all times. She really hopes that they will be done with this soon and find a different room to stay in, not wanting to remain in this hallway for eternity.

Eventually, they reached the medical room, where large-sized healing pods with visible glass were laid out as wires were connected to them and green water was inside them, with several tubes coming out of them. A holographic screen projected outside one of the pods showed its controls.

Garnet and Alucard thought this would be a normal medical room; however, they were wrong; there are no patients, medicines, tools, tables, or beds around them. Just these pods with the said wires coming out of them and green water inside them. On the other hand, both of them wished these things would actually save his life for the better.

As they followed behind him, Vesh typed on the holographic screen in front of him in the very middle of this room. His fingers moved quickly through the glowing screen that showed numbers and other unknown codes until he stopped at a particular number and clicked it. After a few seconds, there was a beep sound that came out of it.

The green water inside rapidly dissipated before its glass slid wide open. "Put him inside," he instructed the person carrying him. "Let's hope he doesn't die," Vesh said sarcastically, giving a slight grin as if it were a funny joke to him, making everyone around him glare at his misfortune. "I'm just saying," he said, raising both of his hands in defense.

"I hope you didn't mean it," she dangerously asked as she stared at him with eyes full of irritation and disgust. If he dies, I'm going to kill you." Alucard wasn't kidding at all, as she meant what she said and had no intentions of lying about it. As long as she lived, Vesh was dead meat as far as she was concerned.

"Are we done talking?" He asked while giving a fake smile, "Or do you want to talk more?" he added with a more sarcastic tone than before. "Let's move on then," Vesh said to everyone else while clapping his hands together with a wide grin on his face. "Time is of the essence," he said to them as he pointed at the pod that is empty now. "Go ahead and put him inside," he instructed again.

Knowing how serious this was and realizing how life-threatening Adam's condition is, she didn't hesitate to follow the alien's instructions and quickly placed him inside before taking a step back, causing the glass door to automatically close itself as the green liquids began to enter his pod, covering his entire body.

Garnet looked at her friend and saw that his body was now submerged in the liquid. "Isn't he going to drown?" Said the tiny pixie while having a worried expression on her face. "No," Vesh shook his head in negative, "this isn't normal water," he said as he lightly tapped on the glass window with his index finger, "it's a form of liquid that regenerates and cures all forms of injuries or diseases while allowing the person inside them to breathe normally," he explained to her.

A sigh of relief escaped from her small lips. "Oh! That's good to hear!" It's not everyday that you see a little pixie act nervous and worried for another person, but seeing how Adam improved her young mistress's life, it was only natural for her to care about him as a result because of his worthiness in improving their lives. "He is very special to us," Garnet said, her own feelings towards him being emphasized in her words, making Alucard smile in agreement.

"Hmm, really?" He asked, intrigued by this sudden confession, "What kind of special?" The explorer inquired as he folded his arms together, giving them a skeptical look on his face, "Is it that you both love him?" Asking with a plastered grin on his face, which caused both girls to blush as they were completely embarrassed by his remark, "or something else?" He added it with an even wider grin on his face.

Seeing how they were getting even more embarrassed than before, he began to laugh out loud and throw his head back in ecstasy, "Ahahahahaha!" He couldn't fathom how these primitives were so amusing to him. "Hahahahaha! This is just too good!" Wiping his own tears from his eyes with the back of his hand. "Stop teasing us," Alucard said as she was beginning to get annoyed by this annoying alien.

Yeah, that's what my mistress said!" Garnet pouted at his cruel mockery, pointing at him for his immaturity. "I don't like him in that kind of way," she said while giving him a serious look on her face. "It's a matter of respect!" While the vampire had a slight look of irritation on her face from seeing him laugh about this topic,

Noticing the sudden change of atmosphere, he composed himself with his smirk still intact in the process of changing the topic. "Well, anyway," he said while scratching the back of his bald head, "I'm going to fly my ship as I have places to go," leaving them behind with his last statement. "Fly your ship?" Alucard asked in confusion, causing both to tilt their heads in unison in response to his words.

"I didn't just come to revisit the planet for exploring, she said, turning around to face them. "I was also heading to Hope City for business purposes." Saying that, he continued on back to the hallway, but not before saying one last thing: "I'm going to be at the main lobby where we first appeared; if any of you need anything, just call me and I'll come right away."

He then walked away, hearing the sound of his footsteps coming down the hall until it eventually disappeared. Garnet turned to Alucard and noticed her staring blankly at the ground while holding her hand on her chest, thinking deeply. "What are you thinking about?" Her servant asked with a sincere tone in her voice, making her stop from being lost in thought.

"Nothing," she responded, shaking her head, "just worried about Adam, that is all," giving a weak smile to her friend. She wasn't entirely lying, though; she was indeed worried about him but wasn't telling her everything because of the conflicting nature of her plan for saving his life.

"Oh," Garnet nodded sympathetically, "everyone else is also worried about him too," rubbing the back of her head, "even Lilim," looking at her mistress side, seeing his sobbing daughter touching the glass of his cryopod chamber, her forehead and raised arms placed onto the window, staring at Adam's unconscious form.

Alucard turned as well, looking at how exhausted and worried Lilim must be and feeling extreme pity for her despite how much this girl hates her. But she doesn't care, not even one bit, about what her daughter feels towards her; all she wants is to bring him back from the dead, no matter what stakes it takes to achieve this near impossible goal.

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