Chapter 92

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After a short process of hypnotizing the cashier to get a free engagement ring, he walked out of the store with a handheld box that contained the item, which is a gold-banded engagement ring with a green diamond gemstone on it. In truth, he wants to spend it the right way, but for him to do that, he needs to set up a bank account, and he's too lazy to do that.

Putting the said item in one of his pockets, he breath a sigh of relief knowing it didn't take to long of getting one, let alone using hypnosis for it; which is good enough for him for not wasting his time. Although he knew stealing was illegal from his perspective, he used it anyway for convenience like this.

The sky was still blue as he entered and exited the shop; a good sign that he has enough time to spend with Meridiana before bringing The Deviler to justice and preventing more unnecessary lives from being ruined, especially for his close friends.

Replacing the deteriorating cigar in his mouth by getting another one, Adam then continued his way through the bustling city, ignoring the plethora of advertisements and distractions as he walked down the busy sidewalk with hands in his coat pockets.

Enjoying the scenery around him and the bustling ambience of the city, including the addictive nicotine from the cigar in his mouth, unable to help himself from thinking about his life and what he should do to make it better. There are so many things that need to be done, and yet he doesn't know where to begin.

Doesn't matter anymore, needing to first start a new life after this whole case is over, as he headed in the direction where her home is. Having accepted that he is ready to make her his fiance, he will repair the broken family and bond that were left by his past.

Making his way to her place, he looked around, seeing how beautiful it looked. Even though the atmosphere was cold, people are all here, united in one diverse and complex community of their own. The energy in this city was unlike anything else. People are walking through the busy streets, going to work, school, or just doing some shopping.

Continuing to walk forward, seeing his own smoke emit out of the cigar in his mouth makes him think back to how his life was in New York City. Being a psychologist in a mental asylum while trying to hide his own mental breakdowns and traumas just to live his own life in order to make a decent living

Only to have it crumble down into pieces when unexpected, horrible events transpired, which made him lose everything, even his love of life. Letting out a deep sigh, he shook his head sadly, blowing the smoke from his mouth, only to remember that he still needed to get therapy for his own mental health.

Just because he's a psychologist doesn't mean he's immune to human emotions and feelings; he's just capable of treating them in others but not in himself. Putting out his cigar in his left hand, Adam tossed it on the floor and crushed it underneath his boots. He continued his way.

Eventually reaching the neighborhood he was familiar with, he then approached her house, knocking on the door gently as he waited for the response. resulting in her opening the door, much to their surprise at seeing each other once again.


A smile spawned on his face, acknowledging the beauty before him. "I was wondering if you have a second," he asked, the small smile still remaining, "because I would like to show you something." The sincerity in his voice made her blush in red.

Not saying a word, Meridiana nodded with her green coat while tilting her head in a curious manner: "What is it you want to show me?" Her growing anticipation and interest in his intentions made her heart beat fast, expressing the need to get an answer and wanting to know why he wanted her.

An idea appeared in his mind to find the best spot to propose to her, resulting in him suddenly taking her hand, much to the woman's surprise. "Not here, there is somewhere I need to show you." His serious tone made her more interested in following him.

With her hand in his, the two of them made their way through the busy city without uttering a word to each other, allowing the silence to be broken only by the noise of the bustling crowds as they continued to walk along the busy streets.

Reaching back to his hotel, they entered and used the stairs, going up further and higher until the two couples were on the roof, where the descending sun was in view. The cold air gently blew as the two took in the magnificent sight before them.

Looking at the sun on the horizon, Meridiana could feel the heat coming from its rays, warming her up before she turned her attention to the man who brought her here and asked, "What do you want to show me?" She asked, feeling confused and curious at the same time.

Without saying a word, Adam knelt and took out the small box from his coat pocket, opening it to reveal the beautiful engagement ring he had bought earlier, resulting in her eyes widening in shock, unsure what to say or how to react to the sudden gesture.

Strong, cold winds passed through them while the orange sky shone, making the scene of him proposing to the beautiful woman to be his bride all the more breathtaking. "Meridiana, will you marry me?" His tone was calm and serious, and his eyes stared directly at her face as he awaited her reply.

Seeing the gorgeous ring before her, she couldn't help but look back at him—the very man with whom they had engaged in passionate sex and learned the traumas he had gone through. On the one hand, she had said to herself that having a romantic relationship wasn't something she was keen on.

But now that they had gotten to know each other and knew his dreadful past, the beautiful woman couldn't resist saying no for all of her faults. This person deserves a happy ending, and she wants to be there for him, even if she still had her own problems to deal with.

Covering her mouth with tears flowing down her cheeks, she said, "Adam..." Meridiana's heart skipped a beat when she saw the hopeful look in his eyes. After all the hardships he had gone through, she wanted to make him happy. "I would be honored to become your wife."

Their coats and hair fluttered in the wind as he carefully grabbed her hand and placed the ring on her finger, standing with a sobbing expression on his face. Looking at her new ring, she was touched by his thoughtful gesture and could no longer hold herself back from kissing him as she closed her eyes and pressed her lips against his, sealing the deal.

He cried as well; the thought of starting to repair his broken family again was a dream come true; the nightmares, the trauma, and all of his terrible past experiences all came down to this moment. The moment where he is going to be wedded to the love of his life and spend the rest of their lives together in bliss and happiness

Their tears matching the gentle breeze blowing, they embraced one another as she smiled through her tearful look, holding him tightly as if she never wanted to let go of him before departing their kiss. "I love you," she whispered into his ear, remaining there in the evening light for what seemed like eternity before finally reluctantly breaking apart.

Their fingers wrapped around each other as they enjoyed the wonderful moment. The orange hues of the sunset bathed them in their warm glow, filling their hearts with warmth and empathy. The two lovers felt content. They could not think of anywhere else they'd rather be than here with each other; nothing could ruin this beautiful moment.

" this what love feels like again?" His voice was barely audible as he tried to wipe the tears from his own eyes with his sleeve, but it was no use. The tears kept coming, and his heart was filled with so much joy that it nearly burst inside his chest. "Because if it is, then this is perhaps one of the greatest feelings in the world," he smiled sadly as his face was wet with tears, looking at her with adoration.

Meridiana simply nodded slowly, still sobbing in tears. Her tears were falling onto their held hands, and she couldn't help but squeeze them gently as her lips curled upwards in a smile. "Yes, Adam. This is what every living thing feels when they are close to the very person they love dearly," she said softly, feeling overwhelmed by all these emotions. "Love is indeed the most beautiful feeling in the world."

His chest pounded wildly in his ribcage at the sight of his wife-to-be. He would never have imagined himself capable of loving anyone so intensely. Never had he thought he would fall for another person or even desire their company, let alone a woman.

It was as if something lifted off his shoulders, making him feel as light as air, even if he had never noticed he had been carrying such a heavy burden. The guilt of past actions still weighed heavy upon his shoulders, but now he would carry it with pride in learning them, understanding them, and then accepting the consequences of his actions.

The couple stared into each other's eyes once more, their tears mingling together as their faces were only inches apart. "Being here, alive and capable to see or hear the sounds of life itself," his voice was hoarse with emotion, his words choked out in sobs, "and to have the chance of meeting and falling in love with the most beautiful woman I ever met," he added as he cried.

"I know my love," she replied, smiling brightly despite the fact that she was also crying. "This is a great gift that we have been given by creation, and now we are going to cherish it forever, together. It is all thanks to you that I am happier than before," Meridiana continued. "Humanity showed me a different path of life and gave me something worth fighting for." She sniffed and wiped away her tears.

His eyes widened as he realized just how grateful he felt to her. "And I also learned that demons aren't all evil to begin with. They are born to become one, but if some are shown the good things we can do, then that means second chances are possible," the man said as he tried to compose himself.

She looked into his eyes and nodded slowly. "Yes, Adam, there is indeed a chance of redemption, especially for one who has given up hope for anything other than eternal misery," she said in a low whisper, her voice barely audible due to how close they were to each other.

"I never thought that this would happen," he muttered in disbelief as he continued to cry silently. "I never thought I would find someone so perfect, so beautiful, so caring. But there is one thing I need to know," he added quietly.

"What is it, love?" She asked while giving him a soft smile, "Ask me anything; your happiness is my priority. I will do anything to ensure you are happy," her tone was gentle as she stroked his cheek with one hand, "tell me."

Breathing in and out, he spoke out his conflicted feelings about his abusive and adopted mother: "If I ever get to encounter Lilith again, what should I do?" The young man inquired as he held onto her hands tighter than before, expressing how important this question was.

A moment passed before she responded to his question, "Stop her." Meridiana's answer caused him to look up in surprise at her response, "Do anything in your power to prevent her from harming others, and lastly, forgive her." The latter was the more surprising answer, which caused him to look at his wife-to-be in confusion.

"Even after everything she's done to me, to you, and to all of us?" Adam's voice was low as he recalled all of those terrible memories: "She hurt us and did horrible things to everyone, including me." He really couldn't bring himself to hate her; he just couldn't for some reason other than likely having Stockholm syndrome.

Shaking her head with a smile, she said, "Hate and revenge isn't the answer to our problems, Adam. We both know how those things work, and I do not want that kind of life for us, especially since it brings nothing but misery as the scars still remain in the back of our minds. However, to forgive is to transcend all these traumas behind, letting them all go and washing away those lingering memories that only hold us back from being better and repairing our damaged lives."

Adam's expression turned dark as he contemplated her words. She was right. She was so damn right. The memories of all those terrible things were still there; they never left; they never disappeared because there is still a damn part of him wanting to harm his abusive parents.

If he instead learns to forgive them, then that means he can finally put all those painful memories behind him and start a new chapter in his life together with Meridiana. He sighed heavily, "Alright, I will try my best to do just that." Adam conceded after considering everything, "It is not going to be easy, but I promise I will do my best."

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