Chapter 68

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After long procedure of signing papers in adopting this stray dog and having the vet inspect him thoroughly just to ensure this pup isn't diseased or have any sort of sickness that can cause critical injuries; Adam was allowed to adopt this corgi named Pumpkin that costed only few thousand dollars without insurance, much to his annoyance.

Through the magic of persuasion, he managed to convince them in not paying anything, a rather easy and quick task to do for someone like him. He is after all, the world's self-proclaimed best former psychologist; no one ca tackle that title for his extremely knowledgeable in the arts of manipulating others to do what he wants.

One way or another, his hypnotic words and charming charisma managed to persuade these staff, letting them walk out free with Pumpkin as he cradled this adopted corgi within his arms just to feel its fur brushing against his palms, causing him to pet him while watching in how happy the dog was from receiving so much affection.

With his daughter standing at his side, having finally let go of her clinging hands after calming down of having adjusted to the crowd around her; Adam looked up at the starry night sky, seeing the beautiful twinkling little stars above while admiring how gorgeous they look by the mere glance of these heavenly bodies above them.

Regardless, Adam sighs in contemplation of what to do next; knowing he must head into the bank but due to how late it was and how most buildings wouldn't allow pets inside, its better if he does it alone tomorrow without having them coming along with him. He doesn't want to risk his dog getting kidnapped outside.

"Ready to go home?" Turning his head to Lilim, smiling gently as she stare into her eyes and the fixed red dress she still wore throughout their journey just to see her nodding softly; showing how content she was of spending time with him tonight in having their father and daughter bond once again, "hold Pumpkin for me, will you?"

As she turn to face him, he carefully gave this corgi pup into her arms, watching her held Pumpkin well under the impression of how light this small animal was, feeling comfortable enough to cradle him well just to pet him softly; showing how gentle she was towards animals despite having the blood of demon moving in her veins.

Taking out a cigarette from his pocket, Adam placed it onto his mouth until he quickly stopped, seeing her concern expression looking back at him in disapproval, tilting her head slightly to frown; realizing his daughter isn't fond of what he is doing, making him over more guilty in what he was planning to do.

While she doesn't have full recollection of her memories; the girl can still recognize few cues related to her father, knowing one of the habits that he still do but had once promised to never smoke. Seeing this, he can only closed his eyes and reflect what he had just done right now without thinking of second thought.

He had almost done it to his very family. Adam had promised himself to never do this, especially in front of his daughter but knowing how much he enjoyed using cigars to the degree of becoming addicted to it; the idea of quitting this habit is extremely difficult for him, never believing that it would be this hard to quit such thing but nevertheless, he knows what he had done was wrong and promise himself to never do it again when shes around.

"Sorry," immediately throwing the cigar on the floor without much thought, although part of him wanted to hide it behind his back; finding this a waste of discarding such relic, "I'll not do this again," promising himself once more to see her nod with smile while petting Pumpkin well; silently pleased in knowing she accepts this without saying anything back at him.

Turning around, Adam lead them through this calm and quiet streets, where few vehicles move past by as pedestrians continue their own businesses; watching these people minding their own business without bothering in interacting with each other just to respect one anothers personal space. Some have looked shady enough, causing him to remain vigilant but other than that, Adam can safely say they will be heading home without getting any trouble.

Glancing at his back, he can see her wonderful expression caressing the back of sleeping corgi in her arms; knowing Lilim cares for Pumpkin well just like her mother had did when she gave birth to her; beautiful daughter who will one day become fine woman and eventually woman she deserves to be when she grows up someday.

However, that prosperous future has become nearly impossible now after Lilith had destroyed everything they built. Turning this once beacon of hope for brighter future in their lives to one with despair and misery, wishing nothing more than bringing that terrible woman to justice for the all things she had done.

And then something extraordinary happened; humming tune of where Eve used to sing when their girl was baby, hearing her sing quietly just to not wake up the sleeping corgi, seeing her father having glanced back at her in seeing this rare moment is like seeing angel descended from heavens itself; realizing this song she sings is what made him more protective and caring for her.

Looking back ahead of them, he soon come to realize the increasing crowds of people in the streets even thoughts its already nighttime, to make sure his family wouldn't get hurt; Adam stopped and spun in motion, grabbing her hand unexpectedly much to the girl's confusion and surprise in seeing her father stopping without reason.

"I just want to make sure you two are safe," he answered honestly with stern voice, staring short peek at her other arm, still holding the small dog without much trouble, "trust me when I say this; people can be more dangerous when the sun isn't up yet." In response, Lilim nods without much questions, tightening her grip to be reassured everything will be okay as long they stick together without worrying too much about themselves.

Nodding in grateful smile, Adam turn and continued their merry way; not bothered by the few mix reactions of nearby passbyers in seeing cute dog being held with one arm as she carried Pumpkin deprived of any strain in her muscles, even ignoring few suspicious gazes being shot at them but other than that, everyone simply minded their own business.

Although, knowing every strange individuals in any civilization has those types; seeing few shady figures moving passed by just to not draw attention; reminding him this city still has lot of unsavory elements lurking within its population despite there is good things this metropolis had accomplished by their show of achievements.

Something he acknowledged and respect for their hard endeavors in establishing such prosperous society; wishing one day they will become accustomed to this place and eventually adapt themselves in living here comfortably just like everyone else without needing to worry about unnecessary troubles coming at them anytime soon.

However, he immediately stopped when he saw three familiar figures threatening elderly woman from couple of meters away from them, making him swallow his built up saliva in his throat from mere recollection of these teenagers; the thugs who were responsible for beating his ass in having his life nearly cost him if it wasn't for Meridana tending his critical injuries and wounds.

To bad it isn't his problem, the only thing everything matters at this point is going home safely; forcing him to quickly scan around the surroundings until he saw different alleyway, nonetheless suspicious and the screaming instincts telling him not to go there altogether. But he has no choice, its either getting his family harmed in dangerous situation or relying on luck to carry them into safety.

Gritting his teeth, he knows what he must and without second thought, Adam lead his family by walking through the road after seeing no incoming cars left and right, passing few bystanders before finally entering in the said brightened alleyway with few bulb lights hanging at the walls between them; giving them some visibility of this place.

As they wander through the brightened alleyway, he was greeted by a dreadful air of suspicious and danger lurking around, smelling mixture of foul odors being present all over this place, reminding him why he should have never ventured here even though its the only way to go home otherwise taking risky path of encountering those lowlifes again.

True, he could use the other sidewalk but knowing how empty it was, there were small chance of getting caught by them, a chance he doesn't want to take of replaying his failure again especially when the whole family is here with him in this dangerous night; deciding to continue walking further.

He could feel his daughter tugging his shoulder harder than before while Pumpkin was wide awoke from his sleep, whimpering in fear of the danger that is going to get them. Just by glancing behind him, makes him more tensed and vigilant for possible incoming dangers or even threat waiting for them but fortunately; he saw nothing besides trash laying around in ground with scurrying rats running through them.

Frowning, Adam turn his head back on focusing moving further; confused of their strange behavior even though he is always aware when there is someone hiding by having already sensing their mere presence. But seeing his dog scared of something alerted him of specific danger he couldn't even sense alone.

And what he guessed came to fruition after immediately stopping his trucks in what unfold in his very eyes. First staring the trail of blood leading up to nude woman eating deceased man laying on the dirty floor, chewing out the torn innards of the victim's opened stomach; noticing he wore simple civilian clothing with the exception of apparent Kevlar armor and shotgun firmly placed on his hand as the barrel was twisted beyond repair.

This isn't isn't his concern anymore, the very woman she fully recognize is her; a nightmare that come to visit him once more, he knows that she is always following him whenever he go, the cycle of pain and suffering is still happening once again until the day he dies from old age. A shimmer of hope in having the chance to move forward his life is completely gone.

The meaning of hope is extinguished from the sight of this vile person, he wanted to believe this to be a hallucination; part of his brain cruelly torturing him but as he slowly turn his head behind, Adam understands this isn't illusion, its reality when Lilim's expression turned to pure horror as her very eyes begin to bleed tears of blood.

The poor girl's head begin to quiver rapid before it happens; "AHHHHHH!" She screams as Pumpkin was dropped on the ground, putting her hands between her own skull of remembering the terrible and fast dreadful memories under the hands of Lilith, being violated countless times in extremely painful ways inside her reproductive organ, unimaginable horrors that no sane moral person could even think of through the use of torture devices.

Then his daughter fell on her back, eyes closed of the mere sight by her abuser; the very woman who gave birth to her is now the very monster who tore her childhood and humanity apart, unconsciousness as the only fleeting hope left for her father is to simply stare back at the very woman that had caused them this.

His beloved dog suddenly jumped in front of him, continuously to bark bravely at the monster slowly standing up, giving Adam time to swiftly escape with his daughter but decided not to. He can't leave this pooch, Pumpkin is their family member and companion, so there is no chance in hell he is going to leave him.

"Hmm~?" The curious voice of Lilith completely froze Adam in both his soul, mind and body altogether as she playfully turn around, slight different form she took but nonetheless its her, staring straight back at them with eyes filled of pure malice, "Ah~ Adam," She begins while licking her bloody lips seductively before chuckling madly like she always have; "My love...."

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