Chapter 83

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"Merdiana?" Surprised by seeing the very woman who he had sex with in the brothel, Adam couldn't help but wonder why she was here in all places, especially during a night like this: "What are you doing here?" Said the young man, curious as to why she was outside instead of inside her workplace.

Giggling slightly from this question, she gave him a reassuring smile before unexpectedly taking a seat right next to him. Sitting close to him as she responded, "I could ask the same to you, Adam," she asked in a polite tone, causing him to remain silent, not knowing what to say to her.

Staring down at his sleeping pooch, he sighed tiredly before saying, "nothing, much; I'm simply enjoying what the city has to offer, that's all," said Adam while gently caressing his dog's back fur, "but enough about me, why are you here?" The young man asked once more, wanting to know the reason for her presence here.

"I wanted to take a walk around the city," she said nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders, "and since I met you here, I'm curious to know what's your next plan in life." The latter was rather personal than the former; however, he didn't mind it one bit.

"Oh, about that..." Looking away from here in conflicted thoughts, Adam continued by saying, "I have no idea; I'm still trying to figure out what to do with myself," he said, feeling somewhat ashamed of himself for having no future goals whatsoever.

Other than preserving the lives of himself and those he cares about, is there anything else he has in mind other than simply finding his own form of happiness? Is this really what he wanted? Happiness? Or could there be something else that he desires?

"It's okay, I understand," Meridiana said with a calm voice. "It's difficult to find oneself, especially in a place like this." She added, looking up at the night sky in deep thought, "do you know how many stars are out there in the universe?" She asked him, and although it sounded like a random question, her friend answered anyway.

"I believe there are more stars in our universe than the grains of sand on every beach." stating that fact with ease, Adam couldn't help but smile in nostalgia. "In the night sky, there are 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe; a galaxy contains billions of stars, and each star contains millions of planets," he explained, his gaze fixed upon the stars above. "A single star can last anywhere between thousands and billions of years before they die and become a red giant or white dwarf, depending on how large they are." Finishing his explanation, Adam looked down at his dog once again.

"It is hard to imagine that we are just tiny specks of dust in this vast universe," said the friendly succubus, sounding rather amazed by the very concept. "And yet, we are so lucky to have the privilege of experiencing what this world has to offer," she mused, gently caressing her chin as she gazed up at the night sky. "I wonder what other worlds are out there," imagining the possibilities in her mind.

Other worlds? The existence of aliens is real after meeting Vesh, the pilot who not only saved his ass but the very friends he made on his journey. Those creatures are truly a mystery, and their motives are unknown; however, it seems like all of them don't give a crap about mankind's struggles and flaws.

"If there are other life forms out there, then I bet they must be much more advanced than us," stated Adam, feeling rather curious about the subject. "They must have technology that can cure any diseases, teleport across space, create food from thin air, and even travel through time itself." Even though he knew they were already real, his curiosity about her own responses made him want to pretend to be clueless.

Merdiana hummed in agreement, nodding her head slowly as she continued to stare up at the sky. "Yes, I would imagine so," she said softly. "If these aliens were to come here, they would probably think of us as primitive and ignorant creatures," she added before looking back at him, tilting her head slightly to one side with a smile. "Wouldn't you agree?"

Chuckling a bit from this, he slowly inhaled the cold air before releasing it in a puff of smoke. "Yeah, I guess you're right," he replied, glancing over at her with a faint smirk, "but hey, at least we got each other, right?" The young man asked, causing her to giggle quietly.

"Indeed, indeed we do," she agreed, leaning closer to him as she rested her head against his shoulder. "I'm glad that I met you, Adam," Merdiana whispered softly, "you are the first man who I started to see as a friend." She smiled warmly at him.

From the touch of her skin, Adam would have panicked or screamed, but this is different; he feels comforted, safe, and secure around her. Confusing but also welcome, he enjoyed the warmth she was giving off. "Thanks for having me as your friend," he whispered back, smiling in return. "You are likely the second or third person who I ever talked to about my problems," earning another giggle from her.

"But I have to go," gently swooping his sleeping dog with one hand, he stood up with Pumpkin being held in his arms. "It was nice seeing you again, Merdiana," Adam said as he turned around, walking away from her, "and thanks for cheering me up," preparing to head into the pet store.

"Wait, Adam," she got out of her seat to stop him, "where are you going?" Asked the succubus, staring at him with curiosity in her eyes, "Maybe I can at least help you with something?" The young woman offered, hoping that he would accept her offer.

Stopping in his tracks, Adam turned and looked back at her with a thoughtful expression on his face. "Well, if you must know, I'm looking for the nearest pet store," he said in her direction. "My Pumpkin hasn't been eating lately, and I think it's time I take him to give him the food he likes." Mentioning that detail, he watched as Merdiana nodded her head slowly in understanding.

"I see..." she murmured, placing a finger over her chin. "I know a place not far from here; it's called 'Petty, and it sells everything you need for your pet," the friendly succubus explained, smiling brightly at him. "Come, let me take you there," she insisted, walking up to him and taking his free hand before guiding him towards the direction of the store.

The warm touch gave him an odd sensation, like a wave of energy flowing through his veins, making his heart beat faster than usual. Why was this happening? What was causing this strange feeling? It didn't make any sense at all.

Could it be love or lust? The human body reacts differently to various stimuli, such as pain, pleasure, excitement, fear, anger, joy, sadness, hunger, thirst, heat, cold, etc. Yet what he is experiencing right now is neither of those things.

He doesn't know, and nothing makes sense. It's as if his brain is trying to comprehend something unknown to him. This is all new to him—something that he has never felt before but somehow has. Everything is very confusing, almost as if it were—

"Adam, what's wrong?" She stopped their tracks with her hand holding tighter than before, looking at him with deep concern in her eyes and asking, "Are you okay?" Asked Merdiana, staring into his own eyes, "You seem a bit distracted," she pointed out, worried about him.

"Sorry, it's nothing," he apologized, shaking his head slightly as he tried to snap out of it. "Just focus on where we are going, he said, smiling reassuringly at her. "Don't worry about me; I'll be fine," he told her, continuing their walk together.

The young man didn't know what was happening to him, but one thing was certain: the chaotic feelings were starting to grow stronger inside him. He had no idea what these emotions were exactly, but whatever they were, they felt both strange and familiar.

There was something about Merdiana that made him feel like this, like a bond between two people who were meant to be together. Could he actually be in love? No, he couldn't be. Eve was the only woman he ever loved and will always love. But then again, maybe there is such a thing as second chances.

Maybe he should give it a try. Or at least see how things go from there. He needs to be sure before making any decisions. His thoughts were interrupted by her. "We're here," she announced, pointing towards a large building in front of them. "This is 'Petty'," she said in a mirthful tone.

The building itself was massive, standing several stories high and covering an entire block with fences surrounding it. The walls were painted white and blue, with a large sign on top that read "Petty" in bold letters. There were several windows on each floor, some of which were open to let in fresh air.

Inside those fences were spacious parking lots for vehicles to park, with an entrance gate in the middle that allowed people to enter and exit. "Wow," Adam remarked, impressed by its size, "it looks like a prison," he added jokingly, causing Merdiana to giggle quietly.

"It sure is, she said, releasing her hand from his. She walked towards the entrance gate before turning back to face him. "Come on, let's go inside," she encouraged, gesturing for him to follow her. The young man nodded, giving her one last smile before following her into the store.

The interior of the store was even more impressive than the outside. There were rows upon rows of shelves filled with various items ranging from food, toys, collars, leashes, grooming supplies, and much more. The floor was also carpeted, making it easy to walk on without slipping or getting their feet dirty.

The cashiers were stationed at the front of the store, allowing customers to check out their items quickly and efficiently. There was also a section for pets to roam around, giving them a chance to interact with other animals. Seemingly good place to spend their time in.

I guess it will take a while to look for what his pooch wants, but knowing what he's gotten himself into, just buying a toy and dog food for Pumpkin is enough for the both of them. The two walked through the aisles, passing by various products, until they finally reached the section where the dog food was located.

They began browsing through the selection, looking for something that would be suitable for his pet. And lo and behold, Adam found something that caught his attention. A bag of dry dog food labeled 'Best Dog Food Ever'. "Hey Merdiana, look at this," he called out to her, showing her the bag of dog food. "It says here that this brand is guaranteed to make your pet healthier."

Even though he is skeptical about the label, it's better than having nothing, as it could be useful. The succubus joined his side, examining the package closely before nodding approvingly. "Yes, this looks like it'll work," she said with a smile. "Let's buy it," she suggested, taking the bag of dog food off the shelf with ease.

Causing him to raise an eyebrow or two: "How are you able to easily carry that thing?" Usually, a bag of dog food can weigh 30–40 pounds, but Merdiana was able to lift it effortlessly, causing her to chuckle at this question. "Don't worry about me; I've got plenty of strength," she replied cheerfully, winking at him in playful manner.

He smiled a bit before chuckling in return. "Yeah, yeah, he said, shaking his head slightly. "You're quite strong for a woman," he complimented, making her blush lightly at this remark. They then continued to browse through the shelves, looking for anything else that might interest them.

However, his dog woke up and suddenly jumped out of his arm; much to their surprise, his supposed tail was wagging back and forth, thrilled to be in a place like this as Pumpkin ran away from him, forcing the both of them to run after him.

"Pumpkin!" He shouted, trying to keep up with his pet, while she followed closely behind. They chased Pumpkin around the store, trying their best not to knock over anything or anyone along the way. Fortunately, they managed to catch up to him eventually.

A squeaky toy in the shape of a banana was being held in his mouth, joyfully barking as Adam approached and knelt on his level, gently rubbed his fur, and asked, "You wanted it?" smiling at the little guy, "I'm glad you found something you like," he added, earning a happy bark from Pumpkin.

Merdiana moved to his side before placing her hands on her own knees, lowering down a bit while smiling at this cute display. "He's really an adorable one," she complimented, patting the dog's head softly. "He seems to be enjoying himself," she pointed out the obvious.

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