Chapter 40

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Vesh told him everything leading up to this point about how Adam lost control prior to his transformation, resulting in the space ship they were on being crushed from the sky into land, destroying several trees before it hit the frosted ground, and exploding in the process of impact from the extreme force of gravity and pressure before heading face flat onto the surface.

Luckily, no one died, and everyone was saved by a generous man who goes by Cain, although not everyone survived as a result of losing consciousness during the crash and getting trapped underneath the debris, unable to move from their spots as the metal structures were pushing them down to the ground, trapping them. Adam, Vesh, and Alucard were among those survivors, miraculously saved from the wreckage before it crushed them; however, his daughter and Garnet weren't so lucky.

"What happened to my daughter?" Panic and worry struck the human's mind, feeling the pain in his chest getting stronger and fearing the worst scenario of losing her: "ANSWER ME!" Her father was painfully grinding his teeth, hearing his own voice echo across the kitchen, staring at him with anger and desperation in his eyes.

"He couldn't find her." His words were like knives to Adam's heart, his chest hurting more than it did before, almost like he was stabbed with a sharp blade through his torso, causing the poor man to take a deep breath as he did so, feeling his hands becoming shaky from nervousness, the guilt in his heart only worsening with each passing second. "We don't know where she or the little pixie are." This only made him more frustrated than ever, standing up from his chair while looking at the alien with disbelief on his face.

"Then we must find them, NOW!" Adam raised his voice, wanting to make himself clear; the sound of his voice was nothing but desperation and panic, not because he was mad at him but more at himself for failing to protect her and allowing this to happen, blaming his lack of experience in being a father for being nothing more than a worthless failure as one. "If you're telling me that my daughter is out there, lost and alone, then we will do everything in our power to find her and Garnet."

Silence fell in the room after he spoke those words. Seeing that Vesh didn't know what to say with his own lips sealed shut, he couldn't help but feel sympathy for this human despite seeing them as primitives; his own gaze lowering to the floor, he said, "We are not even sure if they are still alive." It was something that shouldn't be said out loud, but the blue alien couldn't help himself, wanting to help but not knowing how: "There are small towns near this place; perhaps we should start there."

"And how would you suggest we do that?" Adam raised an eyebrow in confusion at his suggestion; his question had him perplexed, yet intrigued by his response. Sitting down on his chair, he said, "They likely don't know who we are talking about." It was a statement that sounded more like a question than a fact.

Making him shake his head from this, "there could be sightings based on her description," Vesh made a good point about the possibility of someone knowing where she could be, or at least knowing someone who does. It was worth the shot and worth trying; anything was better than nothing at all. "They likely saw someone walking around in these parts," that's what Adam was hoping for at least.

A sigh of relief escaped the human lips: "That is good to know." He was happy that there was hope to find her alive, yet terrified that he may be too late if he didn't hurry up and act on it. For now, he and his friends need to rest for tonight before they depart. "About me being a werewolf," switching the topic if he wasn't too keen on this one, "what should I do?"

Adam had never thought about what to do about it until now. Werewolves must be a thing, and if he is one, then how could he control or prevent himself from transforming into one? Most people know what a werewolf is anyway: vicious creatures who turn into hyenas and wolves at the full moon. But in his case, perhaps this will be different.

Caressing his chin, the pilot thought for a moment, contemplating his own thoughts and ideas on this. "Alucard told me about them; she's unexpectedly knowledgeable in regards to these things," he remembered the vampire girl's words during their stay in here. It was interesting to know she knows so much about interesting information and wonders how many others out there also have such knowledge about this. "But as for what you should do about it," he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, "I would suggest doing your best to avoid being overly emotional when triggered by it." That seemed reasonable enough.

"So," he pauses for a second as he sighs, "what can trigger me into becoming one?" He wants a more descriptive explanation than just saying that, but the fact remains that he wants to know. There had to be a reason why he transformed: "Do you know?" The tone in his voice sounded a bit anxious, a tad worried, and mostly impatient.

Scowling at his words, "Do I have to repeat them again?" Vesh raised a brow in response, narrowing his eyes from the growing annoyance: "Powerful emotions such as extreme rage or fear are the likely ones that will transform you into a werewolf." The answer was simple and blunt: "That is what she said at least." It didn't take much time to answer honestly.

A loud sigh came from Adam; he couldn't believe that something like this had happened to him after all this time and how little he knew about his own body until now. He had expected to have everything under control, especially with his nightmares and whatnot, but now this? It's a whole other level of trouble to deal with.

If the tale of becoming a werewolf is true, then that means the large black wolf who bit his neck was responsible for this; any genius would have come up with that if they were in his situation. It would make sense why he is capable of transforming into one but doesn't understand how he couldn't remember during it.

It was as if his self-awareness had completely shut down during that time, as if the darkness had truly taken over and swallowed him up in a form of curse. This thought process didn't make sense; he shouldn't have been so reckless in thinking he was safe with everyone around. He's a ticking time bomb.

"Where is Alucard?" Adam inquired, deciding to change the subject entirely, needing some time to think for himself and the situation he was responsible for. "I assume she is resting?" A slight shrug was given as a response by Vesh: "She's stuck in her room, too depressed to come out and eat anything." Adam only nodded slowly from his answer, giving an acknowledging sound from the back of his throat.

"I will talk to her then," he replied with a firm tone of voice, wanting to help the poor girl with her mental state and feeling responsible for this. Standing up from his seat and turning around to walk away, he said, before pausing his steps, "Uh, mind telling me where she is?" The only reply he received was a short chuckle from Vesh.

"Remember the room you left?" Vesh pointed a finger in the direction of his left, which Adam understood meant "there was another door in front of it." He simply explained while still being calm. Walking to the hallway once again, heading to Alucard's door before giving a few knocks, waiting for her response.

A minute passed and nothing came out of her room. Even so, Adam was still willing to try again, and hopefully this time she would be responsive. With patience and quiet footsteps, he began to slowly open the door to her room, hoping she wouldn't react to it with aggression. The room was completely dark; the only source of light was a lamp in the corner of the room. Adam was confused by this; surely she had more lights in her room, even if it was only one.

Entering her room and finding a switch on the wall at his side, he turned it on and the lights went on, revealing the bedroom to be the same as his; however, his eyes eventually lay on the corner, where Alucard's form is curled up in a miserable ball, holding herself close with her head down, trembling all over. Seeing this sight made Adam feel bad for her, to the point that his guilt began to increase in a moment.

Looking pitifully weak and fragile in that position; she looked like a scared child waiting for her parents to come back home after work, wanting to feel safe and loved. This was too much for Adam to bear, not being able to resist the urge to approach her and give her a warm embrace. Crouching down, he began to carefully place his arms around her body, wrapping them around her stomach to bring her closer.

"I promise, we will find them," his voice whispered into her ear, almost inaudible. There was no response; she remained motionless. Even so, Adam wasn't going to give up just yet; he still had to help her somehow. "Alucard, look at me." The only response he got was silence. "Please, you can trust me." His tone was serious but caring. However, nothing changed, and Adam could do nothing but continue comforting her until she responded or decided to say something herself.

Having brought this on himself, Adam wanted to simply fix all the problems he had created. He should have been more careful and aware of the consequences he caused, but it was too late now; all he could do was apologize and try to make things better for her.

At least that was what he thought. She finally opened her eyes and raised her head, as if she were awakened from some sort of nightmare. Looking at him with her red eyes, there was no trace of fear or anxiety in them anymore; instead, she seemed to have a mix of emotions.

"You were responsible," bloody tears began to fall down her cheeks, "for all of this!" she said through her sobs. "This is all your fault!" Her response hurt him greatly; it was a feeling of regret and sorrow for the choices he made and didn't make. And he didn't know how to fix it either. However, despite being surprised by her statement, Adam wasn't going to deny it: "Yes, I am."

"Garnet is gone, including my daughter, but that doesn't mean they are dead." His words had a slight impact on her as she seemed to have calmed down. "Don't lose your way; we're going to find them, no matter." With that said, Adam placed his hand on her cheek and wiped the red tears from her face. However, she quickly moved away from him and turned around, trying to put some distance between them.

"No, no, no! You're just trying to make me feel better," said the young mistress of Bartham Keep, who didn't seem to trust him anymore. Even though Adam had a look of genuine concern in his eyes, it still didn't seem to be enough for her. After all that happened between them, Adam knew that she needed some time to heal before she could finally find the right path again.

Smiling sadly, he stood up with a look of despair on his face and said, "I understand." Sighing heavily, Adam turned around to walk towards the exit of the room. Before he could reach the door, however, he stopped in his tracks and spoke up again. "I swear in my soul," she looked at him, still a bit worried but not as much as before, "I will find Garnet and my daughter; mark my words."

Her teary eyes were filled with the gleaming light of hope in his words, "You...promise?" Alucard softly replied in confirmation, wanting to say more but not knowing what else to say without upsetting her again. Adam took a deep breath before turning around with a beaming smile of his own. "I promise," he stated once again before making his way out of the room and closing the door behind him.

Leaving her troubling thoughts, she couldn't help but think about everything that had happened, everything that they went through, the hardships they faced, and all the suffering they endured together. As much as she didn't want to admit it, she still has feelings for him, and deep down inside, she still loves him with all her heart.

"Please don't forget me, Adam."

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