Chapter 29

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Where is he? What happened to him?

There were so many questions running through his mind, and yet all he can see is darkness around him, just empty space with the only thing present being his sight. Nothing else was there to see, not even the ground to stand on or walls to go through, just pure emptiness.

Is this death? His reward for doing something heroic once in his life?

He wanted to laugh at that absurd thought, but he had no idea if he was actually capable of doing so in this place, as it all felt so surreal and dream-like to him. Though his musing was interrupted when he heard the familiar voices of his inner demons all around him,

"You have forsaken us!" The voices said mysteriously, "You abandoned us!" Their voices sound louder now: "You left us with it!" Exclaiming while their voices began to sound more terrifying than before, sounding as if there were dozens of them all around him while confusing him more than ever from their response.

Adam can't speak or move, but the only thing he can do is think and hear their ramblings: "Can't you see what you have done!" One voice asked, "What have you done to deserve our impending doom?" Another one followed: "We will never go away!" they all said in unison, causing his head to hurt from the pressure of their voices.

What the hell are they talking about? Could it be because he is dying that these voices are blaming him for their likely demise? If that is the case, then he is glad to know these assholes will die with him, but wait, what was he waiting for? Is it death or some sort of afterlife?

Adam can't help but feel this doesn't make sense to him, like something is wrong.

They are shouting profanities and insults at him, although he has already gotten used to them at this point. He expected that since his death, they would be salty about their miserable existence. Though that doesn't make sense either, these voices seemed so pissed off and genuinely surprised that it made him question another scenario.

While he doesn't want to die, there is perhaps another reason for their anger against him. Something he isn't aware of—what is it then? Was he missing something obvious here? Their voices are coming from everywhere; they sound like they are talking to him, but they are also around him, speaking in unison like a group.

These guys are pissed, and they act as if something bad has happened to them. There were so many things that could be a reason for their rage, but most of them aren't so bad, especially if he had done something to them.

So what was it? What happened to them? Adam still doesn't know, and this is causing him to feel uneasy, unsure of what is going on or how to respond to it.

Although his inner demons had done their fair share of making him go mad and feel misery from their persistent taunting, he was nonetheless glad they were getting a taste of their own medicine, whatever that could be. The worst part about them was that they just didn't stop talking at all. Not only that, but they were speaking so fast that it was making his head hurt more than it already does.

These things are mad beyond repair; he had never heard or seen them like this in his entire life. To the point where it feels like music to him—a new sensation he had never felt before and never wanted to experience again. Adam doesn't want to admit this, but it feels good to have them freaking out.

"Were doomed!" They screamed louder than before, expressing how much they despise him: "It is coming because of you!" The last sentence caught him by surprise; he still doesn't know what they were talking about, and it made him wonder what could be coming to them: "And it will drive us down!" Continuing their maddening claim.

And why should he care?

From what they are saying, it is just him and the voices. Adam had brought something inside of him; he doesn't know what or who it might be, but if this unknown visitor is going to destroy them, then he should feel happy about it, knowing these voices would pay for all the misery they caused him.

Yet, why does he feel so much dread from their words?

They are clearly talking about something bad, possibly even worse than what they are trying to say, but he doesn't know, and that is making him uneasy. These voices have always been persistent in getting to him, taunting him with their cruel laughter; now they were yelling with their cries of panic.

Then who could it be?

A part of him feels like he knows what they are talking about, but he is afraid to think about it. As if his very soul is being ripped to shreds, while his fear only grows from the depths of his subconscious. Even though he doesn't know what it is, a part of him already knows that this is bad, very bad, and he wants nothing to do with it.

Suddenly, Adam heard their shrieks of screams, not out of terror but desperation in trying to fight back against this mysterious invader, though their efforts became futile as their cries slowly faded to the distance, being replaced by growling beasts that sounded like large wolves ready to strike their prey, causing him to feel tense.

If this creature managed to subdue these creatures residing in his own psyche, then it might be more dangerous and hostile than them, resulting in him beginning to feel dread from this possible threat, even though he still doesn't know what is going on. The beast growls one last time before all of his inner demons cry out in a final shriek of rage, fading away completely in an instant as Adam still feels himself in this place of emptiness.

What the hell happened? Is it over? He didn't feel anything else, just this surreal empty space around him, feeling like he was in limbo waiting for someone to save him from this place, though he knew that was impossible.

This doesn't make sense; why would his own demons still remain with him before being pushed away by something more dangerous?

Is it possible he's still alive as fate decides to postpone his death? Or perhaps he was never dying in the first place, and this is all just a dream or vision he was having before dying?

Whatever the case, Adam is feeling hopeful that perhaps he isn't dead to begin with, simply between the veil of life and death, not sure if he is alive or not but hopeful nonetheless.

Truthfully, what was more important than his life was Lilim; how could he take care of her when he was dead?

It is hard to imagine having to see her cry over him and feel her despair as she loses the only parental figure she had, hurting him more than anything else in this world. The only true pain Adam has ever felt is hers, and he hates himself for putting her through it.

Now it is just a matter of time before his daughter suffers, regardless of what happens to him. Why does she have to go through this? More importantly, why was she born from forced intercourse with that vile woman?

He never wanted children to begin with, giving birth to this world is rather selfish thing to do, but he suppose it is every animal's basic instinct to keep their species alive.

It's just not fair; he can't help but feel guilty that she is still in this world while he isn't, though it was all his fault to begin with. If only he had pushed Alucard instead of using himself as a shield for the girl, then he wouldn't be still here. However, he is still relieved to know that she is unharmed and safe, making what he did more worthwhile.

He is no hero, that is for sure. But the need to sacrifice for the sake of his loved ones is what he willingly does at any cost, and to hell with himself if it means they are safe from harm's way. That is what he believes in, and that is why he does what he does: to help those he is close with, even if they don't want to be helped. To take care of those who need him the most and to save the ones he can.

The long pounding of his existence came to an abrupt end when the manifestation of a humanoid shadow made out of darkness began to appear in front of his very own eyes, slowly becoming more visible and gradually materializing into a physical form. Though it doesn't look like anything at all, Adam only sees a complete black void with no depth or thickness to it, but he can see it clearly nonetheless.

It is impossible to see two different things when they have the same color; however, this thing that manifested was darker than the abyss around him, leaving him questioning his very own reality as he couldn't believe what he was seeing in front of him. The only thing he can think of is the entity before him, although he still doesn't know who or what it is.

The striking feature is the form, resembling himself with blue glowing eyes that speak of rage against those who wrong him, revealing his true nature and how he feels inside. It's a figure made out of darkness around him; it has no face but only voids that hold two blue eyes, one that looks at him and another that looks at something else.

Then this thing spoke, sharing the same voice with the exception of how orotund and raucous his tone is, speaking with such hatred, anger, and hostility in every word it says. Its harsh tone is making Adam feel strained and nervous, still surprising him that this entity could even speak, let alone conjure its own physical form.

"I SEE IT," the figure then points at him, "YOU!" Adam doesn't understand what he is talking about, only that it was looking at him with those blue eyes of his. He can't help but feel uncomfortable, wondering what this creature is trying to do to him and why it is doing this. Was it going to kill him? Even though he doesn't know what it is or why it is here, he is sure that it is a threat, and his best bet is to wait for a miracle to happen.

He continued, "YOU WHO SUFFERED FROM THOSE WHO WRONG YOU! YOU WHO WALKED UPON A MISERABLE WORLD THAT WASN'T MINE!" Its voice was deep and powerful, as if it were on the verge of exploding out of sheer anger, continuing with its bitter words. "WHY MUST I CONTINUE THIS PATH?! EVERYTHING IS USELESS, FUTILE, AND EVEN MORE HORRIBLE THAN THIS WORLD. Why MUST YOU STAY IN IT?"

Sensing how strange it was from hearing these words before but with another voice that resembles his, it was like speaking to a corrupted version of himself, wondering if it was going to hurt him, and deciding to play dumb, acting clueless. This entity only responds with an unsatisfied expression, making it seem as if thing was mocking him for being stupid and ridiculing Adam at the same time.


Adam wanted to speak but couldn't because of either a lack of body or voice, probably both. The only thing he can do is simply watch and listen, though he is certain that he doesn't want to hear whatever this being is going to say to him.

Why did this thing even come to him in the first place?

Within a blink of an eye as if speeding train is coming to Adam's direction, the thing walked in front of him so fast that he could hear its echoing footsteps moving from every step this thing took before finally extending its own hands and grabbing his supposed head, shaking it violently to the point his vision was being forcibly thrown sideways like he was on a merry-go-round.

"LET ME OUT! LET ME FINISH THEM FOR WHAT THEY DID TO YOU AND ME!" He spoke in a deep, loud, rumbling voice, "LET THEM—"

Before he finished his statement, Adam's vision turned white; blinded by its immense light as if somebody had thrown a flashbang right at him, he was unable to see anything but the radiance in his senses, along with hearing only the sound of heavy noises and distorting words that were nothing but incomprehensible nonsense.

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