Chapter 71

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Seth and his companions followed Calvin as the young merchant led them to his house, where they were able to get some decent meals for themselves at last. A well-deserved reward for helping so many lives today through divine intervention and sheer will alone.

The crowd, however, followed them out of their adoration for the holy man, being grateful to Seth for having healed their loved ones without compensation required by any means; generous kindness like this isn't often given freely.

Upon reaching their large home, Seth was impressed by how opulent it is compared to those around it; the walls are painted in cream with gold trimmings, and there is a large fountain in the center of the courtyard with various exotic flowers and shrubs scattered throughout.

The entrance to the mansion itself is grand, with large doors made of oak wood that open upon their arrival. The floor is polished marble, and the ceiling is made of glass. Everything appears luxurious, expensive, and designed to show off wealth with little need for practicality.

"Here we are!" Calvin turned and stopped, looking at them with an exciting grin plastered on his face. "What do you think, sir?" He inquired in excitement, beaming brightly at having guests visit his parents' home in a while. Especially when it is an important man whose presence alone makes them express gratitude towards their faith in Christianity.

"Its magnificent," Seth admired at such elegant structure, "but I have to say something first." Turning around, he stared at the crowd who was focused entirely on him, "my little children," smiling warmly while speaking calmly and collectively as everyone began to listen attentively without interruption of the holy father's voice echoed throughout.

"I order all of you to leave my presence for the time being and pray to your own families health while awaiting my return once I finish my visit in this household," he commanded gently yet firmly. "Though I am more than pleased to spend time helping each of you, I require private space with my friends and new acquaintances as well."

He watched as the people took heed of his words; most obeyed, while some disagreed and protested vocally, though the majority complied at Seth's command. They soon dispersed into separate directions afterwards, causing silence to fill the air once more as nothing could be heard except wind blowing across the street and noise coming from a distance away.

Finally being alone again, Seth let out a sigh and turned to Calvin, who also shared the same sentiment: "Shall we?" The young man kindly suggested, gesturing the doorway with a friendly nod of head before leading the way inside while Solomon and others follow close behind without hesitation.

Once the door closed shut, the group examined this place with curious eyes. They were impressed by how neat and clean everything seemed to be kept around here, with not even a single speck of dust seen anywhere nor cobwebs hanging from corners.

The living room is spacious, with plush sofas and armchairs positioned neatly by a fireplace that crackles quietly in front of them. The walls are decorated with various paintings depicting landscapes or portraits of people they don't recognize, though one looks like it belongs to Calvin himself, judging by his resemblance in the picture.

There's also a crystal chandelier hanging above them that illuminates everything below, making it seem as if they are walking through a dream. The floor is made of marble as well, and it's cold to touch despite the heat from the fire.

In the corner stands a large bookshelf full of books ranging from old and worn to brand new. The smell of old paper fills the room, and the scent reminds them of a library; it's comforting in a strange way, and they can't help but admire the collection.

On the mantle, there's a picture of Calvin's family; it's a portrait of a middle-aged couple alongside a younger version of him who appears to be somewhere between five and eight years old. All three are dressed in formal attire with smiles on their faces.

Before any of them could say anything, a black-bearded, obese man with a hat and nobleman clothes burst into the room before approaching them, his hands clenched into fists. "What is the meaning of this?!" He demanded angrily as veins popped on his forehead, scowling fiercely.

Seth appeared unfazed by this reaction, though it bothered Solomon, who quickly moved beside Seth, readying himself if he had to fight against whoever tried attacking them. A fierce glare shot across his orbs. Calvin quickly intervened, "Father, please be reasonable," placing himself between Seth and his dad, "this is the Son of God everyone was talking about."

Calvin's father was surprised by this news: "The messiah, chosen one, savior?! What nonsense is this?!" Finding it hard to believe anything from this little runt whom he raised from an infant age on his own, "do you realize how much fraud this man is trying to be? For what I know, he could be just scamming  us."Finding it absurd to imagine that some random man claiming himself as 'God' or 'divine being', "get rid of them right now before they make a fool out of—"

A woman burst out of the entrance doors behind the group, her sweating face panicked while wearing a frilly apron tied around her waist over a black dress with a white shirt underneath. She nervously adjusted spectacles on top of her nose and said, "Husband! Is he here?!" Calling on him immediately before staring in Seth's direction anxiously, "Is it true?! Did our son bring the chosen one?!"

Said husband gawked at the woman with incredulous display, "What is going on?!" He bellowed furiously at her behavior, but his beloved wife only ignored him as she focused solely on this holy man she's been hearing for weeks since arriving in the desert.

"I saw what you did," she hurriedly approached him with a smile on her face. "Welcome to our home," her gaze softened upon meeting eyes with Seth. "Would you like some wine and bread for starters?" She invited me kindly while trying to compose herself under the immense excitement growing in her heart.

Calvin's father was getting irritated by the minute. "Hey! Stop this and listen to me!" He ordered his wife not to ignore him any further, but she wouldn't listen. "I'm in charge of this house, and you better do as I said before." Suddenly, the holy man said something expected of him.

"Your father was a great man who passed away since the day you were a boy; he contracted it by working in mines before succumbing to illness, which caused severe headaches along with coughing blood endlessly." Seth turned to him with concern. "Isn't that right, Thomas?"

It was impossible; Thomas couldn't believe what he heard. There is no one he told about his father's death, not even his own child and wife. "H-h-how?" He muttered, unable to comprehend how this stranger managed to learn this information so easily. "I've never met you before..."

Seth calmly approached him. "Since the day you heard your father's demise, I have always been there with you, ever since you prayed to someone to ease your pain," he stated earnestly before placing his hands on the man's shoulders. "You were never alone."

Sweat pours down the fat man's face, finding this unbelievable, for he has never told anyone ever since he became the man he is, "This is impossible! You must be some magician or something!" Doubting the words being spoken out of pure spitefulness, "no one knew this information! How can you say all that?! It is madness!"

Thomas' wife called out to her husband worriedly, "Thomas! He is the Son of God, as many others claim! This can only mean that he has powers beyond mortal understanding," she explained fervidly, as if trying to convince her husband not to deny Seth's existence.

The man doesn't know what to say, expressing how insecure he feels about everything happening around him and not understanding why this is going on. "I don't know if it's true or false anymore." Being bewildered by events occurring before his very eyes that lead nowhere but down this unknown path with no answers found along the way had made him question everything since his family converted to Christianity.

"Look at me, Thomas," Seth firmly held his shoulders while staring deep into the other's eyes. "It doesn't matter what you think or feel at this moment; what matters most is that you listen closely to me," he emphasized his statement seriously.

Thomas listened intently, trying not to let his mind wander off elsewhere while focusing solely on the holy man in front of him, who radiates radiant energy similar to the sun itself. He doesn't know why, but somehow this preacher is making him feel comfortable, despite being an outsider he hardly knows.

Nodding slowly, accepting what Seth has told him about being there since so long ago, "you... have been with me along the way... This whole time...?" Questioning his choice of words, making sure that he heard correctly since he still needs proof that it might be a lie after all these years.

"I have always been there for the people who are in need, the people who are lost, the people who are suffering, the people who are dying, and the people who have fallen into the darkness of their own sins. I was there feeling their sorrow, their despair, their fears, and most importantly, their loneliness."

Seth, let go and take a step back before smiling, "Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light," he quoted from memory, remembering the quote from a bible passage he once read for himself.

"I don't deserve this... Not when I've done so much wrong to those who work under me." Thomas's heart was troubled; he felt unworthy of receiving any comfort at all when his past deeds consisted mainly of exploitation towards peasants employed as field workers for his company.

"For the one who doesn't believe is unbelieving, and you must believe that God exists and that He is a rewarder for those who seek Him. He will repay you with good when you are in need of aid from the Lord," reassuring the noble man with kindness, "grace is not a privilege reserved exclusively for good people; it is available to anyone regardless of past mistakes. Ask, and you will receive whatever you want from my father in heaven."

Tears stream from the noble man's face; it's been forever since someone treated him like a human being rather than a mere tool of capitalism that exploits others beneath himself. He wanted to apologize deeply, but all he could do was cry, "Forgive me of my sins and transgressions against thy grace," apologizing profusely as his eyes watered uncontrollably at him.

Solomon then hugged Seth, feeling the kindness emanating from Seth's touch, which warms his soul deeply, filling him with unconditional love unlike any other form of affection previously known. Others followed suit, hugging him tightly in the group.

Like loving family members, he embraced them warmly while basking in the warmth of being loved by these wonderful people, whom he considers family as well. Calvin and his mother also joined in, smiling happily at such a wholesome scene unfolding before their eyes.

But the noble man remained there, sobbing miserably on his spot; none of the kindness Seth is showing doesn't make sense. He doesn't understand why the Lord is so merciful for Thomas is abusive, greedy bastard  who only care about himself rather than others around him who had suffered worse because of his doing.

"Thomas, come and join us," the holy man smiled warmly at him. "What you believe of being undeserving sinner is nothing compared to grace alone," words spoken out of compassion that make the fat man want to cry miserably about his own sins.

And yet, he felt compelled to do as asked by this holy man, who speaks with such gentleness, kindness, and understanding that it is foreign to someone like him who only cares for material possessions alone rather than those who worked under him all these years without being paid properly.

Forcing himself to walk slowly towards the group, he embraced them tightly despite being unsure whether or not such a gesture was appropriate enough since his current condition didn't fit the atmosphere perfectly, but he ignored his insecurities as tears flowed down his cheeks nonetheless.

"Lord, forgive me, for I have sinned."

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