Chapter 19

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The rising sun poured its luminescence through the windows in his room as the warmth of its rays touched his body, rousing him up from his sleep while his vision became blurry for a bit before gradually restoring itself to normal. As the child of God rubbed the sleep from his eyes, a flash of memory suddenly entered his mind.

Widening his eyes in gasp, he remembered vividly the chaotic winds entering his room and, most of all, the Holy Spirit visiting him to foretell what would come in the near future. However, more than that, there is something much greater and more personal: hearing the voice of the heavenly father—how strange it was but never forgettable in the slightest.

"Was it all a dream?" Perhaps because of his exhaustion last night, he hallucinated himself into thinking the encounter had truly happened: "But what if that wasn't the case?" He wondered in deep thought, trying to make sense of all of this.

It felt very real, to the point that it was a real-life experience, yet it isn't uncommon for this type of dream to occur, as he had had this type of dream many times before. Whether they are omens, messages from the spiritual realm, or simply delusions, either way it left him uncertain.

Regardless of the fact, the encounter was not a nightmare but a blessing in itself; his heart felt lighter than ever before as he rose from the bed before stretching his body to the side. Seth can finally start to prepare himself for the morning.

Sitting on the edge of his bed, an unease continued to linger within him. The news of the Holy Spirit warning him of an omen today is surely something to take into consideration, but the true question is: what is it that shall occur?

As his eyes focused down on the wooden floor, hurried knocks came from outside of his door, prompting him to turn to it with a look of surprise. "Who is it?!" He loudly asked, making sure the other person heard it while he remained sitting.


Voice he knows very well: "Come in!" Seth politely invited as the said woman opened the door with creaking noise as the elderly woman entered in a rather panicky and concerned state of mind, "Sister?" Confused at her sudden visitation, she asked, "Why do you seem distressed? Is something the matter?" He questioned her as the young man stood up and went in front of her.

"I deeply apologize for disturbing you during these early hours," Sister Tera bowed to him in shame. "But it is an emergency, and I felt we needed to speak with the rest outside of this room," she informed him with a stern voice, taking a brief moment to lift her head up and stare at his eyes.

Even more confusion enveloped him: "I...okay," sighing in frustration as he wasn't quite prepared for a meeting, "if this is urgent, then let's go." Being a leader is difficult; having to manage and watch over the others is very strenuous for him, which leaves him feeling overworked most of the time.

But as founder and church leader of this holy place, Seth feels obliged to do it for the good of his followers, the very students who took up the cross and followed him, in which they shall learn to spread the good word to those in need.

Giving a firm nod of approval, she quickly turned around and headed outside. Prompting him to also follow her behind them, they both exited the room before walking through a crowd of moving priests and nuns that were loudly murmuring, discussing their church's current status, and other things he was unfamiliar with.

As Seth continued following her from behind, he felt a foreboding event that would transpire today, which is not good in any way. Hopefully, he will get the answer once they explain to him the said event and the cause of it. Reaching the destination of their meeting place, he notices fellow Buddhist monks discussing with other monks, much to his surprise.

This is new, he thought to himself. To have another group of religion followers enter their sacred place is unheard, for Seth had never expected to have other groups conversing with one another. Nevertheless, it was a pleasant sight to see them discussing such things.

If it weren't for the fact that their body language showed that something serious was taking place, Seth would've found it wonderful to see such a rare occasion. When they spotted the two, they all quieted down. The atmosphere grew heavy before, finally, Genno Shinsho approached them with a worried look.

"There is trouble," the wise monk claimed while catching their attention. "The Empire has arrived." His tone sounded grave and harsh, sending an unpleasant chill down to the spine of the Son of God. "They are already in Lighthaven." Seth's eyes widen at this while Genno calmly continues.

Sister Tera stared down in fright at the news; sadness and dread overwhelmed her as well. It pained her to hear that her own home will be one of another empire's places to harass and assault any person they see fit, for her home has already suffered enough.

Walking to her side, he stood and stared in shock at his friend. "What did they do?" Fearful of the chance of saving their people from the corrupt soldiers, they said, "Please tell me they haven't hurt anyone!" Raising his voice, which almost reached shouting, he managed to keep it in check.

"No, thankfully they have not committed any atrocity, not yet," Genno answered with quiet relief, "although they are looking for you if those imperials are speaking of any truth," narrowing his eyes, his facial expression hardened, "though I do have my suspicions that there are more reasons other than wanting you."

Seth frowned at hearing this: "They...want me?" Unsure of what the Empire desires, "why? I do not know of the reason behind it," pondering in his own thoughts as everyone around them listened, "what happens if I don't comply?" Fearing the punishment the Empire will dish out on them.


The teacher's words shook everyone around them; even Seth was taken back by those words, but as for Sister Tera, she understood them clearly. What other options do they have? The Empire is inhumane, sadistic, and cruel, comprised of the most wicked of souls who think of themselves as the judge, jury, and executioner.

However, Seth remained firm; his expression showed a display of courage as he clenched his fists tightly. "I will peacefully talk to them," he said, immediately getting everyone's attention. "If they're seeking someone, then I shall willingly give myself," speaking with absolute resolve.

Tera, his devoted follower, pleaded against it: "Don't! They'll kill you; for what are you planning on sacrificing yourself!?" Her reasoning was not strong enough for him to refute her claims: "If you leave, what chances do we have of keeping our faith in the man that gave us guidance and strength?" Tears began forming in her eyes from having to speak of such things.

He empathized with her, sympathized with her, and understood her anxiety. "Sister Tera," he said, gently placing his hand on her shoulder. Seth smiled warmly and with certainty that the others would support him. "You must know what I needed to do," he said, comforting her with a caring voice. "And I have known the consequences of it; there is nothing to fear, for it is the will of the Heavenly Father," reassuring the woman with his determination.

She lowered her head, as if defeated; it is a terrible idea, but the young man will go on with his decision nonetheless.No, "it isn't right. We can escape and make a plan," searching for an alternative, "This way, all of us will be safe." The desperation in her voice was undeniably loud and clear, but it cannot deter the Son of God.

Genno decisively spoke up, "I do not think reasoning them without any form of bloodshed is a good idea, for they are never known to be negotiators," making his opinion of the matter while disagreeing with him, "but, perhaps..." Rubbing his chin with a finger while having a contemplative expression.

Raising his hand, the founder of this church called out the monk: "To him who strikes you on the cheek, offer also the other; and from him who takes away your cloak, don’t withhold your coat also," quoting from scripture, "the holy father says that man should turn the other cheek, forgive, and repent for the other has wronged him," he further explained in further detail.

"Have I not told you all before?" Looking around his gathering disciplines, "love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you," strong resolve present in his eyes, "we must preserve those who have fallen from the light so they can have the chance to rise and achieve redemption once more," his hope in the hearts of others was extraordinary.

His friend quickly embraced him after this: "That is what you are all about." Tears were shed from his eyes. "Can you really do this after everything that had happened between us?" Genno withdrew himself and gazed at the other. "Remember what happened to our companions?" The recollection was painful; Seth could only grit his teeth upon remembering those dark days.

But he chose to remember the good times and the experiences he had shared with Billy, Morgan, and Guan Yu. Now he has outgrown them, having moved on and found a new family. He is sure that they are proud of him for being the man he is now.

Seth began to cry, "I know...I know..." Wiping away his own tears, he said, "I don't want anyone else to get hurt anymore. They will be safe now," understanding their feelings of trepidation, "if I have to pay the price for them to live a peaceful life, then I shall gladly take it," willingly to fight just for those who believe in him.

One of his followers commented on this troubling news, "Lord, Lord!" A priest spoke in worry, "Are you going to surrender yourself to them?" Pleading at the founder to reconsider giving himself, "What will we become of us if you die?" The man's features were twisted with distress, his expression showing the purest of concern for their leader.

"Do not despair, for my work here is never finished." With a strong, confident smile, Seth was eager to reassure them. "I promise you, no harm shall befall upon anyone as long as you pick up the cross and believe in me," he stated in utmost assurance with a gentle grin on his face.

None of them dared to say another word, as they simply nodded and accepted his words with respect and belief, knowing how much their founder had given them a home to stay in and food to eat. He had given them the strength to live another day.

"Then we are going to occupy you," she suddenly stated, which caused the others to look at her with confused and perplexed expressions. "Your presence is our only weapon and symbol in this dark place. Therefore, we will follow you until the end," the old woman announced, to which many other priests and nuns nodded their heads in agreement.

He doesn't want any of them to come, but Seth knows most of them will insist on following him. For they are his only followers who believe in his teaching, and it's only proper to have them with them as it's their decision to do so, not his.

"Then come along and follow me."

Nodding his head in acceptance of their proposal, he started moving as everyone else followed in behind. A large crowd of disciples and monks walked together through the main entrance, where they eventually left the temple itself and into the woods themselves.

The Good Shepherd, with Sister Tera and Genno at his opposite sides, was being occupied by the faithful who decided to live virtuous, holy lives by the side of their wise teachers. Seth is like a shepherd who guides his lambs, and they are willing to follow him wherever he leads them.

However, far from the leading trio was Mathias, who was whispering to the priests about the blasphemous proclamation that their young founder had made, causing the men to deny or question this fact with looks of incredulity.

"I am telling you," Mathias said in frustration, "our founder is heretic," raising his arms and waving them, "he called himself to be the Son of God! How could you not understand what he had said?! It's blasphemy!" Angrily spitting his words out, he caused many others to start whispering to one another in dismay.

Seth heard all of this despite how faint it is, knowing that one way or another he has to tell them the truth of what the young priest is talking about. Just not yet, for now is not the time. He has to confront the soldiers first and then speak to his followers in all honesty.

Deep down, however, he will always love them regardless of being labeled as heretics, because his very disciples are children of God, his children, whom he cherishes, loves, and adores. Nothing will change his mind; no amount of hate or words will prevent him from reaching out and showing mercy.

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