Chapter 60

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The three followed Seth as the descending sun gradually slipped beneath the horizon while distant birds chirped overhead. The air smelled faintly sweet. Yet, it was still quieter than usual around this particular region, with little to no animal activity around besides a few random critters scrambling in the grass.

Open grassland stretched before them while mountains loomed far away. Trees were far away and scattered randomly, sparsely spaced among brownish shrubbery dotting the landscape. Sunlight casts shadows across barren soil, warming the surface slightly. However, its warmth provided little comfort due to the breeze that blew every once in a while.

Anguish spew on his heart in meeting Solomon again, only to see a different boy, broken from the outside but inwardly hollow from the inside. If what he said is true about Judith's demise, then that could mean something terrible has happened to everyone in Lighthaven.

He can't imagine how bad it must've been for those villagers, and if the general broke her promise, Seth is still willing to forgive her for whatever she has done to his home if that is the case. However, he can't keep himself from shaking with despair at all those who have lost their lives.

It is too painful to even think about this. The mere thought brings tears to his eyes as Seth wipes them away, trying his hardest to stay strong while continuing forward with his newfound traveling companion. Briefly glancing over the shoulder, he watched the serious-faced Solomon trailing close by.

No sight of a smile or joy can be felt from the boy. It was as if all happiness was drained from his body while being replaced by hatred for those who had committed atrocities against their loved ones. The holy man understood that feelings of revenge are a strong motivator, but they also have consequences if left unchecked.

Revenge and hatred have no place in the heart of a child. One may try to fight against its seductive call, but sooner or later they will be consumed by negative emotions until nothing remains. It becomes poison that corrupts the soul, as nothing good is left but empty husks.

Hopefully, he could reach out to the boy and convince him that such a thing will only bring more tragedy if he continues. After all, it was the reason why the heavenly father taught humanity not to seek vengeance, as it would only lead to more pain and suffering in return.

Returning his focus to the future, he notices how close they are to approaching another forest once again. He felt annoyed but accepted their current position regardless, for there is nowhere else to go since this spacious space is surrounded by trees themselves.

After a while of walking, they headed into the dense forest, much to Bruno's surprise and annoyance at the sudden decision, "This again?" He commented as they continued onward with their travel into new, unknown territory, "I swear, everywhere we go seems to lead into woods."

Genno smiled warmly, chuckling softly underneath his breath while patting his friend's back. "Oh, don't complain; it's just some vegetation and wild animals. There is nothing unusual to fret about." He pointed out, nonchalantly and quite frankly, that it just made things worse for the poet.

"The undead and wild bear who almost mauled me to death," retorting defensively, "I would gladly take my chances in a desert or canyon any day over another forest expedition any time soon," speaking with displeasure as well as a hint of bitterness towards their surroundings before looking around cautiously for any signs of danger nearby.

There is one thing Bruno despises, and that is getting jumped by unknown assailants without prior warning beforehand. A scenario where he expects at any moment now for someone or something to pop out at any second as though waiting in ambush, ready to pounce upon them when least expected.

As the two conversed with one another, Solomon was silent during the trip, trying hard not to lose focus on his reason for joining their little group. He isn't here to make friends but to avenge his mother's death by ending the lives of that queen and her royal lackeys.

He can't imagine those rich assholes laughing merrily while drinking their finest wine after what they had done to countless people. Those nobles think they are above mankind. In truth, they are nothing but leeches sucking blood from innocent citizens under Cinder's control.

How he can't wait to get his hands on Cinder's neck—the very bitch responsible for all of this, not only having killed his beloved mom but also the home that took care of him and everyone else. Nothing is fair; the world is unfair, and that is simply the way things are.

Inhaling through his nostrils slowly, Solomon calmed his racing heart while allowing emotions of fury to settle down in his boiling core, exhaling just after a brief moment as his eyes scan around to take his mind off the trouble thoughts he was currently enduring at this moment.

The forest appears to be taiga because of the present pines, spruces, and larches all around it. With the wind ruffling the tips of leaves as they swayed gently back and forth, along with the scent of pine and crisp air filling their nostrils with a fresh, cool aroma, where the atmosphere was tense and serene at the same time, with little to no animals in sight but the sounds of their footsteps echoing throughout the area as they tread across the undergrowth of fallen twigs and debris.

There is no snow anywhere as far as can be seen, much to Bruno's relief, but they still remain careful of their surroundings to make sure that nothing follows them, which makes Solomon believe there are more bandits out here waiting for a chance to strike.

Although the boy himself hardly believes they have such luck in encountering more of those scum, let alone survive long enough to be a nuisance for them, Even with his combat skills and abilities, he doubted it would be difficult to finish the low lives off if given the chance.

There is something else he despises other than the Empire itself, which is bandits. They plague the roads with their presence like insects, as their existence causes great harm to travelers and civilians alike. These men are no different in his eyes, as they are all the same to him.

Scum, undeserving of mercy or pity, deserves a fate far worse than what they inflicted upon others. Such beings deserve nothing but the end of their existence. Though they may have suffered fate that made them turn to the crime of life,.

He cared no less as a result of what they had done in their lives; it mattered not whether or not they suffered from a hard past. Solomon simply wants them to die so they can burn to smithereens, just like those soldiers did a month ago in setting fire to his beloved community.

"We are going to stop here," Seth informed, interrupting the white-haired boy's thoughts of violence and misery. The holy man came to a halt inside the open space for them to gather their strength together and rest as the once-blue sky above gradually became orange.

Turning around, "Don't you think?" Staring directly at the boy with a sad smile on his own face, the others nodded in agreement with him as Bruno slumped on a nearby boulder. Meanwhile, Genno sat quietly on the ground, leaning back against the trunk of the tree behind him while closing his eyelids shut in a seated meditation posture.

Solomon quickly glanced away, unsure of what to feel or say about this. "I'm going to forage some herbs nearby while you all recuperate yourselves," he announced bluntly before turning in the opposite direction of their newly constructed campsite.

"Let me come with you."

Anger swelled up inside as Seth said those words, "no!" Solomon snapped irritably. "Just leave me alone," he said firmly, but without malice or hostility behind the statement. "It's better that way," the boy added shortly afterwards, clenching his fists tightly as he furrowed his brows into a frown line.

Seth approached him in the back, extending his own hand to touch the boy's right shoulder. "It's dangerous for someone like your age! It is—" His worry and concern turned into shock after Solomon spun in motion with a look of fury, hate, and sadness written across his face.

"FUCK YOU! JUST FUCK YOU!" Baring his teeth angrily as he stepped towards the man he used to look up to, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN AFTER MY MOTHER WAS KILLED IN FRONT OF MY EYES?! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN SINCE LIGHTHAVEN WAS BURNED DOWN INTO ASH? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MAN I CONSIDERED A FATHER TO ME?!" Tightening his fists, his knuckles turned white as his nails dug through the soft flesh, causing droplets of scarlet-colored fluid to drip down his fingertips.


Everyone remained speechless, their eyes focused directly on the troubled child who unleashed all of these emotions bottled up inside him for so long. Even Seth couldn't help but feel awful witnessing the child break down completely right in front of their very own eyes.

There is nothing the holy man can say nor do as he watches Solomon pant rapidly from shouting out all of this. "I'm sorry," were his only words, weakly whispered apologetically, for there isn't anything he can do to make amends with everything Solomon had to endure from being alone in this world.

He had failed at being a father and, most importantly, being the Son of God. Seth feels so ashamed of himself and his actions that led this child here in the first place. How could he let things get to this point? How could he have been so blinded by his own mission to complete that he forgot the most important people who had been there for him since the beginning?

"Sorry isn't going to cut it," Solomon turned to face away from the trio, "I'm tired of crying over what cannot be changed," he proclaimed as the last words before moving forward into the vast wilderness alone, leaving them completely behind with nothing else but the experience of this event.

They watched Solomon go, while he could only watch him in his frozen spot. After everything this poor child went through, it is fair to be disappointed in himself. A failure to protect his home and, most importantly, the innocent people who died after his absence.

He's truly pathetic, isn't he? Seth can't imagine anything more horrible than being here and unable to do anything in the face of death itself; he could've come back sooner or stayed there by Judith's side. Perhaps if we had known this would be happening,.

But was this God's plan all along? Was it the divine providence guiding their path toward destruction as punishment for their sins? No, no, that can't be true. What kind of loving god would do something so cruel on purpose? This isn't making any sense at all.

Then again, ever since Seth learned his duty as the messiah and chosen one, is it alright to prioritize it over others? He isn't sure in that regard anymore; he doesn't know what is right anymore. This world is full of mysteries that seem incomprehensible and overwhelming to him.

All he can do is pray for this child to recover from all the tragedy he witnessed and, most importantly, his mother's death. Seth couldn't bear to lose the one person who mattered to him, so he empathizes with the poor boy on a personal level.

Praying for the Lord to bring good fortune to Solomon and make his path more bearable on this road, he hopes the Father will guide him to find peace in this troubling time.

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