Chapter 15

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Gus patiently walked through the fancy hallway that belonged to the imperial palace, decorated in a way that was meant to be inviting to all who entered, but Gus knew what lied within these walls—corruption and filth that went on unpunished by those who lived within them.

He knew that the only reason the entire Empire was becoming shit was because of the queen and her lust for power just to satiate her perverted desires, leading her to commit many crimes against humanity that never bothered her in the first place.

Sometimes, he still questions to himself why he even bothers staying in the service and following the orders given to them. "Because if I want to feed my men," he responded with a grudgeful sigh, "then I will have to do whatever the Empire wants me to do," frowning at the fact that he must rely on them.

Other than that, Gus believed that it was his patriot duty to do whatever was required in order to serve and protect the Empire, "although I do enjoy bullying weaker ones," quietly muttering to himself with a sadistic smile. In addition, he believes that it's fine for people to live in poverty, especially since they don't deserve anything compared to the ones who fought hard to keep them safe.


Stopping in his tracks, he turned around to see a fellow knight of the empire in their armor, running towards him while being heavy-panted. "Is something the matter, fellow warrior?" He asked as his face returned to being stern, concern written over himself.

The young soldier placed his hand on his chest before bowing down to the larger man. "The scouts reported a description that fits of a man in white at Lighthaven," he said in a quick pace as Gus listened attentively to his report. "There is indeed a high, probably high chance that this is who the queen was searching for." The soldier's voice is trembling with nervousness.

"Lighthaven, you say?" His mind began to churn when his brows rose in surprise. "I had a discussion with General Solana about it," he said in a curious manner while rubbing his chin. "And?" Raising his brow, he awaited his subordinate's reply.

Clearing his throat, the soldier explained further, "We also have a report about a huge building meant for worship just outside of that village," giving another detail of what the scouts have found, "maybe that man is residing at the temple, sir," being certain of his deduction.

Crossing his arms, Gus stared down at the floor for a moment. There were two choices he had to make: "one," he looked up, "I need you to gather ten knights and ten musketeers." His order prompts the young man to nod in agreement, "secondly, inform them to bring horses and supplies for this long journey," instructing him more.

Bowing at the large knight, "Yes, sir!" The young man spoke in compliance as he stepped backward, "Then I will be on my way!" Turning around, he ran and passed the approaching general, whose expression was full of surprise at seeing them here.

"Gus, what happened?" General Solana walked towards his sworn ally after having been passed by a young knight of the Empire. "Is there anything you have to tell me?" I asked him about something related to what had just transpired.

Rubbing his temples, Gus shook his head side to side, "The scouts reported of a man that fits the description in what our queen was telling us," saying it in a disappointing tone, "they also found the temple outside of Lighthaven and were certain that the man resides at that place," stating as he stood there, unfazed at the whole description, "either way, I doubt it is him."

She was taken back by this report: "Why not? If it is truly him, as the rumors and reports said, then—" The general was quickly interrupted by a loud sigh escaping from him that cut her off in mid-sentence at the same time.

"That is why I am 'doubting'," reminding her of his own words, "but as per her majesty's wish and for our sake, it is still better to check out the reports of them," returning his attention to Solana as he gives his reasoning, "I can't dishonor my fallen comrades by defying the orders given to us."

In response, she frowned with contempt. "Sometimes, I question to myself whether I should stay with the Empire or leave for my own pursuits, but I know that is foolish to consider it." Crossing her arms together, the general was unsatisfied with the only options they could have.

"In the end, we are loyal dogs of the queen, and that is who we are," grimly admitting his true feelings about this whole ordeal, "the only way is to follow the orders given, no matter how wrong or atrocious they are," stating the cold truth of the whole situation.

He doesn't outright enjoy murdering innocent people, but Gus can't help but find some intimacy in picking on lesser beings, especially ones who are below his own station: "If someone needs to be beaten up, then let them be beaten up by strong hands," feeling pride in his strength.

The general, however, frowned on this: "You sound like those corrupt nobles who prey on the weak," voicing her opinion about it as it seems too similar to them, "always wanting to stomp on others who they have perceived as beneath them," having witnessed it with her very eyes, "especially on women and children; some of the worst things are committed by our own people against those who have less than them," sadly commenting on what she is seeing.

A light chuckle escaped from Gus's lips. "But that's what makes it so entertaining to watch," he said, flashing a sick grin on his face. "They deserve everything they put through for us," finding it fair in their perspective. "I mean, that is for the greater good, is it not?" Laughing some more as he leaned against the wall, he said, "Just look how much our comrades fought while these low lives sit in their comfortable homes."

Rolling her eyes, she glanced away with a bitter smile on her face. "Those are the things a vile noble would say," harshly judging her office, "but let us end this conversation, for we have a job to do." Solana began to walk forward, prompting him to follow at her side.

Sighing, he chuckled at her side, nodding in agreement, "I suppose you're right; let us put on our masks for a little bit and get this over with," continuing to walk along the hall, "that reminds me, how was that little magician you adopted doing?" Asking in peculiar curiosity as he remembered something, "Cyanea, was it?"

Glancing her eye at him, the general was a bit surprised to hear this: "Its Cyan," answering with the correct name before proceeding with her answer, "she is currently at the library like she usual do," describing her being there. "When I asked her why she prefers the library of all places, she said it is due to it being a quiet and peaceful area, free from the troubles of the real world."

Shrugging in amusement, Gus didn't find much sense in her logic: "Some kids are weird in their ways, but who is to say I am judged by that? I never get why you found some use for having her here while she is some just runt from the streets," unaware of Cyan's true potential in being a powerful magician, "wasn't she brought by a peasant by the name of 'Alaric' or something like that?"

Punching at his shoulder, he flinched a bit when he felt the force of her strike: "she isn't some runt I found in the streets," expressing her mild irritation with the large knight, "if it weren't for her magic, she wouldn't be working for us," correcting his error, "you see, the girl is special for her visions in impending events at regards to the empire itself," answering as the general glanced away, "call it 'a gift', she sees a future that hasn't come yet, as I don't get the details of what it is, but she did give me vague predictions of things to come, although they have always been accurate in every step of the way."

Gus was intrigued by her words, "Ha! I never would have thought she was a special magician, and here I thought she was just a kid with some cheap magic tricks," sounding amazed by this, "guess its a good thing there is some usefulness to these things," remarking in casual fashion as the large knight couldn't imagine someone with the power to foresee things in the future.

Chuckling lightly, the general found it humorous by his reaction: "I know, it surprised me as well," softly speaking with a contented expression, "having her here has helped in quelling rebellions and assassination attempts that will occur in the future," recalling the event where she used her magic to save many lives.

"Gus sir!"

Turning around, he saw the same young knight that had a previous encounter with "your mace," holding a two-handed weapon that has spikes surrounding the metal ball on top. The soldier then approached and presented it to him, handing it over to the large knight.

Grabbing it, Gus smiled devilishly at the young soldier and said, "Thanks, kid," appreciating his kindness as the soldier gave him a quick nod before stepping backward. Holding the handle with his right hand, Gus lifted his weapon as he examined the spikes that are finely made by the best blacksmiths.

How much he missed his beloved weapon that speaks his might and power: "If its one thing I appreciate the Empire for, its the ability to have the best weapon one can acquire with some good steel made," smiling wickedly while holding it with ease, "although it's good to have one built from scratch sometimes," reminiscing of his old weapon as he twirled around.

Afterwards, he rested the massive weapon over his shoulders, saying, "It's good to have it back," speaking in joy, "You are dismissed," and telling the soldier that he could go to where he wanted to be, "Oh, and tell the others that they need to be prepared for our trip to Lighthaven."

Nodding in obedience, the obedient knight turned and sprinted away once again, causing the duo to also return to walking towards the exit of the castle. Each step they took echoed in the quiet halls as they proceeded further to their destination. Their footsteps produced small taps that resonated upon contact.

As the two moved in silence, his mind was somewhere else, especially about his weapon that he used so many times during combat and how he acquired it. Many years ago, he was still a rookie, having to join the army of the Empire by the age of fourteen. His mother worked as a maid, having to clean the place daily, while his father died fighting for their queen in the past.

Just how many times he killed was beyond his count; each life was nothing to him but an experience. Being promoted from foot soldier to respected veteran was no easy task, as he struggled throughout his years. His brutal tactics were praised for the brutality and effectiveness he displayed on the battlefield.

Gus enjoyed every last minute of it, as he gained some sort of pleasure from bullying the weaker ones. Regardless, it also led to many casualties while he was reckless. Since then, he has tried to improve by being more cautious so as to avoid such tragic outcomes. Although he hoped that they could get a chance to fight again,.

Because his blood is itching to fight as it has become too long in his eyes. How boring his days are! Even though he got anything he wished for, the only thing that fills his empty void is battle and bloodshed alone. But after this expedition, they are most likely to return home for a while.

Eventually they arrive at the door that leads outside, passing through the short tunnel, leading them to the long bridge where many nobles and patrolling guards are present. The general stared at the clear sky, admiring it while enjoying the sight of the bright sun shining down on the city as she magically ignited her sword in determination for what they will do.

"Gus, it is time to help our people, no matter the cost."

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