Chapter 83

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After saying their goodbyes to one another, Seth continued to walk on these lonely open plains by himself with no one else occupying him; he smiled sadly, briefly looking up at the darkened sky, a foreboding sign of something or someone watching him closely.

A light breeze ruffled through his hair, causing locks to sway back and forth gently while he continued onward onto a steep hill that lay before him. The smell of spring filled the air as new life blossomed in this small area of the world. Fresh grass grew up from the rich soil that had been moistened by rain as budding flowers began to bloom.

Looking ahead of him, he wonders if he can truly do this. Facing a painful death at the hands of his childhood friend, who had grown up to be the wicked queen she is, Deep down, he fears the worst of the outcome, worried that all of this will be in vain, but knows it's a risk he must take.

His thoughts try to make him as afraid as he should be, but what is to say that he is alone? Seth will not die alone, for he has trusted companions along with the heavenly father himself, who watches over him, easing his heart and soul altogether.

Each step on this green grass felt different, softer, as though his shoes had somehow grown thinner, or maybe they're making it harder for him to stay standing. They're too soft for him to know, or it's all just his head. Either way, his mind has become too occupied with things.

What tortures will await him? A cold cell? Heavy shackles on wrists and ankles? Fire? No, no, no. He tries not to think of that. It is a phobia he still fears today, but he managed to get over it at some point, even though there is still a small fear lingering in him.

Out of nowhere, a sudden gust of wind blew by. Strong, fast, and cold, it forced him to stop walking and brace himself as it whipped around, howling loudly. It made Seth think of a great beast that's calling out for him, like some kind of ghost or spirit.

Standing on top of this hill, he felt it—a presence he all know too well. It is someone he has never thought to see since their fall, and now it appears the time has come as slow and loud, heavy breathing could be heard from his back.

Turning around, he saw him. Man—not a man but the serpent itself. "Lucifer Morningstar," Seth coldly stated in acknowledgement of his arrival, "what manner is the devil doing here?" He asked without batting an eye at the fallen angel.

Lucifer's chest rose and fell in deep rhythm as if drawing in breaths that required immense effort to produce any sound other than gasps, lips parted in wicked smiles. "Nazareth," it replied flatly, green orbs narrowing into dangerous slits, "how have you been since we last met?" The figure asked teasingly while tilting his head sideways.

Another strong gust of wind flew past, ruffling their clothes and hair before Seth inhaled sharply, closing his eyes momentarily before opening them again. "Not since you betrayed the father," spitefully spitting out words with disdain, "your pride and arrogance have driven you to become a slave for your own impulses," he accused harshly as his brows furrowed at sight before him.

Snorting, the being flashed teeth: "I told you once that God is no longer needed; I already won long ago, for I have become the prince of this world," proudly declaring itself in mockery. "Even in death, you will always fail to save everyone," Lucifer sneered.

Taking a few steps back, Seth gritted his teeth: "Close your lips, fallen one. It is not by influence alone that you will prevail, but by humanity's endurance and goodness that shall prevail even if they are misguided or flawed in times of adversity," he said sternly before adding, "as God will always find a way to correct his children's mistakes when they pick up the cross and follow me after my death."

The devil laughed, his bellowing chuckles reverberating throughout the atmosphere as he folded arms and shook its head. "A good shepherd has become the lamb; how ironic that the son of God is blinded by his faith when he offers himself to be the sacrifice for these savages," disdain laced in tone, sparing a pitying glance at the holy man before him.

This only earned a dark glare from Seth, who remained unmoving in place. "Man is special in their own way because of the goodness they can do despite their own shortcomings, giving them the ability to choose their own path in life," he declared while raising his left index finger. "God did not make them to become mindless robots, but rather independent beings capable of learning and experiencing the world for themselves. Even if their choices lead them astray or stray away from the Lord's teachings, He still loves them in the end regardless."

Lucifer then spread his arms, looking up at the heavens with arrogance shining across his handsome features. "Oh, how your father's ego has grown into self-righteousness," it commented before facing the holy man with a serious expression. "Asmodeus was a fool to think that he could convert you to our new kingdom!" Boasting confidently in the face of its opponent.

Seth clenched fists, anger welled within him at the audacity of the fallen to insult him, "Kingdom?" The holy man asked incredulously while letting out a short, humorless chuckle, "What kind of kingdom will you establish, Satan?" He asked, "Destruction and endless suffering? You are never a king, only a poor servant who thinks itself superior to everything else."

"Is that so, Son of God?" He stared deep into the holy man's eyes. "For what kingdom shall you establish? The Kingdom of God?!" Amusement and curiosity crossed over his face, arching an eyebrow in feigned interest.

A cold silence followed before Seth broke it by speaking in a much more angry tone, "Don’t think that I came to send peace on the earth. I didn’t come to send peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man at odds against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man’s foes will be those of his own household," a statement filled with such contempt that it caught Lucifer off guard, who stared at the holy man in bafflement.

Guffawed, the Serpent threw his head back in laughter. "Sword!? You have no sword, King!" It retorted mockingly, "Where is your sword?" The mocking question was filled with amusement as it taunted the holy man before him: "Will you fight with only a wooden stick? Have you no weapon to protect yourself, Nazareth?"

"The sword is already here."

Bringing his hand to the heart, "I am the prince of peace, but I know that the cycle of violence and war is present in man's heart. So then I shall divide or sever a group of two who are with me and against me in this world," declaring his judgment with resolve that made Lucifer raise eyebrows in astonishment before quickly recovering, "any righteous man who picks up the cross for my sake will be rewarded regardless of how many enemies or obstacles he must face."

Taking a step back, Lucifer bared his teeth angrily. "You speak of nonsense, fool! This place is my personal toilet!" His outburst caused Seth to give him a stern look. "Can't you see?! Earth belongs to me ever since the most merciful refused to destroy me."Angry that the holy man dares to defy him.

Shaking his head, Seth lowered himself down to pick up a rock before standing up. "Turn this rock into bread while I hold it," he challenged the Devil with a gaze that earned further annoyance from the being who continued to bare his teeth. "You can't, can you? Because you are never prince nor king in the first place," the answer completely drove Satan mad.

His whole body was covered with veins, fuming of sheer fury that burned deep inside his heart. "I have lived for eons upon eons, Nazareth. This world is mine and mine  only."He shouted as he took a step towards Seth, who stood unfazed by this revelation, "The earth is another form of hell, and men are its demons!" He is trying his hardest not to lose control over himself due to the humiliation he is receiving.

Smiling victoriously, he approaches slowly to the devil with the rock still in his hand. "You have introduced sin ever since you fell from the heavens, but know this," stopping just inches away from his face. "Mankind's goodness will never be destroyed by its depravity. Only through death will I become immortalized, for I have redeemed myself in the Father's name!" Announcing with confidence.

Lucifer was beyond embarrassed and humiliated; his pride had taken many blows from the Son of God that only enraged him further. "Silence!" As he grabbed Seth by the throat, his own hand swiftly burst into holy flame, resulting a loud scream coming out of his own mouth.

"You are the cobra who is beneath me," coldly declared Seth, tightening his grip on the rock in his right hand. "What makes you different from a wicked man who abuses others for the sake of satisfying their selfishness? Will you keep hurting and corrupting people for your own benefit rather than accepting your father's embrace?"

Falling onto his knees, the devil stared at his own burnt arm, disgust and fear flashing across its face. "No, "that can't be true." Trembling in front of the Son of God, he snapped his head up in shock at his own form and asked, "Why am I on my knees?!" Horrified to find himself in this humiliating position.

Seth continued looking down at him with patience and righteous anger. "When will you turn back from your pride, Satan? How long will you remain ignorant of the love and grace from our Father?" Questioning the possibility of redemption.

Seething like a wild beast, "never!" Lucifer snarled, "I will never beg! Not to you nor to Him!" Enraged that the holy man would dare to ask him such questions, he said, "I am on my own being! It's all about me! ALL ABOUT ME!" Screaming manically at his declaration, "My existence does not need validation from anyone!"

Pity and sorrow reflected in Seth's eyes as he bent down to Lucifer's eye level. "Do you not remember your home, fallen one? Do you not miss the days when you were together in the Father's grace?" Sadness dripping off every word: "Were you not once his cherished child that he loved dearly?" I'm hoping to get through the serpent's mind.

However, the creature narrowed its eyes in loathing and said, "There is nothing left for me to return to, Nazareth. Not until heaven and earth belong to me!" Pride and arrogance fuel his whole being: "I will have no equal or rival when I rule over all of creation. All will be mine! There shall be none before me! There is no one to judge my actions, no one to punish my sins, no one to oppose me in power or wisdom."

Disappointment is shown in the holy man's face: "All this for a throne. Was it worth leaving everyone behind just so that you could rule over everything?" Pleading to reconsider the decision, "father still loves you, Lucifer, and yearns for you to return home. Are you willing to betray his love in exchange for empty promises that will ultimately bring nothing else?" Not understanding what the point of his conflict is.

Gritting teeth in frustration, "you don't understand..." The devil groaned, "I don't want to bow or humble myself to anyone! If he loves me so much, then he should have killed me long ago!" His voice became hoarse, strained, and annoyed at having to repeat this explanation yet again countless times already.

However, he narrowed his eyes in loathing and said, "There is nothing left for me to return to, Nazareth. Not until heaven and earth belong to me!" With his final statement, he turned himself into a cobra, slithering away before being stepped on by Seth.

"I thought so."

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