Chapter 93

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As Seth and his two companions left the stadium, he let out a sigh of relief after being delayed in execution. Although this also means this isn't the end for him, as there is still another meeting held tomorrow regarding what happened today.

Turning around at them, he thanked Gus and Cyan for their assistance: "If it weren't for you two, I would have been executed without a fair trial," smiling gratefully at both of them, "so thank you," expressing sincere gratitude that is accompanied by gratefulness and appreciation for what they have done.

"There's no need for that," Gus told the holy man, "but you're welcome nonetheless." He returned a slight chuckle, "none of us really wanted to see you dead, that's the truth," placing his hand on the shoulder of Seth and patting it gently. "In fact, me and her are beginning to see you as someone special," he added humorously before continuing.

Cyan narrowed her eyes at the veteran. "Speak for yourself," she corrected with a deadpan tone. "I did most of the work," she said, huffing while crossing her arms as she glanced over at the holy man, who gave a friendly laugh from this display. "How is it funny?" Finding amusement in this event isn't very humorous to her.

Seth shook his head in response. "No, I apologize; it isn't what you think," he said, raising his hand in reassurance. "You merely remind me of Solomon," he chuckled warmly before clearing his throat to speak properly. "He has quite a temper and a sharp tongue sometimes," revealing the truth of why he's amused.

Tilting her head, she lowered her arms with a question in hand: "Really? Who is he?" Curious about knowing who this person is, she said, "I don't think I have ever met someone named Solomon." She didn't recall hearing mention of his name from anyone until now.

Just when the holy man opened his mouth, running footsteps coming behind the pillars caught their attention, turning to the source before being suddenly embraced by open arms. "Seth!" The boy cried tearfully, relief and happiness evident on his young face. "I thought something bad happened to you!" Tears fell freely down his cheeks as Solomon sobbed uncontrollably.

Reacting quickly, Seth comforted and soothed the frightened child, holding him tightly in a tight hug as Solomon continued sobbing onto his chest, "There, there. It's alright, little one, I'm alive," reassuring him softly while stroking the boy's hair, "I'll never see you or anyone else again," smiling reassuringly before the boy glanced up at him.

Withdrawing from their hug, Genno then approached them from where the boy ran, saying, "We have a lot of time after the trial," gesturing towards them to follow him, "unless anyone wants to do something about it." Glancing at the other two, his own face became surprised at seeing a soldier of the Empire, "Who are you?" He asked the strangers standing in front of him bluntly.

Gus scowled. "A friend of his, what's it to you?" Replying defensively, folding his muscular arms in front of his chest, "And before you ask, I'm not going to arrest him," the answer received a questioning look from the wise monk. However, the once-relieved Solomon turned to anger when he noticed him.

"You're one of them!"

The boy pointed accusingly with hatred directed towards him before couple steps forward and clenching his own hands tightly at sides, "I won't forget what you did to my mom, and neither will anyone else!" He hollered threateningly, ready to pounce and attack at a moment's notice.

Before Gus could give out a response, Cyan suddenly stood in front of him, defending the veteran soldier whom she considers a friend. "Shut it, kid!" She snapped sternly, frowning deeply as her brows furrowed. "You have no idea who or what you are dealing with! So stop acting like a child and be mature!" She reprimanded the young boy.

But that alone enraged and baffled him more: "Kid?!" Solomon growled irritably, "Look at yourself! You're not even much older than me!" He spat vehemently with a scowl on his face. The way she spoke makes it seem like she thinks she's better than anyone else here.

Anger formed on her face. "At least I have a brain inside my head and use it, unlike some immature child who gets angry for no reason at all!" She scoffed haughtily, causing Gus to sigh in despair of knowing where this is going for certain: "Besides, you're no better than any other ignorant idiots who run around with no education or common sense whatsoever!"

The boy was taken aback by this verbal assault. "Says who?! Some nerd from the capital?!" He countered furiously, showing his disapproval with a gesture of dismissal towards her before scoffing, "Just because I never attended a school or studied in some school doesn't mean that I have no common sense in the world!"

Everyone watched in disbelief at what unfolded between them, seeing how ridiculous their argument is becoming worse by the minute. "Kids these days..." Gus whispered under breath before glancing at Seth, who was disheartened at the sight before them.

"Children..." Seth softly said, calling out to them in a gentle voice, "Stop fighting already." He went over them and knelt between the two, "You shouldn't fight each other," putting a hand on their shoulders to gain their full attention as the corridor grew deathly quiet from this statement.

Letting out a breath of air, he continued onward with his speech, letting them know what's really important at this very moment: "This isn't time for arguments, especially when it has gotten out of hand already," looking between both Solomon and Cyan, who stared at him with anticipation.

"But I tell you who hear: love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you. To him who strikes you on the cheek, offer also the other; and from him who takes away your cloak, don’t withhold your coat either. Give to everyone who asks you, and don’t ask him who takes away your goods to give them back again." As you would like people to do to you, do exactly so to them." If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. If you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do the same. If you lend to those from whom you hope to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners to receive back as much. But love your enemies, do good, and lend, expecting nothing back; and your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, for he is kind toward the unthankful and evil." Therefore, be merciful, even as your Father is also merciful."

Everyone was frozen in their spots, amazed and astounded to see how eloquently he spoke with such ease, his voice soothing them with a calming effect like a breeze of summer wind. It was as if time itself had halted when the holy man spoke these heartfelt words.

Standing up from his spot, Seth placed both of his hands onto their little heads. "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land," wisdom gleamed from his black-colored irises as he smiled down at both children, who became awestruck by his majestic appearance. "For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness. I will remember their sins and lawless deeds no more."

Solomon and Cyan felt like they were standing before someone greater than anyone they had ever seen in their entire lives, realizing the holiness that emanates outward from the holy man, bathing them in the radiant light of his spirit. It was almost as if who, or rather what, was standing in front of them was not merely man but also God in the flesh.

"King?" Gus intervened, a little confused but nonetheless intrigued by Seth's words: "Are you saying that if we follow your example, then you'll forgive our sins and heal us?" He inquired with a slight hesitation before asking this out loud.

Removing his hands, Seth turned and nodded with a smile. "Yes," a simple affirmation answered his question as a grin spread across his handsome face while gazing upon each individual's soul within their hearts. "Do you wish to confess the sins of your past and seek forgiveness from the Lord?" Seth asked calmly, "Here or in private? Which one do you prefer?"

Gus showed a display of discomfort in his expression, sweating profusely about his internal conflict in deciding which one he chose as the options were laid out for him to make. Yet he stood motionless, feeling uncertain of what to do. "I have done terrible things," bringing up his sins again, "things that no one should ever forgive for," he swallowed thickly in apprehension.

Cyan wasn't sure what to say but decided to take a step forward and join them. "I'm here for you," she approached at his side, showing support in silence. "No matter what, I will be here." Her warm smile calmed the veteran, easing some of his fears away.

Genno stood in silence, watching the scene play out before him as Seth gave another reassuring nod towards Gus, who took deep breaths before exhaling them slowly. It seemed like he was contemplating whether or not he should go through with this confession.

Solomon, however, was anticipating hearing it, desperate to learn what crimes have transpired to make this large man like that. "So, what's it going to be?" The child pressed further, inquiring of the veteran knight as impatience grew within.

But then, he finally spoke: "I have killed hundreds of innocent people in wars and battles under the queen's name," Gus revealed reluctantly, bowing his head in shame at the horrors he committed. "There are many times I was sent to pillage towns and villages that either rebelled or refused to continue in submitting to the Empire's demands," he sighed deeply while closing his eyes briefly before opening them. "I let them burn alive, along with their livestock, crops, and belongings, and sometimes I help by doing the slaughtering myself if the soldiers aren't enough."

Tears welled up within his own eyes as he looked down in shame. "Sometimes...we take women for fun and even sell children for slavery," he dropped on his knees. "All the while, I have also seen rape being done on mothers in front of their husbands and their daughters being taken away from their families!" Weeping miserably, Gus couldn't take it anymore.

Seth took a couple of steps forward, placing his own hands on the man's cheeks and saying, "Look at me," causing the kneeling man to lift his tearful eyes up. They were filled with regret, shame, fear, pain, and sadness, along with the suffering he endured. "Turn to Me and be saved, all ends of the earth, for I [am] God, and there is none else. By myself I have sworn, Gone out from my mouth in righteousness hath a word, and it turneth not back, That to Me, bow doth every knee, every tongue swear."

The grace of the Lord touched everyone present; Gus began weeping again as tears streamed down his face, "I will always forgive you for my mercy and love is boundless," letting his thumbs wipe away the streaks that ran down the man's cheeks, "Now, Gus, you are forgiven," giving assurance, "If therefore you are offering your gift at the altar, and there remember that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift."

Moving a couple of steps backwards, Seth gestured for the boy to come. "Will you forgive him, my son?" Calling out Solomon, who responded by walking towards Gus in small steps, "Can you find it in your heart to absolve him of his sins?" He encouraged them while staring at the scene before them.

He stopped just in front of the man who was responsible for killing his mother, destroying the life he had once before turning into the vengeful child. Solomon stared at him with conflicting emotions building inside his very soul and mind. His fingers were trembling in uncertainty at the request.

Gus took notice of it but kept still in silence while waiting patiently for Solomon to say the words. Knowing well that if he spoke at all, it would only bring more chaos and heartache between them. Lifting his gaze once more, Gus fixed it on the boy's eyes, which were full of uncertainty.

The boy's hands were shaking violently, clenching his fists while he began grinding his own teeth. He was unable to make the right decision, as if he were presented with two different roads ahead of him. A difficult choice must be made in order for this man to be forgiven and released from his burdens.

It's like he's being pushed to a wall, forced into choosing the option, "You killed my mother." Coldly stating while narrowing his eyes in anger at him, "I saw it with my own eyes," Solomon's heart raced with rage and hatred that burned as bright as a thousand suns inside, "the bastards responsible for barging in our home and destroying everything in their path!" He shouted angrily.

Bitter resentment consumed his every being: "You all took everything away from me! And now, you expect me to..." A hit of realization struck through as Solomon faltered upon his last words, "You want me to forgive you?" He murmured quietly before discomfort appeared on his own face. "I don't know..." Unable to think straight while breathing heavily through gritted teeth.

"It's hard to forgive those who wrong you, just as Seth told me before, but if it means letting go of this hatred that consumes me every day, haunting me in dreams and waking moments of life," sighing sadly, Solomon struggled to express himself while staring down in silence before looking up. "I will try," the boy hesitantly said. "I will try to say the words," repeating again.

Gus lifted his hands and prayed for the child to forgive him of his wicked sins, awaiting the deserving judgment that awaits, patient but anxious to hear his answer. Will Solomon forgive him or not? No one knows except the child himself.

Inhaling slowly, Solomon took several deep breaths before exhaling them out, nodding in his readiness to release the grudge that has haunted him all this time. Whether it will work or not, the boy doesn't know since he has never experienced doing something like this before.


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