Chapter 76

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"This way, gentlemen," Thomas's wife gestured politely before moving ahead through a narrow hallway that led straight toward a different dinner room than the one they were accustomed to. "Please come sit down," she offers, gesturing her hand toward wooden chairs that sat across from each other at a nearby table full of steaming hot cooked food and drink.

The table is surrounded by twenty wooden chairs with carved armrests that make it look like a throne instead of a piece of dining furniture. There's a large red rug beneath their feet, while the candelabra rests near the center of it, providing light for each person to see what they're eating. While being long and rectangular, with enough space for many people on either side.

Calvin has prepared a meal that looks absolutely delicious: meat stew, vegetables, and breads as sides. They can smell it all throughout the house as they enter, causing their mouths to water while their stomachs rumble from hunger.

Thomas sits across from Solomon, who also took a seat near Seth, as they wait patiently for others to arrive. The holy man gives him a friendly smile in return, understanding how hard it must be to welcome many guests into their wonderful home.

Its walls were covered in beautiful murals depicting scenes of nature, with trees and flowers dancing in the wind. The candles give off a warm glow, casting shadows across the table and lighting up Seth's face. The windows were closed, with heavy curtains drawn across them that let only a sliver of light seep through.

The ceiling is decorated with chandelier crystals that reflect the candlelight, creating patterns on the table and floor. The plates and bowls were intricately etched, and the silverware was polished to perfection as the aroma of the food wafted through the air, filling the room with a sense of warmth and comfort. The entire room seemed to exude luxury, with rich fabrics and lavish decorations everywhere.

It was a feast fit for a king, with the finest wines and meals available. The wine was served in beautiful glass goblets, and the plates were made of fine porcelain. Even the utensils were silver, and the napkins were made of silk. The entire setting was elegant and sophisticated, but still inviting and comfortable. It was the perfect atmosphere for celebrating an occasion such as this.

"Woman," Thomas said to his beloved wife, "leave us; this is a private affair," he said with softness in voice while reaching out to hold her hand tenderly in his, squeezing it gently before letting go once again. "Now go on, be a darling, and tell the priests outside they can begin the sapper whenever they're ready," he shooed away while motioning his hand toward the door as a signal to leave.

"Alright, dear," she agreed with reluctance as she looked back at her husband before departing out of sight. Seeing all this unfold before him, the father of this house waited for a minute before hearing the approaching of several men coming their way.

Not long after that, around only fifteen priests had decided to join this sapper; one of them was Mathias, who was more eager to get this over with in order to resume their travel elsewhere. "Welcome," Seth smiled warmly to the gathering company that had joined in their sapper. "Come sit and join us at this wondrous feast."

With this invitation given, the rest of the clergymen sat on their respective chairs, ready to dine on the glorious feast placed on the table while waiting patiently for everyone else who hadn't arrived yet. Once everyone had finally gathered, the holy man decided it was time to begin his declaration.

"I know all of you, my brothers and fathers, that I am considered to be a heretic, false prophet, and traitor of our faith," Seth starts in a sad, hurtful tone while looking down on his own lap, ashamed for being called such names. "But listen to me as you listen to one another," he calmly states these words in front of each individual present while glancing upward to meet their gazes.

"Let us forgive ourselves and each other," his voice shook from the nervousness of facing them all at once. "Just as the Lord showed you with his love," he continued, placing his palms together while folding fingers inward. "Will you show me mercy, brothers and fathers?" He stared at those who were gathered before him with hopeful eyes, awaiting a response from anyone among them.

Several people took their time to digest everything they had just heard as they conversed among themselves about how they felt toward him and the questions posed. In the end, it seems that the only one who decided to speak up in front of everybody else while being surrounded by fellow clergymen was Kaine.

"I forgive you," the man stood up, his fists clenched tightly while showing a sign of resolution on his face as if he were about to charge into battle. Hearing this, everyone in the room couldn't help but become silent instantly upon hearing such a bold declaration from him: "Has this holy man shown remorse for his sins? Why is that? Because he is flawed just like any man," the priest said, "whether he is heretic or not, we should not condemn him for being an outcast!"

Many of the brothers and fathers were shocked by what they had witnessed. They all expected to receive such judgment from the others. However, seeing someone like Kaine willing to defend their former comrade from being attacked by his own fellow priests surprised them greatly.

Then another priest with glasses and slicked black hair also stood up and said, "His right! Have you heard the rumors about him? The miracles Seth had done, along with how he took care of us?! No man would do that in their right mind unless they have a kind heart like him," the scholarly priest exclaimed passionately, pointing a finger toward the holy man whom he just defended.

Slowly, everyone agreed of their take while Mathias mysteriously sat on his chair. Not even bothered to open his mouth as he crossed his arms in displeasure of listening to such nonsense, "such frivolity and madness," he muttered angrily, clenching teeth tight in annoyance until they almost cracked apart from being pressed too hard.

As the chattering continued to get louder, Seth raised his hand and said, "Sit and listen to what I will say now," signaling everyone around them to cease speaking while he prepares to begin his sermon for all of them to hear, "That goes for you two," eyeing Kaine and the priest, and in return, they sat down.

All eyes were now entirely focused on him, waiting for whatever was in store next for their guest of honor. "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of my Father, who is in heaven. Many will tell me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in your name, in your name cast out demons, and in your name do many mighty works?" He spoke in a loud voice, looking around with purpose.

A brief moment of silence passed before Seth continued on, "I never knew you. Depart from me, you who work iniquity," the men around him became astonished by this, exchanging glances with one another while listening intently as if struck speechless at hearing such a thing being told from someone they began to see as revered and worshiped in being shooed away like some unwanted pest.

"What is the meaning of this?" Bruno said in uncertainty, not understanding why their friend would rebuke such a gracious gesture when clearly his intentions are clear as day: "Shouldn't you be happy that they are beginning to forgive you? Why are you acting selfish all of a sudden?" He said this, causing the others to agree with him.

But Seth sighed tiredly, his heart troubled, as he placed his own hands on his lap, focusing on the people around him who considered them to be his own children. It was a horrible sight to behold to have to tell what he envisioned after having a mysterious dream last night.

"Most certainly, I tell you that one of you will betray me."

Everyone gasped in shock. Some stood up and started accusing one another, their voices becoming more frantic by the second, while others remained on their seats, not knowing who was exactly the traitor hiding amongst them in betraying a fellow brother.

The clergymen still doubt Seth is the Son of God, but having already forgiven him in their hearts, the thought of someone betraying another brother is considered a great sin, and whoever it may be is certainly destined to burn in the lake of fire with Satan himself.

Seth kept his eyes on all of them, still wearing a serene smile despite what they were arguing about at the moment; his calm demeanor is enough to keep anyone in their right mind. "It is he to whom I will give this piece of bread when I have dipped it," so when he grabbed bread in front of him, everyone settled down and waited to see what would happen next.

Dipping the bread into a bowl of wine, he handed it to Mathias, who took it reluctantly. "For you, my son," Seth said as all eyes turned to the priest, expressing various emotions on their faces while staring at him. Anger, confusion, disappointment, and disbelief. All directed at Mathias, who tried hard to keep composure despite the suspicions looming over him.

Mathias stood up and, without hesitation, left the room by himself as many eyes followed suit. The men then begin to wonder if indeed this was true or if maybe there's someone else who might be a traitor instead. Then Seth called out to the remaining clergymen sitting at the very table.

"He may not be the one, but he could be him," putting forth another prophecy of what will soon occur during their sapper, "however, do not believe that I consider him to be a traitor, for we are all family in the end," a vague answer that caused many to question themselves in finding the right person responsible of their betrayal.

Solomon gritted his teeth. The thought of someone betraying Seth for whatever reason is incredibly bad news; it could be anything, and one of them here is the bastard who is either going to kidnap his father figure or, worse, kill him. It is indeed a terrible thought, and the boy hopes it won't become reality.

The holy man then stood up, surprising everyone with this action. "I will be going," he said, his tone speaking of sadness and despair, knowing what awaits him in the future but determined to continue forward anyway. Everyone watched in shock before Kaine stood up from his seat.

"Wait, Lord!" Kaine yelled out desperately, "Where are you going?!" He asked frantically, with a worried look written on his face as if something terrible had just happened that made him act like this: "We can find him together; just let us come with you!" He begged, tears running down his cheeks, feeling lost without great leader in leading them through troubled times.

Seth smiles softly, turning to them as his blue eyes were glistening brightly in candlelight before answering, "My beloved sheep, you need not worry for your good shepherd. For wherever I go, I will always find you," he said confidently to the group, which seemed to bring comfort to anyone, including himself, but still, no one dared stop him.

Just as he was about to leave, Bruno stood up with a wet cloth and ran towards him. "Let me clean your feet first," the man offered to wipe off dirt that got stuck on Seth's shoes. "They must be dusty and sore by now," he said in a concerned voice.

Smiling in this kind gesture, he nodded and took them off. "Thank you," the holy man said gratefully for washing his bare feet, which were dirty due to having walked for so long. It would be a shame to have them remain like this when having the chance to be cleansed.

Bruno shakes his head and finishes wiping his feet with the cloth. "There you go," he says, smiling in return as he stands up. "When shall we leave this place?" He asked, wondering what would happen next after Seth put back his shoes into his cleaned feet.

"Hour from now, we will depart, as I need to gather my bearings in the time being."

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