Chapter 100

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Seth stood at the top of the hill after prolonged walking outside of the capital, with the prisoners following behind as everyone else chanted, cheered, and laughed along the way while he held his arm in a pitiful state. He and the rest were forced to watch the soldiers set up the many crosses in this windy spot.

The anticipating crowd surrounded them with smiles on their faces, taking delight in this day's event as they could finally witness the death of their former beloved leader, while the tortured prisoners could only weep of their suffering along with the holy man.

Queen Cinder watched all of this in pity, sitting on her majestic horse while the prime minister was on a platform being carried by his slaves, eating roasted chicken as he desperately awaited for everything to unfold, much to his growing excitement.

The hilltop itself was covered with nothing but grass and wind that blew harshly from the north, making it cold to endure for anyone who stepped foot here. Nonetheless, it seems that no one is affected by it or bothered except the nude prisoners.

As the descending sun continued to move in the far horizon, Seth turned to his fellow prisoners. "Believe in me, all of you as your Lord and Savior," he said to the downcast folks. "Assuredly, I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise," smiling sadly at them as they nodded in silence, tired of everything.

These mournful souls shall be free from their suffering, he promised to them, for they have believed him, so the Lord will save their souls and give them eternal life filled with happiness. "I promise to all of you, you will see your loved ones again," reassuring the fearful prisoners of what is to come.

Some cried and embraced one another; others fell down in defeat; none of them are going to be spared from this execution. They are all going to die, forsaken by whatever hope they once had; their dreams were crushed in the moment of being sent to prison.

Seth continued to cry not for himself but for everyone; the most painful in all of this were these people; whether they were innocent, righteous, or evil and wicked, none of that matters now since they were going to be crucified with him in a painful way.

"Isn't he the Son of God?" Someone from the crowd shouted in disbelief, "He can save others, but he cannot save himself!" Laughter was then heard around them, as many found that humorous, believing that the so-called messiah was incapable of saving himself.

Cyan, who was with the soldiers, could only express sadness at this terrible treatment. How could the people who once believed in their leader now suddenly turn their backs on him and hate him for simply proclaiming himself the Son of God?

It is overboard to say the least; not once in the past did they show anger or hatred towards their founder and teacher for his beliefs, yet now they openly despised him in such a way. It was a cruel thing to witness how mob mentality can cause them to forget their morals.

Turning away, she saw General Solana looking down the ground with her hand over her chin, contemplating what she should do in such a situation that she herself was powerless to stop. It was sad for her. A strong and proud woman can't do anything but watch from afar.

Approaching her mother figure, she asked, "Can't you do anything?" Cyan begged, her sorrowful eyes filled with hope that Solana would try and stop it or do anything to save them from their misery. "This is too cruel," she said, stating her opinion on the matter.

Sighing exhaustively, the general lifted her head up to the heavens and said, "I'm loyal to the Empire; I am sorry," an answer that made Cyan shake her head in utter disappointment. She should've known better than to ask her mother figure about trying to be a heroine.

Gus, who noticed their conversation, decisively went over them. "We just hope Seth and the prisoners die quickly," he told the two before joining them in silence. Noticing how quiet he had been for the entire time, he couldn't hide his fury for the crowd for being inhumanely cruel in their execution.

Suddenly, a preacher appeared behind the crowd, shouting with a booming voice, "Oh Son of God, the greatest man to ever walk on this sinful world!" He yelled, holding his staff as he walked towards them, causing the spectator to create a path for him to walk in.

All eyes turned to John the Baptist.

"How gracious must it be to send his beloved son to this world not to condemn us but to save us from our selfish ways?! For he had neither servants nor subjects, but all called him Master. He had neither army nor territory, but kingdoms fear him! The Lord won no battles and never harmed anybody! What kind of man is he?! A coward, weakling, or fool?!"

Irritated by his talking, the queen ordered her soldiers to apprehend him. "Seize him and make sure he won't open his mouth," she ordered in displeasure as the soldiers obeyed, taking no chances in having John ruin this special moment of theirs.

Three soldiers quickly moved to arrest him, though John managed to speak while he struggled to hold them off. "No! He is the promised messiah, the King of Kings! Truly, that man over there is salvation itself, who shall raise the dead after his death!" He told the crowd.

"What madness is this?!" A spectator shouted, "The old man is clearly delusional!" Another cried out in agreement, "Take him away from here! His disturbing our show!" A priest stated as the crowd booed at the sight of supporters.

Holding a cloth, a new knight joined in the fray after shoving the people out of his way. "Spread out people," he said with a gruff tone. "Move, move!" He demanded they get out of his way while they growled in annoyance at his arrogance.

As the soldiers forcefully grabbed the old man's arms, the knight with cloth covered John's mouth. "Good riddance; now let's take him away from here, boys!" He laughed while the others chuckled alongside him as they dragged the protesting Baptist to the side.

The holy man smiled at hearing such encouraging words. For all the pain and misery he is experiencing at this moment, he won't regret sacrificing himself for everyone to be saved so all can live forever in his father's kingdom, where joy, happiness, and peace are achieved.

"Lord..." A voice called out, turning to see a malnourished woman with dark bags under her eyes. "I want to be with my family again." She pleaded for mercy as she lowered herself to the ground in broken fashion. "Please, Lord, tell us if your words are true." Wanting to hear something good before her death.

Others followed her action and lowered themselves onto the earth while the enlightened Genno stood like a statue, looking at the holy man in pleading, praying eyes filled with unspeakable agony. Their voices rang throughout the barren fields as they hoped for Seth to have mercy on their tormented souls.

"You will be with them soon, I promised." Repeating his words like a mantra as he gazed upon the hopeful people, wishing they could find solace before their demise, "Just believe in me; I swear to it," he assured them again, as many had tears in their eyes while a few smiled at the thought of seeing their loved ones again.

They all cried out in both relief and sadness, thanking him for granting them salvation so they could meet their loved ones again or escape this horrid world that they call life. Their weeping had made Seth cry more; his chest throbbed with so much pain from watching them like this, unable to comfort their suffering.

Their tears were like a raging flood washing over him, drowning him in a sea of sorrow, as he could only accept this as it is. Then Bruno, his trusted friend and betrayer, asked, "Who can be saved?" Kneeling with both of his hands together, he was tired just like everybody else.

"Now the deeds of the flesh are obvious, which are: adultery, sexual immorality, uncleanness, lustfulness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, strife, jealousies, outbursts of anger, rivalries, divisions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these; of which I forewarn you, even as I also forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit God’s Kingdom."

Causing those who committed such sins to cry, Seth sighed before smiling, "Come now, do you all think that man can live a sinless and righteous life according to God?" The holy man replied as if trying to play the devil's advocate: "No one can be sinless in their existence, but by believing in me, then you will be saved," resulting in their eyes being filled with hope.

Lady Kayo was intrigued by this revelation, listening to what Seth had to say: "Your lover is interesting," commenting on her mother's taste towards men, "why do you have to kill him?" It would be a waste of great talent for them to dispose of him in such a manner, especially by crucifying him in front of their eyes.

Kayo wanted to make him her slave and snack, envisioning many scenarios in her head of how she would eat his penis and balls before proceeding to take off the ears, nose, eyes, and so on. The possibilities are endless, even considering having Solomon as her pet.

But the queen scoffed at this response: "Please, daughter; this is not time for discussing the subject of romantic interests; just keep your thoughts to yourself," scolding her child. "Be a good girl and learn what I will teach you," she pointed at Seth. "It will be fun once you'll understand this," she explained to her in a brief manner.

On the other hand, Prince Leon snickered at this statement: "I cut his manhood, so why don't you get it from your mother instead?" He suggested in a sarcastic tone that earned an amusing smile from his older sister, who responded with her own answer.

"Please, mother has many of those lying around in her collection," finding it unworthy of her time and interest. "It's been fun for her to collect those, isn't that right?" Stating the obvious as they saw the queen laughing at this, "perhaps she will keep his body for later or use it as decoration in the hall."

Meanwhile, Frank became more than desperate to try to do anything to save Seth as he stood within the crowd. But he knows it would be a death sentence, for he was lucky that he didn't join them after stopping that asshole who kicked the kid.

"By the great divines," he said, cursing himself with a look of dismay, "you don't deserve any of this." Finding it hard to watch, Frank must do so, for he promised the young man not to die alone. That was the only request that came from the unfortunate Seth.

God will save them, won't he? Frank had heard how merciful and loving the Lord is, but why is He not doing anything? It's unfair and incompetent; it doesn't make sense or use any form of logic; so where was God in this scenario?

At this moment, he closed his eyes and prayed with his hands together, "Lord, can't you see your son suffering before you?" Frank wept to the heavens, begging for the Lord to come down and bring them into safety. "Why aren't you doing anything to prevent his pain?" He questioned the Lord's inactivity and lack of concern for his son's safety.

The cold air felt like a bitter wind against his wet cheeks, drying the tears that poured down his face as if they never existed. All he can do is pray continuously in hopes for God to show up and save his child. However, the Lord didn't show up for reasons still unknown to him.

"Its time!" A soldier yelled, gesturing them to the crosses, "Bring them! Make sure to have the nails and hammer ready."Ordering the other as they did so, preparing to nail their victim's wrist and ankles, "let the divines have mercy on their souls," he said to them with a sad tone.

The good shepherd and his terrified people stared ahead at the crosses meant for them as dusk had befallen on them, filling the entire place with its dimmed orange rays, creating a rather beautiful sunset in the distance, but so much for the prisoners being crucified.

"Father save us."

Seth's final thoughts before being grabbed and dragged towards the tall cross facing towards him as the others follow suit with their heads hung low in submission to their fate while the knights bring them to their selected spots for nailing.

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