Chapter 22

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Ninety-nine punches have been dealt out for the sake of spilling Seth's blood as Gus backed away and took a few steps away from the bleeding man, gasping and panting in pure exhaustion from this whole ordeal, unable to believe this guy was able to withstand this much.

Seth's entire face was covered in blood while his clothes were full of fresh wounds, yet his unwavering body remained still and unfaltering despite the torment he suffered from a long beating. His facial expression was difficult to decipher due to all the blood on his bruised face, which was damaged to the point that it was hardly recognizable.

This didn't deter him whatsoever; he waited for the last punch, but it didn't come; he only saw an exhausted knight struggling to catch his breath due to how long and painful this fight went on. It was taxing for the other's muscles and body, to the point that the large man began to regret this.

The descending sun emits its light throughout the scenery; the once blue skies are now painted red and orange, while the leaves on the trees sway from side to side. The breeze of the wind became somewhat colder than before; it even sent chills down people's spines.

However, the strong gust of air from earlier stopped; silence is all that remained for both of them, as soldiers of the empire who were once humoring about this were also silenced by the tension of the situation. For every second that passed, Gus felt the guilt of his actions from within for the first time ever.

He doesn't understand why he feels this way; Gus never expressed remorse for what he did to his enemies. He was always a bully, one who took pleasure in making others suffer under his boot to learn their place. They are nothing more than ants in his eyes, weak and helpless in their lives.

Yet, his thoughts wandered around to the image of this man, Seth, a man who founded a new religion and was obsessed by their queen for reasons beyond his understanding. Although, as he carefully stared into the eyes of Seth,.

Something clicked with him; the amount of understanding in those black-colored eyes sent tremors throughout his entire body. As if his soul were being judged by the creator of existence himself, that same gaze brought forth more anxiety and stress than he'd ever experienced before.

It felt as if his innermost darkness was being seen by others, no matter how much he hid it. Those eyes will always bring him to the reality of all his sins in life and all the things he has done to others for the sake of his career and amusement.

But it was all his imagination, for those eyes speak in untold mercies, love, and forgiveness, that he was to become ashamed of how he treated that man in the beginning. There are no words that can describe what he saw in Seth's black-colored orbs; despite the beaten-up eyes, they were still the same.

Gus didn't notice it; he didn't even pay any attention to it in the past. But his heart tugged itself painfully, causing him to truly regret everything he had done from the beginning. He doesn't know why he's starting to turn into someone else, but he isn't complaining either.

"What are you?"

Questioning, in disbelief of all that happened. No words were able to escape from the giant man; he was conflicted and confused altogether by everything. Nothing in his life can describe the person still standing before him in this gorgeous dusk.

Anticipation filled the atmosphere, as all eyes were on Seth. People wondered what was going to happen to the poor holy man while the general and her subordinates were quietly spectating, unsure of what to make of this after everything that had transpired.

Sweat and anxiety were all over the people's faces, awaiting an answer to the question from the soldier. They also became wary of their surroundings, wondering what would become of this outcome as the world remains in suspense.

Then he finally answered, "I am the Son of God," which the founder proclaimed in divine presence. He lifted his head; his body no longer trembled in the slightest but rather remained as firm as possible for his followers. "The creator of everything," Seth said, motioning to everything in this vast, wonderful world.

Everybody was frozen in this statement; gasps and shock were prominent amongst the group. None expected to hear such a preposterous claim in regard to who they're looking at; even Genno, who was always calm, was surprised to hear such a bold declaration coming from the man himself.

Although the soldiers of the Empire were unaware of what it even meant to begin with, except the religious people of Lighthaven, mostly the Christians, who were flabbergasted beyond comprehension in having to hear such a blasphemous proclamation of being the Son of God himself standing just in front of their very own eyes.

"You're..." Taking another step forward, Gus used all his strength to land the final blow, but it was simply a light pat against Seth's face instead. "True leader," falling to the ground, unconsciousness took him as he rested from all the exhausting events of the day.

Seth closed his eyes and smiled, looking up at the heavens above in contentment that he had survived this; he mentally thanked his father for being guided in winning this battle against the knight. This was all for his followers and the people who saw this.

He was happy beyond repair; no one died or got hurt except himself, but that is worth paying for; his body is strong enough to handle all of it. Nonetheless,his family is no doubt worried for him, as Genno hurried along with Sister Tera and a few priests or nuns to check on him.

A mixture of emotions flowed through those men in armor; on the other hand, the soldiers and general were baffled by what happened but were still conflicted about what to do after they promised a deal that they took, knowing fully well that it could be easily broken by them.

"Oh my God!" Tera leaped onto him and embraced Seth with all her strength, tearfully happy that he was alive but horrified at the same time at seeing him injured in a severe state. "Are you okay?! You need some healing, quick!" The woman insisted on almost begging.

The nun's concerns and love were clearly obvious to him. Seth was smiling gracefully as he looked around his loved ones who were worried about his condition. "I'll heal in no time, he jokingly said, but Tera wasn't amused nor laughing alongside him.

"This is not funny; look at you!" Tears uncontrollably streaked down her cheeks. "I thought that you would..." She whimpered, her teeth clenched themselves as her grip tightened. "Don't do something so reckless, dear," her motherly nature made him feel bad for making her worry this much.

Seth apologized back with a hug of his own, embracing her as well while she cried over his shoulder. "I'm sorry for worrying you all, but..." he said, letting go as he gave her a reassuring look and everyone else around him said, "I am glad that none of you were hurt in the process," nodding to the other teacher with gratitude.

Genno nodded in return before being joined by his fellow monks, all of whom knelt before the holy man with humility and honor for their savior's victory. However, Seth shook his head to this: "Please get up," he pleaded to them, "you all have done so much for me; all of you deserve more than that."

The wise teacher let out a sigh of relief: "We are just as worried and surprised as everyone else." He was aware of what his friend said about himself: "Though it was rather odd for you to proclaim grandiose title, nonetheless, I support you all the way," smiling in behalf of his own faith and him.

Seth chuckled at Genno, "Thank you, my friend." It was ever more lovely when friends are there to support and give strength through them in times of dire need. Nonetheless, the gathering crowd around him was full of trust in him.

Just as then, General Solana approached them with her horse; "in our honor to that deal, we shall depart and leave you all," she told them, "you have proven your worth of being victor in this fight," declaring it aloud for all to hear.

However, one of her soldiers protested, "You can't be serious, general! This man has insulted the Queen's name itself and all of us! What makes him different from the rest?!" An armored man approached her side with his own horse and said, "This is—" He was completely silent after her cold eyes focused on him.

"Do I have to repeat myself?" The general's tone was ominously threatening to all of his men who became silent: "Further punishments will await if any of you refuse to obey or mutiny; is that understood?" Looking down on her subordinate, he replied by lowering his head in respect.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Now," she turned to Seth, who was looking back at her with patience and gratitude, "don't take it as I am on your side; I'm just doing my part in upholding the deal we made." Her explanation was blunt and honest. Solana wasn't afraid of having to disobey her queen for the first time in her career.

Her honor overcame her loyalty, but it was only once in her life that she would do it."I have underestimated you, but no more," she said to him with a faint, gentle smile in the corner of her lips. "You are truly strong despite how foolish you are in yourself," the woman complimented.

"Thank you," Seth thanked her, and he meant it; he truly appreciated her criticism. "But the truth is, I wasn't being that brave," the founder confessed to her. He is not the type to lie, only telling the truth to the general with a slight embarrassment.

Solana raised an eyebrow at his confession. "Really?" She asked. It was unusual for anyone to say such things to her: "No one had ever survived a punch from someone like Gus, let alone a hundred," praising him even though they are enemies, "to survive his punches, I commend you for being strong," giving him another genuine smile.

A smile also graced his lips, finding some common ground in respect despite being on different sides. "Why not join us?" Offering a graceful gift, "in addition, you can bring your friends to serve the empire," and promising many goods in doing so,.

But he gently shook his head and said, "I wish to follow God and God only," firmly rejecting it as he still has many things to accomplish in this world. "I am sorry," apologizing for having to do this in the first place.

General Solana can only stare at him, seeing no difference between her and him in terms of wanting to be loyal to the people they believe in. "If that is your wish," she says, sighing indifferently before turning to her subordinate, "take Gus with you," ordering the knight beside her.

"Yes, ma'am," repeating once again before putting his boots onto the green grass as the crowd facing towards him moved aside to allow him drag the large unconscious man on the ground, "ugh, damn it," cursing for being forced to carry someone like Gus on horseback.

"Let me help," Genno intervened, using his impressive strength in lifting the heavy soldier over the saddle, "there, much better," dusting off his hands while the knight, who was struggling, was perplexed by this feat but kept quiet altogether.

"Alright all of you!" She loudly began to order her soldiers, "We are returning back to the capital!" Solana declared to them, "Our task here is over, and our duty will resume its proper course," glancing back at Seth and Genno for a moment before finally leaving.

The knights followed suit, leaving everybody else in this open field a brief moment of peace after finally having to finish that ordeal. It is a blessing that no one was killed or seriously hurt except Seth, but he was thankful for that, and he is satisfied that he won.

Everything seemed fine until the rest of the priests and nuns being led by Mathias were full of anger on their faces. "I told you, didn't I?" He said in smirk, "Our founder is heretic," approaching towards Seth and finally convincing them, "What do you have to say, Son of God?"

Face-to-face was sorrowful Seth and smirking Mathias, a confrontation in which the church leader himself had to explain in full detail why his proclamation was true but nonetheless kept silent, knowing how futile it was to prove this. His eyes were filled with sadness as he lowered his head.

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