Chapter 84

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Night has befallen the settlement as he arrived in the center of it, where no soul can be seen occupying throughout the streets. Everyone has finally fallen asleep, probably tired of the day's labor, with the moon shinning brightly overhead, illuminating his surroundings with gentle silver light while clouds float above like wispy white.

Walking alone once more, the air around him felt calm and quiet while also slightly chilly for his taste. Nonetheless, he kept on enjoying this walk since this is likely to be the last time he gets to do so in this moment, let alone this whole life altogether.

He is going to die soon.

And he is afraid of it, no matter how much his father and the angels will reassure him. It's still too frightening to wonder how much pain he must endure until they reach their goal. What kind of death awaits him? Is it even possible for a man such as himself to withstand a level of pain beyond their limits?

Of course he can because, as the Son of God, Seth must accept that the Holy Spirit will be with him throughout the journey, despite its unpleasantness. Then a soft sigh escaped from his lips as he looked down at his own open palms, questioning himself about his readiness.

He has to prepare for the worst; this world is dammed, but it is his salvation that shall deliver all of them from evil's clutches. At least it's what fate has intended to make him, or at least what God says. Now, what exactly is destiny?

Some would call it a curse, and some would call it a blessing. Maybe it's both. Whatever it is, everyone always wishes they knew theirs because some people never know what happens next, even when they have a plan laid out before them. However, would it really be fate or destiny when choice is still in their hands?

So then what is he supposed to do if he has no idea what's to come or what to expect from the future itself? Troubling thoughts weighed on my mind. There is no use in wondering or worrying about things beyond his control. Instead, he should focus on what is before him right now.

Suddenly, Seth's wicked mind briefly twisted his perception, seeing his once normal hands with gaping holes pierced into them, bleeding profusely of his flesh and bone, soaking the floor crimson red. Pain shot through his nerves while his muscles tensed, forcing him to clench them tightly.

Sweat trickled down his forehead as horror drenched over his face. Feeling lightheaded from this terrifying hallucination that lingers, making him shudder in fear. His breath quickened for a moment before his warped view of his hands returned to normal after opening them.

His palms weren't injured or hurt; they were simply covered in sweat, which meant that it was all in his head. Looking down at the ground, Seth realized what he saw wasn't real either—only dirt covering the ground with a few bits of pebbles lying around, nothing else of importance.

Approaching footsteps were then heard in the distance, making him lift his head to see Mathias and Bruno speaking one another in front of him, walking side by side as they talked animatedly with indifference towards his presence nearby until their eyes laid on him.

"Seth?" Bruno was the first to respond after they stopped, "What are you doing out here?" He questioned, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, before glancing at Mathias, who seemed equally surprised as well. Both men then approached the holy man cautiously.

Before either could speak, Seth opened his mouth as he lowered his arms and said, "It's okay. I'm fine," he said, shaking his head dismissively. "I was having a nice walk on this wonderful night," smiling happily at the duo despite seeing Mathias fuming with anger at the sight.

"I see," Bruno said, looking downcast. "It was getting pretty late as well, so it's good you're out here." He paused for a second as his gaze shifted between Seth and Mathias. "You want to walk with us? Were actually going to the tavern," gesturing with a thumb pointed to the establishment at their side.

But Mathias butted in the conversation. "I'm leaving," he told them without caring how he presented himself to them. "Tomorrow morning, we were leaving this place to the capital," the priest informed them coldly as his eyes never wavered from the holy man.

That made Seth raise eyebrows in surprise. "Already?" He asked curiously, "Are you sure?" The sense of growing hatred became more intense from the priest itself, to the point that even Bruno could feel it in the air just by how tense their exchanges had become.

Mathias scoffed at this, folding arms across his chest. "Yes. The sooner we get out of here, the faster we can be done," then he walked away, not bothering to look back once as he disappeared into the shadows of the night, leaving them speechless of what had transpired.

"He really hates you," Bruno commented on this, "I never seen him act like that with anyone besides yourself, Seth," stating truthfully, unsure of how a person can hold this much anger towards someone else while also finding it intriguing at the same time.

Nodding along, "I noticed it from the start of my proclamation as the Son of God," Seth reasoned with sadness in his voice, "but in truth, he is only misguided and doesn't realize that I am indeed the messiah." The young man sighed deeply on this matter.

Bruno shifted uncomfortably. "Really?" He asked quietly, unable to comprehend how anyone could think otherwise about themselves since he knew who Seth truly is, "With so many witnesses, wouldn't it be obvious you are the messiah?" An interesting thought for one to ponder.

Lowering his gaze onto the ground once again, he wondered the same question over and over in his mind: "I do not blame them, for they are the blind who cannot see. But there will always be skeptics and haters amongst all who try to discredit my actions," answering in hopes of putting doubts to his friend, "In the end, what matters is if they accept me as their Lord and savior while repenting from their sins, then I will be happy," smiling brightly at the poet.

There was silence between them before Bruno nodded along in agreement, "Yeah, I suppose you're right," looking away shamefully, "let's take a seat over there," pointing towards the wooden bench underneath the shade of a tree located near the enclosed houses.

Nodding along, both men started heading there, sitting down next to each other as they continued chatting among one another in the midst of the nighttime breeze blowing past. "Is there something you wish to tell me?" Raising an inquisitive eyebrow at his companion.

Bruno gazed off into the distance absentmindedly. "I think there is something wrong with me," he began, staring at the stars twinkling in the sky before shifting attention towards Seth, whose face displayed worry mixed with concern in reaction to his words. "I feel lost, Seth. Lost in a world of darkness that seems to grow deeper around  me. Trailing off momentarily before continuing.

"My friend," Seth placed his palm gently atop Bruno's shoulder, patting reassuringly, "there is nothing wrong with you other than how much of a great scholar you are," squeezing gently with compassion that brought comfort to the poet himself.

But that didn't stop me from feeling, "I have committed a terrible mistake," not noticing tears streaming down cheeks as memories played in mind, "and now it's catching up on me. The guilt is eating at my heart like venom that eats away flesh until there is nothing but a skeleton left behind."

He took a deep breath through the nostrils, sniffing back any more liquid from escaping. "Am I condemned to hell? Should I fear God's wrath for the sins I have brought to my life?" The poet was overwhelmed with emotions that threatened to burst out at any moment.

Letting go, Seth closed his eyes with his head facing up to the heavens above. "It is good to fear God," he answered calmly. "Fear him so we may have proper reverence and awe of the almighty, or else we won't take sins seriously, leading to a path of uncertainty in what is to come."

The poet was left speechless, unable to come up with any reply at all, before courage finally found itself within: "Were all sinners, as they say," speaking out and wiping away the few remaining tears from his previous crying session, "What steps are needed to achieve salvation?" Questioning nervously with shaky breath.

"Steps?" Seth giggled at the question before glancing back at his companion with a soft smile plastered across his own face. "There is only one step, and that is opening your heart to believe me as your Lord and savior," he said firmly while grabbing the poet's hand into his own as a form of comfort.

Bruno gazed in wonderment upon hearing those words being spoken towards him in earnest: "Why?" Were the only words able to escape out of his lips, gazing intently at his friend, who remained silent before answering shortly afterwards.

"As I said before, living a life without sin is impossible. Sure, you must baptize, preach, and glorify the Lord as a Christian, but those are only steps. The final step is accepting me, so in doing so, salvation will be given to the one who believes in their hearts."

Firmly holding his hand, Bruno understood it loud and clear: "believe...believe," tears pouring down his face again like waterfalls running down hills, "I believe in you!" Shouting at the top of his lungs, he embraced his friend tightly as if it were the last time, and he'd never get to experience this moment ever again.

Seth grinned broadly in response, reciprocating the embrace as he wrapped his own arms around the poet's shoulders. "I forgive you, my friend. Any sin you have done will always be forgiven by me as long as you believe," whispering in a low tone so that no one else would overhear their conversation.

They both let go. Bruno then stood up and walked in front of him, bending his knee to the King of Kings and saying, "I may not be a Christian, but it doesn't stop me from trusting you with all my heart," declaring boldly through salty tears of joy that death alone will not separate their bond of friendship.

Standing up from his seat, Seth spread his arms wide: "Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand," smiling in triumph of this victory earned, "you are now under my protection and those who believe."

The poet stood up with a smile of his own and asked, "Should I fear death? What about my work? How can I write anything meaningful if I'm dead?" I am still concerned about losing everything, despite gaining some relief from previous worries.

Seth blinked a few times at that: "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." he reminded patiently, placing his hand on top of the poet's shoulder as a sign of assurance, "after you die, the treasure you seek will be fulfilled in heaven," comforting his dear friend with warmhearted kindness.

For death alone holds no fears for him anymore, as Bruno now realizes eternity is ahead of him beyond this mortal shell of a body. "I thank you, Seth. I thank you with all of my heart. Forgive me for my transgressions," she said, bowing forward respectfully.

In short distance, hiding among the shadows behind a wall of the houses, Mathias bared his teeth in anger, looking at the two with disdain at how he felt about seeing his trusted ally being all too friendly with their enemy as disgust crept onto their features before turning away silently, disappearing once more into darkness.

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