Chapter 20

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A densely packed crowd stood in the open streets facing General Solana and her men, comprising knights and musketeers, riding on top of their armored horses. The fear within everyone's hearts was all too evident.

"Where is the holy man?" She asked again, her cold eyes scanning the frightened people around her. Their hesitation to answer her inquiry was all she needed to conclude: "If none of you wish to talk, then I have no choice." Pointing her index finger and waving it in a circle as a signal, her troops raised their firearms at them.

Loud gasps came from the people; mothers shielded their children, and the fathers tried to stand tall, but fear dominated them all. She frowned in disappointment, hoping they would do the correct thing and submit to her request. Solana wouldn't waste her time by threatening them with a full-fledged attack that would cost her valuable time and effort.

She doesn't enjoy this, but by putting a cold front on it, it makes the whole situation better for herself, so she won't be seen as weak and a traitor for having to commit terrible things. Having the gall to call her into coming to this backward village is beyond her control.

In a few seconds, a priest in his cassock attire moved out of the crowd and bravely stood in front of her and her horse, saying, "I know who you speak of." Regretful to admit selling out one of his fellow brothers, the man tried to keep his composure and calm demeanor.

The general frowned suspiciously at this claim: "Why would I believe you?" She questioned him, finding some doubt in him. It's natural for one to be selfish because man is corrupted and wretched by his sins. No one is innocent; everyone has darkness inside.

Gus strolled at her side as his horse whinnied, "Looks to me like his lying, general," suggesting the idea to just get this over with. "Might just beat the crap out of him to get the truth," the muscular man shrugged while smiling mockingly at the priest, causing some others to flinch in reaction.

Panic seeped inside of his heart as the soldier suggested, resorting violence upon the person in front of her, "No! No!" The priest was quick to object to this: "Seth is who you are looking for!" The name made her eyes widen in shock, for it sounded all too familiar to her ears.

"Seth?!" Gus snickered, "We already know that name."

Raising her left hand, she signaled for him to stop from pressing onward while also ordering the rest of her men to lower their muskets to the ground. Solana wanted to hear it for herself: "Did you just say, Seth?" The woman asked with her stoic tone and expression, staring at him with intimidating intent.

The man swallowed as beads of sweat rolled down from the sides of his head. "Yes, the one that founded our movement," he answered without missing a beat. "I am afraid to say that he is indeed what you are looking for," clenching his fists tight in dread of having to sell out their great leader. "But can I have a reason why you are seeking him?" He questioned me out of curiosity.

"You don't need to know anything," rudely denying his attempt to know the said reason, "just lead us to him and you all will be spared," the general responded in a threatening manner, finding some relief in her heart that her mission is done without any resistance or betrayal.

But another priest from the crowd yelled out to the traitor, "How could you?!" He spat, glaring at the man with furious eyes, "Have you no honor to not betray your own brethren!? What sort of Christian are you?! " Accusing the person who sold them out, "or a person for that matter!" Scowling in utter contempt against the accused.

Not wishing for their conversation to continue, Solana raised her sword and ignited it with fire, "silence," and a sharp, fierce gaze. Everyone's focus returned to her and her soldiers, for none dared to oppose her command. She relaxed and then withdrew her flaming weapon.

Putting her sword at her waist on its scabbard, "now, bring us to him," the woman was set on ending her journey of finding the said person. The longer she remains in this area, the higher the risk that she will be labeled as a slacker.

"I am here."

A commanding voice brought everyone present behind the crowd of families, where he and Genno were leading a flock of followers from behind as Sister Tera, walking on her founder's side, was full of anxiety about what was going to happen.

In cue, the people departed to allow the pathway of two forces to meet each other as the man in white robes stepped forward and stopped facing directly at them while the followers were forced to watch from behind his back. "I'm the man you are looking for," expressing his willingness to cooperate, "what it is you seek from me?" He requested that the general enlighten him.

She and her second in command exchanged glances. "Do you think it's him?" Gus asked, "He certainly looks the part," adding a little bit of information. The appearance of the person confirmed everything in their search: a white robe, short black hair, and a cross necklace around his neck.

The general observed in silence for a bit, "could be," murmured her answer, still questioning his authenticity, "he matches the description exactly," watching as the man simply stood there without even flinching at how tense the situation is.

Catching wind of her doubt, Seth repeated himself once more, "I am Seth. You may refer to me as that." bowing in a gesture of kindness and formality, "may I ask, who are you and what is the reason for your arrival in this village?" Asking a more clear question.

Solana raised her brows at this peculiar question: "You must already know our reputation and position," disbelieving in his ignorance, "so why would you ask it when it is clear to you that I'm a high-ranking general of the Empire itself?" Feeling a sense of insult at her dignity being questioned by a mere commoner, the woman narrowed her eyes.

Seeing this, he nervously laughed as Seth replied, "Indeed, I know who you are. But I wish for you to be polite and introduce yourselves first," giving his best attempt to keep a good image for both parties while having his people listen, "for a knight should be chivalrous to a commoner such as me," indirectly making a slight jab at the woman.

Many eyes widened in surprise, their mouths slightly agape at what they were witnessing. Never had they ever thought of a commoner being able to talk back against an army and that the said person is willing to teach the general a lesson in manners.

On the other hand, Solana's eyes twitched in displeasure; no one has ever mocked or challenged her in such ways. At least, no one lived long enough to tell anyone else what had transpired. Her pride is what's stopping her from swinging her blade at him.

Especially the part that this very man is truly whom the queen was looking for: "If what you say is true, then we must take you to the palace," she firmly told him, which he accepted. However, she was expecting a different reaction: "At the very least, you should be showing gratitude to us by letting your people live," glancing at them in a rather condescending manner.

But Gus was not having any of it: "You speak of chivalry, and you demand respect from us?" The burly knight scoffed with a smirk, "Oh, please, as if the likes of you have the right to be treated in such a way," finding it funny and laughable at the same time, "who do you think you are to tell us to have manners toward people like you?"

However, Seth shook his head. "It is proper to be polite to another, as we are all God's children," defending his case, "there is no reason for you to be like this, as we have never done any wrong to you," he said to them in the most respectable way he could.

Although his answer did not appease him at all, Rather, Gus drew out his spiked mace from his back and aimed it towards him. "I will beat you to a pulp," he said, grunting in anger while trying to contain himself. "Try me; see what I will do," he threatened with a scowl.

When Genno tightened his fists and approached the towering knight, who was seemingly ready to resort to violence, Seth raised an arm to stop him from going further. "Don't," he said with a serious face, "please, trust me," trying to convince him.

Genno nodded, backing off with a sigh before resuming to where he stands, leaving him to handle the situation alone. "Now I will propose an offer," the founder of his church started with a proposing smile, much to the disbelief of the many armed soldiers before him.

"No, I can't possibly—"

Gus interrupted with curiosity, "Speak," he demanded the young man to begin, cutting her in mid-sentence, for his interest was piqued in what the other would say, as he had always grown bored of repeating the same thing over and over again in his job.

"Punch me one hundred times, and if I survive from this ordeal, then spare all of the people here," offering his life to them as his devoted followers gasped in horror at this, "that includes me as well," narrowing his eyes while gazing onto the woman with an intent of determination.


Gus swiftly answered, lowering his mace with a content look. The general was astonished by this, unable to find any words to speak up against it. The only thing she could do was silently glare at her subordinate for agreeing to this stupid decision.

"We are here to capture him, not make deals," she scolded, to which Gus only snorted, "let's just take him away from here and move on with our lives," finding this whole situation to be unnecessary as all they had to do was arrest the man, not make agreements.

But the towering knight didn't seem to care anymore as he grinned at the offered prize. "Why not?" He said, not finding this deal to be all bad, "Besides, he had the audacity to demand respect from the Empire itself! Don't you think this is deserving?" He made his argument to her while grinning amusingly.

Solana grunted in disapproval, turning her head to look up at the moving clouds themselves. Conflict spew onto her face; she doesn't know what to do anymore aside from finishing up the job and getting back to where they were. However, she can't help but agree with him on this.

That man who claims to be Seth was truly the first person to hurt her ego and pride; she had never experienced something like this before until now. It bothers her nonetheless, and she finds it too troublesome and outrageous for her to deny the challenge.

Seth noticed the hesitation in her. "I assure you, it is fair trade," he told them in a convincing display. "It is the least I can do for sounding disrespectful," he declared, in which the woman couldn't help but let a chuckle slip from her mouth.

"To believe I would finally disobey an order from the queen," frowning in incredulity at all of this, "but you and Gus are probably right," she sighed in acceptance, "damn it all," closing her eyes for a moment and taking a deep breath in as the woman exhaled to calm her nerves.

It took a couple seconds before she finally lowered her head and stared at the holy man, "Fine, fine," repeating herself while waving a dismissive hand at him. "I'll accept it," she agreed with him, though she doesn't particularly like it.

But, before all of that, she had to ask something: "Where should we start?" Solana inquired in a more sincere and formal way than before, taking the other's idea into consideration much to her companion's excitement of agreeing to this game.

Closing his eyes, he let out a calm smile before saying, "I know a place." Seth knew that the only place where the people are in the best view for the fight to be happening is outside of the village, more secluded from the public eye, so all can gather and watch it unfold before their eyes.

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