Chapter 50

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Seth's eyes opened in a flash after a sudden intrusion of a foreboding feeling that hit his core, sending shivers down his spine upon being awakened as if there was an impending sense of dread upon the horizon itself. Gazing at the wooden roof above him with sweat running down his face.

He wasted no time in getting up from his bed and sitting on the edge of it with his head on his hands, trying to catch his breath in order to calm his nerves that were growing tense from this sensation. "Father, what is it you are telling me?" His slow and heavy breathing was evident enough to indicate how worried he was.

The spirit of God works in mysterious ways, and with this unsure feeling of uncertainty, he needs to go and check on Genno first, as there is something not right with this. Removing himself from bed, Seth stared up at the ceiling once more with praying hands held close to his heart.

"My father, I ask for protection of myself and friends in these troubled times. We pray unto you that we might be saved from those who wish harm on us. Amen," saying a quick prayer to God before reading himself to meet the others as soon as possible.

There was something ominous about the air itself. It felt like he could taste it, but at the same time, he could not pinpoint what it was. It will be a matter of time before the dreadful feeling comes true, and evilness is slowly brewing in itself to strike back with vengeance in tow.

Knowing that the holiness of the almighty shall guide them to the path of righteousness is the only way through these trials of great calamity, he wasted no time in being cooped up in this bedroom and onto checking the people he cherished in his heart.

As he scanned around his room, the bedroom itself was rather small, modest, and comfortable. Having a wooden door that opens into a short hallway that leads to the kitchen and living room, along with the floor being hardwood and the walls being painted brown, adds a cozy atmosphere to the room. The window has curtains that are a lighter shade of white, allowing sunlight to filter through them and providing a warm and natural feel.

There is a desk and chair in the corner of the room, and a dresser for clothing. The bed is a twin size, which means that two roommates can share it sometimes. They also have a closet where they store their belongings and a lamp on the nightstand next to the bed for reading or other activities.

However, this isn't the time to appreciate the beauty of the place. It was time to gather everyone together and prepare for an inevitable attack that would take place soon. And as he left the room he was so comfortable sleeping in, Seth let out a sigh of unease about what was about to happen.

The hallways were both dim and narrow, with walls made of wood and torches lining the sides. The floor is carpeted, and the walls are decorated with portraits of people that Seth doesn't recognize. He walks down the hall with purpose, his footsteps echoing in the silence.

After a while of walking, he notices an elderly woman he is familiar with at the far end of it. Her standing and the silhouette figure were what made him recognize her. "Miria?" He whispered and walked in the direction of where she is currently standing.

However, as soon as he came within range of ten meters, she quickly stopped him with a raised hand of her hand, "do not go any farther, holy man," warning as she kept her distance from here, "I'm afraid the same fate will befall upon you like Bruno were the past couple weeks."

Perplexed by what Miria was implying, Seth can't help but wonder, "What do you mean?" The way she described the condition of Bruno was rather odd and mysterious, to say the least. "Is he alright?" Questioning her about whether her friend is fine or not.

Her expressionless gaze went to Seth's and then to the ground before finally settling back onto him. "Do you really want to see him?" She asks in a cold, dreadful voice as Seth becomes a little hesitant upon hearing those words, unsure of whether he should continue or not. But despite his doubt, he still nodded.

What is happening? Why is she acting so strangely? Did this kind old woman become mentally ill or possessed by some demonic entity without her noticing in the first place? No, she isn't insane by the way she behaves, but rather acting more cautious than usual.

If Seth goes ahead, he is going to bring himself into peril from what she is trying to warn him of and might get killed as a result. But that is only if he listens to her advice or ignores it entirely as he proceeds. In the end, he chose to proceed with getting his friend back.

"I need to see him," is the final answer. Seth replied back, "nothing is going to change my mind; I'm sorry," confirming his decision without hesitation. Upon hearing those words, Miria showed a disgusted expression of malice and anger.

Without saying another word, she rapidly vanished within the darkness that engulfed her, and the only trace of her was the torches illuminating the dark hallway. Left alone by the elderly woman, Seth stands in disbelief at the sight, as he wonders to himself if this is all just an illusion or a dream he has.

But knowing that he is rightfully in the waking world and not slumber itself, the holy man looked around before deciding to keep going until finding a wooden door on his left side. "Genno" was his soft muttering as he slowly turned and approached it.

Gently knocking on the door a couple of times, he waited for a few minutes while the silence of the early morning itself hung over him. No one answered him at all. This made Seth anxious at the thought of something terrible happening to his closest friend, who has been with him since they were teens.

The door opened, revealing an awoken Genno who seemed to be still sleepy as he yawned before blinking twice at Seth's presence. "Seth? What is it?" Rubbing his eyes as he scanned around the hallway with confusion, he asked, "What are you doing here at this hour?"

Relieved, Seth's heart finally calmed down after knowing his friend was safe and sound. "We need to check on Bruno," he said without explaining further what was happening. "The holy spirit has warned me of impending danger at food; I'm sure you can feel it as well," hinting at the feeling of some unnatural evilness nearby.

Confusion sprung onto the monk's face: "Danger? Seth, I didn't sense anything. Maybe it is your fatigue acting up again," suggesting to his friend that perhaps his exhaustion is speaking to him through the form of visions, "I'm sure his—"

Grabbing the monk's hands, he pleaded with a display of desperation, "I can feel it as I speak; please, you must believe in me. My faith in the Lord has never failed before, and neither will it fail us; there is something wrong, and we must be prepared for it," he said, shaking his head where fear in his eyes was as prominent as ever.

A quick sigh escaped from Genno's mouth: "Alright," letting go of Seth's grip, rubbing his own temples in frustration, "Lead the way, good shepherd," half jokingly and half sarcastically as the holy man smiled at this humorously.

He was happy to know that even in dark times, there is still some light in his friend's heart. As the two founders quietly walked side by side in preparation for the unforeseen trouble in which they did not know when it was going to hit them at any moment of their lives, both could only hope that everything would be okay.

Nevertheless, Seth can't shake the bad feeling that something is about to happen to them, and what it's going to be, he isn't sure. What's worse, his thoughts are once again raging at the horrible things that might occur from the warning that the divine has given him; the possibilities are endless.

He was unable to understand how much his thoughts continued to torture his mind. It seemed like every minute or so, they were feeding on his own emotions and fears to keep themselves alive. For someone who has always devoted himself to God, the flesh can be weak and fragile against its spiritual counterpart, though at times they can be stronger when push comes shove.

Taking notice of his displeased look, Genno gently patted his friend's back in assurance, "It's going to be fine; just relax, alright?" He tells Seth with a reassuring smile as their eyes meet for a split second, "You are not alone; we will overcome this trial and come out unscathed, just like in old times. Do not forget that," showing the holy man a thumbs up while keeping up the positive attitude.

Hearing the awesome compliment from his dear friend, Seth immediately blushed out of embarrassment at remembering those days. "I don't know what I'd do without you," he said sheepishly, grinning as he scratched the back of his head. "You always know the right things to say. Sometimes it feels like you have a way with words," she said, greatly admiring Genno's strong words and ability to think positively regardless of how grim the situation is.

Snickering at his comment, "You make it sound like I'm some shining knight in armor. But I'll take it as a compliment," accepting the remark gracefully, resulting in him of looking more proud about himself, "speaking of which, we are always brothers through and through, no matter what. Remember that well and never forget, brother," finishing his encouraging speech to his friend, who in turn responded with a nod in agreement.

Indeed, they are more than just friends but brothers forever who fought together with their backs to each other, trusting each other for their lives to live on. That is what makes them who they are, for regardless of the differing beliefs they follow, they can always rely on one another in their greatest hours of need.

Reaching the stairs, they went downward together to the bottom level, where the living room and kitchen are, as the two glanced around in search of their comrade in arms. They first looked into the kitchen, but so far, nothing appears to be unusual in that area. Everything is in order, with no signs of anything being missing or moved.

As for the living room, that is another story altogether. Once they entered where the fireplace is, expecting Bruno to be still asleep on the couch, what greeted them was a darkened passageway leading to who knows where.

Upon seeing this, their hearts became troubled after realizing that their friend may have gone down there for reasons beyond their comprehension. Both of them had a bad feeling about this place. "Do you think they are responsible for his disappearance?" Seth despises saying this because of how much he felt gratitude towards these kind strangers.

So learning that they might be responsible for the idea of holding Bruno is a betrayal of trust that hurts him deeply. I cannot imagine why these people would do such a thing in the first place unless they were working for some dark mastermind who has been planning for a long time.

The monk's expression wasn't any different, grimacing with utter disdain at their former allies who they thought that could be trusted after been saved from the harsh winds of the merciless blizzard.

"They were nothing but wolves in sheep skin. I should've seen through their lies and seen the truth before it was too late; if Miria and her daughter had known that they were pretending, we wouldn't have come this far into trouble."

Understanding his friend's frustration at being deceived, Seth gently laid his hand on the Genno's shoulder in comfort, saying, "At the very least, they provided us with a temporary home of hospitality. In their own twisted ways, we did gain valuable knowledge, and let us hope that they have a reason for this betrayal."

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