Chapter 10

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In the beautiful morning of this wonderful forest, Genno Shinsho decisively took a stroll through the woods, enjoying the refreshing weather. Every time the sun rises, new opportunities are waiting for those willing to grasp them. It is also said that every morning is the dawn of opportunity.

So, with these in mind, he takes in all the simplicity and beauty of the outside world, appreciating it for being what it is rather than hoarding things he might or might not get. It is all the more amazing to understand for a person to realize life is worth living for rather than the things they have.

He loves his life after finally having grown up and settling down in a peaceful town. Everything around him is simple and peaceful, the way it should be. How foolish was he to think when he was a misguided boy, not able to trust people due to the harsh traumatizing events of losing his father?

Surely, the best form of revenge is never becoming like their enemy. satisfying conclusion of all conclusions. Sometimes he asks himself, Where is the harm in living in peace while there is someone out there responsible for his miserable existence?

But Genno doesn't want to live the rest of his life holding a grudge against others. Rather, he chooses to forgive and move on. The best way to get rid of hatred is to let it go, knowing there is no need to focus his mind on negative things anymore.

It hinders the mind and soul altogether, making his emotional and psychological state deteriorate into something worse. Always remember: Life is not always about what is given to them, but about how they choose to use it. To live is to choose every day and not regret anything. While there are some regrets that are bound to happen in life, the trick is to learn from them.

One never knows what's coming their way, whether it's positive or negative. No one can predict the future, and even if they can, it doesn't mean they have the power to alter it. It's always said that the only certainty is uncertainty. But no matter what, all must always remember that life is a gift and they need to preserve it, as life is a miracle and it deserves to be treated as such.

Sighing in appreciation, he looked up at the blue sky with its sun briefly blinding him. "Everyone has problems, and that is part of life," he muttered under his breath. Because nothing is perfect in the world, no one is perfect; things are simply a product of the circumstances they face and will always be present.

Birds chirping and animals scurrying in the ground below; the wind blows with a gentle breeze; carrying leaves along the way; he couldn't ask for more from nature. The world is constantly changing; the flow of life goes on, with many different types of species existing together. each having unique characteristics to adapt to their environment.

Having come to terms with his past, Genno inhaled the cool air entering his nostrils and exhaling from his mouth. Then, as if it were second nature to him, he focused his eyes on his surroundings in search of the source of the disturbance that caught his attention.


A familiar presence filled the air, someone he knew was intruding his peace. "I wonder who it could be?" I smiled under this thought of picturing the person. With this sense, he made his way towards the source at a calm and collected pace.

Nothing good can come out if he acts in a hurry, just like Billy came to say, "I miss him." Genno never realized the value of friendship, and now he regrets his hostility or coldness toward all those he encountered. Regardless, his heart and mind will always remain open, as he is eager to learn more from others.

When he reached the destination, his brows rose in disbelief when he saw none other than the same young man he had befriended all those years. In this sight, he was also bewildered by how his old friend was able to stand on water in all places.

Not far from him is sleeping young man, his eyes closed with a smile plastered on his face. The founder of Christianity was standing over the lake as if it were solid ground, a thing to behold when he had never seen him being capable of doing something like this.


He called out to him, wondering if he was going to wake up. "It seems he is too deep in slumber," he said, caressing his chin in deep thought. There is no doubt that if he tries to walk onto the water, he will fall, but who to say Genno won't mind getting wet in the first place?

Unlike other people who value their appearance, he doesn't. Therefore, he won't take notice of being soaked by the waters whatsoever because such things are not his priorities in life. Only meditation and contentment with what he has are far more desirable than trying to control things he knows he can't.

Moving at the very edge of the lake, he was more than ready to jump into the waters and shake his friend awake until the white-robbed man woke up to be reunited back in the living world. However, just as he was about to do that,

The young founder of his church flashed his eyes open, briefly replacing the look of confusion with surprise. "Huh?" Scanning around in a daze, Seth's mind is still registering the reality that he isn't dreaming after he focused entirely on Genno Shinsho, the founder of Buddhism in this world.

"Genno?!" Shouting in surprise, "What are you doing out here?" asking the young adult with many thoughts running through his head, trying to make sense of what he gotten himself into place like this out at the very open where dangerous beasts and animals alike might've hurt him or worse, killed him.

Folding his arms together, "I would say the same thing to you as well," said Genno, remaining on his very spot as he waited patiently for his childhood friend to get off his feet and return to reality. And by the looks of it, the church leader doesn't seem to have any plans in going away any sooner.

Revealing a sheepish smile, Seth nervously rubbed the back of his head. "Ah..." Remembering the night before, "I guess I have a lot of explaining to do," he realized that the two of them were in the same forest where he himself had spent all his time at midnight in the middle of nowhere.

Taking careful steps forward, he walked toward the wise monk in the hopes that he'd explain everything. "What is it that you wanted me to say?" Saying in a cheeky manner while retaining his composure as best as he could, "Would you believe if I said that I was meeting with the Holy Spirit itself?"

Instead of awe or shock, Genno simply shrugged his shoulders in nonchalant display, "Oh, I see." His serene voice shows a level of collected calmness. "Anything else I need to know more about your mystical experience?" He requested to know more from his friend, who appeared to be responsible for bringing Seth here in the first place.

Still standing on the waters a few meters away from each other, he was a little taken aback by the lack of reaction despite Genno being ever more interested in what had transpired.Well, "most would be shocked, frightened, or doubtful if they were in your shoes," he replied after a brief moment of awkward silence. "How are you this chilled about the fact I met the very manifestation of God's divine force?"

But the monk merely smiled warmly. "Don't forget who's the one standing over the lake's surface with your feet to be exact," he calmly stated while Seth remembered that he had yet to climb out. "Now, it would be appreciated if you do tell me the whole story while we make our way back to the village," he said without much thought behind it.

Nodding, Seth calmly walked out of the waters and moved side by side with his best friend, strolling through the forest in a peaceful manner as both men enjoyed their morning walk, speaking among themselves in regards to their encounter with the Holy Spirit.

He explained to him bit by bit where he was lured to this forest before being attacked by some demon until he was saved by the holy spirit through calling out to him. After that, he met with the ghost, and that is how it went. excluding the important part of his timely demise.

It is for his friends sake that they don't know that he is going to be killed soon. For all he knows, it may cause them unnecessary stress and worries in being helpless to save him in the process, which Seth himself doesn't desire to put his fellow loved ones in jeopardy for the sake of his impending death.

Upon finishing his story, Genno showed concern for the part in being attacked, then interest at the last moment of meeting the manifestation divine force of God, "What happened when you met him?" He asked curiously, wondering what conversation they had as both were talking off.

Seth didn't want to lie or tell him the truth; he couldn't imagine the amount of pain Genno would realize, so instead he changed the topic to "How about you?" avoiding the previous subject, "What brings you to the forest?" He is hoping his friend will not push it.

That didn't escape his sharp senses but nonetheless played along. "Simple walk in the forest," he casually said, "seeking peace and quiet is all, especially away from the village to allow myself to be in the present moment," saying of having enjoyed his time in solitude.

The two continue walking, and the sounds of birds singing and winds blowing passed by them. The scenery around them slowly became more recognizable, until eventually he broke the silence and asked, "Why didn't you cut your hair like what your followers did?" I want to know why Genno chose to keep his hair the way it is.

"I tried many times," a dissatisfied sigh escaped his lips. "But it always grows up fast, so I just leave it," he simply said, not caring in the slightest about being looked down upon or judged for that matter. "It's troublesome in my opinion; you might as well accept what I look like," finally ending the conversation.

Another awkward silence followed after, while the two continued to walk away from the forest and in the direction of the village. At that point, neither of them both bothered speaking to each other before Seth once again spoke up with an interesting question.

"How do you deal with evil thoughts that pop up on inappropriate times?"

The monk turned his head toward him, surprised by the odd question. Why would he ask that? He's a good man; surely he has nothing to worry about in regards to them. However, if his childhood friend needs his advice, then he's always ready to help him, no matter what.

Inhaling and exhaling in a slow and steady rhythm, "It is your actions that define you, not your brain or the rumors of others," he says, saying in what truly matters most to him, "Let them pass and accept it, but if you can't, then change them."

"We can't change ideas or kill them," he said in frown, finding it impossible to take the dark thoughts away from him. "Isn't that the truth?" answering back to Genno while awaiting a response of his own in hopes of getting clarification from his wiser companion.

Letting out a faint smile, he calmly turned his gaze upward. "But we can replace them," he said, lowering his head in their direction. "Replace them with things that will bring your attention, focus on the good in you, and share them with others so they too will see the light." He finished with wisdom of his own.

Never thinking of it that way, the young founder can feel this new knowledge entering inside of him. While it is a sad truth that one cannot kill ideas, they can however be replaced with something else: "thank you," smiling in gratitude.

How foolish was he to forget that? An opportunity presented itself to Seth, which he instantly seizes immediately. "Then," closing his eyes, he brought up his own hands together in a praying gesture, "I will think of the Lord in the highest whenever such awful things appear in my head," declaring to his friend his intentions.

Returning the response with joyful laughter, "your mind will always believe when you tell it. Feed it with goodness and love," the wise monk reassured him. "If one thinks a lot of good things, their minds will be filled with positive thoughts, for it is the mind and imagination themselves that suffer the most than reality itself."

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