Chapter 70

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The group had finally made it after a long walk through the desert; their faces were full of relief at seeing a settlement in front of them from a distance not far from them. Neither spoke a word about this, as the only objective in mind was to seek shelter within some building, town, or whatever was closest to them.

So they hastened their steps eagerly, heading in the direction they assumed to be the likely single place in this barren landscape to have civilization with mountains behind the town. Although it didn't take too long before reaching the outskirts of the place itself,.

They noticed the people walking about in the marketplace, with traders selling merchandise among other goods and services. The market bustled with activity, with vendors shouting prices for their products while others conversed freely as they haggled over price.

Strangely enough, their clothing resembles Arabic culture more than anything else, despite living on a continent located away from any hospital climate. Either these people are foreigners like them or this is what they call attire style where they live.

There were a lot of stalls containing food items consisting mostly of meat, including cattle, and other animals being roasted alive in bonfires outside of tents. People also wore clothes that covered almost every inch of their bodies apart from their heads, where only barefaced people revealed themselves underneath those hoods or masks covering their mouths.

Although some aren't even wearing masks to hide their identities, perhaps those individuals were less concerned with the anonymity of their facial features. Whatever it is, nobody seemed interested in them for some odd reason, maybe because this is the culture their community has developed.

Either way, Seth and his group of friends traversed through the crowd as many eyes were focused on them, specifically the holy man himself. Many whispers and pointing fingers directed in their general direction; some even commented out loud as well as insulted each other despite being present.

Solomon and Bruno felt uncomfortable at the attention they were getting; being exposed to so many people made them nervous, whereas Genno didn't seem bothered at all by people observing them; rather, he paid no mind to their behavior whatsoever.

As they continued walking, the crowd inevitably surrounded them with many mixed emotions appearing on their faces; one of them was curiosity, forcing the group to stop altogether. "Isn't that the messiah?" One of the merchants remarked curiously, staring intently in the holy man's direction, "I think it's him!" Another exclaimed excitedly, recognizing Seth immediately, "Don't you think so?"

While Genno remained calm as always, the other two were anxious about what would transpire next as more joined them, along with additional comments about whether Seth might be the one that the rumor mentioned or not. Soon enough, everyone was arguing over it loudly, which led to a dispute involving physical altercations.

Seth looked at the crowd, which was either against him or had sided with him. Neither had a positive or negative opinion in regards to himself, though some could tell from his expression alone how he feels about himself based on rumors alone.

"It got to be him!"

"He's a false prophet!"

"The Son of God has already been fulfilled!"

More argument ensued once again, violence erupting between differing beliefs about what they think of the holy man who stood idly by with slight discomfort plastered across his face. It was disheartening to witness such an event unfolding in front of him.

It made him feel saddened just how so many are beginning to turn on him or side in an instance, all because they assume him to be someone entirely different from what is expected of him. However, what concerns him the most is how these people are angry with one another.

He won't allow this in his presence; the Lord commands all his children to love each other as He demands it. No man should hate but love and redeem themselves despite the sinful deeds that plague humanity with the lust of greed for wealth rather than mercy towards their fellow brethren.


Just one mere command caused all surrounding areas to freeze momentarily. Some flinched visibly upon hearing the son of man's voice ringing loud and clear throughout the whole area; they eventually realized who was speaking in their presence, and thus many reacted accordingly.

Whether it be bowing down onto knees with hands raised high above heads or kneeling before him whilst giving honor due to their savior standing beside them, none are sure if this holy man is truly God's child sent here on mission ordained by divine mandate.

Many became silent, unsure of what to say or question this man's authority; they only listened and saw what the chosen one had to say about their heated debate moments ago regarding the person standing in front of their very own eyes. Seth then spoke calmly but firmly.

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. The second is like this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these."

The people gasp in conflict, listening intently to what else he says afterward. They cannot help themselves when hearing this divine man preaching such profound words that speak truth beyond measure of heresy: "How can we be sure if your just a conman?!" An old man from the crowd questioned me boldly without regard for the consequences of doing so.

Then Seth calmly breathed, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me," he proclaims aloud with conviction before glancing around briefly at the audience. "If you wish to test this, bring a wounded man to me," Seth responds, despite numerous hostile glares shooting in his direction afterwards.

Murmurs filled the masses, but none moved despite wanting to; many just stayed still until a bearded, skinny man with a withered hand approached Seth and asked, "Can you heal me?" He pleads weakly, extending the sickly limb forward to him.

The skinny man looked weak and fragile; his skin sagged on his frame like a coat of paint hanging loosely on a wooden skeleton. He carried himself with a hunched back and a shuffling gait that spoke volumes about his limited mobility. The veins that lined his thin neck protruded prominently against his sallow skin, resembling the roots of a tree desperately clinging to soil in a drought.

Despite his frailty and physical decline, the man's eyes were still sharp and full of desperation. They gleamed with a feverish intensity that was startling to behold. It was a look that spoke of a hunger that could never be satisfied, an emptiness that could never be filled.

"Please, heal me, Lord."

Nodding silently, Seth grabbed the withered hand and held it firmly, closing his eyes as he mentally called upon the Lord to heal this poor man. Soon a soft, warm glow envelopes the hand belonging to the man's own, and those nearby gasp at such wondrous sight being performed right before their very eyes.

"By the will of the Heavenly Father, you shall be healed," Seth promised soothingly, spreading healing energy coursing through the body through fingertips touching the injured arm that is black and rotten. "All wounds inflicted upon your flesh will fade; no more will pain linger in its place; instead, you will feel new again," he recited passionately before releasing the hold.

The once-man with a withered hand stared at his own newly healed limb. Tears streamed down his face at finally being able to move it with ease. A smile formed across the face, happiness emanating within every fiber of being: "Thank you! Thank you, Lord, for granting mercy to this sinner!" The pain has been with him since childhood; an accident caused it long ago after he was bitten by a mysterious animal that cursed him into this nightmare.

Now he is finally healed, free from agonizing suffering. Now able to sleep properly and grab things, a sense of normality in his life has finally been restored. But he knows that he must find another way to thank the sheer sight of the holy man for restoring healthy flesh once more.

Dropping down onto his knees, he grabbed the holy man's hand before kissing on it and lifting his eyes upon the Lord's face. "Truly, you are the messiah, a sign of the mighty one who came to save us," he sobbed while crying tears of joy. "This gift bestowed upon me will not be forgotten," the man said gratefully, with pride swelling within his heart for having witnessed a miracle before his very own eyes.

Seth smiled, gently letting go of the man's grip as everyone let out a cheer of witnessing a miracle performed in their presence. More people soon surrounded the holy man, begging for healing, while some tried pushing through to gain a closer look at him.

There were so many different kinds of injuries on display for him to heal: some had broken bones, others had burns and scars, others still had open wounds with pus leaking from them, and others were missing limbs entirely with nothing more than stumps remaining where the appendages used to be.

He found it overwhelming just how much this people suffered ever since the first sin was introduced. It greatly hurts him to see the horrible truth that this world has to offer. So many of God's children are being afflicted by the cruelty of reality itself.

It made him feel hurt to have to look upon so many injured people standing all around him. The sight has troubled him greatly, and he wishes for them to be healed. As if to grant Seth's inner wishes, a bright golden light radiated from his body that blinded them temporarily, causing everyone to shield their eyes and gasp in excitement at seeing such a miracle.

When the light finally dined down, the once-injured people with diseases, missing limbs, and other forms of ailments were restored; their faces were full of admiration at such a miracle being performed unto them, and no one dared to doubt him anymore.

Solomon became enthralled by Seth's actions, witnessing firsthand how powerful a believer can be through faith alone. He was starting to reconsider becoming Christian after seeing how inhumanely kind this man is. On the other hand, Genno was grateful to be able to see how this man he considers a friend is saving lives.

Bruno was excited to learn more about Seth; this God is really the real thing, as the young man said to them. There were no doubts or questions left in our minds when watching Seth perform miracles that baffled people's imaginations alike.

Before long, a rich teen with blond hair and blue eyes walked in the middle of the crowd before looking at him in amazement. "Father," his orbs were sparkling with adoration for the holy man in front of him. "You are what you say you are," his tone was filled with awe of this discovery.

The teenager is fifteen in appearance, with smooth and delicate facial features that highlight his youth. His clothing is clean and pristine to match his sophisticated attitude. He also wears a white jacket over a blue buttoned shirt, black trousers, and knee boots.

A traveling wealthy merchant family in an upper-class district back at the Empire, though not many have heard of them because they spend most of their time working for themselves rather than associating with anyone else, asked, "Can you come with me?" He begged softly with a hint of pleading.

"What is your name, young man?"

The young merchant nodded at this response before saying, "I'm called Calvin," revealing his identity to the holy man. "I ask you to please join my parents and me in our home for dinner," he offered politely while bowing slightly.

A smile grew on Seth's lips at such an invitation being given to him. "It would be an honor to accept your most generous gesture," he replied kindly before motioning for Solomon and the others to follow behind him.

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