Chapter 87

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After an entire day of traveling, they finally arrived at the capital itself, as a grand city loomed over them like a shadow covering the sun itself: distant mountains towering high in the sky, reaching above clouds, while crowds of people moved forward through various pathways like ants carrying grains towards their nest.

Moving through the busy streets with their wagon, Seth can't help but feel nostalgic about revisiting the whole place again. It was filled with tall buildings and houses, making him realize how everything appeared to be unchanged throughout the years of growing up.

Its residents wore renaissance fashion, showing off their expensive garments like the nobles. The merchant stalls sold different kinds of food and jewelry alongside spices or weapons such as swords and daggers. Many merchants traded goods on every street corner, shouting at pedestrians trying to catch their attention.

This is the heartland of the Empire itself; it is their only and largest city in this land, while everything outside of it is simply villages and castles. This makes it one of the most important cities in all of the Empire. This is where all trade between regions takes place, as every soldier is trained before being sent out onto battlefields far away from home.

No wonder it's so populated. Everybody has their own goals, dreams, and ambitions for what they want to achieve, but even if someone manages to achieve them, the city continues to grow more advanced. It will never be the same anymore as time goes by.

Sadly for them, the Empire is corrupted to the core due to corruption. Many commoners suffer and starve as nobles prosper due to taxes on farming crops along with manufacturing and shipping businesses, making them earn fortunes each month.

Looking around, they can see the homeless sitting on the sidelines while holding hands outward, begging for any sort of alms to feed their families. The Empire is not what it used to be, as more soldiers patrol the streets in search of any criminals or thieves among civilians.

Those who appear wealthy seem to be greedy or living a miserable life for themselves, hiding away their problems behind false smiles and pretending to be content with their surroundings as they buy whatever merchandise the merchants have to offer, regardless of whether it has worth or not.

Then the entire wagon stopped, catching the passengers attention as they noticed that the driver turned his head over the shoulder. "I don't know where the hell am I supposed to drop you off at," the cloaked man confessed honestly, "just hop out and I'll be on my way," signaling with his hand that they had reached their final destination regardless of their opinion.

Before Solomon had a chance to respond, the others chose to exit first, jumping out of the vehicle as the boy grumbled at this action, "Hey! Wait up!" He hastily got himself down along with the driver before dashing after them as the group of five transversed through the loud streets.

Andreas briefly patted the holy man's back, saying, "Thank you for helping me get into the city." He sincerely thanked God for saving him and taking him here in hopes of repaying him in better circumstances. "I don't know what would've happened if it wasn't for your kindness," finishing his last part of gratitude.

Closing his eyes, Seth smiled at him. "It's good that you found a new path for yourself," he agreed genuinely. "You'll have a chance to start again from scratch with no worries in mind," encouraging him with confidence that everything will work out smoothly at the end of the journey.

The old man grinned widely at this. "You're right," he nodded confidently. "Well, I guess this is farewell," wishing Seth and company good luck on whatever they're doing here. "May our heavenly father bless you during travels wherever they take place," and saying final prayers for them to survive through whatever challenges await them along the path.

Opening eyelids slightly open, the holy man returned the kind gesture with his own. "Be careful in the capital," he warned gently as he stared deeply into the old man's eyes, expressing concern over others safety. "There are dangers lurking around every corner, so do not lower your guard."

His expression became more solemn upon hearing that warning. "I understand, thank you," Andreas responded back as he began to move away from the group, waving back at them with a mirthful look. "See you all! I will remember all of you, especially you, my savior," he shouted across the crowd as he walked into the said crowd himself, disappearing amongst the mass of people.

Bruno spoke up while raising his arm outward, "This city is amazing, full of opportunities!" He exclaimed enthusiastically while glancing around in awe at the sights standing right before him. The capital has everything they can imagine. Food, clothes, drinks, and entertainment.

Hearing that, Genno chuckled amusingly, crossing his arms together before responding as they continued walking to the unknown: "Perhaps, but are you forgetting something else?" Hinting towards their objective in coming here to begin with, Seth turned his head directly to him in silence.

In a brief moment, the poet gave a confused expression that lasted for a couple of seconds before his eyes widen in realization, "My book!" Stopping himself momentarily in tracks, causing his friends to also follow suit, "I have to go, sorry everyone!" Dashing into a crowd of people, leaving them behind without any more words exchanged, "I'll meet you all later!"

"What's his problem?" Solomon asked out of curiosity, feeling somewhat annoyed by Bruno's reaction from moments ago while wondering what caused it. Before anyone could answer, though, he shrugged indifferently like usual. "Doesn't matter," he said, turning to the two. "What now?" The boy hoped for some type of clue or advice to get him out of boredom.

Before any of them said anything, Kaine's voice rang loudly above the noise around them: "This isn't the place for trading!" He shouted at the merchants entering what seemed to be a temple at the very corner of the streets, where many of his brothers and fathers were also present.

The temple was a structure carved out of pure marble, a grand monument of faith and worship that towered over every building in the vicinity. Its massive doors were open to reveal intricate designs of golden-lined windows, which reflected sunlight onto the floor of the main hall, illuminating every corner in a warm glow. Inside, the temple was spacious, with rows of wooden benches facing a gigantic wooden cross.

Its entrance was crowded by merchants who attempted to push and shove their way into the temple, their wares spilling out of their carts and onto the cobblestone streets. Despite this, the clergymen stood firm, refusing to budge an inch, their faces twisted into masks of anger and frustration.

At first, Seth was confused about why this was happening in the first place, causing him and his friends to head over there as they entered to see many of his fellow priests arguing with the merchants that are currently making a mess in this holy place.

Animals roamed freely along with humans alike among the corridors while the kitchen's tables were covered with different foods like roasted beef or pork stew, salad greens, and soup dishes, along with breads of different sorts spread across bakeries.

Then it clicked him; righteous anger flowed into veins, setting him on fire as it burned brightly while clenching both fists tightly in rage. "What do you all think you are doing?!" He shouted at the top of his lungs as every merchant turned their attention to him.

Quickly, he headed over to a nearby table and made a whip of cords. "OUT! ALL OF YOU THIEVES AND ROBBERS!" The cords were small, not long enough to hit anybody in distance, but good enough to make a loud noise as he swung them around wildly to create a frightening sound around those present within the place itself for the purpose of scaring them off without hitting anyone: "GET OUT NOW!"

Soon, all the merchants and their animals fled out from the inside of the temple as they scampered to escape through the door like frightened birds taking flight in darkness without warning, leaving their wares behind in haste while others were shocked beyond belief.

Throwing the whip away, Seth poured all their money and overthrew their tables in front of everyone. His face was covered by anger that overwhelmed all logic in his mind while he glared daggers towards those who dared trespass upon holy ground.

To those who sold the doves, he said, "Take these things out of here! Don’t make my father’s house a marketplace!" His disciples remembered that it was written, 'Zeal for your house will eat me up,' breathing heavily from the built-up pressure as he glanced around at the gathered.

The priests therefore answered him, "What sign do you show us, seeing that you do these things?" They asked in challenge to test his validity as others stayed silent, staring blankly in shock at what happened previously, waiting patiently for his response.

"Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up."

Seth said with anger still present in his voice, clenching his fists tightly as he slowly calmed down, breathing in deep breaths before letting out short breaths at the action. He did not want anyone else to defile what is sacred either, as this place is holy in nature.

"It took forty-six years to build this temple! Will you raise it up in three days?" They questioned him, wanting him to clarify exactly how he can accomplish such a task without being physically present. How could he possibly raise a building in mere hours? That's impossible!

But the holy man simply ignored them and moved past his family, exiting the temple itself as he moved across the busy streets, determined for anyone to hear what he had to say in regards to matters pertaining to the disrespect and defilement of sacred grounds.

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint, dill, and cumin, and have left undone the weightier matters of the law: justice, mercy, and faith. But you ought to have done these and not left the others undone. You blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!"

Everyone around him stopped to look at the supposed righteous man who was angry at what had previously transpired, their ears and hearts absorbing each and every word being spoken as they listened attentively. Some appeared irritated while others were intrigued, their eyes drawn to the commotion unfolding in public space.

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and unrighteousness. You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the platter so that its outside may become clean as well."

He continued moving through the streets, attracting more spectators with each step taken, passing by merchants selling fruits or vegetables that grew locally, while others sold fish caught from rivers not too far away from here. A few vendors were rather intrigued by this particular individual, who seemed different than anyone they'd encountered thus far.

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitened tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful but inwardly are full of dead men’s bones and of all uncleanness. Even so, you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity."

The patrolling soldiers were astonished by this display being shown before them, their gaze fixated on Seth with fascination rather than irritation or disgust. They wondered who he might be that would dare speak openly in front of an audience to criticize one's actions as they shook heads disapprovingly.

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you build the tombs of the prophets and decorate the tombs of the righteous and say, ‘If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we wouldn’t have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.’ Therefore, you testify to yourselves that you are children of those who killed the prophets. Fill up, then, the measure of your fathers. You serpents, you offspring of vipers, how will you escape the judgment of Gehenna? Therefore, behold, I send to you prophets, wise men, and scribes. Some of them you will kill and crucify; and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues and persecute from city to city, that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zachariah son of Barachiah, whom you killed between the sanctuary and the altar. Most certainly, I tell you, all these things will come upon this generation."

Stopping in his tracks, Seth caught his breath for a short moment, lifting his head to see a crowd of people surrounding him with mixed emotions before addressing them once again as his voice echoed loudly among many others present.

"Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I would have gathered your children together, even as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you would not! Behold, your house is left to you desolate. For I tell you, you will not see me from now on until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’"

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