Chapter 51

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Carefully taking each step downward as the two men made their descent into darkness, following the narrow passage that stretched for what felt like eternity in itself, Genno followed his friend behind with readiness at his fingertips. Ready for any foe that might emerge from the shadows, watching them.

He knows there will be trouble as the air itself carries a stale scent of death. Every time they breathed, the smell only grew stronger. It made them want to vomit, but nevertheless, they resisted the urge and pressed on to see what lies beyond this stairway, leading them further down into the abyss.

It is like being trapped in a labyrinth full of secrets waiting to be discovered. If only it weren't so dreary and silent. They were the only sounds apart from their footsteps, which echoed across the closed walls as if they were taunting them.

Their footsteps seem to get louder the deeper they go. Trying to lure them into madness by using echoes as bait to drive them mad, although they are stronger than such simple trickery, wasn't going to work on them anymore.

The end of the stairs is approaching close, and in which they saw it, a secret basement that neither of them had been aware of until now. "Oh Lord..." Seth's heart was full of pain upon seeing this sight, for it is not a mere dungeon but a place where torture took place in regards to inhumane experiments.

Cages, chains hanging from the ceilings and walls, along with blood splattered everywhere, and other vile things related to the torture chamber were all laid bare to their eyes as they continued to gaze around. The horror and disgust were overwhelming, and yet they couldn't help but wonder about where their friend was.

His stomach turns at this sight, and they realize that other unfortunate travelers have likely been here to get tortured and later killed, for god's sake. Neither of them expected those generous women to do such horrors in secret. It doesn't make sense how they managed to keep it hidden so well in the first place, but the mere thought of that still infuriates them nonetheless.

Dropping down on his knees, he tightly clenched his hands together as he prayed for the many souls who had been forced to be here and how their agonizing screams were heard through these chambers filled with suffering and suffering alone.

Closing his eyes, he mentally prayed in hopes God can bring them to His kingdom, where they shall live in eternal bliss alongside their fallen loved ones. Such is the greatest honor there is and a reward most worth while to earn in life or death.

A hand gently touched the holy man's shoulders. He looks up and sees troubled Genno, who felt upset for what had transpired here. The monk can also sense how this torture chamber was full of emotions ranging from sadness to anger. It was suffocating and overwhelming for him, leaving him unable to speak any words other than curses upon seeing this atrocity before them.

"Let us keep going." A quiet murmur escapes from his lips. "Bruno might still be alive. Please, we cannot waste anytime in vain; let's hurry," Genno told his friend, who in return nodded without question before lifting himself upwards while brushing away tears on his cheeks with a sleeve.

"Sorry," Seth apologized for delaying themselves in pursuing their mission. "I could sense the air of how many poor souls had to suffer here," he said, wiping away his dried snot with his forearm as he sniffled lightly. "Let us press on in getting our friend back and leave this unholy place as quick as possible," he agreed with his comrade.

Thus, they walked across the room of bloodied floors and chained furniture all around, moving further into the darkness where there was little light shining its way. Only a few torches on walls can illuminate their way, and with tiny windows lined above for the sunlight to pour down into, it is clear that they designed this place to maintain secrecy.

Miria and Alisha had pretended to be good Samaritans all along. Only to blindside them from reality by harboring a deadly secret, remaining untouched by their cruel deeds. Their conscience remained pure and spotless when, in truth, they were nothing more than evildoers in human guise.

How could they not see it? All of this time, they lived with murderers in plain sight. Having them cook and share meals together, spending time sharing stories in front of the fireplace while laughing at jokes with one another for the whole month.

They thought that these women were innocent, but how wrong they have been. The men now knew exactly what they had done; they lied in order to deceive them from suspecting their real selves as innocent ladies. How clever yet wicked these women truly are!

And yet, Seth doesn't hold hatred in his heart for them, despite how terrible this woman had betrayed them then. Instead, he forgives them for their transgressions as long as they seek redemption through atonement, turning their lives around completely.

God is always merciful and loving to all beings, no matter what sins they commit. Never will He judge or condemn them for their actions because He will forgive anyone who is willing to perform not just a feeling but also an action through acts of kindness in return.

As they continue traversing through this eerie chamber full of agony and death itself, smelling the stench of decay filling the air while at the same time sensing the cold presence of anguish and pain that permeated through the atmosphere itself, they fear the many possible things that their friend might be subjected to.

Both men have witnessed plenty of deaths throughout their journey of stopping The Dark Lord in the past years, having seen countless people die in the most horrible ways imaginable by forces that oppose goodness itself. But even so, witnessing their companions being brutally murdered or tortured is a different tale.

It is easy to see how it can break even the strongest into insanity. Though Seth knows not to worry about it, because he is the Son of God, who is born in this sinned world for the purpose of granting everyone who believes in him entry into God's kingdom.

As the messiah he is, he will not give up hope, no matter what obstacles lie in their way. So long as they keep striving onward and do not give up in the face of adversity, their hearts will always be in the right place, regardless of what they have to face.

After a while of walking in this accursed place, they finally came across their unconscious friend on the ground, seemingly not hurt in the slightest. Relief overcame them, for Bruno is fine and unharmed as they approach him with caution to avoid being caught unaware of any potential dangers lurking in the shadows.

With his hands touching Bruno's body in an attempt to wake him up little by little, Seth realizes it is going to take a while for their companion to open his eyes. But seeing him alive and well is a blessing that cannot be measured as he begins to carry him over his own shoulders.

Pulling him up and putting Bruno's arm over his said shoulders, "the Lord has blessed us today," he thanked the Almighty for providing them safe retrieval of their friend without hindrance, "let's move out of this cursed place and to safety; I fear we will get caught sooner or later," fearing any unseen enemies coming for them without warning.

With a slight nod from his friend, Genno agreed with him on this as they turned around, more than ready to leave the dungeon behind. The way out should not be far, for they only need to head back to where they came from and leave the cabin altogether.

But as they were about to return, a silhouette of a young woman appeared in the distance with a bloody knife holding in her delicate fingers. Her naked body was covered in carved, bleeding sigils of runes and symbols alike, dancing all over her fair skin while gazing at the intruders in amusement.


Genno said in confusion, for they have no doubt it is her, but the way she is currently presenting herself, along with the unusual appearance of her skin, is what he cannot comprehend as she gazed at them with an unfazed stare and a sickening grin etched on her face.

A brief, eerie silence hung in the air between them before she spoke; her voice wasn't that of a woman but that of a deep, gruff, and hoarse man. "Foolish humans, thinking you could escape from the ones who raised you under your noses without suspicion," the young woman mocked, her laughter echoing across the chamber.

It all clicked in him. Seth cannot believe he has to see him again in such places. "Asmodeus?" Name he had hoped to never hear ever again, "Why are you here?" Having not forgotten the prince of demons' brutal treatment from their last encounter,.

Her smile widened at his inquiry as she twirled around with delight in her movements. "It is so nice of you to ask that question, the Son of God!" Giggling innocently while bringing a finger closer to her lip, "Now where do I begin? How about starting with how lucky I am to meet you once more?" she answered as her crimson pupils pierced their very souls, causing the men to step backward from her intimidating aura alone.

Before either of them could react, the possessed Alisha lunged onto Genno with unseen speed, dragging him towards the nearest wall where she pinned the monk against it, holding a knife below his throat threateningly with a narrowed glare aimed directly towards his eyes. "I'M GOING TO HAVE FUN TORTURING YOU AS HARD AS MY WISHES!" She announced in an ecstatic tone at the idea of causing him agony for days on end.

Swiftly pouring all his energy onto a punch, Genno sent her flying onto her torso, knocking her back a few feet away. "Get him and yourself out of here!" He shouted towards Seth with a look of determination written across his features as he prepared himself for another attack.

"But we—"

"I'll be fine! Just wait for me outside!"

Seth wanted to protest more; however, his best friend was correct in saying that the holy man shouldn't stay any longer than necessary. He himself isn't one who resorts to violence like any warrior would. He is only a preacher who believes in spreading the word of God through teachings rather than war or conquest.

Gritting his teeth in shame, he nodded and passed them with hurried footsteps as Genno turned his attention to Alisha, who was clearly unhurt by his attack. Her inhuman laughter bounced across the walls that surrounded them with malicious intent, staring straight into his brown eyes like never before as she grinned wickedly.

"This is going to be fun," Alisha told with anticipation dripping in her voice as she took a step forward, raising her knife higher. "Just try to resist as much as you can while I rip out your fucking entrails and watch them spill out!" Her threat rang through Genno's ears with alarming force, which made him flinch.

There was no point in running or hiding anywhere since she would just catch up eventually, so he had no choice but to fight again, even though it hurt him to do this. He greatly despises doing this under any circumstances, as has been mentioned many times before.

Violence should be used only as a last resort. However, there are no exceptions to this rule if someone's life is on the line, including his own. Moreover, the fact that he is dealing with demons from all places makes this a lot easier for him since they are infamous for their sadism and cruelty towards others.

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