Chapter 61

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Manifesting in the form of elderly man as well as being the Father, floating high above the clouds of Spheroidal, his never-ending influence across existence began when he decided to give birth to life into all by word alone. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

No world is beyond his reach, for he is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent in nature; as such, God sees and knows everything. He sees and hears everything within everything and nothing from beginning to end, and none can hide themselves from the divine sight of His eyes.

His presence is inescapable, immutable, and absolute, to the point the all-powerful supreme God of everything, is nothing without him. Every creation will always fall short in comparison with the Creator himself, as well as his glory, power, and majesty.

Thus, nothing shall ever rival his authority over all things, for he is everything while also being nothing. He is both the cause of all things as well as their effect because he is self-existent, eternal, and the source of all things. As the Master of Creation, God's sovereignty over all things is inherently found in who He is rather than being something derived from what He does or has done.

For God, it's not about what he does but rather who he is in essence and character. God is infinite, timeless, and utterly transcendent beyond anything that can be conceived by mankind itself, but then again, not only is he divine but also self-aware in terms of having free will, which means he can choose to reveal himself or not if he so desires.

With that being said, he was always troubled by how his beloved creation was filled with sins of various sorts. Such things cannot be welcome in the kingdom of God, but so shall they be according to his divine will. Though he himself understood, no man is pure in heart.

Only he is good, righteous, and perfect, but that is to be expected, as the Creator is supposed to be more perfect than anything else can ever be. Though sometimes the Father wishes his children to realize this simple fact of reality: no one is perfect and nothing is perfect.

However, it matters not who can comprehend the notion or not when it comes to knowing of him; he already understood the fact that man shall always sin, no matter what. Man cannot live up to his expectations; he can only try his best to live by his teachings.

Looking down, this is one of the many worlds that need to be saved so his children can enter paradise once more. This world is full of corruption and evil, just like any reality or realm; it is not pure, for its people are lost in their ways and cannot see the light in front of their eyes.

Worshiping pagan deities, performing magic, and committing unforgivable sins—such is their way of living—has no clear knowledge of his presence, so the Lord became disgusted and hurt by it altogether. Alas, the sight, however, never made him doubt them.

In all the wickedness, corruption, evils, and sexual immorality, the Father loves each of his child with all his heart, unable to even destroy their lives. In a sense, they are his creation after all, and as such, he can't smite every single one of them or abandon them forever.

God will always love his creation unconditionally, and mercy is his attribute, but just like any loving father, he can become wrathful in extreme circumstances. But even then, the love he has within his heart outweighs any anger at his children's foolish actions.

Gazing below upon the land where people live, his spirit frowned at how they remained unsaved. For God didn’t send his Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not judged. He who doesn’t believe has already been judged because he has not believed in the name of the only born Son of God.

And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

So many evils have plagued the minds and souls of mortals since the dawn of time that it is not surprising they needed guidance from their creator to remind them what is good and what is evil, right and wrong. The world is full of suffering, misery, and unhappiness due to people's lack of understanding.

But he promised to each of his children that after his child completes the sacrifice, all who believe in the Son of God will be granted salvation, thus leading them to Heaven itself, regardless of the evils or good deeds they have performed in their finite lives.

Once they open their hearts to his beloved son, acknowledging Seth as their savior and Lord, then truly, salvation will automatically be given and sealed to them forever. Upon entering heaven, all people who accept the Lord's offer of salvation will be granted access to its paradise and live with him happily in all eternity.

No more of his little ones who desperately continued into removing their sins completely, for it is impossible to do so as the world has already been condemned ever since the first man disobeyed God to eat the forbidden fruit. A transgression that spiraled mankind into sin and brought on their inevitable decay.

As he looks up above the blue, cloudy sky, his tears stream down his face at the inevitable tragedy that will befall his son and the horrors of humanity's unending cycle in its endless suffering, though even then, it does not diminish his immense trust and love in those who try to battle the darkness plaguing their hearts.

May his Son's sacrifice never be in vain and grant eternal salvation for all who believe in his word. The Lord will always be forever grateful. Despite the harshness of reality, the Father knew better than anyone else how much sorrow is bound to happen, and yet even through it all, there will always be a glimmer of hope left untouched by any taint that can be found in man alone.

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