Chapter 112

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In her sleeping state, the unconscious queen slept peacefully in her private room, unaware of the events unfolding around her. However, within her own dream is something completely different from what reality has to offer for someone like Cinder.

From within her dream, everything was clear as day and vivid from the day she was born, as confusion sprang forth within her mind, trying to understand why everything seemed so different than usual, but regardless, her mind is trying to figure out what is missing.

Vast, thick fog surrounded her that obscured everything else; she was only able to see the dense trees that stood tall and proud, reaching into the sky as though they were sentinels guarding against all threats. The air was thick and humid, permeating the atmosphere with a heavy mist that lingered in the air, creating a dank and cloying scent that clung to everything around her.

There were no sounds of crickets playing their usual songs in the background or birds chirping overhead. All was eerily still, as if time itself had somehow come to a halt, while she stood in the middle of nowhere with no one except herself.

What's more, she can't remember anything aside from her name. Aside from that, the amnesiac queen can't figure out the puzzle lingering in her beating heart, wondering what the hell she is doing in such an isolated place all alone.

Moreover, who is she, and why does she wear this rich blue dress? Cinder can't understand it all, but one thing is for sure: she needs to walk rather than ponder her unanswered thoughts, which would never be able to fully explain themselves to her if she stood idly all day.

So with that in mind, she walked straight ahead, not expecting anything in particular or something significant occurring during this place, merely interested in exploring and finding out what's going on so she could at least get a clue of who she is and why shes here in the first place.

As she walked, the only noticeable sounds were her own breathing and footsteps as they echo across this foggy forest, strangely reminding herself of a heartbeat, steadily getting faster and stronger from the uncertainty of what may lie beyond the mist that seems to cover every inch of her vision.

A sudden, slight chill ran up through Cinder's spine when she saw horrific images of herself mutilating other people for her own sick, twisted amusement and lust. Grunting in pain and shock, she quickly held her own face from falling, in disbelief of the things she had done.

"What...what was that?" She whispered quietly, unable to comprehend whatever she was experiencing that had caused her so much emotional turmoil at this sudden memory, "Was that me?" At first, she wanted to not believe it, for she herself is incapable of doing something like that.

Sweat dripped down her face from anxiety when other memories of her evil deeds flashed through her mind. These moments were far more horrible than the previous one, however, still just as disturbing as her actions would cause people to suffer terribly, physically and mentally alike, while seeing herself masturbating while watching others cry of despair as she would mock them mercilessly.

"It can't be true, I mean..." The young woman said in denial, not accepting these at all, "I didn't remember any of these. What's going on?" Cinder wanted to puke and express disgust for herself, but she is confused about how it even happened when she never remembered any of these actions alone.

Then a dark, foreboding feeling hit her chest out of nowhere, making her heart race like crazy as panic welled within her very core when she felt it. "Uh?" Confusion once again filled her brain while also having unknown emotions attached to it: "could it be someone?" At first, she was glad to find a person to get help from, but this feeling.

Removing her hand from her face, she placed her hand on her own heart before gripping it tightly with uncertainty. "It's...dark, so dark and deprave that my whole body, soul, and mind would collapse at this overwhelming presence," she described in detail, "but I need answers, and if this person has them then perhaps..." Her own eyes shook with many thoughts.

Walking once again, Cinder immediately quickened her pace to see where the source was, pouring all her determination into her legs while trying to ignore the terrible feeling that continued to engulf her entire being. Faster and faster she went as she walked before finally sprinting with only one goal in mind, and that's getting answers.

As she does so, different memories return—not ones of horror but pleasant ones that greatly brought her comfort. When she was still a cheerful girl, Cinder remembered two boys, and one of them is someone she holds dear.

Who is it? The boy who always held the golden crucifix in his hand was shy and nervous but kind nonetheless. And another one is Jerk, whom she holds some contempt for but later grows to accept for being the way he is despite still not knowing if they are friends.

But that boy—she knows his name, yet she can't remember nor spell it out. Its like her own tongue refuses to speak it, probably due to the confusion and other feelings well inside of her. Nonetheless, the young woman finds herself crying as tears roll down her cheek and her lips tremble, but for what? She can't recall the reason, aside from missing him greatly.

She wants to understand! She needs to understand! The boy is not just important to her but also to other people, especially a father she herself still loves despite how strict that man is. And because of that, she ran faster than ever before.

Determination, hope, and longing to find him have never been stronger than her resolve, which pushed her forward in the direction of this mysterious presence she was sensing. Everything became a blur around her as the adrenaline flowed through her veins, her heart pounding rapidly against her chest as she breathed heavily while perspiring profoundly.

There was no stopping her anymore; all Cinder could do now was continue on without fail, no matter what happened. This is all she can do as she goes about her way in hopes of discovering something that has been lost and forgotten by her.

Before long, she finally reached the source, her heart pounding with sweat dripping off her face once more while panting with exhaustion as her lungs burned with each intake of oxygen, having used all of her energy for this one occasion, which left her exhausted but nonetheless determined.

Straightening herself up, she stared at the source only to discover nothing of importance aside from the red pond in front of her. "A pond?" Confusion sprang forth within her mind, not knowing why this foreboding feeling brought her here. "And it's red. Why is the water red?" Taken back by this, she was ready to investigate before it came out.

A nude woman slowly emitted energy out of the red waters, her long red hair and horns easily recognizable from the start. Cinder gasped in utter terror upon seeing this person. "Who are you?!" She asked in a sharp tone, glaring at the stranger with utmost fear.

Everything emitting from this person isn't normal, in fact; Cinder wouldn't call her a person or a human, for that matter. The aura that surrounds this woman is so deprave, wicked, and lustful that the amnesiac queen would puke at the mere sight of it.

Fully emerging from the waters, Lilith grinned widely at this sight. "Doo Youuu, mIssss meee?" Pure evil emitted from her words, her eyes gleaming with demonic intensity. The air around Cinder was becoming oppressive as well, weighing down on her like a blanket that made breathing difficult.

"No...NO!" Taking a step back with fright, "WHAT ARE YOU?!" She screamed horrifically, terrified by this inhuman abomination that stood before her. The way those eyes stared into hers sent shivers throughout her entire being as it became increasingly harder to stay calm.

Stepping out of the pond, Lilith laughed at this amusing display. "I was thinking that you'd try to figure that out, daughter," she spat in sarcasm in their conversation, "regardless." Hissing in delight at her victim, "Can't you remember? The moment you were knocked out of unconsciousness as a little girl?" Fake concern was evident in the demon's tone of voice while tilting her head innocently.

Echoing into her mind, Cinder listened to it carefully. "I..." Gritting her teeth, she dwells deep in her mind, finding the lost memories she has been searching for all this time. Something is starting to rise up inside of her, and when it came out, it hit her with a strong impact.

"By the great divines..."

She remembered being knocked out when she was with that boy all those years ago before being knocked out by the assailant. And then... "You did this!" Realization hit her: "All of this was because of you," not able to comprehend this cruel fate before her very eyes.

These memories of herself hurting others say, "You did something to me!" Anger and hatred bloomed in her chest while fury exploded inside the young woman. "WHY DID YOU MAKE ME TO THOSE HORRIBLE THINGS?!" She shouted at the top of her lungs in pure rage.

A short giggle escaped out of her mouth before grinning madly at her. "Aww, your blaming me for your actions? Come now, all I did was give you some of my  blood." Lilith bared her razor-sharp teeth in a wide smile. "Didn't you enjoy it though?" Prying further with malicious intent, she said, "All those screams and cries of agony, filled with suffering and desperation," licking her own lips in hunger.

"That wasn't me!" Trying to find some justification for her actions that would excuse them, "those are not my actions nor my thoughts," glaring daggers at this bitch who ruined her life, "the real me would never—"

"Who is the real you, Cinder?" She took a step forward, letting her tempting words sink into the human's mind: "Your yourself; after all, the way you think is what defines your character as whole," inching closer to her step by step. "It feels nice, doesn't it?" Getting closer to her, "being in control of your own free will and desires without any restrictions?" Looking directly into her eyes, "doing things you truly wanted that your father would never approve?"

Clenching her fist, she began to breathe heavily from these temptation words that Lilith is speaking: "I...did enjoy them," confessing from the deepest parts of her heart, "seeing those people squirm under my mercy, watching them tremble and beg for their lives as I enjoy it greatly," forcing a smile in which Lilith stood proudly of hearing this.

"But I know I would never do these things because they are evil and wrong," she declared, taking a step forward and matching the demon's steps. "The real Cinder would never do this, and because of this, I am not the person you claim me to be," she said, spitting these words while holding strong to her beliefs.

Lilith remained quiet for a few seconds, the sound of their own heartbeats the only noise between them before opening her mouth, "Hm, perhaps your right," casually admitting defeat much to her victim's surprise as tears of blood escaped from her eyes, "although I had fun watching you all this time."


In one quick motion, Lilith grabbed the unsuspecting woman by the neck in a tightened grip, lifting Cinder off the ground with ease as she choked in shock. Panic flared up in her system once more while her nails scratched the creature's wrists desperately, trying anything to free herself but to no avail.

"Poor, poor little Cinder," the mother of demons mocked with malice intent, enjoying the sounds of her suffering immensely. "You must've been so sad and lonely for the majority of your miserable existence, seeing others around you having fun while being surrounded by family and friends," her expression contorted into one full of pure, unbridled envy and mockery.

"Tell me, how does it feel to be so weak and pathetic?" Squeezing tighter than ever before, drawing out agonizing squeals and groans of anguish, "Isn't it so liberating, so good to feel this level of pain?" Moaning in satisfaction of the human's suffering, tears poured out of Cinder's eyes due to the pain.

Licking her lips, she continued with her speech, "I am going to fucking rip your throat, bitch," her eyes widening in the insanity of her maddening fantasies, "then I'm going to force feed you with it so that way you'll choke on your own damn blood until I take a shit down there. Oh yes, I want to see how it tastes coming out of your lifeless corpse while it bleeds into that filthy mouth of yours." Her perverted moans became more disgusting and horrid.

Cinder cried out in excruciating pain while listening to the foul words that continue to run through this demon's mouth, unable to process them entirely due to her growing fatigue and distress from being strangled repeatedly. "Ughh..." Sounds of choking echoed across the woods.

Laughing in delight, "Your soul is mine, whore! I'm taking it and devouring it. It is a prize that I have earned for my efforts through all these  centuries." Sick grin etched onto her pale face, drool spilling out of the corner of her lips, "I won't stop at that, no. No. After that, I want to do so much more. So. Much. More. With your fragile body that will snap apart by my hands like a twig if I want it to!" The sheer malice and loathsome desire that emanated from the eyes were enough to send anyone into an insane fit of hysteria.

Her entire frame shook violently in pure agony while feeling her consciousness slowly slip as the growing feel of fires began to surround and burn her soul along with that of being stripped of everything in front of her, leaving her completely exposed to the demon's desires. "Gah... a-a-a-agghh," more sobbing erupted out of her throat as she continued to be strangled in torture.

"What was that?" Smiling happily, Lilith decided to loosen up a bit to hear her speak more clearly: "Did you say something, dear? Please repeat it, but this time louder, okay? I'm afraid I didn't catch that," teasing cruelly as though she was mocking the other for being unable to defend herself from her advances.

" me."

Invisible force violently pushed Lilith away from her, allowing Cinder to drop on her knees and catch her breath from the torment she was forced to endure while the demon found herself slamming onto a tree, causing cracks in its trunk with force.

Glaring at her, Lilith stood up without hesitation, hissing harshly at this sudden intervention, "No! She is mine! MINE!" The lustful demon shrieked furiously in spite of what transpired.

Slowly rising up from the ground, Cinder found herself on shaky footing while fighting to maintain control over her limbs. "I almost..." Death seemed like a blessing compared to what she endured at the hands of that thing, but she knew better than to die in such a place.

Suddenly, a light of pure radiance manifested between; its powerful presence had made the queen herself fall down on her knees, where a feeling of peace, love, mercy, and compassion filled her very soul in ways unimaginable, making her realize that perhaps not all is lost.

The demon was fuming at this point, for she felt the awesome power from the Lord himself as she was forced to bow her head down in submission. However, her anger subsided and was replaced by fear when hell itself opened beneath her feet, resulting in her being slowly dragged down by an unknown force.

Lilith cried out pathetically with shrill cries of hissing, clawing frantically at the ground while thrashing about wildly in order to avoid the inevitable. But no matter what she did, it never worked because nothing could escape God's judgment, and in this case, punishment: "I'LL RAPE YOU BITCH! I AM GOING TO MAKE SURE TO RIP YOUR THROAT OUT UNTIL I—" She was then sucked back into the depths of inferno below, causing hell itself to close.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she realized what happened. "Seth, is that you?" Happiness over sadism, love over lust—truly,  Cinder is filled with positive emotions from seeing this divine miracle, "Please tell me it's you," expressing a sense of safety when faced with complete darkness.

Manifesting himself into human form, Seth stood with his red robe and golden crown shining brightly, among other things; his smile was so bright and pure that it made the queen's heart beat faster than ever before from the sheer warmth radiating from him.

"Take courage; it is *I*: be not afraid."

The mere sight of him brought all the memories into Cinder, making her remember everything: "sorry won't cut it anymore," letting out a small laugh at her own pitiful state, "I have become the worst villain humanity has ever known," looking away from him in shame, "all because of that demon."

However, The Son of God, filled with grace, mercy, and love for all things, calmly approached his childhood friend, grabbing her cheeks gently as his warm hands touched her face. "Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon." A long pause came between them, and he spoke once again.

"But you go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice,’ for I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance. I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all perish in the same way. Even so, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner repenting."

She cried and cried, her tears full of regret, sorrow, and happiness from hearing these words: "How is it possible? How can you be so kind?" No man or woman can be this merciful, but this man is different from the rest, so bright than the stars themselves that Seth is shining like the sun to her.

A single tear escaped from Seth's face. His sorrowful but smiling look graced his countenance while he was nothing but compassionate towards Cinder. "Don’t be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." letting his hands go, he placed them on his chest together and said:

"Beloved, let’s love one another, for love is of God, and everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. And if you love me, keep my commandments."

As he said those words, she quickly stood up and embraced him wholeheartedly. Wanting to spend an eternity in his arms alone, "I love you," gone was lust, for her heart is no longer filled with darkness and depravity but with the Holy Spirit itself.

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