Chapter 43

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Nye and Bruno spoke privately in the kitchen, sitting apart and facing one another as their tables separated them. With them alone on this fine morning, they spoke about recent events that occurred last night. The conversation didn't take long to conclude.

"So you aren't going to give me the knowledge I seek?" Bruno remarked sternly, tapping the table impatiently as his elbow rested on the arm of the chair, "Even after everything me and my friends went through?" Frustrated at being denied by her altogether.

She sat on her own wooden seat, simply listening to his ranting with patience: "I'm sorry, but I can't give you the information other than that I came from different land in Spheroidal," expressing her sympathy on him, "and lastly, the people here are still not on par with the advancements I came from," the automaton noted the lack of progress in general.

Raising an eyebrow from this, "They haven't gotten past matching your expectations." He scratched his scalp, blinking with confusion. "Well, that's odd, but I suppose that makes sense considering how difficult it must be for anyone in the empire," he said, understanding the situation itself.

"You have no idea how massive the outside world is compared to your little kingdom," Nye clarified with a small huff, resting her head on the back of the chair. "Many things you learn to accept in life will be changed drastically in the future. The things that you use today will be outdated tomorrow," she explained to him. "Time is an illusion that's bound to alter your perspective on everything around you," she said, gazing at the ceiling with clouded thoughts.

Furrowing his brows, the man folded his arms and said, "Alright, that sounds really confusing for me to hear, but I suppose this is the end of our conversation." Standing up and leaving the kitchen, he was already prepared to go away from here before she stopped him.

"Wait, there is one more thing I wanted to talk about, Bruno," Nye added in, holding up one finger to gesture to him, "it's important that you listen to me for this," speaking seriously, which caused the poet to turn around with intrigue.

Her eyes glanced elsewhere as she searched her thoughts, trying to remember the details that were relevant for him: "about the man in white you call a friend." Doubt lingered in her mechanical voice: "Is he really the Son of God you claim him to be?" She asked, focusing on him.

Bruno chuckled lightly at that, "Yes, he is," replying simply while nodding his head in assurance, "Why do you ask?" Speculation filled his mind, for he is rather curious to know why she is asking so many questions regarding the holy man.

Her head briefly glanced away for a moment before returning to meet his gaze. "Can I go to heaven if I am not human in the flesh?" She wondered out loud, genuinely seeking an honest opinion from him that would hopefully satisfy her in some way.

That question caused Bruno to fall speechless as he couldn't form any response, not knowing how to respond in such a matter after learning who she is. All machinery and no soul—he isn't so sure what to make of it, but he will try his best to answer it.

In second thought, it's extremely difficult for him to give an actual answer to something that's never been done before in history. "I...I am not sure," he said, cautiously responding while scratching the back of his head with uncertainty. "Maybe the soul comes from not the body but consciousness itself," pondering thoughtfully on the idea of it.

She listened to what the man had to say; however, it wasn't the answer that she wanted: "You think that I am metal and gears in disguise?" The automaton muttered in a dejected manner, looking down to the ground with regret, "It makes sense that humans would think that way of me."

Regret filled his heart upon hearing that. He quickly replied to her with concern, "I never meant it like that!" Assuring her that he meant no offense in any form, "honestly, I never believed you are just a machine," looking to the side as he sighed with exasperation, "no one is the same in this world," turning back to where he was, "just because you are not human doesn't make you an evil creature by default."

Although Nye didn't feel that it was enough to convince her to doubt her own existence, it nonetheless made her feel a little relief in knowing she wasn't someone's mere toy for entertainment or experimentation. Machines will always be treated differently from others in comparison to humans; no matter where they go, this will always be the truth.

But that never stops her from wanting to live and enjoy life as much as everyone else. "Do you truly believe that?" Nye raised her head up, her eyes focused on him without batting a single eyelash. "I am neither human nor animal; do you not find that abnormal, Bruno?" She asked with sincerity.

The poet turned to the door, ready to leave the area. "Life itself is full of mystery, which includes people that are not like us," he told her bluntly as he left without any more words to contribute to the conversation. With him having left the kitchen, Bruno sighed in relief after closing the door behind him.

Leaning on his back at the said door, he knows that this interesting topic will be another interesting piece of information in his final book. Bruno can't imagine how everyone will react to finding out that they have been living alongside non-organic sentients who are able to act and express human emotions.

Hearing footsteps coming from his side, he watched as Genno approached him. "Hey," he greeted the wise monk. He noticed the bothered expression on his face. "Did something happen that I don't know of?" Noting the peculiar aura around him.

Shaking his head with a shrug, Genno responded, "Not at all; I was thinking of continuing our journey to the capital." He gave the reason, glancing to the side, "So what do you think? Should we continue from where we left off, or should we rest for another day?" Asking the question, curious for the answer.

Looking up at the ceiling, Bruno pondered for a moment before the answer popped into his head: "Let's get out of here," stating the words to which the martial artist agreed. Both of them left the house while conversing casually as the two of them talked.

Before long, they noticed a gathering of scattered crowds praising and touching the holy man with the utmost affection. "What's going on here?" Genno questioned as the two stopped in their tracks, puzzled by the whole display. From a distance, it was easy for them to identify the individual who was happily accepting their praise.

While Bruno's attention was averted to Seth himself, "someone must've done something grand," he figured, turning his head to the monk who was still watching from afar. "I wonder what he did to have these many people in his favor," he said to himself curiously.

With all his knowledge, he can't help but feel growing jealousy and envy over this fact. Many accuse him of being heretic and other terrible things because of his studies in regards to cosmological theories and the many books he made for everyone to learn the true nature of the world.

Not to mention the many tragedies that have befallen his life because of those who shamed him in public for his works. He wondered how he couldn't feel envy for people like Seth; religious people are really one of the kind that he will never understand.

Suddenly, the holy man noticed the two men and waved at them. He stepped through the crowd with smiles that lit the area. "Good morning, the both of you!" Blushing happily, Seth greeted them in a manner that caused the growing flock to follow behind him.

Watching these adoring crowds of people who are currently surrounding them has greatly hit Bruno's insecurities and past. No one was ever this appreciative of him, and this doesn't sit well with how he freely gave his knowledge to others. It truly shows how inferior he is when compared to the man of the cloth.

Genno smiled as he glimpsed upon the chattering crowd, likely having witnessed the miracle his friend had done to catch their attention. "It looks like you made quite a name for yourself," congratulating him on this success as he smiled, smirking in amusement at the situation.

Seth sighed with embarrassment, "Well, I do what I can to help these people," modesty in his humble attitude, "after all, I do good works under my father's name so others can glorify Him and praise Him for His gifts," putting one hand over his heart as the founder kept his gracious smile.

Watching the two speak to one another, Bruno felt left out as he quickly stepped into the conversation. "Were going," he informed them with a hint of annoyance in his tone, "we wasted enough time of being cooped in this place for long; it's time for us to depart to the capital and finish what we started," urging them to leave this village as soon as possible.

Seth was saddened to hear that, but knowing the situation of why they are even out of their homes is more important for the three. "You're right, my friend," acknowledging the importance of their mission, "then we shall go, but before we do that," turning around, he waved his hand to everyone.

"Were leaving! So please, clear the path!" The holy man declared loudly, gaining the crowd's attention as they watched in disappointment at Seth's departure. It was saddening to leave these people who viewed him as a beacon of hope, but he knows that they will be in good hands.

With that, the flock parted the path for them to head deeper into the cherry woods themselves, but before they entered the forest once more, Seth felt a pull of his robe from the back waist, taking his attention away to look who was the one who stopped him.

"Take me with you," Pino nervously asked, his hand trembling in Seth's clothes as the young boy gazed at the very man to whom he started to look up. "I don't belong here," he expressed, glancing down the ground with teary eyes. "There is nothing here for me here," he said, lifting his head up to look at him. "Take me, please?"

Seth turned and kneeled down to the boy's level. "It's dangerous for a child like yourself to be wandering around in a chaotic place," he reminded Pino of the risks in this endeavor as he placed his hands on the boy's shoulders in reassurance.

"Why can't I follow you? I will lay down my life for you after you showed me kindness."

Letting out a small audible sigh from his lips, "Will you lay down your life for me? Most certainly I tell you, the rooster won’t crow until you have denied me three times," he told him as they stared each other eye to eye with silent exchanges between them. "Don’t let your heart be troubled. Believe in God. Believe also in me," Seth added with comforting words of his teachings.

The boy happily nodded as tears flowed down his cheeks. "Yes, I would!" Pino was overjoyed that having someone, even if they appeared imaginary, was like a shining star of hope that led him out of the darkness from the prolonging isolation he was forced to endure.

Standing up, Seth extended his hand to caress the child's head. "Love God with all your heart and soul; love yourself and love others," were his final words as the boy hugged him, holding tight to the holy man as though he were letting go. Pino will lose his only chance at having a better life.

Pulling away from the embrace, Seth smiled, knowing that he had given hope to everyone here; his heart was filled with wholesome joy at the fact that all would glorify the Father by their faith. And with that, he turns around to where his companions are currently at.

Genno and Bruno smiled in return as the two stood side by side, watching the scene that unfolded between Seth and the marionette. They both witnessed how their friend took the time to show love to the poor and downtrodden who are suffering in this torn land.

With a single nod, Seth was more than ready to leave this place. "Shall we?" He inquired about the two.

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