Chapter 9

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A nervous feeling hit him about who he was going to meet. While there is doubt it could be another trick placed by a demon, Seth knows deep in his heart that he's going to meet a physical, manifested divine force of God's influence over the entire creation and its creatures.

Walking cautiously through the cleared forest as his heart showed him the way, he does not know why, but for some reason his body is trembling more than usual when he advances to his destination. Why is he anxious about meeting someone who wants to guide him on his path?

It's because he's dealing with not a person but God's very own force, like a representation of the Lord itself. Is he afraid to be judged or just cautious about being tricked again? Either way, he will find it soon enough when it finally brings him to the lake.

Flapping its wings above the waters were the holy spirit itself in the form of a dove, staring straight at him in anticipated display, speaking in an indescribable voice of being either male or female, "Come to the waters," he sweetly said, "and don't be afraid, for I will hold onto you as a parent would hold their children," gently descending on the calm waters, producing wonderful sparkle underneath the moonlight.

Feeling a bit timid, he nonetheless nodded while the holy spirit welcomed him in its arms, taking his first step on the water, expecting himself to fall, but to his surprise, his right foot didn't sink but rather was touching the surface as if it were solid itself. "How...?" Disbelief filled the tone of his voice from this action.

The Holy Spirit let out a soft laughter, amused and proud of the young man's actions: "I shall tell you in due time if you come closer," spreading its wings for him to go on, urging Seth to keep going, which he did with hesitance, for this is just a bizarre experience for him, but nonetheless trusting that the heavenly father will lead him on the right path.

Slowly and steadily, he walks through the shallow depths, feeling nothing underneath his feet except the softness of the water, similar to treading on solid ground. A sense of confusion overcame his senses, yet he managed to maintain his balance when his body became accustomed to the sensation.

When he finally stood in front of the divine presence, a wave of fear, anticipation, curiosity, and excitement filled him altogether. He had never felt such a feeling in his entire life, despite sensing the benevolent presence he was getting from this divine ghost.

Then it spoke, "You have a lot of questions, seeking guidance and answers from your heavenly father, yes?" A hint of playfulness can be heard within the tone of its voice. "Let us start with my name, but you already know who I am," the Holy Spirit said, walking around the waters, causing them to sparkle beautifully.

Indeed, he had plenty of questions, although he doesn't want to disrespect the Holy Spirit in any way: "Why would God accept me for who I am?" The first lingering thought on his mind was, "Aren't I accursed newborn from the mother of demons?" asking why God would ever accept a natural-born demon, "especially when I was born in the burning lake of fires?" important question that he will seek an answer to in all honesty.

Its gentle gaze was filled with tenderness, stopping in his tracks before looking up to the starry sky. "You were never a demon to begin with," shocking Seth when he said, "My child, you are actually a child of God; never were you spawn of a fallen angel but rather human in the flesh but substance of his holiness." The Holy Spirit's words had completely made him speechless.

To think that he has been a son of God all along, almost driving him into madness at the thought of it, when so many emotions are boiling up at this point, "no, that is impossible!" Taking a few steps back, he can't believe what he is hearing. "But if what you say is true, then that means—"

Seth couldn't say it; he was fully in shock at what he just heard. This is too much for a simple conversation: "If...if I am really the Son of God, then why do I sin?" Asking what drives him to commit such acts while carrying the seed of righteousness, "Am I incapable of staying righteous for long? Or does my corruption stem from the blood of being human?" I want to know if his nature alone is the cause of his suffering.

As it suddenly resumed moving around, "they intervened." A voice full of seriousness came from the dove. "The fallen have always had; regardless of how close they are to succeeding, their attempts will always fail." raising a wing, the Holy Spirit gestured for him to stare at the sky and say, "Look up, child, see those stars?" begging Seth to behold what lies in front of him.

Fixing his attention on the sparkling dots, the dove further elaborated, "Many worlds will be and have been saved," saying, in which they are watching this very moment, "their choices and decisions have always been there, but they have been given free will by our father to choose," calmly explaining the concept of free will and its purpose.

Confusion spawned on the young man's face. "I don't understand." Tilting his head, Seth stared at the Holy Spirit in disbelief. "What is it you wish for me to do?" There is no clue what they want from him, for it is beginning to become a headache trying to decipher this confusing statement.

Shaking its head in disagreement, the holy being let out a disappointed sigh. "Earth wasn't the only place God intended to sacrifice his beloved son," stating to the founder of being far greater and grander than what he originally believed to be, "you are to do what must be needed in this universe to bring his light upon all who will witness," the divine entity explained while he watched the stars in fascination.

Then realization hit him in hearing the last sentence, "I'm going to die for God's sake." A mix of emotions poured inside him once again, challenging him as a whole, "multiple times for that matter," losing his footing and falling backwards in despair of knowing that he's going to be sent to be executed more often than he imagined.

A loud splash of water echoed in the quiet atmosphere before silence ensued afterward, gently floating on his back, staring at the heavens themselves, "I'm going to die," repeating over and over again where a stream of tears began to emerge on his cheeks.

It would make sense if it were true that humanity is not the only creature God has made in his image for there is evidence of animals coexisting with them; there are likely many other life forms with their own civilizations, having different but similar monotheist religions altogether.

This made him frown. How many times did the Son of God sacrifice himself for other worlds to be saved and accepted into his kingdom? There is a never-ending cycle of torment and suffering that would stretch over the cosmos, and somehow Seth can relate to them experiencing pain and injustice for the rest of eternity.

Whether it is multiple sons or simply the resurrection of the messiah, it's something Seth shouldn't complain about nor imagine the complexity behind them; this is for the greater good after all, but when the moment comes that everyone will be saved after his sacrifice in this world, then what more does God demand of him? It seems unfair to cast aside all for the sake of everyone.

The calm atmosphere somehow eased his mind, its waters drifting him in slow motions while the young man's tears dried out of his eyes, allowing him to simply breathe in peace for a while as these emotions are taking a toll on his mental health.

Then the dove flew up in the air and gracefully descending on the child of God's stomach, landing in a soft plop before cooing softly, "There, there," nestling comfortably in between just like how the heavenly father had done, "Your burdens are not meant for you alone to bear," spreading its wings, "Your heavenly father has also felt your pain and experiences to," the divine entity assured him of never being alone.

Eyes widening, "Your telling me...the suffering I will be forced to deal with throughout my life has also been felt by the Father himself?" Seth can't believe what the divine being said: "It is hard to describe that; I should have expected something as such to be possible, especially when this is God we're talking about," referring to the fact that the one above is a divine force and capable of anything, including what's impossible to do.

Withdrawing his wings, the Holy Spirit then spoke further about this issue: "You are part of him just as I am a part of him," emphasizing that the young man is part of the holy trinity itself. "We are pieces of the puzzle; the only difference is that you are his manifestation of pure love and mercy while I'm of guidance and influence," he stated while Seth listened intently.

He couldn't imagine how broken God is from the inside, having to continuously see his child being sacrificed over and over so people who believe in him shall be saved, making Seth express a deep level of sadness to everyone involved, "Is it a choice?" declaring whether he is being forced to partake in this.

The dove cooed in response, "What do you wish? Would you forsake the choice given to you or live up to expectations and face reality?" Gesturing him to think of his decision as well as what is right, "either path is fine, for God has allowed everyone, even you, to decide which destiny will unfold," implying that either way everything is the young man's own decision-making.

"I can choose...!" Seth, without taking breath, nodded in agreement. "I choose to sacrifice myself!" Saying that he will gladly put himself in line for the greater good, "I want to fulfill my purpose for the better of this world!" Nodding to himself in agreement with his newfound resolve, "but most importantly, I wish all to reach salvation!" His goal is for everyone to be saved.

Touched by this, the Holy Spirit spread his wings, "I knew you would make the right choice," complimenting Seth before flapping its wings as he flew up in the air, "listen well and hear the truth!" Calling his attention to listen, "for God has loved his creation but never has he seen the hearts of man but rather, their eyes and faces of happiness or grief alone," he told him with utmost conviction.

Seth then emitted a light aura of light around him as his body moved upwards by invisible force, making him float where the Holy Spirit used his power to lift the young man high above, saying, "take heed and be wise in knowing what you fight for; all will be answered by the time we meet again." Then Seth found himself landing down on the waters again.

Just like that, the dove disappeared in a flash of light, leaving him speechless about everything that had happened. "I'm going to die soon." Looking down at the lake beneath his feet, he can see a reflection of himself staring back at him. "And it is a choice I was willingly to partake in." Lifting his head, Seth saw a brighter future ahead.

After closing his eyes, he let out a smile at this thought. knowing how important his role is for everyone's sake, including the greater good. Indeed, he will do whatever it takes to fulfill his duties as the son of God, even if that means giving his life for others.

God so loved the world that he gave his only born Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

And with that, he found himself kneeling down and praying, hoping the almighty would hear his words, "do not be sad, father," comforting the master of creation with kind words, "for I know you will watch over me in times of need and comfort me for every loss I will ever face," with tears rolling down on his cheeks.

Unbeknownst to him, a single bloody tear quietly splashed behind him.

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