Chapter 56

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When they finally left that accursed place, the trio continued marching through the calm tundra as its winds calmed down to a mere breeze. They could hear their footsteps echo across the area, creating a peaceful ambience despite the bleak atmosphere of being trapped in nothing but snow and the cold that embraced them all.

Regardless of being surrounded by the tranquility presented everywhere, Seth and Genno followed Bruno from behind while silence filled the air around them. All of their focus is set solely on getting out of here, away from the place they once thought to be safe.

Seth was hurt by being betrayed; this is the second time he has felt such a terrible thing after being nearly killed by his followers, whom he considered to be part of his family. He was mentally exhausted at the idea of being treated as someone who could be put aside after everything he had done.

The emotional pain of betrayal that ripped through his heart was agonizing; it made him want to scream and cry until his lungs and tear ducts dried out. Still, instead of dwelling on his anger and sadness, he must move on to focus on what lies ahead.

It isn't easy to move on from these things, especially when these wounds run deeper than physical ones, as such scars can linger for eternity. Seth understands how life can be unfair to him and how he had to suffer many cruel things while others went free with their own lives.

But this is the price to pay for loving others; to be vulnerable is to love, and to love is to be hurt. Those who are loved have many experiences of the heart, and they can be both joyful and sad. All he has to do is trust his friends, regardless of how little trust they have in him.

For he has no enemies in this world, only fools who are misguided or unaware of the dangers that lie beneath these lands. Seth believed everyone deserves forgiveness, having empathy for them in hopes they would realize their own mistakes and grow as people while accepting him as their Lord and savior.

"Seth?" Genno turned his head to the side, staring at his brother with a look of concern plastered on his own face. "I sense distress coming from you." The question was blunt yet meaningful as he furrowed his eyebrows in worry of the man he considered greatly to be family.

Seth smiled weakly as they continued walking. "Yes, I think so," he said, trying to remain optimistic, though it seems impossible given how grim his current mood is. "It's just that the more we press forward, the more I feel like we are bound to run into them again," he stated while giving Bruno a quick glance, who appeared to be deep in his thoughts.

The monk sighed softly and lowered his head down onto the ground. "We must continue no matter how difficult our journey will become," he reasoned out as his eyes darted from left to right, making sure there were no signs of danger to the three of them. "At least we have each other's backs," he optimistically answered before letting out a lighthearted chuckle.

He understood what Genno was trying to do here, but it did nothing to alleviate the despair that permeated throughout his entire being. However, it doesn't stop him from feeling a little better about it: "You promise that we won't betray one another?" Seth was questioned for wanting to clarify.

Genno was surprised to hear it: "Betrayal? Why would any of us betray you? Me and Bruno are friends with you, Seth. Friends don't betray one another; they fight alongside each other and help to overcome obstacles that threaten to prevent them from achieving their goals." His voice rang clear and true, maintaining eye contact with the man he proclaimed to be his brother.

"You are right," Seth quietly admitted as he managed to smile, although it was a strained, pained expression. "Friends never betray each other; they stand together in all things." Relief washed over him like a cool summer breeze, feeling at peace with himself once more. "I apologize for making you worried," he apologized sincerely to his fellow friend.

With a nod, he accepted the apology before returning a gentle smile at his own person, "It's fine. I can't blame you for having to feel anxious about everything going on after the things you have been through," Genno replied genuinely, showing sympathy and understanding towards his brother.

As the two continued to converse with one another, Bruno was eavesdropping on their conversation, struggling to keep his composure. He desperately wanted to say something about Seth's constant betrayal he has to face. However, he himself has no right to comfort the idea after what he is planning to do in their endeavors.

Discomfort is all he can feel of the emotions he felt; he is conflicted about whether to comfort or just ignore them altogether, knowing very well how hypocritical the feelings are for that man alone. It wasn't a pleasant thing to do when he had to lie countless times before just to save his own skin.

Cowards always stay cowards; that is what the poet himself believes in. Always be wary of those who wear masks of deceit, as they are dangerous people, ready to use any method available to accomplish their agenda, hiding behind personas of false appreciation while waiting for an opportune moment to strike.

Inhaling the cold air penetrating throughout the tundra forest, he released a heavy sigh as he calmly looked around in his front view, watching the pleasant morning birds chirping around the trees and bushes, flying on their merry way through the chilly winds. It's only natural for the animals to enjoy their freedom to live a life full of danger and experiences.

Bruno can smell the crisp, damp air, mixed with the faint odor of decaying leaves and damp earth beneath the piles of snow. He can feel the cold wind nipping at his cheeks and the bite of the frost against his exposed skin. The crunching of the snow beneath his feet echoes loudly,hearing the occasional rustle of wildlife darting through the trees.

He can taste the chill on the tip of his tongue as he breathes in deeply, savoring the freshness of the air and the familiar scent of pine and spruce trees. The sight of the towering pines and aspens beginning to surround them was a welcome change from the endless white of the snowy tundra.

A sign that they are nearing their exit to leave this barren wasteland of nothing but bitter cold and bone-numbing snow. Bruno glanced at his brothers in arms over his own shoulder; their expressions speak of friendship with one another, which warms his heart to see that none of them had changed, not in the slightest.

However, his heart still felt troubled by what would transpire in their inevitable future. Someday, he will know the truth about what he heard from Asmodeus, but not now or later. Soon, when the time is right, they will come to terms with what must be done for the sake of humanity's future.

"Bruno," Seth called him out as he caught the poet's attention, "how far until we are out of this tundra?" He asked with genuine curiosity how much longer it would take them to reach their destination. They're currently venturing into an unknown territory, but at least there's not going to be snow again.

"Not far," the poet replied in a nonchalant manner, pointing straight ahead with his finger. "We should be a few miles away from where we are to reach into different climates," he explained with indifference, as if they're not surrounded by tall, towering pines and aspens all around them.

Relief filled the black-haired man's voice. "That is good to hear," Seth said as a broad smile spread across his face. "It will be nice to leave the tundra and feel the warmth of real sunlight again." It was almost as if a ray of sunshine itself peeked through the clouds when he said those words.

Genno chuckled at what he had in his heart: "I have never been a fan of snow." His mood lightened up at the thought of exploring new environments. "Despite the beauty of nature, I believe there's nothing more boring than being stuck in the same place all the time," he added thoughtfully while letting out a satisfied sigh.

"I can understand that. Living in the village is very limiting on its own," Bruno responded while nodding his head. "No offense, the both of you. I find living in a community of people rather suffocating; it's a very dull place for people who seek more from life." An exasperated sigh left his lips as he glanced upwards at the cloudless blue sky above them. "One cannot simply achieve their full potential by staying within its confines."

Truer words could not have been spoken by the man. This was exactly how they felt for the longest period of time, as if their lives had no meaning or purpose to serve while letting their lives wither away in a peaceful home they called Lighthaven. Not that they have hated that place whatsoever.

As Genno and Seth themselves had made friends in that community, it just so happened that they were missing something grand in their lives after living a comfortable lifestyle for so long. A life of adventure and exploration, to journey beyond the horizons and experience many new things along the way. To expand their knowledge of the world and make their mark.

Seth truly believes the reason for those soldiers to come looking for him was destiny itself; he chose to comply rather than run away. It is his choice alone to bring salvation to others by being the sacrificial lamb for the fallen world they are currently in.

How fitting for him to be the one who carries out the deed, he himself will not be recognized as a hero but the greatest of kings that the Empire will ever see. King of kings, the Son of God shall ascend and walk amongst his people and show them a glimmer of hope for all those that believe in his name.

Whether they are rich or poor, powerful or weak, guilty or innocent, all will fall before the Lord and pledge their allegiance to His holy reign for those who wish to do so. And to those who believe in His son shall be saved by his hands alone, while those who never believe shall remain unsaved.

As they continued further and deeper, the dense trees slowly turned into tall, thick grasses with enormous rocks scattered around them; the beautiful wild flowers swayed gently in the cool, gentle breeze while the leaves from the giant trees rustled loudly enough to fill the air with soothing sound. It is simply wonderful to finally step into a lush environment while leaving the tundra behind.

They have finally left the snow, and the forest before them is full of different foliage and plant life. Genno took a deep breath, inhaling the aroma of the colorful flora that surrounded them as the group of three wise men stopped in their tracks to take a short break in their long stroll.

"Let's first gather our strength," Bruno told the duo. "We'll continue our journey afterwards," the poet suggested, while Seth nodded eagerly as he sat down on a nearby log to pray for a few minutes in order to regain his concentration and connection to the heavenly father.

On the other hand, Genno simply sat down over the cold ground and crossed his legs underneath him with his palms rested over his knees, eyes closed in deep meditation as his ears listened to every sound of nature itself. He can hear the subtle hums of birds that are hidden among the trees and the soft rustling of the leaves blowing in the gentle breeze.

Bruno watched the two religious men; their minds are focused on the inner spirituality they have kept and strengthened over such a long period of time. Even if he doesn't believe in such things as faith and meditation, the thing that mattered to him was meeting this interesting duo.

He is uncertain what sort of destiny lies for himself. Bruno is a man who follows his ambition but rarely doubts it, as it will always guide him to where he needs to be. Now it leads him to two travelers of fate, following them on their pilgrimage to discover the greater truth of all things.

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