Chapter 30

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The night is as beautiful as the stars themselves, glistening brightly across a pitch-black sky while the moon hangs high above, illuminating fields around with its radiant glow. Forests were unusually peaceful, as wild animals slept soundly without disturbance by predators or poachers. Sounds of owls hooting echoed throughout the place itself, providing ambient tranquility among the vast area.

Three wise men slept peacefully on a small clearing within these dense woods. Seth calmly laid his back on a tree, while Genno sat and crossed his legs together in a meditative posture. Bruno also lay on grass, but he was the only one whose slumber was disturbed by the uncomfortable sensation of the ground below.

Cracking an eye open, the poet grumbled groggily. He isn't used to this type of sleeping condition, but then again, it's something that can be tolerated in the end. However, the cool wind brushing across his skin bothered him, despite the fact that it wasn't snowing in the first place.

"Dammit," cursing quietly under his breath as he tossed and around on the ground, unable to sleep well because of the freezing temperature around him and the discomfort of not lying down on a comfortable mattress, "I never thought this would be too difficult," he lamented quietly as he glanced over to see others beside him.

They're clearly unaffected by the chilly climate, as they rested unmoving while in repose, which made him jealous in the first place. He wondered how these two were capable of being relaxed despite the fact that they weren't inside the house.

Being outdoors is one thing, but sleeping over it is another. He possibly can't rest properly on something like this. Sighing loudly enough, he forced himself to sleep while his back rested on the green grass, finding any position to be more uncomfortable than this.

With his face staring straight at the night sky, he visualizes himself counting sheep over fences, watching them hop over each other effortlessly in the hope that he will grow exhausted from doing so and then fall asleep from boredom.


Counting as the imaginary sheep leaped past him, one by one, with the number increasing with every second that passed by. However, even after reaching twenty, he was still as awake as ever. The only thing that changed was his throat becoming dry, and he needed to gulp saliva to moisten it.

Just when things were about to get worse, an unusual feeling entering his right ear caused him to open his eyelids, expressing discomfort from this, "Ugh, what...?" Instinctively placing his index finger and thumb inside, he rubbed inside vigorously until he removed the object from it and brought it over his face.

Wiggling its body was a worm—a caterpillar to be precise—as he stared at the creature with pure horror at this realization, causing him to scream loudly at the top of his lungs before throwing it away and swiftly raising his entire chest up in surprise.

Seth and Genno woke up to this sudden disturbance, gazing at the panicked man in confusion with narrowed eyebrows. They saw him shuddering while hugging himself due to fright, and they wondered what exactly frightened him in the first place.

"Bruno?" Seth quietly asked as he rubbed his eyes, "Is there something wrong?" Quizzically looking upon the trembling individual who just managed to calm down a minute later after sitting up and turning around with a rather comical look of dread.

"A bug went into my ear!"

Was the answer given by him, "How the hell can either of you sleep like this?" It's unbelievable that they managed to rest when there were insects crawling through the ground. "It's near impossible!" He added in distress about what occurred, "I don't understand how both of you are capable of being comfortable in such conditions!"

Neither understood what he meant; they didn't find much of an issue when Genno spoke up on their behalf. "None of us mind resting outside," he said, shrugging casually at the astounded person. "I can sleep in more uncomfortable places for all my life," he remarked uncaringly.

Chuckling nervously while scratching his right cheek, "I never experienced problems during nights before," Seth admitted, "although, I suppose this is a new experience for you?" Being empathetic to Bruno's problem, he inquired about another solution: "Maybe if you were familiarized with this environment, then things would be better." Assuming that might be the cause of his issue,.

Sighing tiredly, Bruno shook his head. "This is my first time trying something like this," he explained honestly as he shifted himself around until settling down once again. "I normally would've stayed inside houses or taverns, but those are out of question when my guards not only tried to kill me but also took my stuff," his eyes glance upward at the dark canopy. "It looks like I have no choice but to endure this somehow," resolving himself through the adversity of this situation.

It was a tough one to crack, but nonetheless, Genno couldn't blame the man for being unused to this lifestyle. It took some time to get used to the basics, but eventually, ordinary people will grow accustomed to them in due course, as he taught his fellow students to be content with what they have.

"The root of your problem is being attached to what you desire," reciting words of wisdom spoken by the wise one, raising his forefinger up, "not everything will go the way we want or else we'll be discontent with having to deal with it," educating him while lowering it soon after, "try focusing on things that upset you but instead try seeing things from different perspectives, accept the things that are out of your control and let them be; that is how you overcome all your hardships," sincerely advised.

Bruno was shocked by this, his eyes widening in wonder. "I've never seen it that way before," he said, grasping his own chin as he contemplated deeply on these words, "huh, that makes sense, actually." Realizing that maybe there's more to this than meets the eye, she says, "Maybe I should take a break and relax myself into this type of thinking," making a decision afterwards before grinning appreciatively at the wise man, "Thank you for enlightening me on such short notice!" He praised him wholeheartedly.

Blinking twice by this, "you are most welcome," warmly smiling back before returning to the meditation session once more, "though I cannot guarantee whether or not you will be successful," making it clear for him in advance, "so take my advice with a grain of salt," and lastly cautioning in fairness.

"Okay, thanks again for that," he nodded firmly while straightening his back. He turned towards Seth and said, "I'm going to take a short walk. Want to come with me?" He asked nicely, hoping that he doesn't have to feel alone by being the only one awake. "It's safer for us to be in a pair," he suggested, though it is unlikely for anything to happen between now and tomorrow morning.

However, before Seth could answer, Genno stood abruptly and said, "I'll go with you," surprising the two who instantly glanced at him. "It is necessary to relieve oneself occasionally, so yes, I shall accompany you as a companion," and kindly accepted his invitation.

Seth sighed on this choice: "don't go too far, the both of you," lecturing them as though they're children despite being the same age as them, "and remember, please be safe," reminding them of safety precautions, "oh, also." Interrupting with a wave of his hand, Genno reassured his friend.

"We will be fine," the monk said reassuringly. "It's just taking a stroll along the forest; nothing bad will happen to us," reassuring his worries about their well-being. They're already grown men who can handle themselves perfectly well against any danger thrown at them.

There was nothing Seth could do but allow them to go on their merry way. "Just don't forget to also know where I am," he said, watching with slight unease. "I will be waiting for the both of you; be careful," he cautioned strictly yet lightly enough for them to understand the point he was trying to make.

Understanding the message, Bruno gave him a thumps up and a toothy smile, "You got it," answering enthusiastically before beckoning Genno to follow after him, "What are you waiting for? Let's get on with it, shall we?" Questioning as he stood there awkwardly.

Raising an eyebrow in amusement, "Yeah, sure," the latter strode towards the man, leaving Seth alone in this clearing as the two entered thick vegetation ahead of them. Genno casually walks side by side with their new companion and possibly a friend.

"So," Bruno started the conversation, "how did you guys meet?" Asking without hesitancy, "You mentioned earlier that you are travelers as well, right? So, how did you and Seth come to know each other?" Casually conversing while carefully stepping over tree roots protruding out of the ground along with fallen leaves scattered everywhere.

Genno hummed at this question, "We were summoned by King Midas," saying monotonously while remembering those events in previous times, "He wanted us to do his dirty work, but then..." Remembering what Seth had told him about it, "they tried to execute my friend."

The poet's mouths were agape. "You are...the two of you were the heroes that were summoned by the king himself?!" Flabbergasted in learning another detail about them, "I was a child back then when I heard the news of the heroes poisoning the king's daughter and other nasty rumors," horror crept through veins at mention of that.

Before any exclamation could escape from the man's lips, "those tales are false," he shook his head negatively to dismiss this assumption. "My friend did no such things and was merely blamed because of an incident that happened to his daughter, which caused the grieving king to put all the blame upon us," he sternly refuted while recalling those unpleasant words vividly.

Closing his mouth shut, Bruno's curiosity increased exponentially as he listened attentively. "It was all false?" When he was a child, he would have believed the rumors, but now, as a man, it is less likely for him to trust things easily, as it is also difficult for him to take them for granted.

"And what about The Dark Lord? I heard that someone killed him; I am taking you guys as responsible for it." Bruno inquired another question, expecting another story of how these people managed to slay such a powerful and evil magician who raised its own army to wreck havoc upon the empire.

Nod was what answered him, "indeed," affirming the belief with a single word before continuing on, "we were the only survivors in the aftermath," sadly stated before elaborating further, "all the people we bonded had died in completing what should have been accomplished many years ago," his voice tremble slightly in remembering those memories, "suffice to say that we were distraught and suffered a great loss of them, but me and Seth together had managed to overcame this grief to move on," his eyes gazed up at the clear, starry sky, "we then decided to leave that horrid place and start new life elsewhere."

Fitting ending until now, "why travel?" Bruno asked confusedly at this, "Your lives are at peace, so why do you need to constantly roam across the land to the capital?" This confuses him greatly by what reasons they have for wandering like nomads.

Genno nodded understandingly at where the man's curiosity was coming from. "At the beginning, we thought the same," truthfully speaking of their intention, "but that quickly changed when the queen sent her soldiers to our community." The event itself brought a scowl on his face. "They came into our home and forced us to intervene."

Bruno dreaded the mention of her. Queen Cinder was a sadistic tyrant who was gravely interested in bringing misery upon anyone who went against her wishes. No man, woman, or child can compete with the mass killings and atrocities she commits under her rule. "Was the queen the reason the both of you left your home?"

Another nod, "yes," confirming the speculation, "although there was another reason for it," he said with a somewhat sad smile, "which was..." Before anything else could be said, his ears perked up, sensing danger lurking around nearby.

The hairs on his neck stood, goosebumps sent cold shudders throughout the body, and his heartbeat accelerated rapidly in anticipation of a potential ambush or perhaps they might get attacked anytime soon. His eyes darted everywhere until he found it.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Surprised by the sudden stop, "Are you alright?" Bruno is confused about this but nonetheless decides to see where Genno is staring: "What are you looking for—"

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