Chapter 27

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Genno has prepared a delicious breakfast for them, with cups of herbal tea placed on the low table and sushi neatly arranged on each small plate. Along of mixture with chicken and rice. But neither Tera nor Mabel ate any of it, for they were preoccupied with the serious discussion regarding what's next for them, while he and his friend were focused on enjoying the food.

Sitting around the table in a circle on the floor, they shared common sense on what was the best course of action in this scenario, debating back and forth on the matter while carefully choosing their words as the heated argument carried on for what seemed like forever.

"It is better if we occupy you in this journey," Mabel requested while strongly opposing her master's reckless decision. "Please allow us to be by your side, Father Seth." Her expression became extremely serious, along with the tone being adamant.

Even Sister Tera was ready to make that same request despite the danger involved, but Genno has a different approach. "You two ladies are unprepared for the long road ahead," he said, saying that was hard, but he has to stand his ground. "But he and I, however, have experienced this sort of thing before," pointing at the young man in the white robe.

Seth said nothing to this as he listened closely to them while occasionally sipping the hot cup of herbal tea, calmly enjoying the debate of his loved ones before placing it down on the table. "Indeed," he said, nodding in agreement, "we have survived countless adventures before, and it is best for me to go alone." The answer displeased his discipline greatly, to the point of being frustrated by it.

"That is madness!" Mabel shouted, slamming her fist down on the tatami floor, "What will happen to us when you leave?" Trying to make him reconsider that decision of him going on a perilous and dangerous journey, "this way, we can get more followers who are loyal and build a better church to—"

Raising his hand, he patiently ordered them to remain silent. It took a few seconds, but everyone quieted down and waited for him to speak. "The Temple of Lamb shall be fine without me," Seth said softly, yet his voice held an authority they couldn't question. "I have nearly taught everything I know to you and the others who have followed me," he calmly explained the matter.

"They have learned to fend for themselves, and knowing the existence of God is enough for me; they can take care of one another and love each other as family," a warm smile formed on his face while encouraging Mabel and Tera to follow their own path in life instead of spending their time worshiping him or his ideals as what should be, "with time, the Temple of the Lamb shall grow greater and be known across the world," continuing onward with the lesson.

A lesson he imparted upon the others with all the strength he has: "Nevertheless, I have faith in both of you sisters," showing absolute confidence in their abilities as he shifted his gaze towards Genno, who calmly nodded in return with a smile of understanding.

The women's heads were low, contemplating deeply in regards to their master's wishes: "If that is what you wish," Tera sorrowfully agreed much to Mabel's dismay, who was against his decision; they were hurt in finally seeing their beloved teacher go.

"But word will go out about you being heretic or blasphemous," Sister Tera mentioned about the horrible reputation that Seth will face if he goes outside his home, "despite our religion being new, there are already some converted Christians who traveled back to their homes and would likely hear the news from travelers." Dread filled their minds at that prospect, "and it is likely that they might force themselves into taking your life," finishing her reasoning with great worry.

To which he smiled at her and answered with all the sincerity in his heart, "Therefore I tell you, don’t be anxious for your life: what you will eat, or what you will drink; nor yet for your body, what you will wear. Isn’t life more than food, and the body more than clothing?" Insightful words of wisdom that confused them in a brief moment before finally comprehending the meaning behind it.

"Do not fret about the future and simply enjoy the present moment," Genno happily drank his tea with satisfaction on this take, "this is also what we are taught as monks," commenting about his own experiences and lessons, "each day has its own evil, and it is wise to avoid worrying about things that haven't happened or things that could happen; only deal with what you have at this time," summarizing the situation as a whole.

Tera frowned but couldn't help herself from agreeing with the founder's demands; she has no right to force someone or go against what they believe is right. So with this in mind, the old woman will push away any doubts in regards to Seth's plan.

Silence loomed within the room for several moments before Tera finally accepted what was to come: "We won't stop you from what you have decided to do, my boy," accepting defeat at the hands of someone who knew more than her.

Hearing these words, the Son of God understood the pain in their hearts and himself: "I know what it is like to lose people, but they will never be lost in spirit or memory; they will always be by your sides when you are in need," reassuring his friends to the best of his abilities.

No more words were exchanged between them, just smiles of reassurance for what is to come. "Until then, all of you can live normally without me and grow together as a community," he said, "and no matter where you go or how far, I shall always watch over you and pray for your happiness," finishing his promise to ensure their future.

Though they have no objections to that, they were still saddened by their separation from him after they'd spent years with each other. "It would be cruel to say goodbye, so it is better to say good night," Tera said as she rose from her seat and slowly walked over to his side.

Then she hugged him tightly, for she knew how much he meant to them and to him. Loving each other like true family who cherishes each other in their times of need, "stay safe, my son," kissing him on the cheek like a loving mother sending her child away.

Without warning, she turned around and left the home entirely, with the only memorable sounds being her sobbing in distress. Leaving Seth, Genno, and Mabel all by themselves in silence. Eventually, they broke apart and faced him with sad smiles. "There is nothing more we can say, teacher," the young nun said, having a hard time keeping it in. "The only thing we can do now is pray to the Lord to keep you safe." Tears slowly rolled down her cheeks, almost breaking down at this point.

Seth was deeply troubled about this; he has no idea that his departure will be so hard on them, but that is something he can't do anything about as it is in God's hands. This has to be done in order to save the lives of everyone who is in danger of the queen's tyrannical rule: "Just live on as I have taught you all to be," reminding them of how he has shaped them into the people they are; "love all as equals and show mercy to those who asked."

"I will, teacher. I will."

Slowly standing up with the help of Genno, the two walked away out of this room, leaving Seth just by himself without having anyone nearby. Though he felt lonely for a while, he can't afford to dwell on the matter because this is the start of a new day and a new journey is at hand.

Although, deep down, he is afraid of what awaits him in the unknown, the thought of giving up on everything is too pointless for him to think of it as an option. He needs to meet Cinder again; he needs to save the empire; and he needs to bring salvation to the people, lest the land be consumed by evil.

He sighed, staring down at the empty cup. Seth contemplated whether it was right to take action or not, as this was the first time he had ever left his own temple and home altogether to go back into adventuring again. It has been so long since he did this.

How nostalgic it is to even think about it after having grown up as a man and spent many years dedicating himself to building his faith, preaching, and teaching his beliefs to all those who seek to learn the truth. The Temple of the Lamb was a labor of love, built in dedication to God and all that is good.

Only to realize that man still sins despite his very best efforts to avoid such things. He felt helpless in having to deal with this, but understood clearly that no man can be free from sin unless an ultimate sacrifice is made, unless repentance is done, and unless forgiveness is asked.

If a single man cannot avoid committing sin, then he alone is the only one who could be its salvation. It is, after all, reasonable that only someone who has the grace of the Almighty Creator can make amends for those who continue to commit transgressions.

Now it is time for him to leave; he already said his goodbyes to them, and Seth can't waste anymore time. He has wasted enough time with them, despite how harsh it sounds. The sake of the world once again rests on his shoulders, and God gave him the will to bear it.

Thinking about it more, he is very grateful to them. I am grateful for having them be there for him whenever he feels alone. The Lord taught him something valuable, which is the bond he himself made with others—bonds of love—which strengthened him and kept him going.

This is why he wants to leave; this is why he has to do what he does. The pain of others losing that bond hurts him more if Seth just stays here peacefully without lifting a finger. He is the sacrificial lamb after all, a lamb who shall bring everyone to salvation in those who believe in him.

His mind continues to wonder until he hears the approaching footsteps at his side. He shifted his attention to it only to see Genno smiling casually with no Mabel at sight, "I'm coming with you," a sudden statement that took him by surprise.

"Huh?" Alarmed by this, he stood up and faced his friend, "You want to come...with me? What about your duties?" He asked regarding why Genno would give up everything in this peaceful place just so he could join him on this perilous journey.

The monk shook his head and smirked in a bit mischievous manner, "You can't be that dense, my friend," sarcastically commenting on Seth's lack of observational skill, "I have completed all my tasks and have nothing left to do here except be stuck in idle leisure and that's boring," laughing at his own humor, "However," seriousness replaced the jolly disposition with a hint of concern.

"Mabel wanted me to occupy you on this journey and..."


Looking away, he sighed dejectedly before facing the Son of God again with firm determination in his eyes. "I feel a calling to be with you," uncertainty filled his words. "It's hard to understand it myself, but somehow, I know that being with you is where I truly belong." The monk finished feeling completely ashamed of even bringing it up.

Seth blushed happily, tears once again trickled down from his eyes and onto the floor. "Oh Genno, I am so glad to hear that," joy overwhelmed him to the point of hugging his friend, "you were always a good person to have by my side," complimenting the man in his strong loyalty as a person.

Breaking away from each other, Genno stared at him with a stern but kind demeanor. "So are we leaving now?" He asked, wanting to know whether the two should start walking toward the capital in order to put a halt to the queen's rampage.

Wiping away his tears, Seth composed himself and nodded. "Yes," he answered with a broad smile on his face, "you and me, like old times," making a toast. "Only this time, I'm leading the way and you follow behind." The two chuckled at his joke as they finally readied themselves to begin their long journey in fulfilling whatever destiny would befall them.

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