Chapter 91

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Standing in this corridor with only Solomon and Genno, he looked down with an apparent look of dismay at what was happening, expressing a troubled heart about being stuck in these types of circumstances. Yet again, all he can do right now is wait in hope that he can overcome this situation.

"We don't have to do this," Genno said, confused and concerned about his friend's well-being. "No one is forcing you," he reminded. However, seeing the holy man's unwavering determination to change his mind only reinforced how determined he was to accomplish whatever goal Seth had in mind.

Solomon nodded in agreement, sharing the same sentiment: "His right!" Looking at his father figure with the utmost look of disagreement, he said, "We don't have to do anything if we don't want to," hoping that would finally convince him otherwise.

Yet despite their pleas, Seth shook his head. Having already made his choice, "I have to for the sake of my family and everyone else," Seth told them firmly before turning to his left, seeing the large double wooden door that leads them into the said praetorium.

"Seth!" The boy begged urgently, "You know what they will do to you when they have their way!" Fearing the worst of what is to come, "let's just leave! Anywhere other than this corrupt city!" His desperate cries echoed throughout the hallway as Genno put his own hand on the boy's shoulder to stop him.

"It's his decision," the monk answered in a sad tone of voice as he lifted his head towards Seth. "Is that right, friend?" He inquired, gazing deeply into his eyes while showing sadness hidden underneath his serene demeanor about what would come of this.

Nodding his head, Seth smiled sadly back at Genno, "Yes," giving confirmation of his answer, which only saddens him more than Solomon. "I have already made my choice, and I'm getting through this with open arms, regardless of what will happen." His eyes then stared resolutely at the closed door ahead.

However, this caused Solomon to get angry again, sprinting towards him before clenching the young man's white robe and saying, "Dumbass! DUMBASS!" Tears fell freely from his face as he started pounding his fists against his chest. "You're sacrificing yourself for people who want you dead! It's fucking retarded!" The boy wailed hysterically as he cried louder, sobbing uncontrollably as Seth then embraced him tightly.

Hugging the boy close, he patted Solomon in a wholesome manner. "It is okay to cry," he whispered, closing his eyes shut while focusing solely on giving comfort to his son figure. "You should let those feelings out, but..." Slowly releasing himself from him, Seth reached forward and wiped away some remaining tears from Solomon's cheeks. "However, you need to try to remain strong and grow in these kinds of situations," he said, placing his forehead against his son's as they stared into each other's melancholic faces.

The wise monk watched silently from afar as the scene unfolded, feeling sadness and despair emitting from their hearts, knowing full well that it was not easy for them to overcome such a horrible outcome as this one, especially for a child who was still developing into a man.

"Be good to yourself and others," Seth responded with a smile, withdrawing himself completely from Solomon as he stood up. "I will always love you, Solomon. Even when we are far away from each other," patting the boy's head like one would for a little sibling, "because you are my child just as everyone else," his expression shifted from one of sadness into one of serenity and joy, "never forget that."

The boy sniffled, wiping his tears with sleeve. "Your the best father I ever had," he muttered while glancing up at him, "but you should be more selfish, or maybe ask us for help?" Taking another deep breath, "I don't know what to do without you," he hoarsely whispered as he swallowed, a lump forming in his throat. "It's going to be hard to survive without you by my side."

Wiping his wet cheek with his own thumb, "Oh Solomon, do not fret, as I will always be with you and anyone who believes or calls me," Seth assured him softly, holding Solomon's right cheek with his warm hand, "and if my body perishes, my spirit will still be living with all of you." His gaze was filled with tenderness, love, affection, and devotion towards not only the boy but all of creation.

A gentle hand grabbed Solomon's left shoulder. "It's time," Genno declared solemnly, prompting Seth to give a last glance of compassion and reassurance before facing the door. "We need to join the rest of the audience," he said, gesturing towards the other side. "They will have their show soon enough."

Solomon nodded in defeat and acceptance, "I'm ready," wiping another tear that was forming, "let's go," looking at Seth once more before the two finally walked away, passed the pillars, and into where everyone was located, leaving the holy man all by himself.

Silence enveloped Seth like a heavy cloak, wrapping its coldness around his body while tightening its hold until, finally, it became too much for him to bear anymore as he stared up at the ceiling, letting all the tears flow freely from his face like waterfalls, leaning backwards against a pillar.

Covering his own mouth, he felt like breaking down at this point, as he was not only terrified of what would come but also of how the friends he considered family would do without him if he lived or died. Neither of them seems appealing at all since they both have pros and cons that make each option unique in their own way.

In the end, none of that matters, as death is coming soon and being spared is only an inevitable event that awaits him despite his futile attempts at stopping. It is going to prove useless in the end after he has left his home village.

From the moment he did that, there was no turning back in changing the course of his future, for better or worse. The moment he chose to make decisions that had an impact on others lives, it meant that he also must accept whatever consequence befalls him without complaint whatsoever.

All he has to do is pray to his heavenly father that the Lord will show mercy towards those who hate or hurt Seth in anyway, to guide them into becoming compassionate beings like himself and forgive their sins just so they can return them back into His loving light.

Suddenly, the sound of boots walking in his direction was loud and heavy, as if they were slamming against the hard ground with every step they took. The footsteps were heavy and clunky, almost if it were iron-soled boots making the noise.

Sighing exhaustively, Seth quickly wiped away all traces of water running down his face with his hand before composing himself once more. Inhaling deeply, he straightened his posture as he pushed away from the pillar and then stared at the duo.

He and the two were surprised to see each other, especially Gus. "I remember you," the holy man addressed with surprise evident in his tone, expressing also disbelief in his voice of having to meet again like this, especially in this important moment.

Gus shifted uncomfortably, ashamed of what he had done to this man, while Cyan stood frozen at his side, staring indifferently towards Seth with a deep focus of attention upon his person. "You still remember?" He replied uncertainly, unsure whether or not this was a genuine gesture towards him or a mockery of sorts.

However, what caught them off guard was his smile—not malicious or mocking but a show of compassion. "Are you here to arrest me?" Not even a sign of anger or annoyance was shown from his end, which unnerved Gus immensely as it also placed him on the edge as well.

Taking a step forward, " don't hate me?" Gus wondered, shocked when there was no hatred in this man's eyes when most would have spat in his own face with words like 'bastard' or 'dog' yet only tranquility can be felt in this atmosphere. "After everything I have done?" The soldier glanced down shamefully, recalling the severe beating he did to him.

"Why should I? I love everyone equally, and I already forgave you from the bottom of my heart," he admitted earnestly, gracing a huge grin across his lips. "Hate has no hold on me, and it never will be. As long as you are repentant of your actions, then redemption is always an option available."

Gus's entire body quivered in agony at this as guilt and shame bubbled inside him, seeping out from cracks created by words alone. How can such a forgiving heart exist when all he did to it was harm and harass others, especially caring more about himself and his men?

He doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. "You forgive me?" Gus was beyond words, unable to fathom how Seth's forgiveness extended beyond reason: "After all the horrible things I have done to you and others? Why are you doing this to me?!" I struggle to comprehend such kindness being given freely to an enemy without a second thought.

It seems impossible. It's too good to be true. No man can be this merciful, however; what is to say that this is indeed man? Gus has heard of the holy man and the miracles Seth has done. If this very person claims to be the Son of God, then truly, such a divine miracle would make perfect sense as to why he is capable of doing things no ordinary person could possibly pull off.

A single tear escaped from one of his eyes as he spoke, "Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age, or in that which is to come," delivering this sacred quote with hands together in prayer.

"So do not continue to resist what the Holy Spirit is saying; believe in me as your Lord and Savior with all your heart and soul. By doing so, you will forever be bonded to my kingdom; even if you forget or depart me, the seal will stay upon your soul until death."

Eyes widen. "You are really the Son of God, aren't you?" Gus was shook to core at this realization, taking a step back as he leaned heavily on the pillar, his heart racing rapidly as Cyan raised an eyebrow at this claim, staying silent throughout their exchange, "Should I kneel or bow down before you, your majesty?" The veteran inquired.

Seth nodded with a smile. "You may for all must bow and kneel in my presence, but now is not the time as there are present matter we need to address first," he said, looking over at the shocked girl in a blue robe and pointed hat. "Is there something wrong?" He noticed the odd expression he was getting from her.

"What are you?" She took a step forward, staring up at him with both awe and fear. "Your aura...its; I can't describe it in words." Cyan senses it emitting from him; it's overwhelming that she alone cannot fathom or understand how someone could possess such palpable magic, let alone a soul so bright and holy that it's like staring an infinite number of suns before her eyes.

"Because I am the Son of God, that's who I am," Seth told her honestly, knowing that her eyes will be opened once the trial begins. "Once this trial begins, you will find out whether your hearts shall see the truth that is standing in front of you."

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