Chapter 102

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Crying with a loud voice, he said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” Having said this, he breathed his last.

The entire world of Spheroidal was then covered with unending, harsh storms and blackening clouds; no signs of light or color could be seen as rain fell heavily onto the surface, while man or beast were forced to hide and seek shelter from the rain. A thunderous roar shook the very foundations of land and ocean as yellow lighting flashed across the darkened skies.

Winds blew across the lands harshly, pushing the trees and blowing leaves with them, leaving some plants and shrubs scattered by the rough currents and spreading debris across the plains and deserts. Everything became chaotic and disorderly, and nature itself appeared to be in complete turmoil.

Animals instinctively felt a mixture of wrathful grief from God for their disobedience and hatred of His chosen child. The Lord cried on his throne, feeling the weight of all the agony and suffering in his son's heart, while the angels around him sobbed in grief. Their tears merged and flowed like a waterfall.

Creation itself mourned as it recognized the end of the chosen one. They were aware of this; even the flowers and trees shed their tears by withering themselves to death. The waters wept for Seth's death, and those who had followed him as packs of wolves howled at the distance of the crucifixion, mourning his demise.

Waves and tides crashed angrily against the rocky shores of the beaches as the furious storm continued its relentless assault across the land, causing many vessels to be capsized or wrecked. Their screams can be heard within the torrential downpour; the ocean swallowed them whole.

The world's oceans and seas rapidly turned into blood, causing all of the aquatic animals and creatures to frantically swim towards the shallower regions for survival. Countless numbers of fish and other species flop across the land, suffocating while their corpses litter the coastlines and drylands.

Then the great mountains trembled; some burst into flames while others rose high above the clouds, shaking everything underneath them as they split open to reveal molten lava oozing out. Smoke erupted from them as hot volcanic gases exploded from deep within the cores themselves.

Even with all His omnipotence, God's extreme anguish of experiencing both as man in the flesh and having to witness his beloved child dying in such a manner made him also wrathful, having to suffer every single pain inflicted upon his own son in the past and present.

And yet, his mercy is still a mystery to many who do not know of his infinite love and forgiveness in all of creation. In that instant, the Lord had decided to calm himself after what had transpired. Knowing that despite how disappointed he is towards mankind, He, in all his glorious form, will never abandon them.

In his mercy, the Lord brought all the souls who had died from his grief into his heavenly kingdom while He continued to look down at the crucifixion scene, where not only his beloved son had died but those who also stood with him in faith as well.

Because of the love he still holds onto them and the compassion Seth has shown, God, with his tears still dripping from his benevolence, gifted the world one final miracle on that faithful night as a symbol of his never-ending love and forgiveness.

Salvation was granted to all who believed in the Savior, including the enemies who watched and laughed at the cross. No one was excluded from God's grace at that moment, regardless of their hatred or ignorance for Him. He forgives and accepts all of them, for they are His creations, and he loves them all equally.

The deceased souls who had believed in his son are sent to paradise, where they will experience true bliss for eternity as well as never hunger or thirst anymore. For it is the most magnificent of all the kingdoms, where no evil or sin exists to harm anyone.

Their very selves will become sinless where no suffering, mourning, death, or pain are present. Souls are liberated from the bondage of sin, and therefore, there is no sinful impulse while still having sapience. No one can sin because there is no such thing in that perfect kingdom.

To those who asked for anything in his son's name, the Lord will do it for them. His wonderful powers can provide whatever anyone desires, whether it's material goods, knowledge, money, success, happiness, or games as infinite as generosity itself.

Every wish that is asked of him is granted by him, and whatever is demanded in his son's name, he does it. Now, he will create the miracles that the believers need. The Lord will manifest whatever they want, for there are many new liberated souls who are requesting many things, especially the poet who wanted to be reborn.

Seth's head faced downwards, eyes closed as death's embrace enveloped his battered soul. Every man, woman, and child in the crowd who are currently present in this crucifixion were struggling to stay on their feet as the heavy, unrelenting rains drew their bodies.

Many of the spectators were shivering and hugging themselves while the winds continued to push them; a few collapsed on the wet ground, with some falling into puddles and mud. No one in the crowds uttered a word, for the harsh, howling storm drowned out their voices.

Though, in spite of all the chaos ensuing in the middle of this never-ending rainstorm, Greed shouted through the stormy winds and dark clouds that hid the stars and moon, "Make sure he's dead!" Ordering the nearest knight to use his spear, "hurry the fuck up!" I am irritated and scared of this event.

Nodding at his commander, the soldier carefully approached the crucified man, who is now completely lifeless on the wooden post, gripping tightly onto the weapon as he looked up Seth with curiosity to the point that he almost forgot his job.

The soldier himself had a round helmet on his head with a crest on top, while he wore silver armor with a red cape over it. In his right hand, he held a shining, glinting spear made of the finest metal in the Empire. Its sharp tip was as deadly as a thousand blades combined, while its shaft was smooth and cool to touch.

Yet, as the knight slowly approached his target, a strange feeling of sorrow began to rise inside him. The guilt and shame of this horrendous act filled his mind as the man froze in place; he could only express horror at being part of this nightmare.

With tears running down his eyes underneath his round helmet, he whispered to Seth, "Truly, he was the Son of God," before thrusting the spear's tip into his victim's heart, thus killing him once and for all in case this holy man was still alive through all of this.

As the moment he performed that act, the skies, winds, and earthquake themselves rapidly turned into normal in a mere moment. The gray, gloomy clouds drifted apart into separate patches of white; the golden rays of the rising sun beamed through them, shining on the vast land of the empire, while the soft, gentle breeze carried away the rest.

Across the world, its waters returned to their original hues while the fish and other creatures jumped into the clear, blue waves, and the people who died in the storm regained their lost lives through the request of God's divine intervention.

Everyone present in this scene began to recover themselves; disbelief covered their faces while others looked around confusedly, having never experienced something this vast. Some glanced upwards, where the skies are filled with beautiful colors of red, pink, and purple, while the sun's bright rays radiated the land itself.

Catching their breaths, Mathias then dropped his knees onto the ground, remorseful of what had occurred, facing towards the corpse of crucifixion. "What have I done?" The realization of what he had done struck him like an arrow in his heart.

Because of his hatred and arrogance, the messiah sacrificed himself and died to atone for the sins of mankind. Guilt, despair, and regret filled his mind as the former follower of Seth started weeping with trembling lips. "Oh God, who can compare to you, Lord? You are righteous in all your ways and loving in all your works. You are near to those who call on you, O holy one!" He called out desperately.

Shaking his head, he cried out in remorse, "I have sinned! I have committed iniquity! The death of you is the result of my actions."Cursing himself, he pounded his fists on the muddy ground. "My own stubbornness and pride made me blind! Your suffering and the pain are a consequence of my selfishness. Oh God of the heavens and earth, who is the most high!"

As Mathias continued to mourn his greatest mistake, Cinder's attention was elsewhere, staring at the shocked soldier with the spear, who was astonished at the sight before him where Seth's inflicted wound spew out a mixture of water and blood.

"What in the great divines is this?"

The spearman brought his open palm towards it, catching the fluid and bringing it closer to his eye level. As he examined the substance, the liquid's texture felt like water, but at the same time, it was not. This sight alone was a miracle for the soldier, as the liquid itself sparkled beautifully against the sunlight, leaving him bewildered.

Seeing this, the queen couldn't help herself in dismounting her horse and approaching the spear man as some otherworldly force compelled her to do so. "Excuse me," she said with indifference, catching him by surprise before turning around. "Where did this come from?" She asked while pointing at the wounded part of Seth.

Just as he was about to answer, she suddenly brought her palm to get the mysterious substance before drinking it in one gulp, completely catching the spearsman from what just happened. He could only gawk at her with the rest of the onlookers, as they were flabbergasted, puzzled, and astounded by the action.

Because of her action, she immediately fell on her back and begin to vomit blood from her orifices; mouth, nose, eyes, ears, and etc. She caused many to gasp in horror as the bloody fluids splattered on the ground around her.

She starts to convulse violently as many of her subjects hurriedly rush to aid their beloved Queen, while Prince Leon and Lady Kayo only watched with interest, showing no care or emotion for their mother, who is currently suffering from an unknown substance.

"What's going on with her?!" Solana asked, not rather concerned about her wicked ruler but more confused, "Is she poisoned?!" She exclaimed, horrified by the situation. However, Leon spoke in a rather curious tone to relive her uncertain state.

"She's alright, don't worry," he casually stated while watching his mother get treated. "Just having a taste of that fluid," chuckling at the sight before continuing his response, "probably be dead soon enough." The prince assumed that she may not live longer since her body is rejecting it.

The general was shocked to hear that; she couldn't believe that this fifteen-year-old boy showed no visible care for his own mother. Although he was a naturally born psychopath, she shouldn't expect less from someone like him. "Prince Leon, this isn't good," Solana advised.

Suddenly she stopped convulsing, and her eyes closed shut as they struggled to open. Blood oozed from her orifices to the point that it seeped through her mouth and skin. All of her limbs became weak and fragile like glass, shattering into pieces as if she were a porcelain doll.

"Is she dead?" Gus questioned before turning his attention to the nearby knight. "You, check her pulse," he ordered, and the armored person quickly went over to their monarch's body before kneeling to feel her wrist. "Well?" The large man asked impatiently.

After a few seconds of silence, the soldier responded with a relief expression. "Shes alive," he announced, as everyone felt better about knowing that she was alright. "She is still breathing; our majesty is just unconscious." He smiled, explaining that the Queen is only unconscious but will make it in no time.

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