Chapter 38

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"That's unfortunate to hear, letting the most loyal soldier of the empire to disobey your order must be very disappointing."

In the early morning of today's evening hours, Greed evilly smiled at the queen who stood before him and his terrified enslaved servants huddling together at the very corner of this private dining room. "It is almost as if he did not value his life, that foolish man," the evil minister chuckled at her hardened glare. "But I have to say, I'm impressed at how easily he was willing to die for a meaningless cause," laughter erupted from his chest in mockery of this man who dared to oppose their great power.

Cinder gave a merciless glance at him as she narrowed her eyes. "Do not speak insults to my beloved, pig. I won't hesitate in sending you to the torture chambers and let the rats feast in your innards," she growled with anger burning in those blue orbs, tightly clenching her fists in frustration at dealing with this arrogant fool who thinks himself above anyone else.

There is no mistake that she wanted to cut his stomach open when this pig of a man became her advisor and the prime minister altogether. How much she wanted him to suffer after hearing his first insult of Seth, such comments will immediately be punished under her wrath, but she refrained herself from doing anything too drastic because her people need stability at this very moment.

Especially the part that Greed is also an important figure of the empire, so killing him would be a waste, and he knows it completely: "So are you going to keep this charade of being loyal to the kingdom while being a swine of a man?" I am asking him directly whether or not he has any plans to continue this pointless conversation.

He responded to that question by casually shrugging it off nonchalantly, "merely seeking clarification and understanding, my lady," Greed stated as he held his glass of drink, "but I must say, why do you have so much interest in him?" Taking a sip, the minister licked his lips afterward with delight, "He is nothing more than a peasant who lives in the shadows of civilization," chuckling darkly as his eyes trailed to his fearful servants.

"Isn't that right?"

Narrowing his eyes toward them, he patiently waited for them to respond back to him. He expects some sort of response, but none came from these timid slaves, who refused to give an answer due to fear of being tortured by a whip or anything worse.

Grinning wildly, he bared his teeth at them, whose clothes consisted of white chemise clothing Greed had provided them to wear. "I didn't get an fucking answer!" Throwing his glass at them as shattered glass collided onto the stone floor, some of them shrieked near their feet while others cowered in absolute terror at the intimidating presence of their master.

Satisfaction showed itself clearly on his features as their whimpering sounds and quiet sobbing graced his ears. "Lowly peasants," he said, shaking his head while snorting in disgust, "can't even understand a simple question." Walking towards them, he swiftly grabbed one by her hair, bringing her close to his face as the victim was frozen in utter horror. "Didn't they teach you to obey orders in your damn lives?!"

With his powerful strength, he threw the poor woman in front of the unflinching queen, who was currently watching all of this unfold before her. "Come on! Get up, you bitch!" The evil fat man roared at the corner of this large dining hall.

Reluctantly, the woman forced herself to push herself up in trembling arms as she tried not to tremble or sob but failed miserably when her eyes laid on the queen. "Please..." She begged desperately for their ruler to show some compassion.

"P-p, please don't let him do this." In her frightened gaze, tears trickled down from her cheeks. "Why can't you help us?" The only thing she saw was expressionless, cold, and irritated blue eyes staring back at her hopeless, pathetic state.

At the sight of such a weak servant, Cinder sighed indifferently with arms crossed underneath her breasts, "Must she be even allowed in my mere presence?" Her haughty voice echoed loudly into everyone's heads: "Oh, please, do something with her already," expressing her disdain for seeing that thing in front of her.

Hearing what they were supposed to be the queen herself, the servants can't do anything but watch the poor woman suddenly have the minister's foot stomping on her back neck, forcing the woman's entire body to fall onto the cold, hard ground once more while causing her to cry in pain.

This scene brought a huge smile to Greed's face as his teeth shined brightly in sadistic pleasure. "It's time to do what the hell you're good at!" He told the women with enthusiasm in his words before playfully lifting his foot up and down in a repetitive manner.

All the unfortunate spectators were forced to stare at this heartbreaking display of cruelty without being able to do anything, especially the other women who were powerless to stop their master from hurting her own property further than ever.

"Wench! I. CAN'T. BLOODY. HEAR. YOU!" He happily laughed maniacally while enjoying every single second of watching his slaves suffer before him. "GET UP ALREADY!!!" Squealing out loud, he can hear her desperately trying to make noise when the woman's windpipe is being crushed.

Soon, her mouth opened to gasp for air and struggle in vain from receiving her deathly blow by Greed's foot, but this time it was futile when he finally broke her entire neck in a very painful way, to the point of being forever paralyzed by it.

"Shes dead."

Queen Cinder indifferently stared down at this lowly form of person whose blood spilled from its eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. She was already getting bored from this little show her advisor was providing. "Is there anything else you wish to entertain me?" Unable to contain her annoyance, Cinder impatiently asked as her eye twitched from irritation.

Releasing his foot, the lifeless body of the slave now lies motionless on the ground. Her mixture of blood and saliva leaked out of her mouth while the minister wiped the remaining liquid that stained his boot with white cloth before discarding it elsewhere. "Phew!" Smiling mischievously, he turned his attention to the queen and asked, "What was I? Oh right!"

Lowering himself down to pick up the woman's hair, he stood up with his hand still holding the paralyzed slave. "She's alive but useless now after I broke her," the advisor joyfully claimed on this. "I can't believe I let myself be distracted by such disgusting filth like these," he snorted in amusement.

Raising a brow or two, "Ah, alive? I thought you killed her." Not understanding what he meant by it, the queen stared closely at her unmoving body. "Oh well, I can't be helped," Cinder shrugged as her attention returned to him. "What will you do with her?" I am curious to know the outcome of this individual.

Hearing such a question excited him: "burning her alive!" He exclaimed gleefully while he flung the person onto his arm as if it were a mere bag of garbage. "It still is a shame I wouldn't be able to hear her screams, but at least her flesh will taste delicious," he admitted to them, licking his lips while rubbing his belly at the thought of it.

Queen Cinder nodded approvingly, "That sounds like fun." However, she felt bitterness rising inside of her after what transpired during the recent days: "There is something else I have in mind that might excite you even more," catching the pig's full attention.

Eyes widening and a grin so wide that it made him look not human, "Oh?" Anticipation was growing rapidly within him as his body shuddered in excitement at whatever the queen had planned for him. "Well, do tell my dear," grabbing the paralyzed servant from his shoulder, he went to a nearby seat at a dinner table where his fearful servants were holding together desperately in the corner before placing her onto the table as he sat down comfortably.

"I'm all ears!" Loud as ever, he grabbed the victim's wrist as he began to take a bite out of her flesh as she weakly groaned in agonizing pain but was unable to make a sound due to her paralyzed neck. "Hmm...such sweet meat," he said, commenting on how tasteful his meal is.

Cinder sighed again in mild annoyance when she witnessed the pig stuffing himself with the meat of another human being. "Your antics are becoming tedious and annoying," she remarked, hoping to discourage him from continuing further. "Will you listen to me or should I leave this instant?" Crossing her arms once more, she glared intensely at her advisor.

Stomach growling, "Why can't we do both?" Greed happily suggested with a mouth full of human flesh, "It's not like this food is going to move away," smiling widely while chewing bits of human meat hanging out of his bloody mouth. The smell of fresh blood reached the queen's nostrils, and he swallowed another chunk before wiping blood on his face using the sleeve of his blue robe.

Moving towards him, she stopped just in front of the table where he was sitting. "I want you to bring destruction upon a small village named Lighthaven," the queen coldly ordered as she stared intently into the fat man's yellow pupils. "Bring upon my wrath onto every living creature inside and burn everything into ash; leave no survivor; nothing but an empty husk where only death awaits upon anyone unlucky enough to survive such an encounter with my forces," she commanded with a voice full of authority, leaving no room for argument.

Amazement and happiness filled his face upon hearing such wonderful news: "Now that's what I called entertainment!" Chuckling darkly, he continued to eat his meal while grinning wickedly, "You never failed to surprise me, Queen Cinder. Truly, I am a lucky man to have the privilege of serving such a magnificent, beautiful monarch," he complimented, with praise written across his ugly face.

She greatly despised this man every moment his presence was felt around her palace. "Glad we have an understanding with one another; I'll give you all the time to prepare, so make sure everything goes exactly as planned." With a serious tone, the queen warned him not to mess up since failure isn't acceptable to her standards.

Greed then tore her arm completely, forcing his slave to weakly gasp in agony while blood oozed out of the severed limb. After eating several more pieces, he finally stopped himself before gulping down every last morsel left within his mouth. "Believe me, my queen," he uttered while licking his fingers clean from leftover fluids. "This will be the biggest spectacle you and everyone else can witness!"

Taking a step back, she smirked at him. "Good, make it happen then," Cinder retorted, nodding in satisfaction after seeing that there weren't anymore distractions for them to deal with. "Is there anything else you needed?" She inquired curiously.

Smiling at his queen's question, he nodded his head. "There is one thing I want to ask." Throwing away the arm, he loudly slammed his bloodied fists onto the table itself, licking his lips hungrily. "What about the infants and women who are still pregnant?" He inquired as he patiently wondered whether or not they were included in this massacre plan of hers.

After a few seconds passed, her answer made him shiver in delight. "Yes, they are included," Cinder answered honestly and bluntly, "anything else?" The queen raised her brow to indicate she's ready for anything else he might have in mind.

Happy with the revelation, he began to clap his hands together like an excited child, his bellowing laughter reverberating through the room as tears of joy escaped his eyes. "Marvelous! Absolutely marvelous!" Clapping his hands louder than before, he can't contain his giddiness over it. "They will be great to be used as additional slaves to raise or..." Lowering his held hands onto the wooden surface, he bared his teeth filled with blood and small pieces of fresh human meat.

"Eating them with pleasure!"

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